root Luk_17_06 /${root /and be thou planted
in the sea ; and it should obey you .

root Rom_11_17 /${root /and fatness of the
olive tree ;

root Psa_80_09 /^{root /and it filled the
land .

root Rev_22_16 /${root /and the offspring of
David , and the bright and morning star .

root Rom_11_16 /${root /be holy , so are the
branches .

root Job_05_03 /^{root /but suddenly I cursed
his habitation .

root Rom_11_18 /${root /but the root thee .

root 2Ki_19_30 /^{root /downward , and bear
fruit upward .

root Isa_37_31 /^{root /downward , and bear
fruit upward :

root Mat_13_21 /${root /in himself , but
dureth for a while : for when tribulation or persecution ariseth
because of the word , by and by he is offended .

root Isa_40_24 /^{root /in the earth : and he
shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither , and the
whirlwind shall take them away as stubble .

root Mar_04_17 /${root /in themselves , and
so endure but for a time : afterward , when affliction or
persecution ariseth for the word's sake , immediately they are
offended .

root Hos_09_16 /^{root /is dried up , they
shall bear no fruit : yea, though they bring forth , yet will I
slay even the beloved fruit of their womb .

root Isa_27_06 /^{root /Israel shall blossom
and bud , and fill the face of the world with fruit .

root Mar_04_06 /${root /it withered away .

root Mal_04_01 /^{root /nor branch .

root 1Ti_06_10 /${root /of all evil : which
while some coveted after , they have erred from the faith , and
pierced themselves through with many sorrows .

root Heb_12_15 /${root /of bitterness
springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled ;

Root Rev_05_05 /${Root /of David , hath
prevailed to open the book , and to loose the seven seals
thereof .

root Rom_15_12 /${root /of Jesse , and he
that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles ; in him shall the
Gentiles trust .

root Isa_11_10 /^{root /of Jesse , which
shall stand for an ensign of the people ; to it shall the
Gentiles seek : and his rest shall be glorious .

root Job_19_28 /^{root /of the matter is
found in me?

root Pro_12_03 /^{root /of the righteous
shall not be moved .

root Pro_12_12 /^{root /of the righteous
yieldeth fruit.

root Luk_03_09 /${root /of the trees : every
tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down ,
and cast into the fire .

root Mat_03_10 /${root /of the trees :
therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn
down , and cast into the fire .

root Jud_05_14 /^{root /of them against
Amalek ; after thee, Benjamin , among thy people ; out of Machir
came down governors , and out of Zebulun they that handle the
pen of the writer .

root Jer_01_10 /^{root /out , and to pull
down , and to destroy , and to throw down , to build , and to
plant .

root Job_31_12 /^{root /out all mine increase

root Isa_53_02 /^{root /out of a dry ground :
he hath no form nor comeliness ; and when we shall see him,
there is no beauty that we should desire him.

root Isa_05_24 /^{root /shall be as
rottenness , and their blossom shall go up as dust : because
they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts , and despised
the word of the Holy One of Israel .

root Isa_14_29 /^{root /shall come forth a
cockatrice , and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent .

root Deu_29_18 /^{root /that beareth gall and
wormwood ;

root Rom_11_18 /${root /thee .

root Psa_52_05 /^{root /thee out of the land
of the living . Selah .

root Job_14_08 /^{root /thereof wax old in
the earth , and the stock thereof die in the ground ;

root Jer_12_02 /^{root /they grow , yea, they
bring forth fruit : thou art near in their mouth , and far from
their reins .

root Mat_13_06 /${root /they withered away .

root Mat_13_29 /${root /up also the wheat
with them .

root 1Ki_14_15 /^{root /up Israel out of this
good land , which he gave to their fathers , and shall scatter
them beyond the river , because they have made their groves ,
provoking the LORD to anger .

root Eze_31_07 /^{root /was by great waters .

root Job_29_19 /^{root /was spread out by the
waters , and the dew lay all night upon my branch .

root Luk_08_13 /${root /which for a while
believe , and in time of temptation fall away .

root Isa_14_30 /^{root /with famine , and he
shall slay thy remnant .

Rooted Col_02_07 /${Rooted /and built up in him
, and stablished in the faith , as ye have been taught ,
abounding therein with thanksgiving .

rooted Eph_03_17 /${rooted /and grounded in
love ,

rooted Job_31_08 /^{rooted /out .

rooted Job_18_14 /^{rooted /out of his
tabernacle , and it shall bring him to the king of terrors .

rooted Pro_02_22 /^{rooted /out of it.

rooted Deu_29_28 /^{rooted /them out of their
land in anger , and in wrath , and in great indignation , and
cast them into another land , as it is this day .

rooted Mat_15_13 /${rooted /up .

rooted Zep_02_04 /^{rooted /up .

roots Dan_07_08 /^{roots /and, behold , in
this horn were eyes like the eyes of man , and a mouth speaking
great things .

roots Job_08_17 /^{roots /are wrapped about
the heap , and seeth the place of stones .

roots Hos_14_05 /^{roots /as Lebanon .

roots Jer_17_08 /^{roots /by the river , and
shall not see when heat cometh , but her leaf shall be green ;
and shall not be careful in the year of drought , neither shall
cease from yielding fruit .

roots Job_30_04 /^{roots /for their meat .

roots Amo_02_09 /^{roots /from beneath.

roots Dan_04_15 /^{roots /in the earth , even
with a band of iron and brass , in the tender grass of the field
; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven , and let his portion
be with the beasts in the grass of the earth :

roots 2Ch_07_20 /^{roots /out of my land which
I have given them; and this house , which I have sanctified for
my name , will I cast out of my sight , and will make it to be a
proverb and a byword among all nations .

roots Job_18_16 /^{roots /shall be dried up
beneath, and above shall his branch be cut off .

roots Dan_11_07 /^{roots /shall one stand up
in his estate , which shall come with an army , and shall enter
into the fortress of the king of the north , and shall deal
against them, and shall prevail :

roots Dan_04_23 /^{roots /thereof in the earth
, even with a band of iron and brass , in the tender grass of
the field ; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven , and let
his portion be with the beasts of the field , till seven times
pass over him;

roots Eze_17_06 /^{roots /thereof were under
him: so it became a vine , and brought forth branches , and shot
forth sprigs .

roots Eze_17_09 /^{roots /thereof, and cut off
the fruit thereof, that it wither ? it shall wither in all the
leaves of her spring , even without great power or many people
to pluck it up by the roots thereof.

roots Eze_17_09 /^{roots /thereof.

roots Dan_04_26 /^{roots /thy kingdom shall be
sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the
heavens do rule .

roots Eze_17_07 /^{roots /toward him, and shot
forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the
furrows of her plantation .
