remain 1Ki_18_22 /^{remain /a prophet of the
LORD ; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men .

Remain Gen_38_11 /^{Remain /a widow at thy
father's house , till Shelah my son be grown : for he said ,
Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did. And Tamar
went and dwelt in her father's house .

remain Jer_30_18 /^{remain /after the manner

remain Deu_16_04 /^{remain /all night until the
morning .

remain Deu_21_23 /^{remain /all night upon the
tree , but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day ; is
accursed of God ; that thy land be not defiled , which the LORD
thy God giveth thee for an inheritance .

remain Isa_65_04 /^{remain /among the graves ,
and lodge in the monuments , which eat swine's flesh , and broth
of abominable things is in their vessels ;

remain Jos_23_12 /^{remain /among you, and
shall make marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to

remain Jos_23_07 /^{remain /among you; neither
make mention of the name of their gods , nor cause to swear by
them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them:

remain Eze_31_13 /^{remain /and all the beasts
of the field shall be upon his branches :

remain Jos_10_28 /^{remain /and he did to the
king of Makkedah as he did unto the king of Jericho .

remain Jos_02_11 /^{remain /any more courage in
any man , because of you: for the LORD your God , he is God in
heaven above , and in earth beneath.

remain Isa_10_32 /^{remain /at Nob that day :
he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of
Zion , the hill of Jerusalem .

remain Isa_66_22 /^{remain /before me, saith
the LORD , so shall your seed and your name remain .

remain Lev_25_52 /^{remain /but few years unto
the year of jubile , then he shall count with him, and according
unto his years shall he give him again the price of his
redemption .

remain 1Sa_20_19 /^{remain /by the stone Ezel .

remain Luk_10_07 /${remain /eating and drinking
such things as they give : for the labourer is worthy of his
hire . Go not from house to house .

remain Lev_27_18 /^{remain /even unto the year
of the jubile , and it shall be abated from thy estimation .

remain Zec_12_14 /^{remain /every family apart,
and their wives apart.

remain Jer_17_25 /^{remain /for ever .

remain Jer_08_03 /^{remain /in all the places
whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of hosts .

remain Jer_51_62 /^{remain /in it, neither man
nor beast , but that it shall be desolate for ever .

remain Pro_02_21 /^{remain /in it.

remain Jos_10_30 /^{remain /in it; but did unto
the king thereof as he did unto the king of Jericho .

remain Jud_05_17 /^{remain /in ships ? Asher
continued on the sea shore , and abode in his breaches .

remain Pro_21_16 /^{remain /in the congregation
of the dead .

remain Oba_01_14 /^{remain /in the day of
distress .

remain Isa_32_16 /^{remain /in the fruitful
field .

remain Lev_25_28 /^{remain /in the hand of him
that hath bought it until the year of jubile : and in the jubile
it shall go out , and he shall return unto his possession .

remain Isa_44_13 /^{remain /in the house .

remain Jer_27_21 /^{remain /in the house of the
LORD , and in the house of the king of Judah and of Jerusalem ;

remain Jos_01_14 /^{remain /in the land which
Moses gave you on this side Jordan ; but ye shall pass before
your brethren armed , all the mighty men of valour , and help

remain Zec_05_04 /^{remain /in the midst of his
house , and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the
stones thereof.

remain Exo_08_11 /^{remain /in the river only.

remain Exo_08_09 /^{remain /in the river only?

remain Job_21_32 /^{remain /in the tomb .

remain Psa_55_07 /^{remain /in the wilderness .
Selah .

remain Job_37_08 /^{remain /in their places .

remain Deu_21_13 /^{remain /in thine house ,
and bewail her father and her mother a full month : and after
that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband , and she
shall be thy wife .

remain Jer_27_19 /^{remain /in this city ,

remain Jer_38_04 /^{remain /in this city , and
the hands of all the people , in speaking such words unto them:
for this man seeketh not the welfare of this people , but the
hurt .

remain Jer_24_08 /^{remain /in this land , and
them that dwell in the land of Egypt :

remain Joh_15_11 /${remain /in you , and that
your joy might be full .

remain 1Jo_02_24 /${remain /in you , ye also
shall continue in the Son , and in the Father .

remain Eze_07_11 /^{remain /nor of their
multitude , nor of any of theirs: neither shall there be wailing
for them.

remain Job_27_15 /^{remain /of him shall be
buried in death : and his widows shall not weep .

remain Num_33_55 /^{remain /of them shall be
pricks in your eyes , and thorns in your sides , and shall vex
you in the land wherein ye dwell .

remain Jer_08_03 /^{remain /of this evil family
, which remain in all the places whither I have driven them,
saith the LORD of hosts .

remain Jos_08_22 /^{remain /or escape .

remain Jer_42_17 /^{remain /or escape from the
evil that I will bring upon them.

remain Jud_21_16 /^{remain /seeing the women
are destroyed out of Benjamin ?

remain Jud_21_07 /^{remain /seeing we have
sworn by the LORD that we will not give them of our daughters to
wives ?

remain 1Th_04_17 /${remain /shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds , to meet the Lord in the air :
and so shall we ever be with the Lord .

remain Eze_17_21 /^{remain /shall be scattered
toward all winds : and ye shall know that I the LORD have spoken

remain Deu_19_20 /^{remain /shall hear , and
fear , and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among

remain Jer_27_11 /^{remain /still in their own
land , saith the LORD ; and they shall till it, and dwell

remain Amo_06_09 /^{remain /ten men in one
house , that they shall die .

remain Rev_03_02 /${remain /that are ready to
die : for I have not found thy works perfect before God .

remain Joh_06_12 /${remain /that nothing be
lost .

remain Jer_44_14 /^{remain /that they should
return into the land of Judah , to the which they have a desire
to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as
shall escape .

remain Joh_15_16 /${remain /that whatsoever ye
shall ask of the Father in my name , he may give it you .

remain Jos_23_04 /^{remain /to be an
inheritance for your tribes , from Jordan , with all the nations
that I have cut off , even unto the great sea westward .

remain 1Co_07_11 /${remain /unmarried , or be
reconciled to her husband : and let not the husband put away his
wife .

remain Exo_23_18 /^{remain /until the morning .

remain Exo_12_10 /^{remain /until the morning ;
and that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn
with fire .

remain Lev_19_06 /^{remain /until the third day
, it shall be burnt in the fire .

remain Jos_10_27 /^{remain /until this very day

remain 1Th_04_15 /${remain /unto the coming of
the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep .

remain Exo_29_34 /^{remain /unto the morning ,
then thou shalt burn the remainder with fire : it shall not be
eaten , because it is holy .

remain 1Co_15_06 /${remain /unto this present ,
but some are fallen asleep .

remain Joh_19_31 /${remain /upon the cross on
the sabbath day , an high day , besought Pilate that their legs
might be broken , and that they might be taken away .

remain Eze_39_14 /^{remain /upon the face of
the earth , to cleanse it: after the end of seven months shall
they search .

remain Eze_32_04 /^{remain /upon thee, and I
will fill the beasts of the whole earth with thee.

remain 2Ki_07_13 /^{remain /which are left in
the city, in it: behold, I say, they are even as all the
multitude of the Israelites that are consumed : and let us send
and see .

remain Ezr_09_15 /^{remain /yet escaped , as it
is this day : behold, we are before thee in our trespasses : for
we cannot stand before thee because of this.

remainder Lev_07_16 /^{remainder /of it shall be
eaten :

remainder Lev_07_17 /^{remainder /of the flesh of
the sacrifice on the third day shall be burnt with fire .

remainder Psa_76_10 /^{remainder /of wrath shalt
thou restrain .

remainder Lev_06_16 /^{remainder /thereof shall
Aaron and his sons eat : with unleavened bread shall it be eaten
in the holy place ; in the court of the tabernacle of the
congregation they shall eat it.

remainder 2Sa_14_07 /^{remainder /upon the earth .

remainder Exo_29_34 /^{remainder /with fire : it
shall not be eaten , because it is holy .

remained Gen_07_23 /^{remained /alive, and they
that were with him in the ark .

remained Jos_18_02 /^{remained /among the
children of Israel seven tribes , which had not yet received
their inheritance .

remained Jer_37_10 /^{remained /but wounded men
among them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent , and
burn this city with fire .

remained 2Sa_13_20 /^{remained /desolate in her
brother Absalom's house .

remained Gen_14_10 /^{remained /fled to the
mountain .

remained 1Sa_23_14 /^{remained /in a mountain in
the wilderness of Ziph . And Saul sought him every day , but God
delivered him not into his hand .

remained Jer_48_11 /^{remained /in him, and his
scent is not changed .

remained Jer_41_10 /^{remained /in Mizpah , whom
Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had committed to Gedaliah
the son of Ahikam : and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried
them away captive , and departed to go over to the Ammonites .

remained Jer_39_09 /^{remained /in the city , and
those that fell away , that fell to him, with the rest of the
people that remained .

remained Jer_52_15 /^{remained /in the city , and
those that fell away , that fell to the king of Babylon , and
the rest of the multitude .

remained Num_35_28 /^{remained /in the city of
his refuge until the death of the high priest : but after the
death of the high priest the slayer shall return into the land
of his possession .

remained Jer_38_13 /^{remained /in the court of
the prison .

remained Jer_37_21 /^{remained /in the court of
the prison .

remained 1Ki_22_46 /^{remained /in the days of
his father Asa , he took out of the land .

remained 2Ki_25_22 /^{remained /in the land of
Judah , whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had left , even over
them he made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam , the son of Shaphan ,
ruler .

remained 1Sa_24_03 /^{remained /in the sides of
the cave .

remained Num_36_12 /^{remained /in the tribe of
the family of their father .

remained Jer_51_30 /^{remained /in their holds :
their might hath failed ; they became as women : they have
burned her dwellingplaces ; her bars are broken .

remained Deu_04_25 /^{remained /long in the land ,
and shall corrupt yourselves, and make a graven image , or the
likeness of any thing, and shall do evil in the sight of the
LORD thy God , to provoke him to anger :

remained Dan_10_17 /^{remained /no strength in me,
neither is there breath left in me.

remained Dan_10_08 /^{remained /no strength in me:
for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption , and I
retained no strength .

remained Exo_10_15 /^{remained /not any green
thing in the trees , or in the herbs of the field , through all
the land of Egypt .

remained Exo_08_31 /^{remained /not one .

remained Exo_10_19 /^{remained /not one locust in
all the coasts of Egypt .

remained Exo_14_28 /^{remained /not so much as
one of them.

remained Jos_21_20 /^{remained /of the children
of Kohath , even they had the cities of their lot out of the
tribe of Ephraim .

remained Jer_34_07 /^{remained /of the cities of
Judah .

remained 2Ki_10_11 /^{remained /of the house of
Ahab in Jezreel , and all his great men , and his kinsfolks ,
and his priests , until he left him none remaining .

remained Deu_03_11 /^{remained /of the remnant of
giants ; behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron ; is it not
in Rabbath of the children of Ammon ? nine cubits was the length
thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a
man .

remained Jos_13_12 /^{remained /of the remnant of
the giants : for these did Moses smite , and cast them out .

remained Jos_10_20 /^{remained /of them entered
into fenced cities .

remained Joh_06_13 /${remained /over and above
unto them that had eaten .

remained 2Ki_24_14 /^{remained /save the poorest
sort of the people of the land .

remained Luk_01_22 /${remained /speechless .

remained Jud_07_03 /^{remained /ten thousand .

remained 2Ki_13_06 /^{remained /the grove also in
Samaria .

remained Eze_03_15 /^{remained /there astonished
among them seven days .

remained Jer_37_16 /^{remained /there many days ;

remained Dan_10_13 /^{remained /there with the
kings of Persia .

remained Lam_02_22 /^{remained /those that I have
swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed .

remained Luk_09_17 /${remained /to them twelve
baskets .

remained Mat_14_20 /${remained /twelve baskets
full .

remained Num_11_26 /^{remained /two of the men in
the camp , the name of the one was Eldad , and the name of the
other Medad : and the spirit rested upon them; and they were of
them that were written , but went not out unto the tabernacle :
and they prophesied in the camp .

remained Act_27_41 /${remained /unmoveable , but
the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves .

remained Mat_11_23 /${remained /until this day .

remained 2Ki_10_17 /^{remained /unto Ahab in
Samaria , till he had destroyed him, according to the saying of
the LORD , which he spake to Elijah .

remained Act_05_04 /${remained /was it not thine
own ? and after it was sold , was it not in thine own power ?
why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart ? thou hast
not lied unto men , but unto God .

remained 1Sa_11_11 /^{remained /were scattered ,
so that two of them were not left together .

remained Ecc_02_09 /^{remained /with me.

remained 1Ch_13_14 /^{remained /with the family
of Obededom in his house three months . And the LORD blessed the
house of Obededom , and all that he had.

remainest Heb_01_11 /${remainest /and they all
shall wax old as doth a garment ;

remainest Lam_05_19 /^{remainest /for ever ; thy
throne from generation to generation .

remaineth Jos_13_02 /^{remaineth /all the borders
of the Philistines , and all Geshuri ,

remaineth Lev_16_16 /^{remaineth /among them in
the midst of their uncleanness .

remaineth Hag_02_05 /^{remaineth /among you: fear
ye not.

remaineth Eze_06_12 /^{remaineth /and is besieged
shall die by the famine : thus will I accomplish my fury upon

remaineth Zec_09_07 /^{remaineth /even he, shall
be for our God , and he shall be as a governor in Judah , and
Ekron as a Jebusite .

remaineth Job_21_34 /^{remaineth /falsehood ?

remaineth 2Co_09_09 /${remaineth /for ever .

remaineth Jer_47_04 /^{remaineth /for the LORD
will spoil the Philistines , the remnant of the country of
Caphtor .

remaineth Jud_05_13 /^{remaineth /have dominion
over the nobles among the people : the LORD made me have
dominion over the mighty .

remaineth Ezr_01_04 /^{remaineth /in any place
where he sojourneth , let the men of his place help him with
silver , and with gold , and with goods , and with beasts ,
beside the freewill offering for the house of God that is in
Jerusalem .

remaineth 1Jo_03_09 /${remaineth /in him : and he
cannot sin , because he is born of God .

remaineth Isa_04_03 /^{remaineth /in Jerusalem ,
shall be called holy , even every one that is written among the
living in Jerusalem :

remaineth Exo_26_13 /^{remaineth /in the length of
the curtains of the tent , it shall hang over the sides of the
tabernacle on this side and on that side, to cover it.

remaineth Jer_38_02 /^{remaineth /in this city
shall die by the sword , by the famine , and by the pestilence :
but he that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live ; for he
shall have his life for a prey , and shall live .

remaineth 2Co_03_11 /${remaineth /is glorious .

remaineth Heb_10_26 /${remaineth /no more
sacrifice for sins ,

remaineth Exo_12_10 /^{remaineth /of it until the
morning ye shall burn with fire .

remaineth Num_24_19 /^{remaineth /of the city .

remaineth Exo_26_12 /^{remaineth /of the curtains
of the tent , the half curtain that remaineth , shall hang over
the backside of the tabernacle .

remaineth Lev_08_32 /^{remaineth /of the flesh and
of the bread shall ye burn with fire .

remaineth Lev_10_12 /^{remaineth /of the offerings
of the LORD made by fire , and eat it without leaven beside the
altar : for it is most holy :

remaineth Exo_16_23 /^{remaineth /over lay up for
you to be kept until the morning .

remaineth Gen_08_22 /^{remaineth /seedtime and
harvest , and cold and heat , and summer and winter , and day
and night shall not cease .

remaineth Exo_26_12 /^{remaineth /shall hang over
the backside of the tabernacle .

remaineth Job_41_22 /^{remaineth /strength , and
sorrow is turned into joy before him.

remaineth 1Co_07_29 /${remaineth /that both they
that have wives be as though they had none ;

remaineth Heb_04_06 /${remaineth /that some must
enter therein , and they to whom it was first preached entered
not in because of unbelief :

remaineth 2Co_03_14 /${remaineth /the same vail
untaken away in the reading of the old testament ; which vail is
done away in Christ .

remaineth Heb_04_09 /${remaineth /therefore a rest
to the people of God .

remaineth 1Ch_17_01 /^{remaineth /under curtains .

remaineth Jos_08_29 /^{remaineth /unto this day .

remaineth 1Sa_06_18 /^{remaineth /unto this day in
the field of Joshua , the Bethshemite .

remaineth Exo_10_05 /^{remaineth /unto you from
the hail , and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of
the field :

remaineth Job_19_04 /^{remaineth /with myself.

remaineth 1Sa_16_11 /^{remaineth /yet the youngest
, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep . And Samuel said unto Jesse
, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come
hither .

remaineth Jos_13_01 /^{remaineth /yet very much
land to be possessed .

remaining Jos_10_37 /^{remaining /according to all
that he had done to Eglon ; but destroyed it utterly, and all
the souls that were therein.

remaining Jos_10_39 /^{remaining /as he had done
to Hebron , so he did to Debir , and to the king thereof; as he
had done also to Libnah , and to her king .

remaining Jos_10_40 /^{remaining /but utterly
destroyed all that breathed , as the LORD God of Israel
commanded .

remaining 2Sa_21_05 /^{remaining /in any of the
coasts of Israel ,

remaining Job_18_19 /^{remaining /in his dwellings

remaining 1Ch_09_33 /^{remaining /in the chambers
were free : for they were employed in that work day and night .

remaining Jos_21_40 /^{remaining /of the families
of the Levites , were by their lot twelve cities .

remaining Oba_01_18 /^{remaining /of the house of
Esau ; for the LORD hath spoken it.

remaining Joh_01_33 /${remaining /on him , the
same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost .

remaining Num_09_22 /^{remaining /thereon, the
children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but
when it was taken up , they journeyed .
