Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
rulers ......... and our rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... and rulers 2232 -hegemon->

rulers ......... and the rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... And the rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... and the rulers 4173 -politarches->

rulers ......... and their rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... For rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... of the rulers 0752 -archisunagogos->

rulers ......... of the rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... rulers 2232 -hegemon->

rulers ......... that their rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... the rulers 0752 -archisunagogos->

rulers ......... the rulers 2888 -kosmokrator->

rulers ......... unto him . Do the rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... unto the rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... unto the rulers 4173 -politarches->

rulers ......... unto them , Ye rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... up , and the rulers 0758 -archon->

rulers ......... with their rulers 0758 -archon->