drunk 2Sa_11_13 /^{drunk /and at even he went
out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord , but went
not down to his house .

drunk Rut_03_07 /^{drunk /and his heart was
merry , he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn : and
she came softly , and uncovered his feet , and laid her down .

drunk 1Sa_30_12 /^{drunk /any water , three
days and three nights .

drunk Isa_51_17 /^{drunk /at the hand of the
LORD the cup of his fury ; thou hast drunken the dregs of the
cup of trembling , and wrung them out .

drunk 2Ki_06_23 /^{drunk /he sent them away ,
and they went to their master . So the bands of Syria came no
more into the land of Israel .

drunk Jer_51_57 /^{drunk /her princes , and
her wise men, her captains , and her rulers , and her mighty men
: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep , and not wake , saith
the King , whose name is the LORD of hosts .

drunk Jud_15_19 /^{drunk /his spirit came
again , and he revived : wherefore he called the name thereof
Enhakkore , which is in Lehi unto this day .

drunk Lev_11_34 /^{drunk /in every such vessel
shall be unclean .

drunk Isa_63_06 /^{drunk /in my fury , and I
will bring down their strength to the earth .

drunk 1Ki_16_09 /^{drunk /in the house of Arza
steward of his house in Tirzah .

drunk 1Ki_20_16 /^{drunk /in the pavilions ,
he and the kings , the thirty and two kings that helped him.

drunk Luk_13_26 /${drunk /in thy presence ,
and thou hast taught in our streets .

drunk Son_05_01 /^{drunk /my wine with my milk
: eat , O friends ; drink , yea, drink abundantly , O beloved .

drunk 1Sa_01_15 /^{drunk /neither wine nor
strong drink , but have poured out my soul before the LORD .

drunk 1Sa_01_09 /^{drunk /Now Eli the priest
sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the LORD .

drunk Eze_34_18 /^{drunk /of the deep waters ,
but ye must foul the residue with your feet ?

drunk Rev_18_03 /${drunk /of the wine of the
wrath of her fornication , and the kings of the earth have
committed fornication with her , and the merchants of the earth
are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies .

drunk Luk_05_39 /${drunk /old wine straightway
desireth new : for he saith , The old is better .

drunk 2Ki_19_24 /^{drunk /strange waters , and
with the sole of my feet have I dried up all the rivers of
besieged places .

drunk 1Ki_13_23 /^{drunk /that he saddled for
him the ass , to wit, for the prophet whom he had brought back .

drunk Joh_02_10 /${drunk /then that which is
worse : but thou hast kept the good wine until now .

drunk Oba_01_16 /^{drunk /upon my holy
mountain , so shall all the heathen drink continually , yea,
they shall drink , and they shall swallow down , and they shall
be as though they had not been.

drunk Isa_37_25 /^{drunk /water ; and with the
sole of my feet have I dried up all the rivers of the besieged
places .

drunk 1Ki_13_22 /^{drunk /water in the place ,
of the which the LORD did say to thee, Eat no bread , and drink
no water ; thy carcase shall not come unto the sepulchre of thy
fathers .

drunk Dan_05_23 /^{drunk /wine in them; and
thou hast praised the gods of silver , and gold , of brass ,
iron , wood , and stone , which see not , nor hear , nor know :
and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy
ways , hast thou not glorified :

drunk Deu_29_06 /^{drunk /wine or strong drink
: that ye might know that I am the LORD your God .

drunk Deu_32_42 /^{drunk /with blood , and my
sword shall devour flesh ; and that with the blood of the slain
and of the captives , from the beginning of revenges upon the
enemy .

drunk Rev_17_02 /${drunk /with the wine of her
fornication .

drunk Jer_46_10 /^{drunk /with their blood :
for the Lord GOD of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north country
by the river Euphrates .

drunk Eph_05_18 /${drunk /with wine , wherein
is excess ; but be filled with the Spirit ;

drunkard Isa_24_20 /^{drunkard /and shall be
removed like a cottage ; and the transgression thereof shall be
heavy upon it; and it shall fall , and not rise again .

drunkard Pro_23_21 /^{drunkard /and the glutton
shall come to poverty : and drowsiness shall clothe a man with
rags .

drunkard 1Co_05_11 /${drunkard /or an extortioner
; with such an one no not to eat .

drunkard Pro_26_09 /^{drunkard /so is a parable
in the mouth of fools .

drunkards Joe_01_05 /^{drunkards /and weep ; and
howl , all ye drinkers of wine , because of the new wine ; for
it is cut off from your mouth .

drunkards 1Co_06_10 /${drunkards /nor revilers ,
nor extortioners , shall inherit the kingdom of God .

drunkards Isa_28_03 /^{drunkards /of Ephraim ,
shall be trodden under feet :

drunkards Isa_28_01 /^{drunkards /of Ephraim ,
whose glorious beauty is a fading flower , which are on the head
of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine !

drunkards Nah_01_10 /^{drunkards /they shall be
devoured as stubble fully dry .

drunken Hab_02_15 /^{drunken /also, that thou
mayest look on their nakedness !

drunken Luk_17_08 /${drunken /and afterward thou
shalt eat and drink ?

drunken Jer_49_12 /^{drunken /and art thou he
that shall altogether go unpunished ? thou shalt not go
unpunished , but thou shalt surely drink of it.

drunken Gen_09_21 /^{drunken /and he was
uncovered within his tent .

drunken Lam_04_21 /^{drunken /and shalt make
thyself naked .

drunken Jer_25_27 /^{drunken /and spue , and
fall , and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send
among you.

drunken 1Th_05_07 /${drunken /are drunken in the
night .

drunken Nah_01_10 /^{drunken /as drunkards ,
they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry .

drunken Act_02_15 /${drunken /as ye suppose ,
seeing it is but the third hour of the day .

drunken Isa_51_21 /^{drunken /but not with wine :

drunken Isa_29_09 /^{drunken /but not with wine ;
they stagger , but not with strong drink .

drunken Jer_48_26 /^{drunken /for he magnified
himself against the LORD : Moab also shall wallow in his vomit ,
and he also shall be in derision .

drunken 1Th_05_07 /${drunken /in the night .

drunken Psa_107_27 /^{drunken /man , and are at
their wits end .

drunken Jer_23_09 /^{drunken /man , and like a
man whom wine hath overcome , because of the LORD , and because
of the words of his holiness .

drunken Isa_19_14 /^{drunken /man staggereth in
his vomit .

drunken Job_12_25 /^{drunken /man.

drunken Jer_51_07 /^{drunken /of her wine ;
therefore the nations are mad .

drunken Eze_39_19 /^{drunken /of my sacrifice
which I have sacrificed for you.

drunken Lam_05_04 /^{drunken /our water for
money ; our wood is sold unto us.

drunken 1Sa_01_14 /^{drunken /put away thy wine
from thee.

drunken Jer_51_39 /^{drunken /that they may
rejoice , and sleep a perpetual sleep , and not wake , saith the

drunken Isa_51_17 /^{drunken /the dregs of the
cup of trembling , and wrung them out .

drunken Jer_51_07 /^{drunken /the nations have
drunken of her wine ; therefore the nations are mad .

drunken Nah_03_11 /^{drunken /thou shalt be hid ,
thou also shalt seek strength because of the enemy .

drunken 1Sa_25_36 /^{drunken /wherefore she told
him nothing , less or more , until the morning light .

drunken Rev_17_06 /${drunken /with the blood of
the saints , and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus : and
when I saw her , I wondered with great admiration .

drunken Isa_49_26 /^{drunken /with their own
blood , as with sweet wine : and all flesh shall know that I the
LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer , the mighty One of Jacob .

drunken Lam_03_15 /^{drunken /with wormwood .

drunkenness Luk_21_34 /${drunkenness /and cares of
this life , and so that day come upon you unawares .

drunkenness Eze_23_33 /^{drunkenness /and sorrow ,
with the cup of astonishment and desolation , with the cup of
thy sister Samaria .

drunkenness Rom_13_13 /${drunkenness /not in
chambering and wantonness , not in strife and envying .

drunkenness Gal_05_21 /${drunkenness /revellings ,
and such like : of the which I tell you before , as I have also
told you in time past , that they which do such things shall not
inherit the kingdom of God .

drunkenness Deu_29_19 /^{drunkenness /to thirst :

forerunner Heb_06_20 /${forerunner /is for us
entered , even Jesus , made an high priest for ever after the
order of Melchisedec .

Jeshurun Deu_32_15 /^{Jeshurun /waxed fat , and
kicked : thou art waxen fat , thou art grown thick , thou art
covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and
lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation .

Jeshurun Deu_33_05 /^{Jeshurun /when the heads of
the people and the tribes of Israel were gathered together .

Jeshurun Deu_33_26 /^{Jeshurun /who rideth upon
the heaven in thy help , and in his excellency on the sky .

Jesurun Isa_44_02 /^{Jesurun /whom I have chosen

outrun Joh_20_04 /${outrun /Peter , and came
first to the sepulchre .

overrunning Nah_01_08 /^{overrunning /flood he will
make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall
pursue his enemies .

prune Lev_25_03 /^{prune /thy vineyard , and
gather in the fruit thereof;

prune Lev_25_04 /^{prune /thy vineyard .

pruned Isa_05_06 /^{pruned /nor digged ; but
there shall come up briers and thorns : I will also command the
clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

pruning Isa_18_05 /^{pruning /hooks , and take
away and cut down the branches .

pruninghooks Joe_03_10 /^{pruninghooks /into spears :
let the weak say , I am strong .

pruninghooks Mic_04_03 /^{pruninghooks /nation shall
not lift up a sword against nation , neither shall they learn
war any more.

pruninghooks Isa_02_04 /^{pruninghooks /nation shall
not lift up sword against nation , neither shall they learn war
any more.

run Psa_19_05 /^{run /a race .

run 2Sa_18_22 /^{run /after Cushi . And Joab
said , Wherefore wilt thou run , my son , seeing that thou hast
no tidings ready ?

run 2Ki_05_20 /^{run /after him, and take
somewhat of him.

run Son_01_04 /^{run /after thee: the king
hath brought me into his chambers : we will be glad and rejoice
in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine : the upright
love thee.

run 1Co_09_24 /${run /all , but one
receiveth the prize ? So run , that ye may obtain .

run Psa_104_10 /^{run /among the hills .

run 2Sa_18_19 /^{run /and bear the king
tidings , how that the LORD hath avenged him of his enemies .

run 2Sa_18_23 /^{run /And he said unto him,
Run . Then Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain , and overran
Cushi .

run Isa_40_31 /^{run /and not be weary ; and
they shall walk , and not faint .

run Psa_59_04 /^{run /and prepare themselves
without my fault : awake to help me, and behold .

run Jer_49_19 /^{run /away from her: and who
is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like
me? and who will appoint me the time ? and who is that shepherd
that will stand before me?

run Jer_50_44 /^{run /away from her: and who
is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like
me? and who will appoint me the time ? and who is that shepherd
that will stand before me?

run 1Ki_01_05 /^{run /before him.

run 2Sa_15_01 /^{run /before him.

run 1Sa_08_11 /^{run /before his chariots .

run Lev_15_25 /^{run /beyond the time of her
separation ; all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall
be as the days of her separation : she shall be unclean .

run Psa_58_07 /^{run /continually : when he
bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows , let them be as cut in
pieces .

run Eze_24_16 /^{run /down .

run Amo_05_24 /^{run /down as waters , and
righteousness as a mighty stream .

run Lam_02_18 /^{run /down like a river day
and night : give thyself no rest ; let not the apple of thine
eye cease .

run Psa_78_16 /^{run /down like rivers .

run Psa_119_013 /^{run /down mine eyes ,
because they keep not thy law .

run Jer_09_18 /^{run /down with tears , and
our eyelids gush out with waters .

run Jer_13_17 /^{run /down with tears ,
because the LORD'S flock is carried away captive .

run Jer_14_17 /^{run /down with tears night
and day , and let them not cease : for the virgin daughter of my
people is broken with a great breach , with a very grievous blow

run Hag_01_09 /^{run /every man unto his own
house .

Run 1Sa_20_36 /^{Run /find out now the
arrows which I shoot . And as the lad ran , he shot an arrow
beyond him.

run 1Co_09_24 /${run /in a race run all ,
but one receiveth the prize ? So run , that ye may obtain .

run Php_02_16 /${run /in vain , neither
laboured in vain .

run Gal_02_02 /${run /in vain .

run Ecc_01_07 /^{run /into the sea ; yet the
sea is not full ; unto the place from whence the rivers come ,
thither they return again .

run Joe_02_07 /^{run /like mighty men ; they
shall climb the wall like men of war ; and they shall march
every one on his ways , and they shall not break their ranks :

run Eze_32_14 /^{run /like oil , saith the
Lord GOD .

run Nah_02_04 /^{run /like the lightnings .

run 2Sa_18_22 /^{run /my son , seeing that
thou hast no tidings ready ?

run 1Co_09_26 /${run /not as uncertainly ;
so fight I , not as one that beateth the air :

run 1Pe_04_04 /${run /not with them to the
same excess of riot , speaking evil of you:

Run 2Ki_04_26 /^{Run /now, I pray thee, to
meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well
with thy husband ? is it well with the child ? And she answered ,
It is well .

run Gal_02_02 /${run /or had run , in vain .

run Gen_49_22 /^{run /over the wall :

Run Zec_02_04 /^{Run /speak to this young
man , saying , Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without
walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein :

run Hab_02_02 /^{run /that readeth it.

run 1Co_09_24 /${run /that ye may obtain .

run Psa_119_003 /^{run /the way of thy
commandments , when thou shalt enlarge my heart .

Run 2Sa_18_23 /^{Run /Then Ahimaaz ran by the
way of the plain , and overran Cushi .

run 2Sa_22_30 /^{run /through a troop : by my
God have I leaped over a wall .

run Psa_18_29 /^{run /through a troop ; and
by my God have I leaped over a wall .

run Dan_12_04 /^{run /to and fro , and
knowledge shall be increased .

run Jer_49_03 /^{run /to and fro by the
hedges ; for their king shall go into captivity , and his
priests and his princes together .

run Joe_02_09 /^{run /to and fro in the city
; they shall run upon the wall , they shall climb up upon the
houses ; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief .

run Zec_04_10 /^{run /to and fro through the
whole earth .

run 2Ch_16_09 /^{run /to and fro throughout
the whole earth , to shew himself strong in the behalf of them
whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done
foolishly : therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars .

run Amo_08_12 /^{run /to and fro to seek the
word of the LORD , and shall not find it.

run 1Sa_20_06 /^{run /to Bethlehem his city :
for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family .

run Mat_28_08 /${run /to bring his disciples
word .

run Pro_01_16 /^{run /to evil , and make
haste to shed blood .

run Isa_59_07 /^{run /to evil , and they
make haste to shed innocent blood : their thoughts are thoughts
of iniquity ; wasting and destruction are in their paths .

run Jer_51_31 /^{run /to meet another , and
one messenger to meet another , to shew the king of Babylon that
his city is taken at one end ,

run 1Sa_17_17 /^{run /to the camp to thy
brethren ;

run 2Ki_04_22 /^{run /to the man of God , and
come again .

run Isa_55_05 /^{run /unto thee because of
the LORD thy God , and for the Holy One of Israel ; for he hath
glorified thee.

run Amo_06_12 /^{run /upon the rock ? will
one plow there with oxen ? for ye have turned judgment into gall
, and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock :

run Joe_02_09 /^{run /upon the wall , they
shall climb up upon the houses ; they shall enter in at the
windows like a thief .

run Jud_18_25 /^{run /upon thee, and thou
lose thy life , with the lives of thy household .

run Isa_33_04 /^{run /upon them.

run Gal_05_07 /${run /well ; who did hinder
you that ye should not obey the truth ?

run Lev_15_03 /^{run /with his issue , or
his flesh be stopped from his issue , it is his uncleanness .

run Heb_12_01 /${run /with patience the race
that is set before us ,

run Jer_12_05 /^{run /with the footmen , and
they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses
? and if in the land of peace , wherein thou trustedst , they
wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan ?

Run Jer_05_01 /^{Run /ye to and fro through
the streets of Jerusalem , and see now, and know , and seek in
the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man , if there be any
that executeth judgment , that seeketh the truth ; and I will
pardon it.

runnest Pro_04_12 /^{runnest /thou shalt not
stumble .

runneth Joh_20_02 /${runneth /and cometh to
Simon Peter , and to the other disciple , whom Jesus loved , and
saith unto them , They have taken away the Lord out of the
sepulchre , and we know not where they have laid him .

runneth Rom_09_16 /${runneth /but of God that
sheweth mercy .

runneth Lam_03_48 /^{runneth /down with rivers
of water for the destruction of the daughter of my people .

runneth Lam_01_16 /^{runneth /down with water ,
because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me:
my children are desolate , because the enemy prevailed .

runneth Pro_18_10 /^{runneth /into it, and is
safe .

runneth Mat_09_17 /${runneth /out , and the
bottles perish : but they put new wine into new bottles , and
both are preserved .

runneth Psa_23_05 /^{runneth /over .

runneth Ezr_08_15 /^{runneth /to Ahava ; and
there abode we in tents three days : and I viewed the people ,
and the priests , and found there none of the sons of Levi .

runneth Job_15_26 /^{runneth /upon him, even on
his neck , upon the thick bosses of his bucklers :

runneth Job_16_14 /^{runneth /upon me like a
giant .

runneth Psa_147_15 /^{runneth /very swiftly .

running 2Ki_05_21 /^{running /after him, he
lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said , Is all
well ?

running 2Sa_18_24 /^{running /alone.

running 2Sa_18_26 /^{running /alone. And the king
said , He also bringeth tidings .

running Mar_10_17 /${running /and kneeled to him
, and asked him , Good Master , what shall I do that I may
inherit eternal life ?

running 2Ch_23_12 /^{running /and praising the
king , she came to the people into the house of the LORD :

running 2Sa_18_26 /^{running /and the watchman
called unto the porter , and said , Behold another man running
alone. And the king said , He also bringeth tidings .

running Lev_22_04 /^{running /issue ; he shall
not eat of the holy things , until he be clean . And whoso
toucheth any thing that is unclean by the dead , or a man whose
seed goeth from him;

running Lev_15_02 /^{running /issue out of his
flesh , because of his issue he is unclean .

running 2Sa_18_27 /^{running /of Ahimaaz the son
of Zadok . And the king said , He is a good man , and cometh
with good tidings .

running 2Sa_18_27 /^{running /of the foremost is
like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok . And the king said
, He is a good man , and cometh with good tidings .

running Luk_06_38 /${running /over , shall men
give into your bosom . For with the same measure that ye mete
withal it shall be measured to you again .

running Eze_31_04 /^{running /round about his
plants , and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of
the field .

running Isa_33_04 /^{running /to and fro of
locusts shall he run upon them.

running Rev_09_09 /${running /to battle .

running Mar_09_15 /${running /to him saluted him

running Pro_06_18 /^{running /to mischief ,

running Mar_09_25 /${running /together , he
rebuked the foul spirit , saying unto him , Thou dumb and deaf
spirit , I charge thee , come out of him , and enter no more
into him .

running Act_27_16 /${running /under a certain
island which is called Clauda , we had much work to come by the
boat :

running Lev_15_13 /^{running /water , and shall
be clean .

running Lev_14_51 /^{running /water , and
sprinkle the house seven times :

running Lev_14_52 /^{running /water , and with
the living bird , and with the cedar wood , and with the hyssop ,
and with the scarlet :

running Lev_14_06 /^{running /water :

running Lev_14_50 /^{running /water :

running Lev_14_05 /^{running /water :

running Num_19_17 /^{running /water shall be put
thereto in a vessel :

running Pro_05_15 /^{running /waters out of
thine own well .

sprung Mat_13_26 /${sprung /up , and brought
forth fruit , then appeared the tares also .

sprung Mat_13_07 /${sprung /up , and choked
them :

sprung Mat_13_05 /${sprung /up , because they
had no deepness of earth :

sprung Luk_08_06 /${sprung /up , it withered
away , because it lacked moisture .

sprung Mat_04_16 /${sprung /up .

sprung Gen_41_06 /^{sprung /up after them .

sprung Gen_41_23 /^{sprung /up after them :

sprung Lev_13_42 /^{sprung /up in his bald head
, or his bald forehead .

wrung Lev_05_09 /^{wrung /out at the bottom of
the altar : it is a sin offering .

wrung Lev_01_15 /^{wrung /out at the side of
the altar :

wrung Psa_73_10 /^{wrung /out to them.

wrung Isa_51_17 /^{wrung /them out .
