returned 2Sa_23_10 /^{returned /after him only to
spoil .

returned Act_14_21 /${returned /again to Lystra ,
and to Iconium , and Antioch ,

returned Gal_01_17 /${returned /again unto
Damascus .

returned Luk_10_17 /${returned /again with joy ,
saying , Lord , even the devils are subject unto us through thy
name .

returned Neh_04_15 /^{returned /all of us to the
wall , every one unto his work .

returned Jos_02_16 /^{returned /and afterward may
ye go your way .

returned Jos_10_38 /^{returned /and all Israel
with him, to Debir ; and fought against it:

returned Jos_10_15 /^{returned /and all Israel
with him, unto the camp to Gilgal .

returned Jos_10_43 /^{returned /and all Israel
with him, unto the camp to Gilgal .

returned 1Sa_27_09 /^{returned /and came to
Achish .

returned Gen_14_07 /^{returned /and came to
Enmishpat , which is Kadesh , and smote all the country of the
Amalekites , and also the Amorites , that dwelt in Hazezontamar .

returned 2Sa_19_15 /^{returned /and came to Jordan
. And Judah came to Gilgal , to go to meet the king , to conduct
the king over Jordan .

returned 1Sa_01_19 /^{returned /and came to their
house to Ramah : and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife ; and the LORD
remembered her.

returned Ecc_04_01 /^{returned /and considered
all the oppressions that are done under the sun : and behold the
tears of such as were oppressed , and they had no comforter ;
and on the side of their oppressors there was power ; but they
had no comforter .

returned Jud_02_19 /^{returned /and corrupted
themselves more than their fathers , in following other gods to
serve them, and to bow down unto them; they ceased not from
their own doings , nor from their stubborn way .

returned Exo_14_28 /^{returned /and covered the
chariots , and the horsemen , and all the host of Pharaoh that
came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one
of them.

returned Neh_09_28 /^{returned /and cried unto
thee, thou heardest them from heaven ; and many times didst thou
deliver them according to thy mercies ;

returned Jos_22_09 /^{returned /and departed from
the children of Israel out of Shiloh , which is in the land of
Canaan , to go unto the country of Gilead , to the land of their
possession , whereof they were possessed , according to the word
of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

returned Jos_02_23 /^{returned /and descended
from the mountain , and passed over , and came to Joshua the son
of Nun , and told him all things that befell them:

returned 2Ki_19_36 /^{returned /and dwelt at
Nineveh .

returned Isa_37_37 /^{returned /and dwelt at
Nineveh .

returned Psa_78_34 /^{returned /and enquired
early after God .

returned Isa_37_08 /^{returned /and found the
king of Assyria warring against Libnah : for he had heard that
he was departed from Lachish .

returned 2Ki_19_08 /^{returned /and found the king
of Assyria warring against Libnah : for he had heard that he was
departed from Lachish .

returned Ecc_04_07 /^{returned /and I saw vanity
under the sun .

returned Num_14_36 /^{returned /and made all the
congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander
upon the land ,

returned Luk_23_56 /${returned /and prepared
spices and ointments ; and rested the sabbath day according to
the commandment .

returned Rut_01_22 /^{returned /and Ruth the
Moabitess , her daughter in law , with her, which returned out
of the country of Moab : and they came to Bethlehem in the
beginning of barley harvest .

returned Zec_01_06 /^{returned /and said , Like
as the LORD of hosts thought to do unto us, according to our
ways , and according to our doings , so hath he dealt with us.

returned Ecc_09_11 /^{returned /and saw under the
sun , that the race is not to the swift , nor the battle to the
strong , neither yet bread to the wise , nor yet riches to men
of understanding , nor yet favour to men of skill ; but time and
chance happeneth to them all.

returned Psa_60_01 /^{returned /and smote of Edom
in the valley of salt twelve thousand .>> O God , thou hast cast
us off , thou hast scattered us, thou hast been displeased ; O
turn thyself to us again .

returned Jos_02_22 /^{returned /and the pursuers
sought them throughout all the way , but found them not.

returned Act_05_22 /${returned /and told ,

returned 2Ki_07_15 /^{returned /and told the king .

returned 2Ki_04_35 /^{returned /and walked in the
house to and fro ; and went up , and stretched himself upon him:
and the child sneezed seven times , and the child opened his
eyes .

returned Jer_41_14 /^{returned /and went unto
Johanan the son of Kareah .

returned Deu_01_45 /^{returned /and wept before
the LORD ; but the LORD would not hearken to your voice , nor
give ear unto you.

returned Ezr_05_05 /^{returned /answer by letter
concerning this matter.

returned Jud_05_29 /^{returned /answer to herself,

returned Eze_01_14 /^{returned /as the appearance
of a flash of lightning .

returned Luk_08_37 /${returned /back again .

returned 1Ki_19_21 /^{returned /back from him ,
and took a yoke of oxen , and slew them, and boiled their flesh
with the instruments of the oxen , and gave unto the people ,
and they did eat . Then he arose , and went after Elijah , and
ministered unto him.

returned Eze_47_07 /^{returned /behold, at the
bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on
the other.

returned 2Ch_20_27 /^{returned /every man of Judah
and Jerusalem , and Jehoshaphat in the forefront of them, to go
again to Jerusalem with joy ; for the LORD had made them to
rejoice over their enemies .

returned 2Ch_31_01 /^{returned /every man to his
possession , into their own cities .

returned 1Sa_06_17 /^{returned /for a trespass
offering unto the LORD ; for Ashdod one , for Gaza one , for
Askelon one , for Gath one , for Ekron one ;

returned Zec_07_14 /^{returned /for they laid the
pleasant land desolate .

returned Jer_43_05 /^{returned /from all nations ,
whither they had been driven , to dwell in the land of Judah ;

returned Jud_08_13 /^{returned /from battle
before the sun was up,

returned 1Sa_17_53 /^{returned /from chasing
after the Philistines , and they spoiled their tents .

returned 2Sa_02_30 /^{returned /from following
Abner : and when he had gathered all the people together , there
lacked of David's servants nineteen men and Asahel .

returned 1Sa_24_01 /^{returned /from following
the Philistines , that it was told him, saying , Behold, David
is in the wilderness of Engedi .

returned 2Ch_11_04 /^{returned /from going against
Jeroboam .

returned Act_12_25 /${returned /from Jerusalem ,
when they had fulfilled their ministry , and took with them John
, whose surname was Mark .

returned Luk_04_01 /${returned /from Jordan , and
was led by the Spirit into the wilderness ,

returned Gen_08_03 /^{returned /from off the
earth continually : and after the end of the hundred and fifty
days the waters were abated .

returned 1Sa_23_28 /^{returned /from pursuing
after David , and went against the Philistines : therefore they
called that place Selahammahlekoth .

returned 2Sa_18_16 /^{returned /from pursuing
after Israel : for Joab held back the people .

returned 1Sa_17_15 /^{returned /from Saul to feed
his father's sheep at Bethlehem .

returned Num_13_25 /^{returned /from searching of
the land after forty days .

returned 2Sa_08_13 /^{returned /from smiting of
the Syrians in the valley of salt , being eighteen thousand men.

returned 2Sa_10_14 /^{returned /from the children
of Ammon , and came to Jerusalem .

returned Jos_22_32 /^{returned /from the children
of Reuben , and from the children of Gad , out of the land of
Gilead , unto the land of Canaan , to the children of Israel ,
and brought them word again .

returned Luk_24_09 /${returned /from the
sepulchre , and told all these things unto the eleven , and to
all the rest .

returned 2Sa_01_01 /^{returned /from the slaughter
of the Amalekites , and David had abode two days in Ziklag ;

returned 1Sa_17_57 /^{returned /from the
slaughter of the Philistine , Abner took him, and brought him
before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand .

returned 1Sa_18_06 /^{returned /from the
slaughter of the Philistine , that the women came out of all
cities of Israel , singing and dancing , to meet king Saul ,
with tabrets , with joy , and with instruments of musick .

returned Luk_02_20 /${returned /glorifying and
praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen ,
as it was told unto them .

returned Luk_19_15 /${returned /having received
the kingdom , then he commanded these servants to be called unto
him , to whom he had given the money , that he might know how
much every man had gained by trading .

returned Mar_14_40 /${returned /he found them
asleep again , heavy , neither wist they what to answer him .

returned Act_21_06 /${returned /home again .

returned 2Ch_25_10 /^{returned /home in great
anger .

returned Gen_43_18 /^{returned /in our sacks at
the first time are we brought in ; that he may seek occasion
against us, and fall upon us, and take us for bondmen , and our
asses .

returned Luk_04_14 /${returned /in the power of
the Spirit into Galilee : and there went out a fame of him
through all the region round about .

returned Gen_50_14 /^{returned /into Egypt , he,
and his brethren , and all that went up with him to bury his
father , after he had buried his father .

returned Luk_02_39 /${returned /into Galilee , to
their own city Nazareth .

returned Psa_35_13 /^{returned /into mine own
bosom .

returned Jos_06_14 /^{returned /into the camp :
so they did six days .

returned Mat_21_18 /${returned /into the city ,
he hungered .

returned Jud_07_15 /^{returned /into the host of
Israel , and said , Arise ; for the LORD hath delivered into
your hand the host of Midian .

returned Gen_21_32 /^{returned /into the land of
the Philistines .

returned Est_02_14 /^{returned /into the second
house of the women , to the custody of Shaashgaz , the king's
chamberlain , which kept the concubines : she came in unto the
king no more, except the king delighted in her, and that she
were called by name .

returned Gen_08_12 /^{returned /not again unto
him any more .

returned 1Ki_13_10 /^{returned /not by the way
that he came to Bethel .

returned 2Sa_01_22 /^{returned /not empty .

returned 1Ki_13_33 /^{returned /not from his evil
way , but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the
high places : whosoever would , he consecrated him, and he
became one of the priests of the high places .

returned Jer_03_07 /^{returned /not. And her
treacherous sister Judah saw it.

returned Jud_07_03 /^{returned /of the people
twenty and two thousand ; and there remained ten thousand .

returned Jer_40_12 /^{returned /out of all places
whither they were driven , and came to the land of Judah , to
Gedaliah , unto Mizpah , and gathered wine and summer fruits
very much .

returned 2Ch_10_02 /^{returned /out of Egypt .

returned Rut_01_22 /^{returned /out of the
country of Moab : and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of
barley harvest .

returned 2Ki_08_03 /^{returned /out of the land of
the Philistines : and she went forth to cry unto the king for
her house and for her land .

returned Est_07_08 /^{returned /out of the palace
garden into the place of the banquet of wine ; and Haman was
fallen upon the bed whereon Esther was. Then said the king ,
Will he force the queen also before me in the house ? As the
word went out of the king's mouth , they covered Haman's face .

returned 2Sa_17_03 /^{returned /so all the people
shall be in peace .

returned Isa_38_08 /^{returned /ten degrees , by
which degrees it was gone down .

returned Gen_33_16 /^{returned /that day on his
way unto Seir .

returned Hos_06_11 /^{returned /the captivity of
my people .

returned Luk_02_43 /${returned /the child Jesus
tarried behind in Jerusalem ; and Joseph and his mother knew not
of it.

returned Luk_08_40 /${returned /the people gladly
received him : for they were all waiting for him .

returned 1Sa_25_39 /^{returned /the wickedness of
Nabal upon his own head . And David sent and communed with
Abigail , to take her to him to wife .

returned Exo_19_08 /^{returned /the words of the
people unto the LORD .

returned Act_01_12 /${returned /they unto
Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet , which is from Jerusalem
a sabbath day's journey .

returned Gen_43_10 /^{returned /this second time .

returned 2Ch_22_06 /^{returned /to be healed in
Jezreel because of the wounds which were given him at Ramah ,
when he fought with Hazael king of Syria . And Azariah the son
of Jehoram king of Judah went down to see Jehoram the son of
Ahab at Jezreel , because he was sick .

returned 2Ki_09_15 /^{returned /to be healed in
Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he
fought with Hazael king of Syria . And Jehu said , If it be your
minds , then let none go forth nor escape out of the city to go
to tell it in Jezreel .

returned 1Ch_16_43 /^{returned /to bless his
house .

returned 2Sa_06_20 /^{returned /to bless his
household . And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet
David , and said , How glorious was the king of Israel to day ,
who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his
servants , as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth

returned 1Ki_12_24 /^{returned /to depart ,
according to the word of the LORD .

returned 1Sa_06_16 /^{returned /to Ekron the same
day .

returned Luk_17_18 /${returned /to give glory to
God , save this stranger .

returned 2Sa_03_27 /^{returned /to Hebron , Joab
took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly , and smote
him there under the fifth rib, that he died , for the blood of
Asahel his brother .

returned Luk_01_56 /${returned /to her own house .

returned 2Ch_19_01 /^{returned /to his house in
peace to Jerusalem .

returned 2Sa_14_24 /^{returned /to his own house ,
and saw not the king's face .

returned 1Sa_26_25 /^{returned /to his place .

returned Num_24_25 /^{returned /to his place :
and Balak also went his way .

returned Exo_14_27 /^{returned /to his strength
when the morning appeared ; and the Egyptians fled against it;
and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea .

returned Gen_32_06 /^{returned /to Jacob , saying
, We came to thy brother Esau , and also he cometh to meet thee ,
and four hundred men with him.

returned Luk_24_33 /${returned /to Jerusalem ,
and found the eleven gathered together , and them that were with
them ,

returned Act_08_25 /${returned /to Jerusalem ,
and preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans .

returned Act_13_13 /${returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 2Ch_14_15 /^{returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 2Ch_34_07 /^{returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 2Ch_19_08 /^{returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 2Ch_34_09 /^{returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 2Ki_23_20 /^{returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 1Ch_20_03 /^{returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 2Sa_17_20 /^{returned /to Jerusalem .

returned 2Sa_20_22 /^{returned /to Jerusalem unto
the king .

returned Luk_24_52 /${returned /to Jerusalem with
great joy :

returned Zec_01_16 /^{returned /to Jerusalem with
mercies : my house shall be built in it, saith the LORD of hosts
, and a line shall be stretched forth upon Jerusalem .

returned Exo_04_18 /^{returned /to Jethro his
father in law , and said unto him, Let me go , I pray thee, and
return unto my brethren which are in Egypt , and see whether
they be yet alive . And Jethro said to Moses , Go in peace .

returned Jos_07_03 /^{returned /to Joshua , and
said unto him, Let not all the people go up ; but let about two
or three thousand men go up and smite Ai ; and make not all the
people to labour thither; for they are but few .

returned Gen_38_22 /^{returned /to Judah , and
said , I cannot find her; and also the men of the place said ,
that there was no harlot in this place.

returned Eze_08_17 /^{returned /to provoke me to
anger : and, lo, they put the branch to their nose .

returned 2Ki_02_25 /^{returned /to Samaria .

returned 2Ki_14_14 /^{returned /to Samaria .

returned 2Ch_25_24 /^{returned /to Samaria .

returned 2Ch_28_15 /^{returned /to Samaria .

returned Jud_14_08 /^{returned /to take her, and
he turned aside to see the carcase of the lion : and, behold,
there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the lion .

returned Jos_10_21 /^{returned /to the camp to
Joshua at Makkedah in peace : none moved his tongue against any
of the children of Israel .

returned Act_23_32 /${returned /to the castle :

returned Gen_44_13 /^{returned /to the city .

returned Exo_04_20 /^{returned /to the land of
Egypt : and Moses took the rod of God in his hand .

returned 2Ki_05_15 /^{returned /to the man of God ,
he and all his company , and came , and stood before him: and
he said , Behold, now I know that there is no God in all the
earth , but in Israel : now therefore, I pray thee, take a
blessing of thy servant .

returned 2Ki_03_27 /^{returned /to their own land .

returned Gen_42_24 /^{returned /to them again ,
and communed with them, and took from them Simeon , and bound
him before their eyes .

returned Luk_09_10 /${returned /told him all that
they had done . And he took them , and went aside privately into
a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida .

returned Jos_08_24 /^{returned /unto Ai , and
smote it with the edge of the sword .

returned Jud_11_39 /^{returned /unto her father ,
who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed : and
she knew no man . And it was a custom in Israel ,

returned Lev_22_13 /^{returned /unto her father's
house , as in her youth , she shall eat of her father's meat :
but there shall no stranger eat thereof.

returned 2Sa_11_04 /^{returned /unto her house .

returned Gen_08_09 /^{returned /unto him into the
ark , for the waters were on the face of the whole earth : then
he put forth his hand , and took her , and pulled her in unto
him into the ark .

returned Num_23_06 /^{returned /unto him, and, lo,
he stood by his burnt sacrifice , he, and all the princes of
Moab .

returned Exo_34_31 /^{returned /unto him: and
Moses talked with them.

returned Gen_37_30 /^{returned /unto his brethren
, and said , The child is not; and I, whither shall I go ?

returned 2Sa_19_39 /^{returned /unto his own place

returned Gen_18_33 /^{returned /unto his place .

returned Gen_31_55 /^{returned /unto his place .

returned Gen_22_19 /^{returned /unto his young
men , and they rose up and went together to Beersheba ; and
Abraham dwelt at Beersheba .

returned 2Sa_12_31 /^{returned /unto Jerusalem .

returned Dan_04_34 /^{returned /unto me , and I
blessed the most High , and I praised and honoured him that
liveth for ever , whose dominion is an everlasting dominion ,
and his kingdom is from generation to generation :

returned Dan_04_36 /^{returned /unto me ; and for
the glory of my kingdom , mine honour and brightness returned
unto me ; and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me ; and I
was established in my kingdom , and excellent majesty was added
unto me.

returned Dan_04_36 /^{returned /unto me ; and my
counsellors and my lords sought unto me ; and I was established
in my kingdom , and excellent majesty was added unto me.

returned Amo_04_06 /^{returned /unto me, saith
the LORD .

returned Amo_04_11 /^{returned /unto me, saith
the LORD .

returned Amo_04_10 /^{returned /unto me, saith
the LORD .

returned Amo_04_08 /^{returned /unto me, saith
the LORD .

returned Amo_04_09 /^{returned /unto me, saith
the LORD .

returned Num_16_50 /^{returned /unto Moses unto
the door of the tabernacle of the congregation : and the plague
was stayed .

returned Exo_05_22 /^{returned /unto the LORD ,
and said , Lord , wherefore hast thou so evil entreated this
people ? why is it that thou hast sent me?

returned Exo_32_31 /^{returned /unto the LORD ,
and said , Oh , this people have sinned a great sin , and have
made them gods of gold .

returned Gen_37_29 /^{returned /unto the pit ;
and, behold, Joseph was not in the pit ; and he rent his clothes

returned 1Pe_02_25 /${returned /unto the Shepherd
and Bishop of your souls .

returned Jud_21_23 /^{returned /unto their
inheritance , and repaired the cities , and dwelt in them.

returned Jos_04_18 /^{returned /unto their place ,
and flowed over all his banks , as they did before .

returned Zec_08_03 /^{returned /unto Zion , and
will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem : and Jerusalem shall be
called a city of truth ; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts
the holy mountain .

returned 2Sa_16_08 /^{returned /upon thee all the
blood of the house of Saul , in whose stead thou hast reigned ;
and the LORD hath delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom
thy son : and, behold, thou art taken in thy mischief , because
thou art a bloody man .

returned Ezr_05_11 /^{returned /us answer ,
saying , We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth ,
and build the house that was builded these many years ago ,
which a great king of Israel builded and set up .

returned 2Ch_32_21 /^{returned /with shame of face
to his own land . And when he was come into the house of his god
, they that came forth of his own bowels slew him there with the
sword .

returned Jer_14_03 /^{returned /with their
vessels empty ; they were ashamed and confounded , and covered
their heads .
