rejoiceth Jam_02_13 /${rejoiceth /against judgment

rejoiceth Pro_11_10 /^{rejoiceth /and when the
wicked perish , there is shouting .

rejoiceth Psa_28_07 /^{rejoiceth /and with my song
will I praise him.

rejoiceth Isa_64_05 /^{rejoiceth /and worketh
righteousness , those that remember thee in thy ways : behold,
thou art wroth ; for we have sinned : in those is continuance ,
and we shall be saved .

rejoiceth Psa_19_05 /^{rejoiceth /as a strong man
to run a race .

rejoiceth Pro_13_09 /^{rejoiceth /but the lamp of
the wicked shall be put out .

rejoiceth Joh_03_29 /${rejoiceth /greatly because
of the bridegroom's voice : this my joy therefore is fulfilled .

rejoiceth Pro_29_03 /^{rejoiceth /his father : but
he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance .

rejoiceth Eze_35_14 /^{rejoiceth /I will make thee
desolate .

rejoiceth Job_39_21 /^{rejoiceth /in his strength :
he goeth on to meet the armed men .

rejoiceth 1Sa_02_01 /^{rejoiceth /in the LORD ,
mine horn is exalted in the LORD : my mouth is enlarged over
mine enemies ; because I rejoice in thy salvation .

rejoiceth 1Co_13_06 /${rejoiceth /in the truth ;

rejoiceth Mat_18_13 /${rejoiceth /more of that
sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray .

rejoiceth Psa_16_09 /^{rejoiceth /my flesh also
shall rest in hope .

Rejoiceth 1Co_13_06 /${Rejoiceth /not in iniquity ,
but rejoiceth in the truth ;

rejoiceth Isa_62_05 /^{rejoiceth /over the bride ,
so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

rejoiceth Isa_05_14 /^{rejoiceth /shall descend
into it.

rejoiceth Pro_15_30 /^{rejoiceth /the heart : and
a good report maketh the bones fat .
