aaron returned unto moses unto

abraham returned unto his place

after this thing jeroboam returned not from his evil way <1KI13
-:33 >

as david returned from <1SA17 -:57 >

but are now returned unto <1PE2 -:25 >

but king joram was returned <2KI9 -:15 >

but she returned not

he returned back from him <1KI19 -:21 >

he returned unto him

he returned unto his brethren

he returned unto his own place <2SA19 -:39 >

holy ghost returned from jordan

is returned unto her father's house

israel returned from chasing after <1SA17 -:53 >

jeroboam returned out <2CH10 -:2 >

jews returned out

joab returned from following abner <2SA2 -:30 >

joash returned from battle before

jordan returned unto their pla

joseph returned into egypt

king returned out

lord hath returned upon thee all <2SA16 -:8 >

mine understanding returned unto me

morning as he returned into

morrow she returned into

moses returned unto

moses returned unto

my prayer returned into mine own bosom

name when he returned from smiting <2SA8 -:13 >

people returned after him only <2SA23 -:10 >

people returned from pursuing after israel <2SA18 -:16 >

returned again unto damascus

returned as

returned back again

returned from

returned from

returned from going against jeroboam <2CH11 -:4 >

returned from saul <1SA17 -:15 >

returned into

returned into

returned not by <1KI13 -:10 >

returned unto his place

returned unto their inheritance

returned unto zion

reuben returned unto

same time my reason returned unto me

saul returned from jerusalem

saul returned not empty <2SA1 -:22 >

seventy returned again with joy

she returned answer

she returned unto her father

she returned unto her house <2SA11 -:4 >

she returned unto him into

shepherds returned

so abraham returned unto his young men

so absalom returned <2SA14 -:24 >

so esau returned

so he returned with shame <2CH32 -:21 >

so joab returned from <2SA10 -:14 >

so naomi returned

so rabshakeh returned <2KI19 -:8 >

so rabshakeh returned

sun returned ten degrees

surely now we had returned this second time

then david returned <2SA6 -:20 >

then he returned <2KI4 -:35 >

then returned they unto jerusalem from

then they returned <2CH20 -:27 >

then they returned answer by letter concerning this

there returned

they returned <1SA6 -:16 >

they returned <2SA17 -:20 >

they returned

they returned

they returned

they returned

they returned

they returned

they returned

they returned again

they returned from searching

they returned home <2CH25 -:10 >

they returned home again

they returned into

they returned into galilee

they returned with their vessels empty

thus they returned us answer

time he returned

two men returned

was returned

waters returned

waters returned from off

we returned all

were returned from all nations

when abner was returned <2SA3 -:27 >

when david was returned from <1SA18 -:6 >

when david was returned from <2SA1 -:1 >

when he returned

when he was returned

when jesus was returned

when joab returned

when saul was returned from following <1SA24 -:1 >

when they returned <2CH19 -:8 >

when they were returned

wherefore saul returned from pursuing after david <1SA23 -:28 >

which returned not again unto him any more

which returned out

who returned

woman returned out <2KI8 -:3 >

yet have ye not returned unto me

yet have ye not returned unto me

yet have ye not returned unto me

yet have ye not returned unto me

yet have ye not returned unto me
