Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible.

Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible
Rephaiah and Jeriel 13_1CH_07_02 # And the sons of Tola; Uzzi, and Rephaiah, and Jeriel, and Jahmai, and Jibsam, and Shemuel, heads of their father's house, [to wit], of Tola: [they were] valiant men of might in their generations; whose number [was] in the days of David two and twenty thousand and six hundred.

Rephaiah and Uzziel 13_1CH_04_42 # And [some] of them, [even] of the sons of Simeon, five hundred men, went to mount Seir, having for their captains Pelatiah, and Neariah, and Rephaiah, and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi.

Rephaiah his son 13_1CH_09_43 # And Moza begat Binea; and Rephaiah his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son.

Rephaiah the son 16_NEH_03_09 # And next unto them repaired Rephaiah the son of Hur, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem.

Rephaiah the sons 13_1CH_03_21 # And the sons of Hananiah; Pelatiah, and Jesaiah: the sons of Rephaiah, the sons of Arnan, the sons of Obadiah, the sons of Shechaniah.