remission Act_02_38 /${remission /of sins , and ye
shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost .

remission Act_10_43 /${remission /of sins .

remission Mar_01_04 /${remission /of sins .

remission Mat_26_28 /${remission /of sins .

remission Luk_03_03 /${remission /of sins ;

remission Luk_24_47 /${remission /of sins should
be preached in his name among all nations , beginning at
Jerusalem .

remission Rom_03_25 /${remission /of sins that are
past , through the forbearance of God ;

remission Luk_01_77 /${remission /of their sins ,

remission Heb_10_18 /${remission /of these is,
there is no more offering for sin .
