English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

return 0344 ** anakampto ** ({re-)turn}.

return 0360 ** analuo ** depart, {return}.

return 0390 ** anastrepho ** abide, behave self, have conversation, live, overthrow,pass, {return}, be used.

return 1877 ** epanago ** launch (thrust) out, {return}.

return 1880 ** epanerchomai ** come again, {return}.

return 1994 ** epistrepho ** come (go) again, convert, ({re-)turn} (about, again).

return 2192 ** echo ** be (able, X hold, possessed with), accompany, + begin toamend, can(+ -not), X conceive, count, diseased, do + eat, + enjoy, + fear,following, have, hold, keep, + lack, + go to law, lie, + must needs, + ofnecessity, + need, next, + recover, + reign, + rest, + {return}, X sick,take for, + tremble, + uncircumcised, use.

return 3195 ** mello ** about, after that, be (almost), (that which is, things, +which was for) to come, intend, was to (be), mean, mind, be at the point,(be) ready, + {return}, shall (begin), (which, that) should (after,afterwards, hereafter) tarry, which was for, will, would, be yet.

return 3427 -- yashab -- (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to)dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (maketo) inhabit(-ant), make to keep [house], lurking, X marry(-ing), (bringagain to) place, remain, {return}, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -- ting down, -- ting [place] -- uate), take, tarry.

return 5290 ** hupostrepho ** come again, {return} (again, back again), turn back (again).

return 5437 -- cabab -- bring, cast, fetch, lead, make, walk, X whirl, X roundabout, be about on every side, apply, avoid, beset (about), besiege, bringagain, carry (about), change, cause to come about, X circuit, (fetch a)compass (about, round), drive, environ, X on every side, beset (close,come, compass, go, stand) round about, inclose, remove, {return}, set, sitdown, turn (self) (about, aside, away, back).

return 6437 -- panah -- appear, at [even-]tide, behold, cast out, come on, Xcorner, dawning, empty, go away, lie, look, mark, pass away, prepare,regard, (have) respect (to), ({re-)turn} (aside, away, back, face, self), Xright [early].

return 7725 shuwb -- -- ([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X again,(cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring(again, back, home again), call [to mind], carry again (back), cease, Xcertainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver(again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back)again, X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let, [see]more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, upagain), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again),requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) {return}, reverse,reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide

return 8138 -- shanah -- do (speak, strike) again, alter, double, (be given to)change, disguise, (be) diverse, pervert, prefer, repeat, {return}, do thesecond time.

return 8421 -- tuwb -- answer, restore, {return} (an answer).

return 8666 -- t@shuwbah -- answer, be expired, {return}.

returning 7729 shuwbah -- -- {returning}.