Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
arise ^ 61_2PE_01_19 We have <2192> (5719) also <2532> a more sure <0949> word <3056> of prophecy <4397>; whereunto <3739> ye do <4160> (5719) well <2573> that ye take heed <4337> (5723), as <5613> unto a light <3088> that shineth <5316> (5730) in <1722> a dark <0850> place <5117>, until <2193> <3739> the day <2250> dawn <1306> (5661), and <2532> the day star <5459> {arise} <0393> (5661) in <1722> your <5216> hearts <2588>:

Arise ^ 44_ACT_09_06 And <5037> he trembling <5141> (5723) and <2532> astonished <2284> (5723) said <2036> (5627), Lord <2962>, what <5101> wilt thou have <2309> (5719) me <3165> to do <4160> (5658)? And <2532> the Lord <2962> said unto <4314> him <0846>, {Arise} <0450> (5628), and <2532> go <1525> (5628) into <1519> the city <4172>, and <2532> it shall be told <2980> (5701) thee <4671> what <5101> thou <4571> must <1163> (5748) do <4160> (5721).

Arise ^ 44_ACT_09_11 And <1161> the Lord <2962> said unto <4314> him <0846>, {Arise} <0450> (5631), and go <4198> (5676) into <1909> the street <4505> which <3588> is called <2564> (5746) Straight <2117>, and <2532> enquire <2212> (5657) in <1722> the house <3614> of Judas <2455> for one called <3686> Saul <4569>, of Tarsus <5018>: for <1063>, behold <2400> (5628), he prayeth <4336> (5736),

Arise ^ 44_ACT_10_20 {Arise} <0450> (5631) therefore <0235>, and get thee down <2597> (5628), and <2532> go <4198> (5737) with <4862> them <0846>, doubting <1252> (5734) nothing <3367>: for <1360> I <1473> have sent <0649> (5758) them <0846>.

Arise ^ 44_ACT_11_07 And <1161> I heard <0191> (5656) a voice <5456> saying <3004> (5723) unto me <3427>, {Arise} <0450> (5631), Peter <4074>; slay <2380> (5657) and <2532> eat <5315> (5628).

Arise ^ 44_ACT_12_07 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), the angel <0032> of the Lord <2962> came upon <2186> (5627) him, and <2532> a light <5457> shined <2989> (5656) in <1722> the prison <3612>: and <1161> he smote <3960> (5660) Peter <4074> on the side <4125>, and raised <1453> <0> him <0846> up <1453> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), {Arise} up <0450> (5628) quickly <1722> <5034>. And <2532> his <0846> chains <0254> fell off <1601> (5627) from <1537> his hands <5495>.

Arise ^ 44_ACT_22_10 And <1161> I said <2036> (5627), What <5101> shall I do <4160> (5661), Lord <2962>? And <1161> the Lord <2962> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> me <3165>, {Arise} <0450> (5631), and go <4198> (5737) into <1519> Damascus <1154>; and there <2546> it shall be told <2980> (5701) thee <4671> of <4012> all things <3956> which <3739> are appointed <5021> (5769) for thee <4671> to do <4160> (5658).

Arise ^ 44_ACT_08_26 And <1161> the angel <0032> of the Lord <2962> spake <2980> (5656) unto <4314> Philip <5376>, saying <3004> (5723), {Arise} <0450> (5628), and <2532> go <4198> (5737) toward <2596> the south <3314> unto <1909> the way <3598> that goeth down <2597> (5723) from <0575> Jerusalem <2419> unto <1519> Gaza <1048>, which <3778> is <2076> (5748) desert <2048>.

arise ^ 44_ACT_20_30 Also <2532> of <1537> your <5216> own selves <0846> shall <0450> <0> men <0435> {arise} <0450> (5698), speaking <2980> (5723) perverse things <1294> (5772), to draw away <0645> (5721) disciples <3101> after <3694> them <0846>.

arise ^ 44_ACT_22_16 And <2532> now <3568> why <5101> tarriest thou <3195> (5719)? {arise} <0450> (5631), and be baptized <0907> (5669), and <2532> wash away <0628> (5669) thy <4675> sins <0266>, calling on <1941> (5671) the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>.

arise ^ 44_ACT_09_34 And <2532> Peter <4074> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Aeneas <0132>, Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> maketh <2390> <0> thee <4571> whole <2390> (5736): {arise} <0450> (5628), and <2532> make <4766> <0> thy <4572> bed <4766> (5657). And <2532> he arose <0450> (5627) immediately <2112>.

arise ^ 44_ACT_09_40 But <1161> Peter <4074> put <1544> (5631) them all <3956> forth <1854>, and kneeled down <5087> (5631) <1119>, and prayed <4336> (5662); and <2532> turning <1994> (5660) him to <4314> the body <4983> said <2036> (5627), Tabitha <5>, {arise} <0450> (5628). And <1161> she opened <0455> (5656) her <0846> eyes <3788>: and <2532> when she saw <1492> (5631) Peter <4074>, she sat up <0339> (5656).

arise ^ 49_EPH_05_14 Wherefore <1352> he saith <3004> (5719), Awake thou <1453> (5669) that sleepest <2518> (5723), and <2532> {arise} <0450> (5628) from <1537> the dead <3498>, and <2532> Christ <5547> shall give <2017> <0> thee <4671> light <2017> (5692).

Arise ^ 43_JOH_14_31 But <0235> that <2443> the world <2889> may know <1097> (5632) that <3754> I love <0025> (5719) the Father <3962>; and <2532> as <2531> the Father <3962> gave <1781> <0> me <3427> commandment <1781> (5662), even so <3779> I do <4160> (5719). {Arise} <1453> (5728), let us go <0071> (5725) hence <1782>.

Arise ^ 42_LUK_07_14 And <2532> he came <4334> (5631) and touched <0680> (5662) the bier <4673>: and <1161> they that bare <0941> (5723) him stood still <2476> (5627). And <2532> he said <2036> (5627), Young man <3495>, I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, {Arise} <1453> (5682).

Arise ^ 42_LUK_17_19 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, {Arise} <0450> (5631), go thy way <4198> (5737): thy <4675> faith <4102> hath made <4982> <0> thee <4571> whole <4982> (5758).

Arise ^ 42_LUK_05_24 But <1161> that <2443> ye may know <1492> (5762) that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> hath <2192> (5719) power <1849> upon <1909> earth <1093> to forgive <0863> (5721) sins <0266>, (he said <2036> (5627) unto the sick of the palsy <3886> (5772),) I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, {Arise} <1453> (5669), and <2532> take up <0142> (5660) thy <4675> couch <2826>, and go <4198> (5737) into <1519> thine <4675> house <3624>.

arise ^ 42_LUK_24_38 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Why <5101> are ye <2075> (5748) troubled <5015> (5772)? and <2532> why <1302> do thoughts <1261> {arise} <0305> (5719) in <1722> your <5216> hearts <2588>?

arise ^ 42_LUK_08_54 And <1161> he <0846> put <1544> (5631) them all <3956> out <1854>, and <2532> took <2902> (5660) her <0846> by the hand <5495>, and called <5455> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Maid <3816>, {arise} <1453> (5728).

arise ^ 42_LUK_15_18 I will {arise} <0450> (5631) and go <4198> (5695) to <4314> my <3450> father <3962>, and <2532> will say <2046> (5692) unto him <0846>, Father <3962>, I have sinned <0264> (5627) against <1519> heaven <3772>, and <2532> before <1799> thee <4675>,

Arise ^ 40_MAT_17_07 And <2532> Jesus <2424> came <4334> (5631) and touched <0680> (5662) them <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), {Arise} <1453> (5682), and <2532> be <5399> <0> not <3361> afraid <5399> (5737).

Arise ^ 40_MAT_09_05 For <1063> whether <5101> is <2076> (5748) easier <2123>, to say <2036> (5629), Thy sins <0266> be forgiven <0863> (5769) thee <4671>; or <2228> to say <2036> (5629), {Arise} <1453> (5669), and <2532> walk <4043> (5720)?

Arise ^ 40_MAT_02_20 Saying <3004> (5723), {Arise} <1453> (5685), and take <3880> (5628) the young child <3813> and <2532> his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> go <4198> (5737) into <1519> the land <1093> of Israel <2474>: for <1063> they are dead <2348> (5758) which <3588> sought <2212> (5723) the young child's <3813> life <5590>.

Arise ^ 40_MAT_09_06 But <1161> that <2443> ye may know <1492> (5762) that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> hath <2192> (5719) power <1849> on <1909> earth <1093> to forgive <0863> (5721) sins <0266>, (then <5119> saith he <3004> (5719) to the sick of the palsy <3885>,) {Arise} <1453> (5685), take up <0142> (5657) thy <4675> bed <2825>, and <2532> go <5217> (5720) unto <1519> thine <4675> house <3624>.

Arise ^ 41_MAR_02_11 I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, {Arise} <1453> (5669), and <2532> take up <0142> (5657) thy <4675> bed <2895>, and <2532> go thy way <5217> (5720) into <1519> thine <4675> house <3624>.

Arise ^ 41_MAR_02_09 Whether <5101> is it <2076> (5748) easier <2123> to say <2036> (5629) to the sick of the palsy <3885>, Thy sins <0266> be forgiven <0863> (5769) thee <4671>; or <2228> to say <2036> (5629), {Arise} <1453> (5669), and <2532> take up <0142> (5657) thy <4675> bed <2895>, and <2532> walk <4043> (5720)?

Arise ^ 40_MAT_02_13 And <1161> when they <0846> were departed <0402> (5660), behold <2400> (5628), the angel <0032> of the Lord <2962> appeareth <5316> (5727) to Joseph <2501> in <2596> a dream <3677>, saying <3004> (5723), {Arise} <1453> (5685), and take <3880> (5628) the young child <3813> and <2532> his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> flee <5343> (5720) into <1519> Egypt <0125>, and <2532> be thou <2468> (5749) there <1563> until <2193> I <0302> bring <2036> <0> thee <4671> word <2036> (5632): for <1063> Herod <2264> will <3195> (5719) seek <2212> (5721) the young child <3813> to destroy <0622> (5658) him <0846>.

arise ^ 41_MAR_05_41 And <2532> he took <2902> (5660) the damsel <3813> by the hand <5495>, and said <3004> (5719) unto her <0846>, Talitha <5008> cumi <2891>; which <3739> is <2076> (5748), being interpreted <3177> (5746), Damsel <2877>, I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, {arise} <1453> (5669).

arise ^ 40_MAT_24_24 For <1063> there shall {arise} <1453> (5701) false Christs <5580>, and <2532> false prophets <5578>, and <2532> shall shew <1325> (5692) great <3173> signs <4592> and <2532> wonders <5059>; insomuch that <5620>, if <1487> it were possible <1415>, they shall deceive <4105> (5658) the very <2532> elect <1588>.

ariseth ^ 43_JOH_07_52 They answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Art <3361> <1488> (5748) thou <4771> also <2532> of <1537> Galilee <1056>? Search <2045> (5657), and <2532> look <1492>: for <3754> out of <1537> Galilee <1056> {ariseth} <1453> (5769) no <3756> prophet <4396>.

ariseth ^ 41_MAR_04_17 And <2532> have <2192> (5719) no <3756> root <4491> in <1722> themselves <1438>, and <0235> so endure <1526> (5748) but for a time <4340>: afterward <1534>, when affliction <2347> or <2228> persecution <1375> {ariseth} <1096> (5637) for <1223> the word's sake <3056>, immediately <2112> they are offended <4624> (5743).

ariseth ^ 40_MAT_13_21 Yet <1161> hath he <2192> (5719) not <3756> root <4491> in <1722> himself <1438>, but <0235> dureth <2076> (5748) for a while <4340>: for <1161> when tribulation <2347> or <2228> persecution <1375> {ariseth} <1096> (5637) because <1223> of the word <3056>, by and by <2117> he is offended <4624> (5743).

ariseth ^ 58_HEB_07_15 And <2532> it is <2076> (5748) yet <2089> far more <4054> evident <2612>: for <1487> that after <2596> the similitude <3665> of Melchisedec <3198> there {ariseth} <0450> (5731) another <2087> priest <2409>,

Pharisee ^ 40_MAT_23_26 Thou blind <5185> {Pharisee} <5330>, cleanse <2511> (5657) first <4412> that which is within <1787> the cup <4221> and <2532> platter <3953>, that <2443> the outside <1622> of them <0846> may be <1096> (5638) clean <2513> also <2532>.

Pharisee ^ 42_LUK_11_38 And <1161> when the {Pharisee} <5330> saw <1492> (5631) it, he marvelled <2296> (5656) that <3754> he had <0907> <0> not <3756> first <4412> washed <0907> (5681) before <4253> dinner <0712>.

Pharisee ^ 44_ACT_23_06 But <1161> when Paul <3972> perceived <1097> (5631) that <3754> the one <1520> part <3313> were <2076> (5748) Sadducees <4523>, and <1161> the other <2087> Pharisees <5330>, he cried out <2896> (5656) in <1722> the council <4892>, Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, I <1473> am <1510> (5748) a {Pharisee} <5330>, the son <5207> of a Pharisee <5330>: of <4012> the hope <1680> and <2532> resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498> I <1473> am called in question <2919> (5743).

Pharisee ^ 42_LUK_18_10 Two <1417> men <0444> went up <0305> (5627) into <1519> the temple <2411> to pray <4336> (5664); the one <1520> a {Pharisee} <5330>, and <2532> the other <2087> a publican <5057>.

Pharisee ^ 42_LUK_07_39 Now <1161> when the {Pharisee} <5330> which <3588> had bidden <2564> (5660) him <0846> saw <1492> (5631) it, he spake <2036> (5627) within <1722> himself <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), This man <3778>, if <1487> he were <2258> (5713) a prophet <4396>, <0302> would have known <1097> (5707) who <5101> and <2532> what manner <4217> of woman <1135> this is that <3748> toucheth <0680> (5731) him <0846>: for <3754> she is <2076> (5748) a sinner <0268>.

Pharisee ^ 44_ACT_26_05 Which knew <4267> (5723) me <3165> from the beginning <0509>, if <1437> they would <2309> (5725) testify <3140> (5721), that <3754> after <2596> the most straitest <0196> sect <0139> of our <2251> religion <2356> I lived <2198> (5656) a {Pharisee} <5330>.

Pharisee ^ 42_LUK_18_11 The {Pharisee} <5330> stood <2476> (5685) and prayed <4336> (5711) thus <5023> with <4314> himself <1438>, God <2316>, I thank <2168> (5719) thee <4671>, that <3754> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> as <5618> other <3062> men <0444> are, extortioners <0727>, unjust <0094>, adulterers <3432>, or <2228> even <2532> as <5613> this <3778> publican <5057>.

Pharisee ^ 42_LUK_11_37 And <1161> as <1722> he spake <2980> (5658), a certain <5100> {Pharisee} <5330> besought <2065> (5707) him <0846> to <3704> dine <0709> (5661) with <3844> him <0846>: and <1161> he went in <1525> (5631), and sat down to meat <0377> (5627).

Pharisee ^ 50_PHP_03_05 Circumcised <4061> the eighth <3637> day, of <1537> the stock <1085> of Israel <2474>, of the tribe <5443> of Benjamin <0958>, an Hebrew <1445> of <1537> the Hebrews <1445>; as touching <2596> the law <3551>, a {Pharisee} <5330>;

Pharisee ^ 44_ACT_23_06 But <1161> when Paul <3972> perceived <1097> (5631) that <3754> the one <1520> part <3313> were <2076> (5748) Sadducees <4523>, and <1161> the other <2087> Pharisees <5330>, he cried out <2896> (5656) in <1722> the council <4892>, Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, I <1473> am <1510> (5748) a Pharisee <5330>, the son <5207> of a {Pharisee} <5330>: of <4012> the hope <1680> and <2532> resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498> I <1473> am called in question <2919> (5743).

Pharisee ^ 44_ACT_05_34 Then <1161> stood there up <0450> (5631) one <5100> in <1722> the council <4892>, a {Pharisee} <5330>, named <3686> Gamaliel <1059>, a doctor of the law <3547>, had in reputation <5093> among all <3956> the people <2992>, and commanded <2753> (5656) to put <4160> (5658) the apostles <0652> forth <1854> a <5100> little space <1024>;

Pharisee's ^ 42_LUK_07_37 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a woman <1135> in <1722> the city <4172>, which <3748> was <2258> (5713) a sinner <0268>, when she knew <1921> (5631) that <3754> Jesus sat at meat <0345> (5736) in <1722> the {Pharisee's} <5330> house <3614>, brought <2865> (5660) an alabaster box <0211> of ointment <3464>,

Pharisee's ^ 42_LUK_07_36 And <1161> one <5100> of the Pharisees <5330> desired <2065> (5707) him <0846> that <2443> he would eat <5315> (5632) with <3326> him <0846>. And <2532> he went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the {Pharisee's} <5330> house <3614>, and sat down to meat <0347> (5681).

Pharisees ^ 44_ACT_23_09 And <1161> there arose <1096> (5633) a great <3173> cry <2906>: and <2532> the scribes <1122> that were of the {Pharisees} <5330>' part <3313> arose <0450> (5631), and strove <1264> (5711), saying <3004> (5723), We find <2147> (5719) no <3762> evil <2556> in <1722> this <5129> man <0444>: but <1161> if <1487> a spirit <4151> or <2228> an angel <0032> hath spoken <2980> (5656) to him <0846>, let us <2313> <0> not <3361> fight <2313> (5725) against God.

Pharisees ^ 44_ACT_23_07 And <1161> when he <0846> had <2980> <0> so <5124> said <2980> (5660), there arose <1096> (5633) a dissension <4714> between the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> the Sadducees <4523>: and <2532> the multitude <4128> was divided <4977> (5681).

Pharisees ^ 44_ACT_23_06 But <1161> when Paul <3972> perceived <1097> (5631) that <3754> the one <1520> part <3313> were <2076> (5748) Sadducees <4523>, and <1161> the other <2087> {Pharisees} <5330>, he cried out <2896> (5656) in <1722> the council <4892>, Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, I <1473> am <1510> (5748) a Pharisee <5330>, the son <5207> of a Pharisee <5330>: of <4012> the hope <1680> and <2532> resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498> I <1473> am called in question <2919> (5743).

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_03_01 <1161> There was <2258> (5713) a man <0444> of <1537> the {Pharisees} <5330>, named <3686> <0846> Nicodemus <3530>, a ruler <0758> of the Jews <2453>:

Pharisees ^ 44_ACT_15_05 But <1161> there rose up <1817> (5627) certain <5100> of <0575> the sect <0139> of the {Pharisees} <5330> which believed <4100> (5761), saying <3004> (5723), That <3754> it was needful <1163> (5748) to circumcise <4059> (5721) them <0846>, and <5037> to command <3853> (5721) them to keep <5083> (5721) the law <3551> of Moses <3475>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_05_21 And <2532> the scribes <1122> and <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> began <0756> (5662) to reason <1260> (5738), saying <3004> (5723), Who <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <3778> which <3739> speaketh <2980> (5719) blasphemies <0988>? Who <5101> can <1410> (5736) forgive <0863> (5721) sins <0266>, but <1508> God <2316> alone <3441>?

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_05_33 And <1161> they said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Why <1302> do <3522> <0> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> fast <3522> (5719) often <4437>, and <2532> make <4160> (5731) prayers <1162>, and <2532> likewise <3668> the disciples <3588> of the {Pharisees} <5330>; but <1161> thine <4674> eat <2068> (5719) and <2532> drink <4095> (5719)?

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_06_02 And <1161> certain <5100> of the {Pharisees} <5330> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Why <5101> do ye <4160> (5719) that which <3739> is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to do <4160> (5721) on <1722> the sabbath days <4521>?

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_07_30 But <1161> the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> lawyers <3544> rejected <0114> (5656) the counsel <1012> of God <2316> against <1519> themselves <1438>, being <0907> <0> not <3361> baptized <0907> (5685) of <5259> him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_07_01 Then <2532> came together <4863> (5743) unto <4314> him <0846> the {Pharisees} <5330>, and <2532> certain <5100> of the scribes <1122>, which came <2064> (5631) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_05_30 But <2532> their <0846> scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330> murmured <1111> (5707) against <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101>, saying <3004> (5723), Why <1302> do ye eat <2068> (5719) and <2532> drink <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>?

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_12_19 The {Pharisees} <5330> therefore <3767> said <2036> (5627) among <4314> themselves <1438>, Perceive ye <2334> (5719) (5720) how <3754> ye prevail <5623> (5719) nothing <3756> <3762>? behold <2396>, the world <2889> is gone <0565> (5627) after <3694> him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_12_42 Nevertheless <3676> <3305> among <1537> the chief rulers <0758> also <2532> many <4183> believed <4100> (5656) on <1519> him <0846>; but <0235> because <1223> of the {Pharisees} <5330> they did <3670> <0> not <3756> confess <3670> (5707) him, lest <3363> they should be <1096> (5638) put out of the synagogue <0656>:

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_08_13 The {Pharisees} <5330> therefore <3767> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Thou <4771> bearest record <3140> (5719) of <4012> thyself <4572>; thy <4675> record <3141> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> true <0227>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_06_07 And <1161> the scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330> watched <3906> (5707) him <0846>, whether <1487> he would heal <2323> (5692) on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>; that <2443> they might find <2147> (5632) an accusation <2724> against him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_12_14 Then <1161> the {Pharisees} <5330> went out <1831> (5631), and held <2983> (5627) a council <4824> against <2596> him <0846>, how <3704> they might destroy <0622> (5661) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_09_15 Then <3767> again <3825> the {Pharisees} <5330> also <2532> asked <2065> (5707) him <0846> how <4459> he had received his sight <0308> (5656). <1161> He said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, He put <2007> (5656) clay <4081> upon <1909> mine <3450> eyes <3788>, and <2532> I washed <3538> (5668), and <2532> do see <0991> (5719).

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_18_03 Judas <2455> then <3767>, having received <2983> (5631) a band <4686> of men and <2532> officers <5257> from <1537> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, cometh <2064> (5736) thither <1563> with <3326> lanterns <5322> and <2532> torches <2985> and <2532> weapons <3696>.

Pharisees ^ 44_ACT_23_08 For <1063> <3303> the Sadducees <4523> say <3004> (5719) that there is <1511> (5750) no <3361> resurrection <0386>, neither <3366> angel <0032>, nor <3383> spirit <4151>: but <1161> the {Pharisees} <5330> confess <3670> (5719) both <0297>.

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_09_13 They brought <0071> (5719) to <4314> the {Pharisees} <5330> him <0846> that aforetime <4218> was blind <5185>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_05_17 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633) on <1722> a certain <3391> day <2250>, as <2532> he <0846> was <2258> (5713) teaching <1321> (5723), that <2532> there were <2258> (5713) {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> doctors of the law <3547> sitting by <2521> (5740), which <3739> were <2258> (5713) come <2064> (5756) out of <1537> every <3956> town <2968> of Galilee <1056>, and <2532> Judaea <2449>, and <2532> Jerusalem <2419>: and <2532> the power <1411> of the Lord <2962> was <2258> (5713) present to <1519> heal <2390> (5738) them <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_02_24 And <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> said <3004> (5707) unto him <0846>, Behold <2396>, why <5101> do they <4160> (5719) on <1722> the sabbath day <4521> that which <3739> is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748)?

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_03_06 And <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> went forth <1831> (5631), and straightway <2112> took <4160> (5707) counsel <4824> with <3326> the Herodians <2265> against <2596> him <0846>, how <3704> they might destroy <0622> (5661) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_09_11 And <2532> when the {Pharisees} <5330> saw <1492> (5631) it, they said <2036> (5627) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, Why <1302> eateth <2068> (5719) your <5216> Master <1320> with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>?

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_09_14 Then <5119> came <4334> (5736) to him <0846> the disciples <3101> of John <2491>, saying <3004> (5723), Why <1302> do we <2249> and <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> fast <3522> (5719) oft <4183>, but <1161> thy <4675> disciples <3101> fast <3522> (5719) not <3756>?

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_09_34 But <1161> the {Pharisees} <5330> said <3004> (5707), He casteth out <1544> (5719) devils <1140> through <1722> the prince <0758> of the devils <1140>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_22_15 Then <5119> went <4198> (5679) the {Pharisees} <5330>, and took <2983> (5627) counsel <4824> how <3704> they might entangle <3802> (5661) him <0846> in <1722> his talk <3056>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_22_34 But <1161> when the {Pharisees} <5330> had heard <0191> (5660) that <3754> he had put <5392> <0> the Sadducees <4523> to silence <5392> (5656), they were gathered together <4863> (5681) <1909> <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_13 But <1161> woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye shut up <2808> (5719) the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> against <1715> men <0444>: for <1063> ye <5210> neither <3761> go in <1525> (5736) yourselves, neither <3756> suffer ye <0863> (5719) them that are entering <1525> (5740) to go in <1525> (5629).

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_07_32 The {Pharisees} <5330> heard <0191> (5656) that the people <3793> murmured <1111> (5723) such things <5023> concerning <4012> him <0846>; and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> the chief priests <0749> sent <0649> (5656) officers <5257> to <2443> take <4084> (5661) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_07_45 Then <3767> came <2064> (5627) the officers <5257> to <4314> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>; and <2532> they <1565> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Why <1302> have ye <0071> <0> not <3756> brought <0071> (5627) him <0846>?

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_07_32 The Pharisees <5330> heard <0191> (5656) that the people <3793> murmured <1111> (5723) such things <5023> concerning <4012> him <0846>; and <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> the chief priests <0749> sent <0649> (5656) officers <5257> to <2443> take <4084> (5661) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_07_47 Then <3767> answered <0611> (5662) them <0846> the {Pharisees} <5330>, Are <4105> <0> ye <5210> also <2532> deceived <4105> (5769) <3361>?

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_09_16 Therefore <3767> said <3004> (5707) some <5100> of <1537> the {Pharisees} <5330>, This <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> of <3844> God <2316>, because <3754> he keepeth <5083> (5719) not <3756> the sabbath day <4521>. Others <0243> said <3004> (5707), How <4459> can <1410> (5736) a man <0444> that is a sinner <0268> do <4160> (5721) such <5108> miracles <4592>? And <2532> there was <2258> (5713) a division <4978> among <1722> them <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_12_13 And <2532> they send <0649> (5719) unto <4314> him <0846> certain <5100> of the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> of the Herodians <2265>, to <2443> catch <0064> (5661) him <0846> in his words <3056>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_05_20 For <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> except <3362> your <5216> righteousness <1343> shall exceed <4052> (5661) <4119> the righteousness of the scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, ye shall in no case <3364> enter <1525> (5632) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_16_11 How <4459> is it that <3754> ye do <3539> <0> not <3756> understand <3539> (5719) that I spake <2036> (5627) it not <3756> to you <5213> concerning <4012> bread <0740>, that ye should beware <4337> (5721) of <0575> the leaven <2219> of the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> of the Sadducees <4523>?

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_01_24 And <2532> they which <3588> were sent <0649> (5772) were <2258> (5713) of <1537> the {Pharisees} <5330>.

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_04_01 When <5613> therefore <3767> the Lord <2962> knew <1097> (5627) how <3754> the {Pharisees} <5330> had heard <0191> (5656) that <3754> Jesus <2424> made <4160> (5719) and <2532> baptized <0907> (5719) more <4119> disciples <3101> than <2228> John <2491>,

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_07_48 Have any <3387> of <1537> the rulers <0758> or <2228> of <1537> the {Pharisees} <5330> believed <4100> (5656) on <1519> him <0846>?

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_08_03 And <1161> the scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330> brought <0071> (5719) unto <4314> him <0846> a woman <1135> taken <2638> (5772) in <1722> adultery <3430>; and <2532> when they had set <2476> (5660) her <0846> in <1722> the midst <3319>,

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_11_57 Now <1161> both <2532> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> had given <1325> (5715) a commandment <1785>, that <2443>, if <1437> any man <5100> knew <1097> (5632) where <4226> he were <2076> (5748), he should shew <3377> (5661) it, that <3704> they might take <4084> (5661) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_11_46 But <1161> some <5100> of <1537> them <0846> went their ways <0565> (5627) to <4314> the {Pharisees} <5330>, and <2532> told <2036> (5627) them <0846> what things <3739> Jesus <2424> had done <4160> (5656).

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_11_47 Then <3767> gathered <4863> (5627) the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> a council <4892>, and <2532> said <3004> (5707), What <5101> do we <4160> (5719)? for <3754> this <3778> man <0444> doeth <4160> (5719) many <4183> miracles <4592>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_07_36 And <1161> one <5100> of the {Pharisees} <5330> desired <2065> (5707) him <0846> that <2443> he would eat <5315> (5632) with <3326> him <0846>. And <2532> he went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the Pharisee's <5330> house <3614>, and sat down to meat <0347> (5681).

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_02_16 And <2532> when the scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330> saw <1492> (5631) him <0846> eat <2068> (5723) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>, they said <3004> (5707) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, How <5101> is it that <3754> he eateth <2068> (5719) and <2532> drinketh <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>?

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_02_18 And <2532> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> and <2532> of the Pharisees <5330> used <2258> (5713) to fast <3522> (5723): and <2532> they come <2064> (5736) and <2532> say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Why do <1302> <3522> <0> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> and <2532> of the {Pharisees} <5330> fast <3522> (5719), but <1161> thy <4674> disciples <3101> fast <3522> (5719) not <3756>?

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_07_03 For <1063> the {Pharisees} <5330>, and <2532> all <3956> the Jews <2453>, except <3362> they wash <3538> (5672) their hands <5495> oft <4435>, eat <2068> (5719) not <3756>, holding <2902> (5723) the tradition <3862> of the elders <4245>.

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_07_05 Then <1899> the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> scribes <1122> asked <1905> (5719) him <0846>, Why <1302> walk <4043> (5719) not <3756> thy <4675> disciples <3101> according <2596> to the tradition <3862> of the elders <4245>, but <0235> eat <2068> (5719) bread <0740> with unwashen <0449> hands <5495>?

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_10_02 And <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> came to him <4334> (5631), and asked <1905> (5656) him <0846>, Is it <1487> lawful <1832> (5748) for a man <0435> to put away <0630> (5658) his wife <1135>? tempting <3985> (5723) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_03_07 But <1161> when he saw <1492> (5631) many <4183> of the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> Sadducees <4523> come <2064> (5740) to <1909> his <0846> baptism <0908>, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, O generation <1081> of vipers <2191>, who <5101> hath warned <5263> (5656) you <5213> to flee <5343> (5629) from <0575> the wrath <3709> to come <3195> (5723)?

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_12_02 But <1161> when the {Pharisees} <5330> saw <1492> (5631) it, they said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Behold <2400> (5628), thy <4675> disciples <3101> do <4160> (5719) that which <3739> is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to do <4160> (5721) upon <1722> the sabbath day <4521>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_12_24 But <1161> when the {Pharisees} <5330> heard <0191> (5660) it, they said <2036> (5627), This <3778> fellow doth <1544> <0> not <3756> cast out <1544> (5719) devils <1140>, but <1508> by <1722> Beelzebub <0954> the prince <0758> of the devils <1140>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_19_03 The {Pharisees} <5330> also <2532> came <4334> (5656) unto him <0846>, tempting <3985> (5723) him <0846>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Is it lawful <1487> <1832> (5748) for a man <0444> to put away <0630> (5658) his <0846> wife <1135> for <2596> every <3956> cause <0156>?

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_21_45 And <2532> when the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330> had heard <0191> (5660) his <0846> parables <3850>, they perceived <1097> (5627) that <3754> he spake <3004> (5719) of <4012> them <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_14 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye devour <2719> (5719) widows <5503> houses <3614>, and <2532> for a pretence <4392> make <4336> <0> long <3117> prayer <4336> (5740): therefore <1223> <5124> ye shall receive <2983> (5695) the greater <4055> damnation <2917>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_02 Saying <3004> (5723), The scribes <1122> and <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> sit <2523> (5656) in <1909> Moses <3475> seat <2515>:

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_19_39 And <2532> some <5100> of the {Pharisees} <5330> from <0575> among the multitude <3793> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Master <1320>, rebuke <2008> (5657) thy <4675> disciples <3101>.

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_08_11 And <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> came forth <1831> (5627), and <2532> began <0756> (5662) to question <4802> (5721) with him <0846>, seeking <2212> (5723) of <3844> him <0846> a sign <4592> from <0575> heaven <3772>, tempting <3985> (5723) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_16_06 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Take heed <3708> (5720) and <2532> beware <4337> (5720) of <0575> the leaven <2219> of the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> of the Sadducees <4523>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_16_01 The {Pharisees} <5330> also <2532> with the Sadducees <4523> came <4334> (5631), and <2532> tempting <3985> (5723) desired <1905> (5656) him <0846> that he would shew <1925> (5658) them <0846> a sign <4592> from <1537> heaven <3772>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_14_03 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answering <0611> (5679) spake <2036> (5627) unto <4314> the lawyers <3544> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, saying <3004> (5723), Is it <1487> lawful <1832> (5748) to heal <2323> (5721) on the sabbath day <4521>?

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_02_18 And <2532> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> and <2532> of the {Pharisees} <5330> used <2258> (5713) to fast <3522> (5723): and <2532> they come <2064> (5736) and <2532> say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Why do <1302> <3522> <0> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> and <2532> of the Pharisees <5330> fast <3522> (5719), but <1161> thy <4674> disciples <3101> fast <3522> (5719) not <3756>?

Pharisees ^ 41_MAR_08_15 And <2532> he charged <1291> (5710) them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Take heed <3708> (5720), beware <0991> (5720) of <0575> the leaven <2219> of the {Pharisees} <5330>, and <2532> of the leaven <2219> of Herod <2264>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_12_38 Then <5119> certain <5100> of the scribes <1122> and <2532> of the {Pharisees} <5330> answered <0611> (5662), saying <3004> (5723), Master <1320>, we would <2309> (5719) see <1492> (5629) a sign <4592> from <0575> thee <4675>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_15_01 Then <5119> came <4334> (5736) to Jesus <2424> scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, which were of <0575> Jerusalem <2414>, saying <3004> (5723),

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_15_12 Then <5119> came <4334> (5631) his <0846> disciples <3101>, and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Knowest thou <1492> (5758) that <3754> the {Pharisees} <5330> were offended <4624> (5681), after they heard <0191> (5660) this saying <3056>?

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_16_12 Then <5119> understood they <4920> (5656) how that <3754> he bade <2036> (5627) them not <3756> beware <4337> (5721) of <0575> the leaven <2219> of bread <0740>, but <0235> of <0575> the doctrine <1322> of the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> of the Sadducees <4523>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_22_41 While <1161> the {Pharisees} <5330> were gathered together <4863> (5772), Jesus <2424> asked <1905> (5656) them <0846>,

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_15 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye compass <4013> (5719) sea <2281> and <2532> land <3584> to make <4160> (5658) one <1520> proselyte <4339>, and <2532> when <3752> he is made <1096> (5638), ye make <4160> (5719) him <0846> twofold more <1362> the child <5207> of hell <1067> than yourselves <5216>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_11_44 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) as <5613> graves <3419> which <3588> appear not <0082>, and <2532> the men <0444> that walk <4043> (5723) over <1883> them are <1492> <0> not <3756> aware <1492> (5758) of them.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_11_53 And <1161> as he <0846> said <3004> (5723) these things <5023> unto <4314> them <0846>, the scribes <1122> and <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> began <0756> (5662) to urge <1758> (5721) him vehemently <1171>, and <2532> to provoke <0653> <0> him <0846> to speak <0653> (5721) of <4012> many things <4119>:

Pharisees ^ 43_JOH_09_40 And <2532> some of <1537> the {Pharisees} <5330> which <3588> were <5607> (5752) with <3326> him <0846> heard <0191> (5656) these words <5023>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Are <3361> <2070> (5748) we <2249> blind <5185> also <2532>?

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_12_01 In <1722> the mean time <3739>, when there were gathered together <1996> (5685) an innumerable multitude <3461> of people <3793>, insomuch that <5620> they trode <2662> (5721) one upon another <0240>, he began <0756> (5662) to say <3004> (5721) unto <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101> first of all <4412>, Beware <4337> (5720) ye <1438> of <0575> the leaven <2219> of the {Pharisees} <5330>, which <3748> is <2076> (5748) hypocrisy <5272>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_14_01 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as <1722> he <0846> went <2064> (5629) into <1519> the house <3624> of one <5100> of the chief <0758> {Pharisees} <5330> to eat <5315> (5629) bread <0740> on the sabbath <4521> day, that <2532> they <0846> watched <2258> (5713) <3906> (5734) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_15_02 And <2532> the {Pharisees} <5330> and <2532> scribes <1122> murmured <1234> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), This man <3754> <3778> receiveth <4327> (5736) sinners <0268>, and <2532> eateth <4906> (5719) with them <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_11_39 And <1161> the Lord <2962> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Now <3568> do <2511> <0> ye <5210> {Pharisees} <5330> make clean <2511> (5719) the outside <1855> of the cup <4221> and <2532> the platter <4094>; but <1161> your <5216> inward part <2081> is full <1073> (5719) of ravening <0724> and <2532> wickedness <4189>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_11_42 But <0235> woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {Pharisees} <5330>! for <3754> ye tithe <0586> (5719) mint <2238> and <2532> rue <4076> and <2532> all manner <3956> of herbs <3001>, and <2532> pass over <3928> (5736) judgment <2920> and <2532> the love <0026> of God <2316>: these <5023> ought ye <1163> (5713) to have done <4160> (5658), and not <3361> to leave <0863> <0> the other <2548> undone <0863> (5721).

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_11_43 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {Pharisees} <5330>! for <3754> ye love <0025> (5719) the uppermost seats <4410> in <1722> the synagogues <4864>, and <2532> greetings <0783> in <1722> the markets <0058>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_13_31 The same <1722> <0846> day <2250> there came <4334> (5656) certain <5100> of the {Pharisees} <5330>, saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Get thee out <1831> (5628), and <2532> depart <4198> (5737) hence <1782>: for <3754> Herod <2264> will <2309> (5719) kill <0615> (5658) thee <4571>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_16_14 And <1161> the {Pharisees} <5330> also <2532>, who were <5225> (5723) covetous <5366>, heard <0191> (5707) all <3956> these things <5023>: and <2532> they derided <1592> (5707) him <0846>.

Pharisees ^ 42_LUK_17_20 And <1161> when he was demanded <1905> (5685) of <5259> the {Pharisees} <5330>, when <4219> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316> should come <2064> (5736), he answered <0611> (5662) them <0846> and <2532> said <2036> (5627), The kingdom <0932> of God <2316> cometh <2064> (5736) not <3756> with <3326> observation <3907>:

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_23 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye pay tithe <0586> (5719) of mint <2238> and <2532> anise <0432> and <2532> cummin <2951>, and <2532> have omitted <0863> (5656) the weightier <0926> matters of the law <3551>, judgment <2920>, <2532> mercy <1656>, and <2532> faith <4102>: these <5023> ought ye <1163> (5713) to have done <4160> (5658), and not <3361> to leave <0863> <0> the other <2548> undone <0863> (5721).

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_25 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye make clean <2511> (5719) the outside <1855> of the cup <4221> and <2532> of the platter <3953>, but <1161> within <2081> they are full <1073> (5719) of <1537> extortion <0724> and <2532> excess <0192>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_27 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye are like <3945> (5719) unto whited <2867> (5772) sepulchres <5028>, which <3748> indeed <3303> appear <5316> (5727) beautiful <5611> outward <1855>, but <1161> are within <2081> full <1073> (5719) of dead <3498> men's bones <3747>, and <2532> of all <3956> uncleanness <0167>.

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_23_29 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! because <3754> ye build <3618> (5719) the tombs <5028> of the prophets <4396>, and <2532> garnish <2885> (5719) the sepulchres <3419> of the righteous <1342>,

Pharisees ^ 40_MAT_27_62 Now <1161> the next day <1887>, that <3748> followed <2076> (5748) <3326> the day of the preparation <3904>, the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {Pharisees} <5330> came together <4863> (5681) unto <4314> Pilate <4091>,

rise ^ 46_1CO_15_15 Yea <1161>, and <2532> we are found <2147> (5743) false witnesses <5575> of God <2316>; because <3754> we have testified <3140> (5656) of <2596> God <2316> that <3754> he raised up <1453> (5656) Christ <5547>: whom <3739> he raised <1453> <0> not <3756> up <1453> (5656), if <1512> so be <0686> that the dead <3498> {rise} <1453> (5743) not <3756>.

rise ^ 46_1CO_15_16 For <1063> if <1487> the dead <3498> {rise} <1453> (5743) not <3756>, then is <1453> <0> not <3761> Christ <5547> raised <1453> (5769):

rise ^ 46_1CO_15_29 Else <1893> what <5101> shall they do <4160> (5692) which are baptized <0907> (5746) for <5228> the dead <3498>, if <1487> the dead <3498> {rise} <1453> (5743) not <3756> at all <3654>? why <5101> <2532> are they then baptized <0907> (5743) for <5228> the dead <3498>?

rise ^ 46_1CO_15_32 If <1487> after the manner <2596> of men <0444> I have fought with beasts <2341> (5656) at <1722> Ephesus <2181>, what <5101> advantageth it <3786> me <3427>, if <1487> the dead <3498> {rise} <1453> (5743) not <3756>? let us eat <5315> (5632) and <2532> drink <4095> (5632); for <1063> to morrow <0839> we die <0599> (5719).

rise ^ 52_1TH_04_16 For <3754> the Lord <2962> himself <0846> shall descend <2597> (5695) from <0575> heaven <3772> with <1722> a shout <2752>, with <1722> the voice <5456> of the archangel <0743>, and <2532> with <1722> the trump <4536> of God <2316>: and <2532> the dead <3498> in <1722> Christ <5547> shall {rise} <0450> (5698) first <4412>:

Rise ^ 44_ACT_10_13 And <2532> there came <1096> (5633) a voice <5456> to <4314> him <0846>, {Rise} <0450> (5631), Peter <4074>; kill <2380> (5657), and <2532> eat <5315> (5628).

rise ^ 44_ACT_03_06 Then <1161> Peter <4074> said <2036> (5627), Silver <0694> and <2532> gold <5553> have <5225> (5719) I <3427> none <3756>; but <1161> such as <3739> <5124> I have <2192> (5719) give I <1325> (5719) thee <4671>: In <1722> the name <3686> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> of Nazareth <3480> {rise} up <1453> (5669) and <2532> walk <4043> (5720).

rise ^ 44_ACT_26_16 But <0235> {rise} <0450> (5628), and <2532> stand <2476> (5628) upon <1909> thy <4675> feet <4228>: for <1063> I have appeared <3700> (5681) unto thee <4671> for <1519> this purpose <5124>, to make <4400> (5664) thee <4571> a minister <5257> and <2532> a witness <3144> both <5037> of these things which <3739> thou hast seen <1492> (5627), and <5037> of those things in the which <3739> I will appear <3700> (5701) unto thee <4671>;

rise ^ 44_ACT_26_23 That <1487> Christ <5547> should suffer <3805>, and that <1487> he should be the first <4413> that should {rise} <0386> from <1537> the dead <3498>, and should <3195> (5719) shew <2605> (5721) light <5457> unto the people <2992>, and <2532> to the Gentiles <1484>.

rise ^ 58_HEB_07_11 If <1487> <3303> therefore <3767> perfection <5050> were <2258> (5713) by <1223> the Levitical <3020> priesthood <2420>, (for <1063> under <1909> it <0846> the people <2992> received the law <3549> (5718),) what <5101> further <2089> need <5532> was there that another <2087> priest <2409> should {rise} <0450> (5733) after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>, and <2532> not <3756> be called <3004> (5745) after <2596> the order <5010> of Aaron <2>?

Rise ^ 43_JOH_05_08 Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, {Rise} <1453> (5669), take up <0142> (5657) thy <4675> bed <2895>, and <2532> walk <4043> (5720).

rise ^ 43_JOH_11_23 Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto her <0846>, Thy <4675> brother <0080> shall {rise} again <0450> (5698).

rise ^ 43_JOH_11_24 Martha <3136> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, I know <1492> (5758) that <3754> he shall {rise} again <0450> (5698) in <1722> the resurrection <0386> at <1722> the last <2078> day <2250>.

rise ^ 43_JOH_20_09 For <1063> as yet <3764> <0> they knew <1492> (5715) not <3764> the scripture <1124>, that <3754> he <0846> must <1163> (5748) {rise} again <0450> (5629) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

Rise ^ 42_LUK_05_23 Whether <5101> is <2076> (5748) easier <2123>, to say <2036> (5629), Thy <4675> sins <0266> be forgiven <0863> (5769) thee <4671>; or <2228> to say <2036> (5629), {Rise} up <1453> (5669) and <2532> walk <4043> (5720)?

Rise ^ 42_LUK_06_08 But <1161> he <0846> knew <1492> (5715) their <0846> thoughts <1261>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) to the man <0444> which <3588> had <2192> (5723) the withered <3584> hand <5495>, {Rise} up <1453> (5669), and <2532> stand forth <2476> (5628) in <1519> the midst <3319>. And <1161> he arose <0450> (5631) and stood forth <2476> (5627).

rise ^ 42_LUK_11_07 And he <2548> from within <2081> shall answer <0611> (5679) and say <2036> (5632), Trouble <2873> <3930> (5720) me <3427> not <3361>: the door <2374> is <2808> <0> now <2235> shut <2808> (5769), and <2532> my <3450> children <3813> are <1526> (5748) with <3326> me <1700> in <1519> bed <2845>; I cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) {rise} <0450> (5631) and give <1325> (5629) thee <4671>.

rise ^ 42_LUK_11_08 I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Though <1499> he will <1453> <0> not <3756> rise <1453> (5685) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846>, because <1223> he is <1511> (5750) his <0846> friend <5384>, yet <1065> because <1223> of his <0846> importunity <0335> he will {rise} <0450> (5631) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846> as many as <3745> he needeth <5535> (5719).

rise ^ 42_LUK_11_08 I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Though <1499> he will <1453> <0> not <3756> {rise} <1453> (5685) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846>, because <1223> he is <1511> (5750) his <0846> friend <5384>, yet <1065> because <1223> of his <0846> importunity <0335> he will rise <0450> (5631) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846> as many as <3745> he needeth <5535> (5719).

rise ^ 42_LUK_11_31 The queen <0938> of the south <3558> shall {rise} up <1453> (5701) in <1722> the judgment <2920> with <3326> the men <0435> of this <5026> generation <1074>, and <2532> condemn <2632> (5692) them <0846>: for <3754> she came <2064> (5627) from <1537> the utmost parts <4009> of the earth <1093> to hear <0191> (5658) the wisdom <4678> of Solomon <4672>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Solomon <4672> is here <5602>.

rise ^ 42_LUK_11_32 The men <0435> of Nineve <3535> shall {rise} up <0450> (5698) in <1722> the judgment <2920> with <3326> this <5026> generation <1074>, and <2532> shall condemn <2632> (5692) it <0846>: for <3754> they repented <3340> (5656) at <1519> the preaching <2782> of Jonas <2495>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Jonas <2495> is here <5602>.

rise ^ 42_LUK_12_54 And <1161> he said <3004> (5707) also <2532> to the people <3793>, When <3752> ye see <1492> (5632) a cloud <3507> {rise} <0393> (5723) out of <0575> the west <1424>, straightway <2112> ye say <3004> (5719), There cometh <2064> (5736) a shower <3655>; and <2532> so <3779> it is <1096> (5736).

rise ^ 42_LUK_18_33 And <2532> they shall scourge <3146> (5660) him, and put <0615> <0> him <0846> to death <0615> (5692): and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> he shall {rise} again <0450> (5698).

rise ^ 42_LUK_21_10 Then <5119> said he <3004> (5707) unto them <0846>, Nation <1484> shall {rise} <1453> (5701) against <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> against <1909> kingdom <0932>:

rise ^ 42_LUK_22_46 And <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Why <5101> sleep ye <2518> (5719)? {rise} <0450> (5631) and pray <4336> (5737), lest <3363> ye enter <1525> (5632) into <1519> temptation <3986>.

rise ^ 42_LUK_24_07 Saying <3004> (5723), <3754> The Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) be delivered <3860> (5683) into <1519> the hands <5495> of sinful <0268> men <0444>, and <2532> be crucified <4717> (5683), and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> {rise} again <0450> (5629).

rise ^ 42_LUK_24_46 And <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Thus <3754> <3779> it is written <1125> (5769), and <2532> thus <3779> it behoved <1163> (5713) Christ <5547> to suffer <3958> (5629), and <2532> to {rise} <0450> (5629) from <1537> the dead <3498> the third <5154> day <2250>:

Rise ^ 41_MAR_14_42 {Rise} up <1453> (5728), let us go <0071> (5725); lo <2400> (5628), he that betrayeth <3860> (5723) me <3165> is at hand <1448> (5758).

rise ^ 41_MAR_03_26 And <2532> if <1487> Satan <4567> {rise} up <0450> (5627) against <1909> himself <1438>, and <2532> be divided <3307> (5769), he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) stand <2476> (5683), but <0235> hath <2192> (5719) an end <5056>.

rise ^ 41_MAR_04_27 And <2532> should sleep <2518> (5725), and <2532> {rise} <1453> (5747) night <3571> and <2532> day <2250>, and <2532> the seed <4703> should spring <0985> (5725) and <2532> grow up <3373> (5747), he <0846> knoweth <1492> (5758) not <3756> how <5613>.

rise ^ 41_MAR_08_31 And <2532> he began <0756> (5662) to teach <1321> (5721) them <0846>, that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183>, and <2532> be rejected <0593> (5683) of <0575> the elders <4245>, and <2532> of the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> scribes <1122>, and <2532> be killed <0615> (5683), and <2532> after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> {rise} again <0450> (5629).

rise ^ 41_MAR_09_31 For <1063> he taught <1321> (5707) his <0846> disciples <3101>, and <2532> said <3004> (5707) unto them <0846>, <3754> The Son <5207> of man <0444> is delivered <3860> (5743) into <1519> the hands <5495> of men <0444>, and <2532> they shall kill <0615> (5692) him <0846>; and <2532> after that he is killed <0615> (5685), he shall {rise} <0450> (5698) the third <5154> day <2250>.

rise ^ 41_MAR_10_34 And <2532> they shall mock <1702> (5692) him <0846>, and <2532> shall scourge <3146> (5692) him <0846>, and <2532> shall spit upon <1716> (5692) him <0846>, and <2532> shall kill <0615> (5692) him <0846>: and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> he shall {rise} again <0450> (5698).

rise ^ 41_MAR_10_49 And <2532> Jesus <2424> stood still <2476> (5631), and commanded <2036> (5627) him <0846> to be called <5455> (5683). And <2532> they call <5455> (5719) the blind man <5185>, saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Be of good comfort <2293> (5720), {rise} <1453> (5669); he calleth <5455> (5719) thee <4571>.

rise ^ 41_MAR_12_23 In <1722> the resurrection <0386> therefore <3767>, when <3752> they shall {rise} <0450> (5632), whose <5101> wife <1135> shall she be <2071> (5704) of them <0846>? for <1063> the seven <2033> had <2192> (5627) her <0846> to wife <1135>.

rise ^ 41_MAR_12_25 For <1063> when <3752> they shall {rise} <0450> (5632) from <1537> the dead <3498>, they neither <3777> marry <1060> (5719), nor <3777> are given in marriage <1061> (5743); but <0235> are <1526> (5748) as <5613> the angels <0032> which <3588> are in <1722> heaven <3772>.

rise ^ 41_MAR_12_26 And <1161> as touching <4012> the dead <3498>, that <3754> they {rise} <1453> (5743): have ye <0314> <0> not <3756> read <0314> (5627) in <1722> the book <0976> of Moses <3475>, how <5613> in <1909> the bush <0942> God <2316> spake <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), I <1473> am the God <2316> of Abraham <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Isaac <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>?

rise ^ 41_MAR_13_08 For <1063> nation <1484> shall {rise} <1453> (5701) against <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> against <1909> kingdom <0932>: and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) earthquakes <4578> in divers <2596> places <5117>, and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) famines <3042> and <2532> troubles <5016>: these <5023> are the beginnings <0746> of sorrows <5604>.

rise ^ 41_MAR_13_12 Now <1161> the brother <0080> shall betray <3860> (5692) the brother <0080> to <1519> death <2288>, and <2532> the father <3962> the son <5043>; and <2532> children <5043> shall {rise} up <1881> (5695) against <1909> their parents <1118>, and <2532> shall cause <2289> <0> them <0846> to be put to death <2289> (5692).

rise ^ 41_MAR_13_22 For <1063> false Christs <5580> and <2532> false prophets <5578> shall {rise} <1453> (5701), and <2532> shall shew <1325> (5692) signs <4592> and <2532> wonders <5059>, to <4314> seduce <0635> (5721), if <1487> it were possible <1415>, even <2532> the elect <1588>.

Rise ^ 40_MAT_26_46 {Rise} <1453> (5728), let us be going <0071> (5725): behold <2400> (5628), he is at hand <1448> (5758) that doth betray <3860> (5723) me <3165>.

rise ^ 40_MAT_05_45 That <3704> ye may be <1096> (5638) the children <5207> of your <5216> Father <3962> which <3588> is in <1722> heaven <3772>: for <3754> he maketh <0393> <0> his <0846> sun <2246> to {rise} <0393> (5719) on <1909> the evil <4190> and <2532> on the good <0018>, and <2532> sendeth rain <1026> (5719) on <1909> the just <1342> and <2532> on the unjust <0094>.

rise ^ 40_MAT_10_21 And <1161> the brother <0080> shall deliver up <3860> (5692) the brother <0080> to <1519> death <2288>, and <2532> the father <3962> the child <5043>: and <2532> the children <5043> shall {rise} up <1881> (5695) against <1909> their parents <1118>, and <2532> cause <2289> <0> them <0846> to be put to death <2289> (5692).

rise ^ 40_MAT_12_41 The men <0435> of Nineveh <3536> shall {rise} <0450> (5698) in <1722> judgment <2920> with <3326> this <5026> generation <1074>, and <2532> shall condemn <2632> (5692) it <0846>: because <3754> they repented <3340> (5656) at <1519> the preaching <2782> of Jonas <2495>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Jonas <2495> is here <5602>.

rise ^ 40_MAT_12_42 The queen <0938> of the south <3558> shall {rise} up <1453> (5701) in <1722> the judgment <2920> with <3326> this <5026> generation <1074>, and <2532> shall condemn <2632> (5692) it <0846>: for <3754> she came <2064> (5627) from <1537> the uttermost parts <4009> of the earth <1093> to hear <0191> (5658) the wisdom <4678> of Solomon <4672>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Solomon <4672> is here <5602>.

rise ^ 40_MAT_20_19 And <2532> shall deliver <3860> (5692) him <0846> to the Gentiles <1484> to <1519> mock <1702> (5658), and <2532> to scourge <3146> (5658), and <2532> to crucify <4717> (5658) him: and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> he shall {rise} again <0450> (5698).

rise ^ 40_MAT_24_07 For <1063> nation <1484> shall {rise} <1453> (5701) against <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> against <1909> kingdom <0932>: and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) famines <3042>, and <2532> pestilences <3061>, and <2532> earthquakes <4578>, in divers <2596> places <5117>.

rise ^ 40_MAT_24_11 And <2532> many <4183> false prophets <5578> shall {rise} <1453> (5701), and <2532> shall deceive <4105> (5692) many <4183>.

rise ^ 40_MAT_27_63 Saying <3004> (5723), Sir <2962>, we remember <3415> (5681) that <3754> that <1565> deceiver <4108> said <2036> (5627), while he was yet <2089> alive <2198> (5723), After <3326> three <5140> days <2250> I will {rise} again <1453> (5743).

Rise ^ 66_REV_11_01 And <2532> there was given <1325> (5681) me <3427> a reed <2563> like <3664> unto a rod <4464>: and <2532> the angel <0032> stood <2476> (5715), saying <3004> (5723), {Rise} <1453> (5669), and <2532> measure <3354> (5657) the temple <3485> of God <2316>, and <2532> the altar <2379>, and <2532> them that worship <4352> (5723) therein <1722> <0846>.

rise ^ 66_REV_13_01 And <2532> I stood <2476> (5681) upon <1909> the sand <0285> of the sea <2281>, and <2532> saw <1492> (5627) a beast <2342> {rise} up <0305> (5723) out of <1537> the sea <2281>, having <2192> (5723) seven <2033> heads <2776> and <2532> ten <1176> horns <2768>, and <2532> upon <1909> his <0846> horns <2768> ten <1176> crowns <1238>, and <2532> upon <1909> his <0846> heads <2776> the name <3686> of blasphemy <0988>.

rise ^ 45_ROM_15_12 And <2532> again <3825>, Esaias <2268> saith <3004> (5719), There shall be <2071> (5704) a root <4491> of Jesse <2421>, and <2532> he that shall {rise} <0450> (5734) to reign over <0757> (5721) the Gentiles <1484>; in <1909> him <0846> shall <1679> <0> the Gentiles <1484> trust <1679> (5692).

risen ^ 46_1CO_15_20 But <1161> now <3570> is <1453> <0> Christ <5547> {risen} <1453> (5769) from <1537> the dead <3498>, and become <1096> (5633) the firstfruits <0536> of them that slept <2837> (5772).

risen ^ 46_1CO_15_14 And <1161> if <1487> Christ <5547> be <1453> <0> not <3756> {risen} <1453> (5769), then <0686> is our <2257> preaching <2782> vain <2756>, and <2532> your <5216> faith <4102> is <1161> also <2532> vain <2756>.

risen ^ 46_1CO_15_13 But <1161> if <1487> there be <2076> (5748) no <3756> resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498>, then <3761> <0> is <1453> <0> Christ <5547> not <3761> {risen} <1453> (5769):

risen ^ 44_ACT_17_03 Opening <1272> (5723) and <2532> alleging <3908> (5734), that <3754> Christ <5547> must needs <1163> (5713) have suffered <3958> (5629), and <2532> {risen} again <0450> (5629) from <1537> the dead <3498>; and <2532> that <3754> this <3778> Jesus <2424>, whom <3739> I <1473> preach <2605> (5719) unto you <5213>, is <2076> (5748) Christ <5547>.

risen ^ 51_COL_02_12 Buried with <4916> (5651) him <0846> in <1722> baptism <0908>, wherein <1722> <3739> also <2532> ye are {risen} with <4891> (5681) him through <1223> the faith <4102> of the operation <1753> of God <2316>, who <3588> hath raised <1453> (5660) him <0846> from <1537> the dead <3498>.

risen ^ 51_COL_03_01 If <1487> ye <4891> <0> then <3767> be {risen} <4891> (5681) with Christ <5547>, seek <2212> (5720) those things which are above <0507>, where <3757> Christ <5547> sitteth <2076> (5748) <2521> (5740) on <1722> the right hand <1188> of God <2316>.

risen ^ 59_JAM_01_11 For <1063> the sun <2246> is no sooner {risen} <0393> (5656) with <4862> a burning heat <2742>, but <2532> it withereth <3583> (5656) the grass <5528>, and <2532> the flower <0438> thereof <0846> falleth <1601> (5627), and <2532> the grace <2143> of the fashion <4383> of it <0846> perisheth <0622> (5639): so <3779> also <2532> shall <3133> <0> the rich man <4145> fade away <3133> (5701) in <1722> his <0846> ways <4197>.

risen ^ 43_JOH_21_14 This <5124> is <5319> <0> now <2235> the third time <5154> that Jesus <2424> shewed himself <5319> (5681) to his <0846> disciples <3101>, after that he was {risen} <1453> (5685) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

risen ^ 43_JOH_02_22 When <3753> therefore <3767> he was {risen} <1453> (5681) from <1537> the dead <3498>, his <0846> disciples <3101> remembered <3415> (5681) that <3754> he had said <3004> (5707) this <5124> unto them <0846>; and <2532> they believed <4100> (5656) the scripture <1124>, and <2532> the word <3056> which <3739> Jesus <2424> had said <2036> (5627).

risen ^ 42_LUK_09_19 They <1161> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627), John <2491> the Baptist <0910>; but <1161> some <0243> say, Elias <2243>; and <1161> others <0243> say, that <3754> one <5100> of the old <0744> prophets <4396> is {risen} again <0450> (5627).

risen ^ 42_LUK_13_25 When once <0575> <3739> <0302> the master of the house <3617> is {risen} up <1453> (5686), and <2532> hath shut <0608> (5661) to the door <2374>, and <2532> ye begin <0756> (5672) to stand <2476> (5760) without <1854>, and <2532> to knock <2925> (5721) at the door <2374>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, Lord <2962>, open <0455> (5657) unto us <2254>; and <2532> he shall answer <0611> (5679) and say <2046> (5692) unto you <5213>, I know <1492> (5758) you <5209> not <3756> whence <4159> ye are <2075> (5748):

risen ^ 42_LUK_24_06 He is <2076> (5748) not <3756> here <5602>, but <0235> is {risen} <1453> (5681): remember <3415> (5682) how <5613> he spake <2980> (5656) unto you <5213> when he was <5607> (5752) yet <2089> in <1722> Galilee <1056>,

risen ^ 42_LUK_24_34 Saying <3004> (5723), <3754> The Lord <2962> is {risen} <1453> (5681) indeed <3689>, and <2532> hath appeared <3700> (5681) to Simon <4613>.

risen ^ 42_LUK_09_07 Now <1161> Herod <2264> the tetrarch <5076> heard <0191> (5656) of all <3956> that was done <1096> (5740) by <5259> him <0846>: and <2532> he was perplexed <1280> (5707), because <1223> that it was said <3004> (5745) of <5259> some <5100>, that <3754> John <2491> was {risen} <1453> (5769) from <1537> the dead <3498>;

risen ^ 42_LUK_09_08 And <1161> of <5259> some <5100>, that <3754> Elias <2243> had appeared <5316> (5648); and <1161> of others <0243>, that <3754> one <1520> of the old <0744> prophets <4396> was {risen} again <0450> (5627).

risen ^ 42_LUK_07_16 And <1161> there came <2983> (5627) a fear <5401> on all <0537>: and <2532> they glorified <1392> (5707) God <2316>, saying <3004> (5723), That <3754> a great <3173> prophet <4396> is {risen} up <1453> (5769) among <1722> us <2254>; and <2532>, That <3754> God <2316> hath visited <1980> (5662) his <0846> people <2992>.

risen ^ 40_MAT_27_64 Command <2753> (5657) therefore <3767> that the sepulchre <5028> be made sure <0805> (5683) until <2193> the third <5154> day <2250>, lest <3379> his <0846> disciples <3101> come <2064> (5631) by night <3571>, and steal <2813> <0> him <0846> away <2813> (5661), and <2532> say <2036> (5632) unto the people <2992>, He is {risen} <1453> (5681) from <0575> the dead <3498>: so <2532> the last <2078> error <4106> shall be <2071> (5704) worse than <5501> the first <4413>.

risen ^ 40_MAT_28_06 He is <2076> (5748) not <3756> here <5602>: for <1063> he is {risen} <1453> (5681), as <2531> he said <2036> (5627). Come <1205> (5773), see <1492> (5628) the place <5117> where <3699> the Lord <2962> lay <2749> (5711).

risen ^ 40_MAT_28_07 And <2532> go <4198> (5679) quickly <5035>, and tell <2036> (5628) his <0846> disciples <3101> that <3754> he is {risen} <1453> (5681) from <0575> the dead <3498>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), he goeth before <4254> (5719) you <5209> into <1519> Galilee <1056>; there <1563> shall ye see <3700> (5695) him <0846>: lo <2400> (5628), I have told <2036> (5627) you <5213>.

risen ^ 40_MAT_26_32 But <1161> after <3326> I <3165> am {risen} again <1453> (5683), I will go before <4254> (5692) you <5209> into <1519> Galilee <1056>.

risen ^ 41_MAR_06_16 But <1161> when Herod <2264> heard <0191> (5660) thereof, he said <2036> (5627), It <3778> is <2076> (5748) John <2491>, whom <3754> <3739> I <1473> beheaded <0607> (5656): he <0846> is {risen} <1453> (5681) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

risen ^ 41_MAR_09_09 And <1161> as they <0846> came down <2597> (5723) from <0575> the mountain <3735>, he charged <1291> (5668) them <0846> that <2443> they should tell <1334> (5667) no man <3367> what things <3739> they had seen <1492> (5627), till <1508> <3752> the Son <5207> of man <0444> were {risen} <0450> (5632) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

risen ^ 41_MAR_16_06 And <1161> he saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Be <1568> <0> not <3361> affrighted <1568> (5744): Ye seek <2212> (5719) Jesus <2424> of Nazareth <3479>, which <3588> was crucified <4717> (5772): he is {risen} <1453> (5681); he is <2076> (5748) not <3756> here <5602>: behold <2396> the place <5117> where <3699> they laid <5087> (5656) him <0846>.

risen ^ 41_MAR_16_09 Now <1161> when Jesus was {risen} <0450> (5631) early <4404> the first <4413> day of the week <4521>, he appeared <5316> (5648) first <4412> to Mary <3137> Magdalene <3094>, out of <0575> whom <3739> he had cast <1544> (5715) seven <2033> devils <1140>.

risen ^ 41_MAR_16_14 Afterward <5305> he appeared <5319> (5681) unto the eleven <1733> as they <0846> sat at meat <0345> (5740), and <2532> upbraided <3679> (5656) them with their <0846> unbelief <0570> and <2532> hardness of heart <4641>, because <3754> they believed <4100> (5656) not <3756> them which had seen <2300> (5666) him <0846> after he was {risen} <1453> (5772).

risen ^ 40_MAT_11_11 Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Among <1722> them that are born <1084> of women <1135> there hath <1453> <0> not <3756> {risen} <1453> (5769) a greater than <3187> John <2491> the Baptist <0910>: notwithstanding <1161> he that is least <3398> in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) greater than <3187> he <0846>.

risen ^ 40_MAT_14_02 And <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto his <0846> servants <3816>, This <3778> is <2076> (5748) John <2491> the Baptist <0910>; he <0846> is {risen} <1453> (5681) from <0575> the dead <3498>; and <2532> therefore <1223> <5124> mighty works <1411> do shew forth themselves <1754> (5719) in <1722> him <0846>.

risen ^ 40_MAT_17_09 And <2532> as they <0846> came down <2597> (5723) from <0575> the mountain <3735>, Jesus <2424> charged <1781> (5662) them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Tell <2036> (5632) the vision <3705> to no man <3367>, until <2193> <3739> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be {risen} again <0450> (5632) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

risen ^ 41_MAR_06_14 And <2532> king <0935> Herod <2264> heard <0191> (5656) of him; (for <1063> his <0846> name <3686> was <1096> (5633) spread abroad <5318>:) and <2532> he said <3004> (5707), That <3754> John <2491> the Baptist <0907> (5723) was {risen} <1453> (5681) from <1537> the dead <3498>, and <2532> therefore <1223> <5124> mighty works <1411> do shew forth themselves <1754> (5719) in <1722> him <0846>.

risen ^ 41_MAR_14_28 But <0235> after <3326> that I <3165> am {risen} <1453> (5683), I will go before <4254> (5692) you <5209> into <1519> Galilee <1056>.

risen ^ 45_ROM_08_34 Who <5101> is he that condemneth <2632> (5723) (5694)? It is Christ <5547> that died <0599> (5631), yea <1161> rather <3123> <2532>, that is {risen} again <1453> (5685), who <3739> is <2076> (5748) even <2532> at <1722> the right hand <1188> of God <2316>, who <3739> also <2532> maketh intercession <1793> (5719) for <5228> us <2257>.

riseth ^ 43_JOH_13_04 He {riseth} <1453> (5743) from <1537> supper <1173>, and <2532> laid aside <5087> (5719) his garments <2440>; and <2532> took <2983> (5631) a towel <3012>, and girded <1241> (5656) himself <1438>.