* revelation , 0602 apokalupsis ,


revelation -0602 appearing, coming, revealed, {revelation},

revelations -0602 appearing, coming, revealed, revelation,



revelation 0602 ** apokalupsis ** appearing, coming, lighten,
manifestation, be revealed,{revelation}.


revelation ......... a revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelation ......... and revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelation ......... by revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelation ......... How that by revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelation ......... it , but by the revelation 0602 -

revelation ......... the revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

Revelation ......... The Revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelation ......... to the revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelation ......... up by revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelations ......... and revelations 0602 -apokalupsis->

revelations ......... of the revelations 0602 -apokalupsis->



revelation 0602 # apokalupsis {ap-ok-al'-oop-sis}; from 601;
disclosure: -- appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be
revealed, {revelation}.[ql


revelation 002 002 Gal /${revelation /and
communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the
Gentiles , but privately to them which were of reputation , lest
by any means I should run , or had run , in vain .

revelation 014 026 ICo /${revelation /hath an
interpretation . Let all things be done unto edifying .

revelation 003 003 Eph /${revelation /he made known
unto me the mystery ; in few words ,

revelation 001 017 Eph /${revelation /in the
knowledge of him :

Revelation 001 001 Rev /${Revelation /of Jesus
Christ , which God gave unto him , to shew unto his servants
things which must shortly come to pass ; and he sent and
signified it by his angel unto his servant John :

revelation 001 012 Gal /${revelation /of Jesus
Christ .

revelation 001 013 IPe /${revelation /of Jesus
Christ ;

revelation 016 025 Rom /${revelation /of the
mystery , which was kept secret since the world began ,

revelation 002 005 Rom /${revelation /of the
righteous judgment of God ;

revelation 014 006 ICo /${revelation /or by
knowledge , or by prophesying , or by doctrine ?

revelations 012 001 IICo /${revelations /of the Lord .

revelations 012 007 IICo /${revelations /there was
given to me a thorn in the flesh , the messenger of Satan to
buffet me , lest I should be exalted above measure .


revelation 10 -

revelations 2 -
