reigned 2Ki_15_13 /^{reigned /a full month in
Samaria .

reigned 1Ki_15_01 /^{reigned /Abijam over Judah .

reigned 2Ki_14_01 /^{reigned /Amaziah the son of
Joash king of Judah .

reigned 2Sa_16_08 /^{reigned /and the LORD hath
delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom thy son : and,
behold, thou art taken in thy mischief , because thou art a
bloody man .

reigned Gen_36_31 /^{reigned /any king over the
children of Israel .

reigned 1Co_04_08 /${reigned /as kings without
us : and I would to God ye did reign , that we also might reign
with you .

reigned 1Ki_15_09 /^{reigned /Asa over Judah .

reigned 1Ki_14_19 /^{reigned /behold, they are
written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel .

reigned Rom_05_17 /${reigned /by one ; much more
they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of
righteousness shall reign in life by one , Jesus Christ .

reigned 2Ki_08_17 /^{reigned /eight years in
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ch_21_05 /^{reigned /eight years in
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ch_36_11 /^{reigned /eleven years in
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ki_24_18 /^{reigned /eleven years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Hamutal , the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

reigned Jer_52_01 /^{reigned /eleven years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

reigned 2Ki_23_36 /^{reigned /eleven years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Zebudah , the daughter of
Pedaiah of Rumah .

reigned 2Ch_36_05 /^{reigned /eleven years in
Jerusalem : and he did that which was evil in the sight of the
LORD his God .

reigned 2Ki_21_01 /^{reigned /fifty and five
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Hephzibah .

reigned 2Ch_33_01 /^{reigned /fifty and five
years in Jerusalem :

reigned 2Ch_26_03 /^{reigned /fifty and two years
in Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Jecoliah of Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ch_12_13 /^{reigned /for Rehoboam was
one and forty years old when he began to reign , and he reigned
seventeen years in Jerusalem , the city which the LORD had
chosen out of all the tribes of Israel , to put his name there.
And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess .

reigned 2Ki_14_23 /^{reigned /forty and one years

reigned 2Sa_05_04 /^{reigned /forty years .

reigned 2Ch_24_01 /^{reigned /forty years in
Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Zibiah of Beersheba .

reigned Rom_05_14 /${reigned /from Adam to Moses
, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of
Adam's transgression , who is the figure of him that was to come

reigned 1Ki_02_11 /^{reigned /he in Hebron , and
thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem .

reigned 1Ch_29_27 /^{reigned /he in Hebron , and
thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem .

reigned 1Ki_02_11 /^{reigned /he in Jerusalem .

reigned 1Ch_29_27 /^{reigned /he in Jerusalem .

reigned 1Ki_15_10 /^{reigned /he in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Maachah , the daughter of Abishalom .

reigned 1Ki_15_02 /^{reigned /he in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Maachah , the daughter of Abishalom .

reigned 2Ki_12_01 /^{reigned /he in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Zibiah of Beersheba .

reigned 1Ki_16_23 /^{reigned /he in Tirzah .

reigned Jos_13_12 /^{reigned /in Ashtaroth and
in Edrei , who remained of the remnant of the giants : for these
did Moses smite , and cast them out .

reigned 1Ki_11_24 /^{reigned /in Damascus .

reigned Gen_36_32 /^{reigned /in Edom : and the
name of his city was Dinhabah .

reigned Jud_04_02 /^{reigned /in Hazor ; the
captain of whose host was Sisera , which dwelt in Harosheth of
the Gentiles .

reigned Jos_13_10 /^{reigned /in Heshbon , unto
the border of the children of Ammon ;

reigned Jos_13_21 /^{reigned /in Heshbon , whom
Moses smote with the princes of Midian , Evi , and Rekem , and
Zur , and Hur , and Reba , which were dukes of Sihon , dwelling
in the country .

reigned 2Ki_15_25 /^{reigned /in his room.

reigned 2Ki_01_17 /^{reigned /in his stead in the
second year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah ;
because he had no son .

reigned 2Ki_03_27 /^{reigned /in his stead, and
offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall . And there was
great indignation against Israel : and they departed from him,
and returned to their own land .

reigned 2Ch_17_01 /^{reigned /in his stead, and
strengthened himself against Israel .

reigned 2Ki_15_30 /^{reigned /in his stead, in
the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah .

reigned 1Ki_22_50 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_24_27 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_10_35 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_13_24 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned Gen_36_33 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned Gen_36_34 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ch_29_28 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_15_28 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_20_21 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ch_01_48 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ch_01_45 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_16_06 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ch_01_47 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_11_43 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_21_18 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_15_07 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_09_31 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned Gen_36_37 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned Isa_37_38 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_33_20 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_21_01 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_16_10 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_15_38 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_16_28 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_12_21 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Sa_10_01 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_12_16 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_14_20 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_15_10 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_15_24 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_15_14 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned Gen_36_38 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_13_09 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_24_06 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_32_33 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_14_29 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_19_37 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_22_40 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_16_20 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_08_24 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_36_08 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_26_23 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ch_19_01 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_27_09 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_08_15 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_15_22 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_14_16 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ki_21_26 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned Gen_36_36 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_28_27 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_15_08 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ki_14_31 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ch_01_44 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 1Ch_01_49 /^{reigned /in his stead.

reigned 2Ch_14_01 /^{reigned /in his stead. In
his days the land was quiet ten years .

reigned Gen_36_35 /^{reigned /in his stead: and
the name of his city was Avith .

reigned 1Ch_01_46 /^{reigned /in his stead: and
the name of his city was Avith .

reigned 1Ch_01_50 /^{reigned /in his stead: and
the name of his city was Pai ; and his wife's name was Mehetabel
, the daughter of Matred , the daughter of Mezahab .

reigned Gen_36_39 /^{reigned /in his stead: and
the name of his city was Pau ; and his wife's name was Mehetabel
, the daughter of Matred , the daughter of Mezahab .

reigned 2Ch_21_20 /^{reigned /in Jerusalem eight
years , and departed without being desired . Howbeit they buried
him in the city of David , but not in the sepulchres of the
kings .

reigned 2Ch_34_01 /^{reigned /in Jerusalem one
and thirty years .

reigned 2Ch_09_30 /^{reigned /in Jerusalem over
all Israel forty years .

reigned 1Ki_11_42 /^{reigned /in Jerusalem over
all Israel was forty years .

reigned 2Ki_24_08 /^{reigned /in Jerusalem three
months . And his mother's name was Nehushta , the daughter of
Elnathan of Jerusalem .

reigned 1Ki_14_21 /^{reigned /in Judah .
Rehoboam was forty and one years old when he began to reign ,
and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem , the city which the
LORD did choose out of all the tribes of Israel , to put his
name there. And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess .

reigned Jos_12_05 /^{reigned /in mount Hermon ,
and in Salcah , and in all Bashan , unto the border of the
Geshurites and the Maachathites , and half Gilead , the border
of Sihon king of Heshbon .

reigned Gen_36_31 /^{reigned /in the land of
Edom , before there reigned any king over the children of Israel

reigned 1Ch_01_43 /^{reigned /in the land of
Edom before any king reigned over the children of Israel ; Bela
the son of Beor : and the name of his city was Dinhabah .

reigned Jer_37_01 /^{reigned /instead of Coniah
the son of Jehoiakim , whom Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon made
king in the land of Judah .

reigned Jer_22_11 /^{reigned /instead of Josiah
his father , which went forth out of this place ; He shall not
return thither any more:

reigned 2Ch_29_01 /^{reigned /nine and twenty
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Abijah , the
daughter of Zechariah .

reigned 1Sa_13_01 /^{reigned /one year ; and
when he had reigned two years over Israel ,

reigned 2Ki_08_26 /^{reigned /one year in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Athaliah , the daughter of
Omri king of Israel .

reigned 2Ch_22_02 /^{reigned /one year in
Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Athaliah the daughter of
Omri .

reigned 1Ch_18_14 /^{reigned /over all Israel ,
and executed judgment and justice among all his people .

reigned 1Ch_29_26 /^{reigned /over all Israel .

reigned 2Sa_08_15 /^{reigned /over all Israel ;
and David executed judgment and justice unto all his people .

reigned 1Ki_04_21 /^{reigned /over all kingdoms
from the river unto the land of the Philistines , and unto the
border of Egypt : they brought presents , and served Solomon all
the days of his life .

reigned 2Ch_09_26 /^{reigned /over all the kings
from the river even unto the land of the Philistines , and to
the border of Egypt .

reigned 2Ch_01_13 /^{reigned /over Israel .

reigned 1Ki_16_29 /^{reigned /over Israel in
Samaria twenty and two years .

reigned 2Ki_10_36 /^{reigned /over Israel in
Samaria was twenty and eight years .

reigned 1Ki_15_25 /^{reigned /over Israel two
years .

reigned 1Ch_29_27 /^{reigned /over Israel was
forty years ; seven years reigned he in Hebron , and thirty and
three years reigned he in Jerusalem .

reigned 1Ki_02_11 /^{reigned /over Israel were
forty years : seven years reigned he in Hebron , and thirty and
three years reigned he in Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ch_20_31 /^{reigned /over Judah : he was
thirty and five years old when he began to reign , and he
reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem . And his mother's
name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi .

reigned 2Sa_05_05 /^{reigned /over Judah seven
years and six months : and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and
three years over all Israel and Judah .

reigned 1Ki_11_25 /^{reigned /over Syria .

reigned 1Ch_01_43 /^{reigned /over the children
of Israel ; Bela the son of Beor : and the name of his city was
Dinhabah .

reigned 2Ch_22_12 /^{reigned /over the land .

reigned 2Ch_10_17 /^{reigned /over them.

reigned 1Ki_12_17 /^{reigned /over them.

reigned 1Ch_03_04 /^{reigned /seven years and
six months : and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years .

reigned 2Ki_13_01 /^{reigned /seventeen years .

reigned 1Ki_14_21 /^{reigned /seventeen years in
Jerusalem , the city which the LORD did choose out of all the
tribes of Israel , to put his name there. And his mother's name
was Naamah an Ammonitess .

reigned 2Ch_12_13 /^{reigned /seventeen years in
Jerusalem , the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the
tribes of Israel , to put his name there. And his mother's name
was Naamah an Ammonitess .

reigned 2Ki_13_10 /^{reigned /sixteen years .

reigned 2Ki_16_02 /^{reigned /sixteen years in
Jerusalem , and did not that which was right in the sight of the
LORD his God , like David his father .

reigned 2Ch_27_08 /^{reigned /sixteen years in
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ki_15_33 /^{reigned /sixteen years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jerusha , the daughter of
Zadok .

reigned 2Ch_27_01 /^{reigned /sixteen years in
Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Jerushah , the daughter
of Zadok .

reigned 2Ch_28_01 /^{reigned /sixteen years in
Jerusalem : but he did not that which was right in the sight of
the LORD , like David his father :

reigned 2Ki_15_17 /^{reigned /ten years in
Samaria .

reigned 1Ki_15_29 /^{reigned /that he smote all
the house of Jeroboam ; he left not to Jeroboam any that
breathed , until he had destroyed him, according unto the saying
of the LORD , which he spake by his servant Ahijah the Shilonite

reigned 2Ki_22_01 /^{reigned /thirty and one
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jedidah , the
daughter of Adaiah of Boscath .

reigned 1Ch_03_04 /^{reigned /thirty and three
years .

reigned 2Sa_05_05 /^{reigned /thirty and three
years over all Israel and Judah .

reigned 2Ch_36_09 /^{reigned /three months and
ten days in Jerusalem : and he did that which was evil in the
sight of the LORD .

reigned 2Ch_36_02 /^{reigned /three months in
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ki_23_31 /^{reigned /three months in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Hamutal , the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

reigned 2Ch_13_02 /^{reigned /three years in
Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Michaiah the daughter of
Uriel of Gibeah . And there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam .

reigned Jud_09_22 /^{reigned /three years over
Israel ,

reigned 2Ki_03_01 /^{reigned /twelve years .

reigned 1Ki_22_42 /^{reigned /twenty and five
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Azubah the
daughter of Shilhi .

reigned 2Ch_20_31 /^{reigned /twenty and five
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Azubah the
daughter of Shilhi .

reigned 2Ch_25_01 /^{reigned /twenty and nine
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ki_14_02 /^{reigned /twenty and nine
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ki_18_02 /^{reigned /twenty and nine
years in Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Abi , the
daughter of Zachariah .

reigned 2Ki_15_27 /^{reigned /twenty years .

reigned 2Ki_15_02 /^{reigned /two and fifty years
in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jecholiah of Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ki_15_23 /^{reigned /two years .

reigned 2Sa_02_10 /^{reigned /two years . But the
house of Judah followed David .

reigned 2Ch_33_21 /^{reigned /two years in
Jerusalem .

reigned 2Ki_21_19 /^{reigned /two years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Meshullemeth , the
daughter of Haruz of Jotbah .

reigned 1Sa_13_01 /^{reigned /two years over
Israel ,

reigned 1Ki_22_51 /^{reigned /two years over
Israel .

reigned Rom_05_21 /${reigned /unto death , even
so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by
Jesus Christ our Lord .

reigned 1Ki_14_20 /^{reigned /were two and
twenty years : and he slept with his fathers , and Nadab his son
reigned in his stead.

reigned Rev_20_04 /${reigned /with Christ a
thousand years .
