rewarded Gen_44_04 /^{rewarded /evil for good ?

rewarded Psa_07_04 /^{rewarded /evil unto him
that was at peace with me; him that without cause is mine enemy :

rewarded Isa_03_09 /^{rewarded /evil unto

rewarded 2Sa_22_21 /^{rewarded /me according to my
righteousness : according to the cleanness of my hands hath he
recompensed me.

rewarded Psa_18_20 /^{rewarded /me according to
my righteousness ; according to the cleanness of my hands hath
he recompensed me.

rewarded Psa_109_05 /^{rewarded /me evil for good
, and hatred for my love .

rewarded Psa_35_12 /^{rewarded /me evil for good
to the spoiling of my soul .

rewarded 1Sa_24_17 /^{rewarded /me good , whereas
I have rewarded thee evil .

rewarded Jer_31_16 /^{rewarded /saith the LORD ;
and they shall come again from the land of the enemy .

rewarded 1Sa_24_17 /^{rewarded /thee evil .

rewarded Psa_103_10 /^{rewarded /us according to
our iniquities .

rewarded Rev_18_06 /${rewarded /you , and double
unto her double according to her works : in the cup which she
hath filled fill to her double .
