bridegroom Rev_18_23 /${bridegroom /and of the
bride shall be heard no more at all in thee : for thy merchants
were the great men of the earth ; for by thy sorceries were all
nations deceived .

bridegroom Jer_25_10 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride , the sound of the millstones , and the light of
the candle .

bridegroom Jer_33_11 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride , the voice of them that shall say , Praise the
LORD of hosts : for the LORD is good ; for his mercy endureth
for ever : and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise
into the house of the LORD . For I will cause to return the
captivity of the land , as at the first , saith the LORD .

bridegroom Jer_16_09 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride .

bridegroom Jer_07_34 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride : for the land shall be desolate .

bridegroom Joh_03_29 /${bridegroom /but the friend
of the bridegroom , which standeth and heareth him , rejoiceth
greatly because of the bridegroom's voice : this my joy
therefore is fulfilled .

bridegroom Mat_25_10 /${bridegroom /came ; and they
that were ready went in with him to the marriage : and the door
was shut .

bridegroom Mat_25_06 /${bridegroom /cometh ; go ye
out to meet him .

bridegroom Psa_19_05 /^{bridegroom /coming out of
his chamber , and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race .

bridegroom Isa_61_10 /^{bridegroom /decketh himself
with ornaments , and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels

bridegroom Joe_02_16 /^{bridegroom /go forth of his
chamber , and the bride out of her closet .

bridegroom Luk_05_34 /${bridegroom /is with them ?

bridegroom Mar_02_19 /${bridegroom /is with them ?
as long as they have the bridegroom with them , they cannot fast

bridegroom Mat_09_15 /${bridegroom /is with them ?
but the days will come , when the bridegroom shall be taken from
them , and then shall they fast .

bridegroom Isa_62_05 /^{bridegroom /rejoiceth over
the bride , so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

bridegroom Luk_05_35 /${bridegroom /shall be taken
away from them , and then shall they fast in those days .

bridegroom Mar_02_20 /${bridegroom /shall be taken
away from them , and then shall they fast in those days .

bridegroom Mat_09_15 /${bridegroom /shall be taken
from them , and then shall they fast .

bridegroom Mat_25_05 /${bridegroom /tarried , they
all slumbered and slept .

bridegroom Joh_03_29 /${bridegroom /which standeth
and heareth him , rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's
voice : this my joy therefore is fulfilled .

bridegroom Mar_02_19 /${bridegroom /with them ,
they cannot fast .

bridegroom's Joh_03_29 /${bridegroom's /voice : this
my joy therefore is fulfilled .

room Act_24_27 /${room /and Felix , willing
to shew the Jews a pleasure , left Paul bound .

room Psa_80_09 /^{room /before it, and didst
cause it to take deep root , and it filled the land .

room Mal_03_10 /^{room /enough to receive it.

room Pro_18_16 /^{room /for him, and bringeth
him before great men .

room Gen_24_31 /^{room /for the camels .

room Luk_02_07 /${room /for them in the inn .

room Gen_26_22 /^{room /for us, and we shall
be fruitful in the land .

room Luk_22_12 /${room /furnished : there
make ready .

room Mar_14_15 /${room /furnished and
prepared : there make ready for us .

room 1Ki_05_05 /^{room /he shall build an
house unto my name .

room Gen_24_23 /^{room /in thy father's house
for us to lodge in ?

room Luk_14_08 /${room /lest a more
honourable man than thou be bidden of him ;

room 1Ki_02_35 /^{room /of Abiathar .

room 2Ch_06_10 /^{room /of David my father ,
and am set on the throne of Israel , as the LORD promised , and
have built the house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

room 1Ki_08_20 /^{room /of David my father ,
and sit on the throne of Israel , as the LORD promised , and
have built an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel .

room 1Ki_05_01 /^{room /of his father : for
Hiram was ever a lover of David .

room 2Ch_26_01 /^{room /of his father Amaziah .

room Mat_02_22 /${room /of his father Herod ,
he was afraid to go thither : notwithstanding , being warned of
God in a dream , he turned aside into the parts of Galilee :

room 2Sa_19_13 /^{room /of Joab .

room 2Ki_23_34 /^{room /of Josiah his father ,
and turned his name to Jehoiakim , and took Jehoahaz away : and
he came to Egypt , and died there.

room 1Co_14_16 /${room /of the unlearned say
Amen at thy giving of thanks , seeing he understandeth not what
thou sayest ?

room 1Ki_02_35 /^{room /over the host : and
Zadok the priest did the king put in the room of Abiathar .

room Luk_14_10 /${room /that when he that
bade thee cometh , he may say unto thee , Friend , go up higher :
then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit
at meat with thee .

room Gen_24_25 /^{room /to lodge in .

room Mar_02_02 /${room /to receive them, no,
not so much as about the door : and he preached the word unto
them .

room Act_01_13 /${room /where abode both
Peter , and James , and John , and Andrew , Philip , and Thomas ,
Bartholomew , and Matthew , James the son of Alphaeus , and
Simon Zelotes , and Judas the brother of James .

room Luk_12_17 /${room /where to bestow my
fruits ?

rooms Mat_23_06 /${rooms /at feasts , and the
chief seats in the synagogues ,

rooms Mar_12_39 /${rooms /at feasts :

rooms Luk_20_46 /${rooms /at feasts ;

rooms 1Ch_04_41 /^{rooms /because there was
pasture there for their flocks .

rooms Luk_14_07 /${rooms /saying unto them ,

rooms Gen_06_14 /^{rooms /shalt thou make in
the ark , and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch .
