ruin 2034 -- hariycah -- {ruin}.

ruin 2040 -- harac -- beat down, break (down, through), destroy,
overthrow, pluckdown, pull down, {ruin}, throw down, X utterly.

ruin 3782 -- kashal -- bereave, cast down, be decayed, (cause
to) fail, (cause, make to) fall (down, -- ing), feeble, be (the)
{ruin}(-ed, of), (be) overthrown,(cause to) stumble, X utterly,
be weak.

ruin 4072 -- midcheh -- {ruin}.

ruin 4288 -- m@chittah -- destruction, dismaying, {ruin}, terror.

ruin 4383 -- mikshowl -- caused to fall, offence, X [no-]thing
offered, {ruin},stumbling-block.

ruin 4384 -- makshelah -- {ruin}, stumbling-block.

ruin 4654 -- mappalah -- {ruin}(-ous).

ruin 4658 -- mappeleth -- carcase, fall, {ruin}.

ruin 6365 -- piyd -- destruction, {ruin}.

ruin 2679 ** kataskapto ** dig down, {ruin}.

ruin 4485 ** rhegma ** {ruin}.
