Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
reward ^ 46_1CO_09_18 What <5101> is <2076> (5748) my <3427> {reward} <3408> then <3767>? Verily that <2443>, when I preach the gospel <2097> (5734), I may make <5087> (5661) the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547> without charge <0077>, that <1519> I abuse <2710> (5664) not <3361> my <3450> power <1849> in <1722> the gospel <2098>.

reward ^ 54_1TI_05_18 For <1063> the scripture <1124> saith <3004> (5719), Thou shalt <5392> <0> not <3756> muzzle <5392> (5692) the ox <1016> that treadeth out the corn <0248> (5723). And <2532>, The labourer <2040> is worthy <0514> of his <0846> {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 46_1CO_03_08 Now <1161> he that planteth <5452> (5723) and <2532> he that watereth <4222> (5723) are <1526> (5748) one <1520>: and <1161> every man <1538> shall receive <2983> (5695) his own <2398> {reward} <3408> according <2596> to his own <2398> labour <2873>.

reward ^ 46_1CO_09_17 For <1063> if <1487> I do <4238> (5719) this thing <5124> willingly <1635>, I have <2192> (5719) a {reward} <3408>: but <1161> if <1487> against my will <0210>, a dispensation <3622> of the gospel is committed unto me <4100> (5769).

reward ^ 46_1CO_03_14 If any man's <1536> work <2041> abide <3306> (5719) which <3739> he hath built <2026> (5656) thereupon, he shall receive <2983> (5695) a {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 63_2JO_01_08 Look <0991> (5720) to yourselves <1438>, that we lose <0622> (5661) not <3363> those things which <3739> we have wrought <2038> (5662), but <0235> that we receive <0618> (5632) a full <4134> {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 55_2TI_04_14 Alexander <0223> the coppersmith <5471> did <1731> (5668) me <3427> much <4183> evil <2556>: the Lord <2962> {reward} <0591> (5630) him <0846> according to <2596> his <0846> works <2041>:

reward ^ 61_2PE_02_13 And shall receive <2865> (5697) the {reward} <3408> of unrighteousness <0093>, as they that count <2233> (5740) it pleasure <2237> to riot <5172> in <1722> the day time <2250>. Spots <4696> they are and <2532> blemishes <3470>, sporting themselves <1792> (5723) with <1722> their own <0846> deceivings <0539> while they feast <4910> (5740) with you <5213>;

reward ^ 44_ACT_01_18 Now <3303> <3767> this man <3778> purchased <2932> (5662) a field <5564> with <1537> the {reward} <3408> of iniquity <0093>; and <2532> falling <1096> (5637) headlong <4248>, he burst asunder <2997> (5656) in the midst <3319>, and <2532> all <3956> his <0846> bowels <4698> gushed out <1632> (5681).

reward ^ 51_COL_02_18 Let <2603> <0> no man <3367> beguile <2603> <0> you <5209> of your {reward} <2603> (5720) in <1722> a voluntary <2309> (5723) humility <5012> and <2532> worshipping <2356> of angels <0032>, intruding into <1687> (5723) those things which <3739> he hath <3708> <0> not <3361> seen <3708> (5758), vainly <1500> puffed up <5448> (5746) by <5259> his <0846> fleshly <4561> mind <3563>,

reward ^ 51_COL_03_24 Knowing <1492> (5761) that <3754> of <0575> the Lord <2962> ye shall receive <0618> (5695) the {reward} <0469> of the inheritance <2817>: for <1063> ye serve <1398> (5719) the Lord <2962> Christ <5547>.

reward ^ 58_HEB_02_02 For <1063> if <1487> the word <3056> spoken <2980> (5685) by <1223> angels <0032> was <1096> (5633) stedfast <0949>, and <2532> every <3956> transgression <3847> and <2532> disobedience <3876> received <2983> (5627) a just <1738> recompence of {reward} <3405>;

reward ^ 58_HEB_10_35 Cast <0577> <0> not <3361> away <0577> (5632) therefore <3767> your <5216> confidence <3954>, which <3748> hath <2192> (5719) great <3173> recompence of {reward} <3405>.

reward ^ 58_HEB_11_26 Esteeming <2233> <0> the reproach <3680> of Christ <5547> greater <3187> riches <4149> than <2233> (5666) the treasures <2344> in <1722> Egypt <0125>: for <1063> he had respect <0578> (5707) unto <1519> the recompence of the {reward} <3405>.

reward ^ 65_JDE_01_11 Woe <3759> unto them <0846>! for <3754> they have gone <4198> (5675) in the way <3598> of Cain <2535>, and <2532> ran greedily after <1632> (5681) the error <4106> of Balaam <0903> for {reward} <3408>, and <2532> perished <0622> (5639) in the gainsaying <0485> of Core <2879>.

reward ^ 42_LUK_06_23 Rejoice ye <5463> (5720) in <1722> that <1565> day <2250>, and <2532> leap for joy <4640> (5657): for <1063>, behold <2400> (5628), your <5216> {reward} <3408> is great <4183> in <1722> heaven <3772>: for <1063> in <2596> the like manner <5024> did <4160> (5707) their <0846> fathers <3962> unto the prophets <4396>.

reward ^ 42_LUK_06_35 But <4133> love ye <0025> (5720) your <5216> enemies <2190>, and <2532> do good <0015> (5720), and <2532> lend <1155> (5720), hoping <0560> <0> for nothing <3367> again <0560> (5723); and <2532> your <5216> {reward} <3408> shall be <2071> (5704) great <4183>, and <2532> ye shall be <2071> (5704) the children <5207> of the Highest <5310>: for <3754> he <0846> is <2076> (5748) kind <5543> unto <1909> the unthankful <0884> and <2532> to the evil <4190>.

reward ^ 42_LUK_23_41 And <2532> we <2249> indeed <3303> justly <1346>; for <1063> we receive <0618> (5719) the due {reward} <0514> of our <3739> deeds <4238> (5656): but <1161> this man <3778> hath done <4238> (5656) nothing <3762> amiss <0824>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_10_41 He that receiveth <1209> (5740) a prophet <4396> in <1519> the name <3686> of a prophet <4396> shall receive <2983> (5695) a prophet's <4396> reward <3408>; and <2532> he that receiveth <2983> (5695) a righteous man <1342> in <1519> the name <3686> of a righteous man <1342> shall receive <1209> (5740) a righteous man's <1342> {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_06_18 That <3704> thou appear <5316> (5652) not <3361> unto men <0444> to fast <3522> (5723), but <0235> unto thy <4675> Father <3962> which <3588> is in <1722> secret <2927>: and <2532> thy <4675> Father <3962>, which <3588> seeth <0991> (5723) in <1722> secret <2927>, shall {reward} <0591> (5692) thee <4671> openly <1722> <5318>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_06_02 Therefore <3767> when <3752> thou doest <4160> (5725) thine alms <1654>, do <4537> <0> not <3361> sound a trumpet <4537> (5661) before <1715> thee <4675>, as <5618> the hypocrites <5273> do <4160> (5719) in <1722> the synagogues <4864> and <2532> in <1722> the streets <4505>, that <3704> they may have glory <1392> (5686) of <5259> men <0444>. Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, They have <0568> (5719) their <0846> {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_06_16 Moreover <1161> when <3752> ye fast <3522> (5725), be <1096> (5737) not <3361>, as <5618> the hypocrites <5273>, of a sad countenance <4659>: for <1063> they disfigure <0853> (5719) their <0846> faces <4383>, that <3704> they may appear <5316> (5652) unto men <0444> to fast <3522> (5723). Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> They have <0568> (5719) their <0846> {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_06_01 Take heed <4337> (5720) that ye do <4160> (5721) not <3361> your <5216> alms <1654> before <1715> men <0444>, to be seen <4314> <2300> (5683) of them <0846>: otherwise <1490> ye have <2192> (5719) no <3756> {reward} <3408> of <3844> your <5216> Father <3962> which <3588> is in <1722> heaven <3772>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_06_04 That <3704> thine <4675> alms <1654> may be <5600> (5753) in <1722> secret <2927>: and <2532> thy <4675> Father <3962> which <3588> seeth <0991> (5723) in <1722> secret <2927> himself <0846> shall {reward} <0591> (5692) thee <4671> openly <1722> <5318>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_06_05 And <2532> when <3752> thou prayest <4336> (5741), thou shalt <2071> <0> not <3756> be <2071> (5704) as <5618> the hypocrites <5273> are: for <3754> they love <5368> (5719) to pray <4336> (5738) standing <2476> (5761) in <1722> the synagogues <4864> and <2532> in <1722> the corners <1137> of the streets <4113>, that <3704> they may <0302> be seen <5316> (5652) of men <0444>. Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> They have <0568> (5719) their <0846> {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_06_06 But <1161> thou <4771>, when <3752> thou prayest <4336> (5741), enter <1525> (5628) into <1519> thy <4675> closet <5009>, and <2532> when thou hast shut <2808> (5660) thy <4675> door <2374>, pray <4336> (5663) to thy <4675> Father <3962> which <3588> is in <1722> secret <2927>; and <2532> thy <4675> Father <3962> which <3588> seeth <0991> (5723) in <1722> secret <2927> shall {reward} <0591> (5692) thee <4671> openly <1722> <5318>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_05_46 For <1063> if <1437> ye love <0025> (5661) them which <3588> love <0025> (5723) you <5209>, what <5101> {reward} <3408> have ye <2192> (5719)? do <4160> (5719) not <3780> even <2532> the publicans <5057> the same <0846>?

reward ^ 40_MAT_16_27 For <1063> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall <3195> (5719) come <2064> (5738) in <1722> the glory <1391> of his <0846> Father <3962> with <3326> his <0846> angels <0032>; and <2532> then <5119> he shall {reward} <0591> (5692) every man <1538> according <2596> to his <0846> works <4234>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_10_42 And <2532> whosoever <3739> <1437> shall give to drink <4222> (5661) unto one <1520> of these <5130> little ones <3398> a cup <4221> of cold <5593> water only <3440> in <1519> the name <3686> of a disciple <3101>, verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, he shall in no wise <3364> lose <0622> (5661) his <0846> {reward} <3408>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_10_41 He that receiveth <1209> (5740) a prophet <4396> in <1519> the name <3686> of a prophet <4396> shall receive <2983> (5695) a prophet's <4396> {reward} <3408>; and <2532> he that receiveth <2983> (5695) a righteous man <1342> in <1519> the name <3686> of a righteous man <1342> shall receive <1209> (5740) a righteous man's <1342> reward <3408>.

reward ^ 40_MAT_05_12 Rejoice <5463> (5720), and <2532> be exceeding glad <0021> (5737): for <3754> great <4183> is your <5216> {reward} <3408> in <1722> heaven <3772>: for <1063> so <3779> persecuted they <1377> (5656) the prophets <4396> which <3588> were before <4253> you <5216>.

reward ^ 41_MAR_09_41 For <1063> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall give <4222> <0> you <5209> a cup <4221> of water <5204> to drink <4222> (5661) in <1722> my <3450> name <3686>, because <3754> ye belong <2075> (5748) to Christ <5547>, verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, he shall <0622> <0> not <3364> lose <0622> (5661) his <0846> {reward} <3408>.

Reward ^ 66_REV_18_06 {Reward} <0591> (5628) her <0846> even <2532> as <5613> she <0846> (5625) <3778> rewarded <0591> (5656) you <5213>, and <2532> double <1363> (5657) unto her <0846> double <1362> according to <2596> her <0846> works <2041>: in <1722> the cup <4221> which <3739> she hath filled <2767> (5656) fill <2767> (5657) to her <0846> double <1362>.

reward ^ 45_ROM_04_04 Now <1161> to him that worketh <2038> (5740) is <3049> <0> the {reward} <3408> not <3756> reckoned <3049> (5736) of <2596> grace <5485>, but <0235> of <2596> debt <3783>.

reward ^ 66_REV_22_12 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), I come <2064> (5736) quickly <5035>; and <2532> my <3450> {reward} <3408> is with <3326> me <1700>, to give <0591> (5629) every man <1538> according as <5613> his <0846> work <2041> shall be <2071> (5704).

reward ^ 66_REV_11_18 And <2532> the nations <1484> were angry <3710> (5681), and <2532> thy <4675> wrath <3709> is come <2064> (5627), and <2532> the time <2540> of the dead <3498>, that they should be judged <2919> (5683), and <2532> that thou shouldest give <1325> (5629) {reward} <3408> unto thy <4675> servants <1401> the prophets <4396>, and <2532> to the saints <0040>, and <2532> them that fear <5399> (5740) thy <4675> name <3686>, small <3398> and <2532> great <3173>; and <2532> shouldest destroy <1311> (5658) them which destroy <1311> (5723) the earth <1093>.

rewarded ^ 66_REV_18_06 Reward <0591> (5628) her <0846> even <2532> as <5613> she <0846> (5625) <3778> {rewarded} <0591> (5656) you <5213>, and <2532> double <1363> (5657) unto her <0846> double <1362> according to <2596> her <0846> works <2041>: in <1722> the cup <4221> which <3739> she hath filled <2767> (5656) fill <2767> (5657) to her <0846> double <1362>.

rewarder ^ 58_HEB_11_06 But <1161> without <5565> faith <4102> it is impossible <0102> to please <2100> (5658) him: for <1063> he that cometh <4334> (5740) to God <2316> must <1163> (5748) believe <4100> (5658) that <3754> he is <2076> (5748), and <2532> that he is <1096> (5736) a {rewarder} <3406> of them that diligently seek <1567> (5723) him <0846>.