Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

En-Rimmon 05884 ## ` Eyn Rimmown {ane rim-mone'} ; from 05869 and 07416 ; fountain of a pomegranate ; {En-Rimmon} , a place in Palestine : -- En-rimmon .

En-rimmon 05884 ## ` Eyn Rimmown {ane rim-mone'} ; from 05869 and 07416 ; fountain of a pomegranate ; En-Rimmon , a place in Palestine : -- {En-rimmon} .

Gath-rimmon 01667 ## Gath-Rimmown {gath-rim-mone'} ; from 01660 and 07416 ; wine-press of (the) pomegranate ; Gath-Rimmon , a place in Palestine : -- {Gath-rimmon} .

Gath-Rimmon 01667 ## Gath-Rimmown {gath-rim-mone'} ; from 01660 and 07416 ; wine-press of (the) pomegranate ; {Gath-Rimmon} , a place in Palestine : -- Gath-rimmon .

Hadad-rimmon 01910 ## Hadadrimmown {had-ad-rim-mone'} ; from 01908 and 07417 ; Hadad-Rimmon , a place in Palestine : -- {Hadad-rimmon} .

Hadad-Rimmon 01910 ## Hadadrimmown {had-ad-rim-mone'} ; from 01908 and 07417 ; {Hadad-Rimmon} , a place in Palestine : -- Hadad-rimmon .

Rimmon 02886 ## Tabrimmown {tab-rim-mone'} ; from 02895 and 074l7 ; pleasing (to) {Rimmon} ; Tabrimmon , a Syrian : -- Tabrimmon .

rimmon 07416 ## rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or {rimmon} {rim-mone'} ; from 07426 ; a pomegranate , the tree (from its upright growth) or the fruit (also an artificial ornament) : -- pomegranate .

Rimmon 07417 ## Rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or (shorter) Rimmon {rim-mone'} ; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles 6 : 62 [ 00077 ]) {rim-mo-no'} ; the same as 07416 ; {Rimmon} , the name of a Syrian deity , also of five places in Palestine : -- Remmon , Rimmon . The addition "-methoar " (Josh . 19 : 13) is ham-m@tho'ar (ham-meth-o-awr') ; passive participle of 08388 with the article ; the (one) marked off , i . e . which pertains ; mistaken for part of the name .

Rimmon 07417 ## Rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or (shorter) Rimmon {rim-mone'} ; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles 6 : 62 [ 00077 ]) {rim-mo-no'} ; the same as 07416 ; Rimmon , the name of a Syrian deity , also of five places in Palestine : -- Remmon , {Rimmon} . The addition "-methoar " (Josh . 19 : 13) is ham-m@tho'ar (ham-meth-o-awr') ; passive participle of 08388 with the article ; the (one) marked off , i . e . which pertains ; mistaken for part of the name .

Rimmon 07417 ## Rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or (shorter) {Rimmon} {rim-mone'} ; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles 6 : 62 [ 00077 ]) {rim-mo-no'} ; the same as 07416 ; Rimmon , the name of a Syrian deity , also of five places in Palestine : -- Remmon , Rimmon . The addition "-methoar " (Josh . 19 : 13) is ham-m@tho'ar (ham-meth-o-awr') ; passive participle of 08388 with the article ; the (one) marked off , i . e . which pertains ; mistaken for part of the name .

Rimmon 07428 ## {Rimmon} Perets {rim-mone'peh'- rets} ; from 07416 and 06556 ; pomegranate of the breach ; Rimmon-Perets , a place in the Desert : -- Rimmon-parez .

Rimmon- 08388 ## ta'ar {taw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to delineate ; reflex . to extend : -- be drawn , mark out , [{Rimmon-}] methoar [by union with 074l7 ] .

Rimmon-parez 07428 ## Rimmon Perets {rim-mone'peh'- rets} ; from 07416 and 06556 ; pomegranate of the breach ; Rimmon-Perets , a place in the Desert : -- {Rimmon-parez} .

Rimmon-Perets 07428 ## Rimmon Perets {rim-mone'peh'- rets} ; from 07416 and 06556 ; pomegranate of the breach ; {Rimmon-Perets} , a place in the Desert : -- Rimmon-parez .

Tabrimmon 02886 ## Tabrimmown {tab-rim-mone'} ; from 02895 and 074l7 ; pleasing (to) Rimmon ; Tabrimmon , a Syrian : -- {Tabrimmon} .

Tabrimmon 02886 ## Tabrimmown {tab-rim-mone'} ; from 02895 and 074l7 ; pleasing (to) Rimmon ; {Tabrimmon} , a Syrian : -- Tabrimmon .