Reubenites Deu_04_43 /^{Reubenites /and Ramoth in
Gilead , of the Gadites ; and Golan in Bashan , of the
Manassites .

Reubenites 1Ch_12_37 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and of the half tribe of Manasseh , with all manner of
instruments of war for the battle , an hundred and twenty
thousand .

Reubenites Jos_22_01 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and the half tribe of Manasseh ,

Reubenites 1Ch_05_26 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and the half tribe of Manasseh , and brought them unto Halah ,
and Habor , and Hara , and to the river Gozan , unto this day .

Reubenites Jos_12_06 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and the half tribe of Manasseh .

Reubenites Jos_13_08 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
have received their inheritance , which Moses gave them, beyond
Jordan eastward , even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave

Reubenites 2Ki_10_33 /^{Reubenites /and the
Manassites , from Aroer , which is by the river Arnon , even
Gilead and Bashan .

Reubenites Num_26_07 /^{Reubenites /and they that
were numbered of them were forty and three thousand and seven
hundred and thirty .

Reubenites 1Ch_11_42 /^{Reubenites /and thirty with

Reubenites Jos_01_12 /^{Reubenites /and to the
Gadites , and to half the tribe of Manasseh , spake Joshua ,
saying ,

Reubenites Deu_29_08 /^{Reubenites /and to the
Gadites , and to the half tribe of Manasseh .

Reubenites Deu_03_12 /^{Reubenites /and to the
Gadites .

Reubenites Deu_03_16 /^{Reubenites /and unto the
Gadites I gave from Gilead even unto the river Arnon half the
valley , and the border even unto the river Jabbok , which is
the border of the children of Ammon ;

Reubenites 1Ch_26_32 /^{Reubenites /the Gadites ,
and the half tribe of Manasseh , for every matter pertaining to
God , and affairs of the king .

Reubenites 1Ch_27_16 /^{Reubenites /was Eliezer the
son of Zichri : of the Simeonites , Shephatiah the son of
Maachah :
