robber , EZE , 18:10

robber , JOB , 5:5 , JOB , 18:9

robber , JOH , 10:1 , JOH , 18:40

robbers , 2CO , 11:26

robbers , AC , 19:37

robbers , DA , 11:14

robbers , EZE , 7:22

robbers , HO , 6:9 , HO , 7:1

robbers , ISA , 42:24

robbers , JER , 7:11

robbers , JOB , 12:6

robbers , JOH , 10:8

robbers , OB , 1:5

robbery , AM , 3:10

robbery , EZE , 22:29

robbery , ISA , 61:8

robbery , NA , 3:1

robbery , PHP , 2:6

robbery , PR , 21:7

robbery , PS , 62:10


churches 2417 # hierosulos {hee-er-os'-oo-los}; from 2411 and
4813; a temple-despoiler: -- robber of {churches}.[ql

commit 2416 # hierosuleo {hee-er-os-ool-eh'-o}; from 2417; to
be a temple-robber (figuratively): -- {commit} sacrilege.[ql

of 2417 # hierosulos {hee-er-os'-oo-los}; from 2411 and 4813; a
temple-despoiler: -- robber {of} churches.[ql

robber 3027 # leistes {lace-tace'}; from leizomai (to plunder);
a brigand: -- {robber}, thief.[ql

robber 2417 # hierosulos {hee-er-os'-oo-los}; from 2411 and
4813; a temple-despoiler: -- {robber} of churches.[ql

sacrilege 2416 # hierosuleo {hee-er-os-ool-eh'-o}; from 2417;
to be a temple-robber (figuratively): -- commit {sacrilege}.[ql


robber Interlinear Index Study

robber JOB 005 005 Whose <00834 +>aher > harvest <07105 +qatsiyr
> the hungry <07456 +ra eateth <00398 +>akal > up , and
taketh <03947 +laqach > it even out of the thorns <06791 +tsen >
, and the {robber} <06782 +tsammiym > swalloweth <07602 +sha>aph
> up their substance <02428 +chayil > .

robber JOB 018 009 The gin <06341 +pach > shall take <00270
+>achaz > [ him ] by the heel <06119 + , [ and ] the
{robber} <06782 +tsammiym > shall prevail <02388 +chazaq >
against <05921 + him .

robber EZE 018 010 . If he beget <03205 +yalad > a son <01121
+ben > [ that is ] a {robber} <06530 +p@riyts > , a shedder
<08210 +shaphak > of blood <01818 +dam > , and [ that ] doeth
<06213 + the like <00251 +>ach > to [ any ] one <00259
+>echad > of these <00428 +>el - leh > [ things ] ,

robber JOH 010 001 . Verily <0281 -amen -> , verily <0281 -amen -
> , I say <3004 -lego -> unto you , He that entereth <1535 -eite
-> not by the door <2374 -thura -> into <1519 -eis -> the
sheepfold <4263 -probaton -> , but climbeth <0305 -anabaino ->
up some other <0237 -allachothen -> way , the same <1565 -
ekeinos -> is a thief <2812 -kleptes -> and a {robber} <3027 -
leistes -> .

robber JOH 018 040 Then <3767 -oun -> cried <2905 -kraugazo ->
they all <3956 -pas -> again <3825 -palin -> , saying <3004 -
lego -> , Not this <5126 -touton -> man , but Barabbas <0912 -
Barabbas -> . Now <1161 -de -> Barabbas <0912 -Barabbas -> was a
{robber} <3027 -leistes -> .


robber shall prevail against him

robber swalloweth up their substance

* robber , 3027 ,

- robber , 6530 , 6782 ,

* robber , 3027 leistes ,


robber -3027 {robber}, robbers, thief, thieves,

robbers -2417 churches, {robbers},

robbers -3027 robber, {robbers}, thief, thieves,

robbery -0725 {robbery},


robber -6530 destroyer , ravenous , {robber} , robbers ,

robber -6782 {robber} ,

robbers -0962 caught , gathering , prey , rob , robbed ,
{robbers} , spoil , spoiled , take ,

robbers -6530 destroyer , ravenous , robber , {robbers} ,

robbers -7703 dead , destroy , destroyed , destroyer , oppress ,
{robbers} , spoil , spoiled , spoiler , spoilers , spoilest ,
spoileth , utterly , waste , wasted , wasteth ,

robbery -1498 {robbery} , violence ,

robbery -6503 parbar , {robbery} , suburbs ,

robbery -7701 desolation , destruction , oppression , {robbery} ,
spoil , spoiled , spoiler , spoiling , wasting ,


robber 1121 -- ben -- + afflicted, age, [Ahoh-] [Ammon-]
[Hachmon-] [Lev-]ite,[anoint-]ed one, appointed to, (+) arrow,
[Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-][Grec-]ian, one born, bough, branch,
breed, + (young) bullock, + (young)calf, X came up in, child,
colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X of first, +firstborn, foal,
+ very fruitful, + postage, X in, + kid, + lamb, (+) man,meet, +
mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people, + rebel, + {robber}, X
servantborn, X soldier, son, + spark, + steward, + stranger, X
surely, them of, +tumultuous one, + valiant[-est], whelp, worthy,
young (one), youth.

robber 6530 -- p@riyts -- destroyer, ravenous, {robber}.

robber 6782 -- tsammiym -- {robber}.

robber 7703 shadad -- -- dead, destroy(-er), oppress, {robber},
spoil(-er), Xutterly, (lay) waste.

robber 2417 ** hierosulos ** {robber} of churches.

robber 3027 ** leistes ** {robber}, thief.

robbers 1416 -- g@duwd -- army, band (of men), company, troop
(of {robbers}).

robbery 1497 -- gazal -- catch, consume, exercise [{robbery}],
pluck (off), rob,spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.

robbery 1498 -- gazel -- {robbery}, thing taken away by violence.

robbery 6563 -- pereq -- crossway, {robbery}.

robbery 7701 shod -- -- desolation, destruction, oppression,
{robbery}, spoil(-ed,-er, -ing), wasting.

robbery 0725 ** harpagmos ** {robbery}.


robber ......... and a robber 3027 -leistes->

robber ......... was a robber 3027 -leistes->

robbers ......... and robbers 3027 -leistes->

robbers ......... of robbers 3027 -leistes->

robbers ......... robbers 2417 -hierosulos->

robbery ......... it not robbery 0725 -harpagmos->



robber 1121 ## ben {bane}; from 1129; a son (as a builder of
the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative
relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or
condition, etc., [like 1, 251, etc.]): -- + afflicted, age,
[Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] [Lev-]ite, [anoint-]ed one,
appointed to, (+) arrow, [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] [Grec-]ian,
one born, bough, branch, breed, + (young) bullock, + (young)
calf, X came up in, child, colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X
of first, + firstborn, foal, + very fruitful, + postage, X in, +
kid, + lamb, (+) man, meet, + mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people,
+ rebel, + {robber}, X servant born, X soldier, son, + spark, +
steward, + stranger, X surely, them of, + tumultuous one, +
valiant[-est], whelp, worthy, young (one), youth. [ql

robber 6530 ## p@riyts {per-eets'}; from 6555; violent, i.e. a
tyrant: -- destroyer, ravenous, {robber}.[ql

robber 6782 ## tsammiym {tsam-meem'}; from the same as 6777; a
noose (as fastening); figuratively, destruction: -- {robber}.[ql

robber 7703 ## shadad {shaw-dad'}; a primitive root; properly,
to be burly, i.e. (figuratively) powerful (passively,
impregnable); by implication, to ravage: -- dead, destroy(-er),
oppress, {robber}, spoil(-er), X utterly, (lay) waste.[ql

robber 2417 # hierosulos {hee-er-os'-oo-los}; from 2411 and 4813;
a temple-despoiler: -- {robber} of churches.[ql

robber 3027 # leistes {lace-tace'}; from leizomai (to plunder);
a brigand: -- {robber}, thief.[ql

robbers 1416 ## g@duwd {ghed-ood'}; from 1413; a crowd
(especially of soldiers): -- army, band (of men), company, troop
(of {robbers}). [ql

robbery 1497 ## gazal {gaw-zal'}; a primitive root; to pluck off;
specifically to flay, strip or rob: -- catch, consume, exercise
[{robbery}], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force,
violence), tear. [ql

robbery 1498 ## gazel {gaw-zale'}; from 1497; robbery, or
(concretely) plunder: -- {robbery}, thing taken away by violence.

robbery 6563 ## pereq {peh'-rek}; from 6561; rapine; also a fork
(in roads): -- crossway, {robbery}.[ql

robbery 7701 ## shod {shode}; or showd (Job 5:21) {shode}; from
7736; violence, ravage: -- desolation, destruction, oppression,
{robbery}, spoil(-ed, -er, -ing), wasting.[ql

robbery 0725 # harpagmos {har-pag-mos'}; from 726; plunder
(properly concrete): -- {robbery}.[ql


robber 018 010 Eze /^{robber /a shedder of
blood , and that doeth the like to any one of these things,

robber 018 009 Job /^{robber /shall prevail
against him.

robber 005 005 Job /^{robber /swalloweth up
their substance .

robbers 010 008 Joh /${robbers /but the sheep
did not hear them .

robbers 001 005 Oba /^{robbers /by night , !
would they not have stolen till they had enough ? if the
grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes ?

robbers 042 024 Isa /^{robbers /did not the LORD
, he against whom we have sinned ? for they would not walk in
his ways , neither were they obedient unto his law .

robbers 011 026 IICo /${robbers /in perils by
mine own countrymen , in perils by the heathen , in perils in
the city , in perils in the wilderness , in perils in the sea ,
in perils among false brethren ;

robbers 007 011 Jer /^{robbers /in your eyes ?
Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD .

robbers 019 037 Act /${robbers /of churches ,
nor yet blasphemers of your goddess .

robbers 011 014 Dan /^{robbers /of thy people
shall exalt themselves to establish the vision ; but they shall
fall .

robbers 012 006 Job /^{robbers /prosper , and
they that provoke God are secure ; into whose hand God bringeth

robbers 007 022 Eze /^{robbers /shall enter into
it, and defile it.

robbers 007 001 Hos /^{robbers /spoileth without

robbers 006 009 Hos /^{robbers /wait for a man ,
so the company of priests murder in the way by consent : for
they commit lewdness .

robbery 022 029 Eze /^{robbery /and have vexed
the poor and needy : yea, they have oppressed the stranger
wrongfully .

robbery 061 008 Isa /^{robbery /for burnt
offering ; and I will direct their work in truth , and I will
make an everlasting covenant with them.

robbery 062 010 Psa /^{robbery /if riches
increase , set not your heart upon them.

robbery 003 010 Amo /^{robbery /in their palaces

robbery 021 007 Pro /^{robbery /of the wicked
shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment .

robbery 003 001 Nah /^{robbery /the prey
departeth not;

robbery 002 006 Php /${robbery /to be equal with
God :


robber 5 -

robbers 11 -

robbery 7 -


robber Whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh

even out of the thorns, and the {robber} swalloweth up their


robber The gin shall take [him] by the heel, [and] the

{robber} shall prevail against him.

robber If he beget a son [that is] a {robber}, a

of blood, and [that] doeth the like to [any] one of these

robber Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that

not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other

the same is a thief and a {robber}.

robber Then cried they all again, saying, Not this

but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a {robber}.
