Asharoth 6252 -- \Ashtarowth -- {Asharoth}, Astaroth.

Ashtaroth 1045 -- Beyth \Ashtarowth -- house of {Ashtaroth}.

Astaroth 6252 -- \Ashtarowth -- Asharoth, {Astaroth}.

Ataroth 5852 -- \Atarowth -- {Ataroth}.

Ataroth 5854 -- \Atrowth beyth Yow/ab -- {Ataroth} the house of

Ataroth-adar 5853 -- \Atrowth /Addar -- {Ataroth-adar}(-addar).

Atroth 5855 -- \Atrowth Showphan -- {Atroth}, Shophan

Beeroth 0881 -- B@/erowth -- {Beeroth}.

Beeroth 0885 -- B@eroth B@ney-Ya\aqan -- {Beeroth} of the
children of Jaakan.

Beerothite 0886 -- B@/erothiy -- {Beerothite}.

Berothah 1268 -- Berowthah -- {Berothah}, Berothai.

Berothai 1268 -- Berowthah -- Berothah, {Berothai}.

Berothite 1307 -- Berothiy -- {Berothite}.

betroth 0781 -- /aras -- {betroth}, espouse.

betroth 2778 -- charaph. -- {betroth}, blaspheme, defy, jeopard,
rail, reproach,upbraid.

betroth 3259 -- ya\ad -- agree,(maxke an) appoint(-ment,a time),
assemble (selves),{betroth}, gather (selves, together), meet
(together), set (a time).

broth 4839 -- maraq -- {broth}.

broth 6564 -- paraq -- {broth}.

brother 0251 -- /ach -- another, {brother}(-ly); kindred, like,

brother 0252 -- /ach -- {brother}.

brother 1730 -- dowd -- (well-)beloved, father's {brother}, love,

brother 2992 -- yabam -- perform the duty of a husband's
{brother}, marry.

brother 2993 -- yabam -- husband's {brother}.

brother 7453 rea\ -- -- {brother}, companion, fellow, friend,
husband, lover,neighbour, X (an-)other.

brother 0080 ** adephos ** {brother}.

brothers 2994 -- Y@bemeth -- {brother's} wife, sister in law.

brotherhood 0264 -- /achavah -- {brotherhood}.

brotherhood 0081 ** adelphotes ** brethren, {brotherhood}.

brotherly 5360 ** philadelphia ** {brotherly} love (kindness),
love of the brethren.

Chinneroth 3672 -- Kinn@rowth -- Chinnereth, {Chinneroth},

Cinneroth 3672 -- Kinn@rowth -- Chinnereth, Chinneroth,

Gederoth 1450 -- G@derowth -- {Gederoth}.

Gederothaim 1453 -- G@derothayim -- {Gederothaim}.

Hazeroth 2698 -- Chatserowth -- {Hazeroth}.

Kibrothhattaavah 6914 -- Qibrowth hat-Ta/a-vah -- {Kibroth-

Maroth 4796 -- Marowth -- {Maroth}.

Mazzoroth 4216 -- mazzarah -- {Mazzoroth}.

Moseroth 4149 -- Mowcerah -- Mosera, {Moseroth}.

Pihahiroth 6367 -- Pi ha-Chiyroth -- {Pi-hahiroth}.

protection 5643 -- cether -- backbiting, covering, covert, X
disguise[-th], hidingplace, privily, {protection}, secret(-ly,

protest 5749 -- \uwd -- admonish, charge, earnestly, lift up,
{protest}, call(take) to record, relieve, rob, solemnly, stand
upright, testify, givewarning, (bear, call to, give, take to)

protest 3513 ** ne ** I {protest} by.

rot 5307 -- naphal -- be accepted, cast (down, self, [lots],
out), cease, die, divide(by lot), (let) fail, (cause to, let,
make, ready to) fall (away, down,-en, -ing), fell(-ing),
fugitive, have [inheritance], inferior, be judged,lay (along),
(cause to) lie down, light (down), be (X hast) lost, lying,
overthrow, overwhelm, perish, present(-ed, -ing), (make to)
{rot}, slay,smite out, X surely, throw down.

rot 7537 raqab -- -- {rot}.

rotten 4418 -- malach -- {rotten} rag.

rotten 5685 -- \abash -- be {rotten}.

rotten 7539 riqqabown -- -- {rotten}.

rottenness 4716 -- maq -- {rottenness}, stink.

rottenness 7538 raqab -- -- {rottenness} (thing).

wroth 2196 -- za\aph -- fret, sad, worse liking, be {wroth}.

wroth 2734 -- charah -- be angry, burn, be displeased, X
earnestly, fret self,grieve, be (wax) hot, be incensed, kindle,
X very, be {wroth}.

wroth 3707 -- ka\ac -- be angry, be grieved, take indignation,
provoke (to anger,unto wrath), have sorrow, vex, be {wroth}.

wroth 7107 qatsaph -- -- (be) anger(-ry), displease, fret self,
(provoke to) wrath(come), be {wroth}.

wroth 7264 ragaz -- -- be afraid, stand in awe, disquiet, fall
out, fret, move,provoke, quake, rage, shake, tremble, trouble,
be {wroth}.

wroth 2373 ** thumoo ** be {wroth}.

wroth 3710 ** orgizo ** be angry ({wroth}).
