robe Exo_28_04 /^{robe /and a broidered coat ,
a mitre , and a girdle : and they shall make holy garments for
Aaron thy brother , and his sons , that he may minister unto me
in the priest's office .

robe Job_29_14 /^{robe /and a diadem .

robe 1Sa_24_11 /^{robe /and killed thee not,
know thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression
in mine hand , and I have not sinned against thee; yet thou
huntest my soul to take it.

robe Joh_19_05 /${robe /And Pilate saith unto
them , Behold the man !

robe Luk_15_22 /${robe /and put it on him ;
and put a ring on his hand , and shoes on his feet :

robe Lev_08_07 /^{robe /and put the ephod
upon him, and he girded him with the curious girdle of the ephod
, and bound it unto him therewith.

robe Luk_23_11 /${robe /and sent him again to
Pilate .

robe Isa_22_21 /^{robe /and strengthen him
with thy girdle , and I will commit thy government into his hand
: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem , and
to the house of Judah .

robe Exo_39_23 /^{robe /as the hole of an
habergeon , with a band round about the hole , that it should
not rend .

robe Jon_03_06 /^{robe /from him, and covered
him with sackcloth , and sat in ashes .

robe 1Sa_24_11 /^{robe /in my hand : for in
that I cut off the skirt of thy robe , and killed thee not, know
thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in
mine hand , and I have not sinned against thee; yet thou huntest
my soul to take it.

robe 1Ch_15_27 /^{robe /of fine linen , and
all the Levites that bare the ark , and the singers , and
Chenaniah the master of the song with the singers : David also
had upon him an ephod of linen .

robe Isa_61_10 /^{robe /of righteousness , as
a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments , and as a bride
adorneth herself with her jewels .

robe Exo_29_05 /^{robe /of the ephod , and
the ephod , and the breastplate , and gird him with the curious
girdle of the ephod :

robe Exo_28_31 /^{robe /of the ephod all of
blue .

robe Exo_39_22 /^{robe /of the ephod of woven
work , all of blue .

robe Mat_27_31 /${robe /off from him , and
put his own raiment on him , and led him away to crucify him.

robe Exo_39_24 /^{robe /pomegranates of blue ,
and purple , and scarlet , and twined linen.

robe 1Sa_24_04 /^{robe /privily .

robe Exo_28_34 /^{robe /round about .

robe Exo_39_25 /^{robe /round about between
the pomegranates ;

robe 1Sa_18_04 /^{robe /that was upon him,
and gave it to David , and his garments , even to his sword ,
and to his bow , and to his girdle .

robe Exo_39_26 /^{robe /to minister in; as
the LORD commanded Moses .

robe Mic_02_08 /^{robe /with the garment from
them that pass by securely as men averse from war .

robes Luk_20_46 /${robes /and love greetings
in the markets , and the highest seats in the synagogues , and
the chief rooms at feasts ;

robes Rev_07_14 /${robes /and made them white
in the blood of the Lamb .

robes Rev_07_09 /${robes /and palms in their
hands ;

robes Eze_26_16 /^{robes /and put off their
broidered garments : they shall clothe themselves with trembling
; they shall sit upon the ground , and shall tremble at every
moment , and be astonished at thee.

robes 1Ki_22_30 /^{robes /And the king of
Israel disguised himself, and went into the battle .

robes 2Ch_18_09 /^{robes /and they sat in a
void place at the entering in of the gate of Samaria ; and all
the prophets prophesied before them.

robes Rev_07_13 /${robes /and whence came they

robes 1Ki_22_10 /^{robes /in a void place in
the entrance of the gate of Samaria ; and all the prophets
prophesied before them.

robes 2Ch_18_29 /^{robes /So the king of Israel
disguised himself; and they went to the battle .

robes Rev_06_11 /${robes /were given unto
every one of them ; and it was said unto them , that they should
rest yet for a little season , until their fellowservants also
and their brethren , that should be killed as they were, should
be fulfilled .

robes 2Sa_13_18 /^{robes /were the king's
daughters that were virgins apparelled . Then his servant
brought her out , and bolted the door after her.

wardrobe 2Ch_34_22 /^{wardrobe /in Jerusalem in
the college : and they spake to her to that effect.

wardrobe 2Ki_22_14 /^{wardrobe /in Jerusalem in
the college ; and they communed with her.
