robe 0145 ## >eder {eh'-der}; from 142; amplitude, i.e.
(concrete) a mantle; also (figuratively) splendor: -- goodly,
{robe}. [ql

robe 0155 ## >addereth {ad-deh'-reth}; feminine of 117;
something ample (as a large vine, a wide dress); also the same
as 145: -- garment, glory, goodly, mantle, {robe}. [ql

robe 0899 ## beged {behg'-ed}; from 898; a covering, i.e.
clothing; also treachery or pillage: -- apparel, cloth(-es, ing),
garment, lap, rag, raiment, {robe}, X very [treacherously],
vesture, wardrobe. [ql

robe 3801 ## k@thoneth {keth-o'-neth}; or kuttoneth {koot-to'-
neth}; from an unused root meaning to cover [compare 3802]; a
shirt: -- coat, garment, {robe}. [ql

robe 4598 ## m@ covering; a robe (i.e. upper and outer garment): -- cloke, coat,
mantle, {robe}.[ql

robe 2066 # esthes {es-thace'}; from hennumi (to clothe); dress:
-- apparel, clothing, raiment, {robe}.[ql

robe 2440 # himation {him-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed
derivative of ennumi (to put on); a dress (inner or outer): --
apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, {robe}, vesture.[ql

robe 4749 # stole {stol-ay'}; from 4724; equipment, i.e.
(specifically) a "stole" or long-fitting gown (as a mark of
dignity): -- long clothing (garment), (long) {robe}.[ql

robe 5511 # chlamus {khlam-ooce'}; of uncertain derivation; a
military cloak: -- {robe}.[ql

wardrobe 0899 ## beged {behg'-ed}; from 898; a covering, i.e.
clothing; also treachery or pillage: -- apparel, cloth(-es, ing),
garment, lap, rag, raiment, robe, X very [treacherously],
vesture, {wardrobe}. [ql
