repaired Neh_03_29 /^{repaired /also Shemaiah the
son of Shechaniah , the keeper of the east gate .

repaired Neh_03_27 /^{repaired /another piece ,
over against the great tower that lieth out , even unto the wall
of Ophel .

repaired Neh_03_23 /^{repaired /Azariah the son
of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah by his house .

repaired Neh_03_23 /^{repaired /Benjamin and
Hashub over against their house . After him repaired Azariah the
son of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah by his house .

repaired Neh_03_24 /^{repaired /Binnui the son of
Henadad another piece , from the house of Azariah unto the
turning of the wall, even unto the corner .

repaired Neh_03_05 /^{repaired /but their nobles
put not their necks to the work of their Lord .

repaired Neh_03_19 /^{repaired /Ezer the son of
Jeshua , the ruler of Mizpah , another piece over against the
going up to the armoury at the turning of the wall.

repaired Neh_03_08 /^{repaired /Hananiah the son
of one of the apothecaries , and they fortified Jerusalem unto
the broad wall .

repaired Neh_03_30 /^{repaired /Hananiah the son
of Shelemiah , and Hanun the sixth son of Zalaph , another piece
. After him repaired Meshullam the son of Berechiah over against
his chamber .

repaired Neh_03_13 /^{repaired /Hanun , and the
inhabitants of Zanoah ; they built it, and set up the doors
thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof, and a thousand
cubits on the wall unto the dung gate .

repaired Neh_03_17 /^{repaired /Hashabiah , the
ruler of the half part of Keilah , in his part .

repaired Neh_03_10 /^{repaired /Hattush the son
of Hashabniah .

repaired Neh_03_10 /^{repaired /Jedaiah the son
of Harumaph , even over against his house . And next unto him
repaired Hattush the son of Hashabniah .

repaired Neh_03_06 /^{repaired /Jehoiada the son
of Paseah , and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah ; they laid the
beams thereof, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks
thereof, and the bars thereof.

repaired Neh_03_31 /^{repaired /Malchiah the
goldsmith's son unto the place of the Nethinims , and of the
merchants , over against the gate Miphkad , and to the going up
of the corner .

repaired Neh_03_14 /^{repaired /Malchiah the son
of Rechab , the ruler of part of Bethhaccerem ; he built it, and
set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars

repaired Neh_03_07 /^{repaired /Melatiah the
Gibeonite , and Jadon the Meronothite , the men of Gibeon , and
of Mizpah , unto the throne of the governor on this side the
river .

repaired Neh_03_04 /^{repaired /Meremoth the son
of Urijah , the son of Koz . And next unto them repaired
Meshullam the son of Berechiah , the son of Meshezabeel . And
next unto them repaired Zadok the son of Baana .

repaired Neh_03_21 /^{repaired /Meremoth the son
of Urijah the son of Koz another piece , from the door of the
house of Eliashib even to the end of the house of Eliashib .

repaired Neh_03_04 /^{repaired /Meshullam the son
of Berechiah , the son of Meshezabeel . And next unto them
repaired Zadok the son of Baana .

repaired Neh_03_30 /^{repaired /Meshullam the son
of Berechiah over against his chamber .

repaired 2Ch_32_05 /^{repaired /Millo in the city
of David , and made darts and shields in abundance .

repaired Neh_03_16 /^{repaired /Nehemiah the son
of Azbuk , the ruler of the half part of Bethzur , unto the
place over against the sepulchres of David , and to the pool
that was made , and unto the house of the mighty .

repaired Neh_03_09 /^{repaired /Rephaiah the son
of Hur , the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem .

repaired Neh_03_12 /^{repaired /Shallum the son
of Halohesh , the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem , he and
his daughters .

repaired Neh_03_15 /^{repaired /Shallun the son
of Colhozeh , the ruler of part of Mizpah ; he built it, and
covered it, and set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and
the bars thereof, and the wall of the pool of Siloah by the
king's garden , and unto the stairs that go down from the city
of David .

repaired 2Ch_33_16 /^{repaired /the altar of the
LORD , and sacrificed thereon peace offerings and thank
offerings , and commanded Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel .

repaired 1Ki_18_30 /^{repaired /the altar of the
LORD that was broken down .

repaired 1Ki_11_27 /^{repaired /the breaches of
the city of David his father .

repaired 2Ki_12_06 /^{repaired /the breaches of
the house .

repaired Jud_21_23 /^{repaired /the cities , and
dwelt in them.

repaired Neh_03_32 /^{repaired /the goldsmiths
and the merchants .

repaired Neh_03_17 /^{repaired /the Levites ,
Rehum the son of Bani . Next unto him repaired Hashabiah , the
ruler of the half part of Keilah , in his part .

repaired Neh_03_11 /^{repaired /the other piece ,
and the tower of the furnaces .

repaired Neh_03_20 /^{repaired /the other piece ,
from the turning of the wall unto the door of the house of
Eliashib the high priest .

repaired Neh_03_28 /^{repaired /the priests ,
every one over against his house .

repaired Neh_03_22 /^{repaired /the priests , the
men of the plain .

repaired 1Ch_11_08 /^{repaired /the rest of the
city .

repaired Neh_03_18 /^{repaired /their brethren ,
Bavai the son of Henadad , the ruler of the half part of Keilah .

repaired 2Ch_29_03 /^{repaired /them.

repaired 2Ki_12_14 /^{repaired /therewith the
house of the LORD .

repaired Neh_03_08 /^{repaired /Uzziel the son of
Harhaiah , of the goldsmiths . Next unto him also repaired
Hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries , and they fortified
Jerusalem unto the broad wall .

repaired Neh_03_04 /^{repaired /Zadok the son of
Baana .

repaired Neh_03_29 /^{repaired /Zadok the son of
Immer over against his house . After him repaired also Shemaiah
the son of Shechaniah , the keeper of the east gate .
