royal Jer_41_01 /^{royal /and the princes of
the king , even ten men with him, came unto Gedaliah the son of
Ahikam to Mizpah ; and there they did eat bread together in
Mizpah .

royal Act_12_21 /${royal /apparel , sat upon
his throne , and made an oration unto them .

royal Est_06_08 /^{royal /apparel be brought
which the king useth to wear , and the horse that the king
rideth upon, and the crown royal which is set upon his head :

royal Est_08_15 /^{royal /apparel of blue and
white , and with a great crown of gold , and with a garment of
fine linen and purple : and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was
glad .

royal Est_05_01 /^{royal /apparel, and stood
in the inner court of the king's house , over against the king's
house : and the king sat upon his royal throne in the royal
house , over against the gate of the house .

royal 1Ki_10_13 /^{royal /bounty . So she
turned and went to her own country , she and her servants .

royal 2Ki_25_25 /^{royal /came , and ten men
with him, and smote Gedaliah , that he died , and the Jews and
the Chaldees that were with him at Mizpah .

royal Jos_10_02 /^{royal /cities , and because
it was greater than Ai , and all the men thereof were mighty .

royal 2Sa_12_26 /^{royal /city .

royal 1Sa_27_05 /^{royal /city with thee?

royal Est_01_19 /^{royal /commandment from him
, and let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the
Medes , that it be not altered , That Vashti come no more before
king Ahasuerus ; and let the king give her royal estate unto
another that is better than she.

royal Est_02_17 /^{royal /crown upon her head ,
and made her queen instead of Vashti .

royal Gen_49_20 /^{royal /dainties .

royal Isa_62_03 /^{royal /diadem in the hand
of thy God .

royal Est_01_19 /^{royal /estate unto another
that is better than she.

royal Est_05_01 /^{royal /house , over against
the gate of the house .

royal Est_01_09 /^{royal /house which belonged
to king Ahasuerus .

royal Est_02_16 /^{royal /in the tenth month ,
which is the month Tebeth , in the seventh year of his reign .

royal Jam_02_08 /${royal /law according to the
scripture , Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself , ye do
well :

royal 1Ch_29_25 /^{royal /majesty as had not
been on any king before him in Israel .

royal 2Ch_22_10 /^{royal /of the house of Judah

royal Jer_43_10 /^{royal /pavilion over them.

royal 1Pe_02_09 /${royal /priesthood , an holy
nation , a peculiar people ; that ye should shew forth the
praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his
marvellous light :

royal Dan_06_07 /^{royal /statute , and to
make a firm decree , that whosoever shall ask a petition of any
God or man for thirty days , save of thee , O king , he shall be
cast into the den of lions .

royal Est_05_01 /^{royal /throne in the royal
house , over against the gate of the house .

royal Est_01_11 /^{royal /to shew the people
and the princes her beauty : for she was fair to look on .

royal Est_06_08 /^{royal /which is set upon
his head :

royal Est_01_07 /^{royal /wine in abundance ,
according to the state of the king .
