emerods 1Sa_06_04 /^{emerods /and five golden
mice , according to the number of the lords of the Philistines :
for one plague was on you all, and on your lords .

emerods 1Sa_06_05 /^{emerods /and images of your
mice that mar the land ; and ye shall give glory unto the God of
Israel : peradventure he will lighten his hand from off you, and
from off your gods , and from off your land .

emerods 1Sa_05_12 /^{emerods /and the cry of the
city went up to heaven .

emerods Deu_28_27 /^{emerods /and with the scab ,
and with the itch , whereof thou canst not be healed .

emerods 1Sa_05_06 /^{emerods /even Ashdod and
the coasts thereof.

emerods 1Sa_05_09 /^{emerods /in their secret
parts .

emerods 1Sa_06_17 /^{emerods /which the
Philistines returned for a trespass offering unto the LORD ; for
Ashdod one , for Gaza one , for Askelon one , for Gath one , for
Ekron one ;

rods Gen_30_39 /^{rods /and brought forth
cattle ringstraked , speckled , and spotted .

rods Num_17_06 /^{rods /and the rod of Aaron
was among their rods .

rods Gen_30_41 /^{rods /before the eyes of
the cattle in the gutters , that they might conceive among the
rods .

rods Num_17_07 /^{rods /before the LORD in
the tabernacle of witness .

rods Eze_19_11 /^{rods /for the sceptres of
them that bare rule , and her stature was exalted among the
thick branches , and she appeared in her height with the
multitude of her branches .

rods Num_17_09 /^{rods /from before the LORD
unto all the children of Israel : and they looked , and took
every man his rod .

rods Gen_30_37 /^{rods /of green poplar , and
of the hazel and chesnut tree ; and pilled white strakes in them,
and made the white appear which was in the rods .

rods 2Co_11_25 /${rods /once was I stoned ,
thrice I suffered shipwreck , a night and a day I have been in
the deep ;

rods Eze_19_12 /^{rods /were broken and
withered ; the fire consumed them.

rods Gen_30_38 /^{rods /which he had pilled
before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when
the flocks came to drink , that they should conceive when they
came to drink .

rods Num_17_02 /^{rods /write thou every
man's name upon his rod .
