overrunning Nah_01_08 /^{overrunning /flood he will
make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall
pursue his enemies .

running 2Ki_05_21 /^{running /after him, he
lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said , Is all
well ?

running 2Sa_18_24 /^{running /alone.

running 2Sa_18_26 /^{running /alone. And the king
said , He also bringeth tidings .

running Mar_10_17 /${running /and kneeled to him
, and asked him , Good Master , what shall I do that I may
inherit eternal life ?

running 2Ch_23_12 /^{running /and praising the
king , she came to the people into the house of the LORD :

running 2Sa_18_26 /^{running /and the watchman
called unto the porter , and said , Behold another man running
alone. And the king said , He also bringeth tidings .

running Lev_22_04 /^{running /issue ; he shall
not eat of the holy things , until he be clean . And whoso
toucheth any thing that is unclean by the dead , or a man whose
seed goeth from him;

running Lev_15_02 /^{running /issue out of his
flesh , because of his issue he is unclean .

running 2Sa_18_27 /^{running /of Ahimaaz the son
of Zadok . And the king said , He is a good man , and cometh
with good tidings .

running 2Sa_18_27 /^{running /of the foremost is
like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok . And the king said
, He is a good man , and cometh with good tidings .

running Luk_06_38 /${running /over , shall men
give into your bosom . For with the same measure that ye mete
withal it shall be measured to you again .

running Eze_31_04 /^{running /round about his
plants , and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of
the field .

running Isa_33_04 /^{running /to and fro of
locusts shall he run upon them.

running Rev_09_09 /${running /to battle .

running Mar_09_15 /${running /to him saluted him

running Pro_06_18 /^{running /to mischief ,

running Mar_09_25 /${running /together , he
rebuked the foul spirit , saying unto him , Thou dumb and deaf
spirit , I charge thee , come out of him , and enter no more
into him .

running Act_27_16 /${running /under a certain
island which is called Clauda , we had much work to come by the
boat :

running Lev_15_13 /^{running /water , and shall
be clean .

running Lev_14_51 /^{running /water , and
sprinkle the house seven times :

running Lev_14_52 /^{running /water , and with
the living bird , and with the cedar wood , and with the hyssop ,
and with the scarlet :

running Lev_14_06 /^{running /water :

running Lev_14_50 /^{running /water :

running Lev_14_05 /^{running /water :

running Num_19_17 /^{running /water shall be put
thereto in a vessel :

running Pro_05_15 /^{running /waters out of
thine own well .
