roll 1Sa_14_33 /^{roll /a great stone unto me
this day .

roll Jer_36_32 /^{roll /and gave it to Baruch
the scribe , the son of Neriah ; who wrote therein from the
mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king
of Judah had burned in the fire : and there were added besides
unto them many like words .

roll Eze_03_01 /^{roll /and go speak unto the
house of Israel .

roll Jer_36_21 /^{roll /and he took it out of
Elishama the scribe's chamber . And Jehudi read it in the ears
of the king , and in the ears of all the princes which stood
beside the king .

roll Jer_36_27 /^{roll /and the words which
Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah , saying ,

roll Ezr_06_02 /^{roll /and therein was a
record thus written :

roll Jer_36_28 /^{roll /and write in it all
the former words that were in the first roll , which Jehoiakim
the king of Judah hath burned .

roll Isa_08_01 /^{roll /and write in it with
a man's pen concerning Mahershalalhashbaz .

roll Jer_36_25 /^{roll /but he would not hear

Roll Jos_10_18 /^{Roll /great stones upon the
mouth of the cave , and set men by it for to keep them:

roll Jer_36_14 /^{roll /in his hand , and
came unto them.

roll Jer_36_20 /^{roll /in the chamber of
Elishama the scribe , and told all the words in the ears of the
king .

roll Jer_36_02 /^{roll /of a book , and write
therein all the words that I have spoken unto thee against
Israel , and against Judah , and against all the nations , from
the day I spake unto thee, from the days of Josiah , even unto
this day .

roll Jer_36_04 /^{roll /of a book .

roll Eze_02_09 /^{roll /of a book was therein;

roll Jer_36_29 /^{roll /saying , Why hast
thou written therein, saying , The king of Babylon shall
certainly come and destroy this land , and shall cause to cease
from thence man and beast ?

roll Eze_03_03 /^{roll /that I give thee.
Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness

roll Zec_05_02 /^{roll /the length thereof is
twenty cubits , and the breadth thereof ten cubits .

roll Gen_29_08 /^{roll /the stone from the
well's mouth ; then we water the sheep .

roll Jer_51_25 /^{roll /thee down from the
rocks , and will make thee a burnt mountain .

roll Mic_01_10 /^{roll /thyself in the dust .

roll Mar_16_03 /${roll /us away the stone
from the door of the sepulchre ?

roll Jer_36_23 /^{roll /was consumed in the
fire that was on the hearth .

roll Jer_36_14 /^{roll /wherein thou hast
read in the ears of the people , and come . So Baruch the son of
Neriah took the roll in his hand , and came unto them.

roll Jer_36_28 /^{roll /which Jehoiakim the
king of Judah hath burned .

roll Jer_36_06 /^{roll /which thou hast
written from my mouth , the words of the LORD in the ears of the
people in the LORD'S house upon the fasting day : and also thou
shalt read them in the ears of all Judah that come out of their
cities .

rolled Mat_27_60 /${rolled /a great stone to
the door of the sepulchre , and departed .

rolled Mar_15_46 /${rolled /a stone unto the
door of the sepulchre .

rolled Mar_16_04 /${rolled /away : for it was
very great .

rolled Luk_24_02 /${rolled /away from the
sepulchre .

rolled Jos_05_09 /^{rolled /away the reproach
of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called
Gilgal unto this day .

rolled Mat_28_02 /${rolled /back the stone from
the door , and sat upon it .

rolled Isa_09_05 /^{rolled /in blood ; but this
shall be with burning and fuel of fire .

rolled Gen_29_10 /^{rolled /the stone from the
well's mouth , and watered the flock of Laban his mother's
brother .

rolled Gen_29_03 /^{rolled /the stone from the
well's mouth , and watered the sheep , and put the stone again
upon the well's mouth in his place .

rolled Job_30_14 /^{rolled /themselves upon me.

rolled Rev_06_14 /${rolled /together ; and
every mountain and island were moved out of their places .

rolled Isa_34_04 /^{rolled /together as a
scroll : and all their host shall fall down , as the leaf
falleth off from the vine , and as a falling fig from the fig
tree .

roller Eze_30_21 /^{roller /to bind it, to make
it strong to hold the sword .

rolleth Pro_26_27 /^{rolleth /a stone , it will
return upon him.

rolling Isa_17_13 /^{rolling /thing before the
whirlwind .

rolls Ezr_06_01 /^{rolls /where the treasures
were laid up in Babylon .

scroll Isa_34_04 /^{scroll /and all their host
shall fall down , as the leaf falleth off from the vine , and as
a falling fig from the fig tree .

scroll Rev_06_14 /${scroll /when it is rolled
together ; and every mountain and island were moved out of their
places .
