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Regard 03_LEV_19_31 {Regard} (06437 +panah ) not them that have familiar spirits (00178 +)owb ) , neither (00408 +)al ) seek (01245 +baqash ) after (00413 +)el ) wizards (03049 +yidd@(oniy ) , to be defiled (02930 +tame) ) by them : I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) your God (00430 +)elohiym ) .

regard 09_1SA_04_20 And about the time (06256 +(eth ) of her death (04191 +muwth ) the women that stood (05324 +natsab ) by her said (01696 +dabar ) unto her , Fear (03372 +yare) ) not ; for thou hast born (03205 +yalad ) a son (01121 +ben ) . But she answered (06030 +(anah ) not , neither (03808 +lo) ) did she {regard} (03820 +leb ) [ it ] .

regard 09_1SA_25_25 Let not my lord (00113 +)adown ) , I pray (04994 +na) ) thee , {regard} (03820 +leb ) this (02088 +zeh ) man (00376 +)iysh ) of Belial (01100 +b@liya(al ) , [ even ] Nabal (05037 +Nabal ):for as his name (08034 +shem ) [ is ] , so (03651 +ken ) [ is ] he ; Nabal (05037 +Nabal ) [ is ] his name (08034 +shem ) , and folly (05039 +n@balah ) [ is ] with him:but I thine handmaid (00519 +)amah ) saw (07200 +ra)ah ) not the young (05288 +na(ar ) men of my lord (00113 +)adown ) , whom (00834 +)aher ) thou didst send (07971 +shalach ) .

regard 12_2KI_03_14 And Elisha (00477 +)Eliysha( ) said (00559 +)amar ) , [ As ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) liveth (02416 +chay ) , before (06440 +paniym ) whom (00834 +)aher ) I stand (05975 +(amad ) , surely (03588 +kiy ) , were it not that I {regard} (05375 +nasa) ) the presence (06440 +paniym ) of Jehoshaphat (03092 +Y@howshaphat ) the king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , I would not look (05027 +nabat ) toward (00413 +)el ) thee , nor (00518 +)im ) see (07200 +ra)ah ) thee .

regard 10_2SA_13_20 And Absalom (53) her brother (00251 +)ach ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto her , Hath Amnon (00550 +)Amnown ) thy brother (00251 +)ach ) been (01961 +hayah ) with thee ? but hold (02790 +charash ) now (06258 +(attah ) thy peace (02790 +charash ) , my sister (00269 +)achowth ):he [ is ] thy brother (00251 +)ach ) ; {regard} (03820 +leb ) not this (02063 +zo)th ) thing (01697 +dabar ) . So Tamar (08559 +Tamar ) remained (03427 +yashab ) desolate (08076 +shamem ) in her brother (00251 +)ach ) Absalom s (53) house (01004 +bayith ) .

regard 44_ACT_08_11 And to him they had {regard} (4337 -prosecho -) , because (1223 -dia -) that of long (2425 -hikanos -) time (5550 -chronos -) he had bewitched (1839 -existemi -) them with sorceries (3095 -mageia -) .

regard 30_AMO_05_22 Though ye offer (05927 +(alah ) me burnt (05930 +(olah ) offerings and your meat offerings (04503 +minchah ) , I will not accept (07521 +ratsah ) [ them ]:neither (03808 +lo) ) will I {regard} (05027 +nabat ) the peace (08002 +shelem ) offerings of your fat (04806 +m@riy) ) beasts (04806 +m@riy) ) .

regard 27_DAN_11_37 Neither (03808 +lo) ) shall he regard (00995 +biyn ) the God (00430 +)elohiym ) of his fathers (1) , nor the desire (02532 +chemdah ) of women (00802 +)ishshah ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) {regard} (00995 +biyn ) any (03605 +kol ) god (00433 +)elowahh ):for he shall magnify (01431 +gadal ) himself above (05921 +(al ) all (03605 +kol ) .

regard 27_DAN_11_37 Neither (03808 +lo) ) shall he {regard} (00995 +biyn ) the God (00430 +)elohiym ) of his fathers (1) , nor the desire (02532 +chemdah ) of women (00802 +)ishshah ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) regard (00995 +biyn ) any (03605 +kol ) god (00433 +)elowahh ):for he shall magnify (01431 +gadal ) himself above (05921 +(al ) all (03605 +kol ) .

regard 05_DEU_28_50 A nation (01471 +gowy ) of fierce (05794 +(az ) countenance (06440 +paniym ) , which (00834 +)aher ) shall not {regard} (05375 +nasa) ) the person (06440 +paniym ) of the old (02205 +zaqen ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) shew favour (02603 +chanan ) to the young (05288 +na(ar ) :

regard 21_ECC_08_02 I [ counsel thee ] to keep (08104 +shamar ) the king s (04428 +melek ) commandment (06310 +peh ) , and [ that ] in {regard} of the oath (07621 +sh@buw(ah ) of God (00430 +)elohiym ) .

regard 02_EXO_05_09 Let there more work (05656 +(abodah ) be laid (03515 +kabed ) upon the men (00582 +)enowsh ) , that they may labour (06213 +(asah ) therein ; and let them not {regard} (08159 +sha(ah ) vain (08267 +sheqer ) words (01697 +dabar ) .

regard 01_GEN_45_20 Also {regard} not your stuff (03627 +k@liy ) ; for the good (02898 +tuwb ) of all (03605 +kol ) the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) [ is ] yours .

regard 35_HAB_01_05 . Behold (07200 +ra)ah ) ye among the heathen (01471 +gowy ) , and {regard} (05027 +nabat ) , and wonder (08539 +tamahh ) marvellously (08539 +tamahh ):for [ I ] will work (06466 +pa(al ) a work (06467 +po(al ) in your days (03117 +yowm ) , [ which ] ye will not believe (00539 +)aman ) , though (03588 +kiy ) it be told (05608 +caphar ) [ you ] .

regard 23_ISA_05_12 And the harp (03658 +kinnowr ) , and the viol (05035 +nebel ) , the tabret (08596 +toph ) , and pipe (02485 +chaliyl ) , and wine (03196 +yayin ) , are in their feasts (04960 +mishteh ):but they {regard} (05027 +nabat ) not the work (06467 +po(al ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) consider (07200 +ra)ah ) the operation (04639 +ma(aseh ) of his hands (03027 +yad ) .

regard 23_ISA_13_17 Behold (02005 +hen ) , I will stir (05782 +(uwr ) up the Medes (04074 +Maday ) against (05921 +(al ) them , which (00834 +)aher ) shall not {regard} (02803 +chashab ) silver (03701 +keceph ) ; and [ as for ] gold (02091 +zahab ) , they shall not delight (02654 +chaphets ) in it .

regard 18_JOB_03_04 Let that day (03117 +yowm ) be darkness (02822 +choshek ) ; let not God (00433 +)elowahh ) {regard} (01875 +darash ) it from above (04605 +ma(al ) , neither (00408 +)al ) let the light (05105 +n@harah ) shine (03313 +yapha( ) upon it .

regard 18_JOB_35_13 Surely (00389 +)ak ) God (00410 +)el ) will not hear (08085 +shama( ) vanity (07723 +shav) ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) will the Almighty (07706 +Shadday ) {regard} (07789 +shuwr ) it .

regard 18_JOB_36_21 Take heed (08104 +shamar ) , {regard} (06437 +panah ) not iniquity (00205 +)aven ):for this (02088 +zeh ) hast thou chosen (00970 +bachuwr ) rather than affliction (06040 +(oniy ) .

regard 25_LAM_04_16 The anger (06440 +paniym ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath divided (02505 +chalaq ) them ; he will no (03808 +lo) ) more (03254 +yacaph ) {regard} (05027 +nabat ) them:they respected (05375 +nasa) ) not the persons (06440 +paniym ) of the priests (03548 +kohen ) , they favoured (02603 +chanan ) not the elders (02205 +zaqen ) .

regard 42_LUK_18_04 And he would 2309 -thelo - not for a while 5550 -chronos -:but afterward 5023 -tauta - he said 2036 -epo - within 1722 -en - himself 1438 -heautou - , Though 1499 -ei kai - I fear 5399 -phobeo - not God 2316 -theos - , nor 3756 -ou - {regard} 1788 -entrepo - man 0444 -anthropos - ;

regard 39_MAL_01_09 And now (06258 +(attah ) , I pray (04994 +na) ) you , beseech God (00410 +)el ) that he will be gracious (02603 +chanan ) unto us:this (02063 +zo)th ) hath been (01961 +hayah ) by your means (03027 +yad ):will he {regard} (05375 +nasa) ) your persons (06440 +paniym ) ? saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) .

regard 20_PRO_05_02 That thou mayest {regard} (08104 +shamar ) discretion (04209 +m@zimmah ) , and [ that ] thy lips (08193 +saphah ) may keep (05341 +natsar ) knowledge (01847 +da(ath ) .

regard 20_PRO_06_35 He will not {regard} any (03605 +kol ) ransom (03724 +kopher ) ; neither (03808 +lo) ) will he rest content (14) , though (03588 +kiy ) thou givest many (07235 +rabah ) gifts (07810 +shachad ) .

regard 19_PSA_102_17 He will {regard} (06437 +panah ) the prayer (08605 +t@phillah ) of the destitute (06199 +(ar(ar ) , and not despise (00959 +bazah ) their prayer (08605 +t@phillah ) .

regard 19_PSA_28_05 Because (03588 +kiy ) they {regard} (00995 +biyn ) not the works (06468 +p@(ullah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , nor the operation (04639 +ma(aseh ) of his hands (03027 +yad ) , he shall destroy (02040 +harac ) them , and not build (01129 +banah ) them up .

regard 19_PSA_31_06 I have hated (08130 +sane) ) them that {regard} (08104 +shamar ) lying (07723 +shav) ) vanities (01892 +hebel ):but I trust (00982 +batach ) in the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

regard 19_PSA_66_18 If (00518 +)im ) I {regard} (07200 +ra)ah ) iniquity (00205 +)aven ) in my heart (03820 +leb ) , the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) will not hear (08085 +shama( ) [ me ] :

regard 19_PSA_94_07 Yet they say (00559 +)amar ) , The LORD (03050 +Yahh ) shall not see (07200 +ra)ah ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) shall the God (00430 +)elohiym ) of Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) {regard} (00995 +biyn ) [ it ] .

regard 45_ROM_14_06 He that regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) the day (2250 -hemera -) , regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] unto the Lord (2962 -kurios -) ; and he that regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) not the day (2250 -hemera -) , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he doth not {regard} (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] . He that eateth (2068 -esthio -) , eateth (2068 -esthio -) to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) , for he giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) ; and he that eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , and giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) .

regarded 13_1CH_17_17 And [ yet ] this (02063 +zo)th ) was a small (06994 +qaton ) thing in thine eyes (05869 +(ayin ) , O God (00430 +)elohiym ) ; for thou hast [ also ] spoken (01696 +dabar ) of thy servant s (05650 +(ebed ) house (01004 +bayith ) for a great (07350 +rachowq ) while to come , and hast {regarded} (07200 +ra)ah ) me according to the estate (08448 +towr ) of a man (00120 +)adam ) of high (04608 +ma(aleh ) degree , O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) .

regarded 11_1KI_18_29 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , when midday (06672 +tsohar ) was past (05674 +(abar ) , and they prophesied (05012 +naba) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the [ time ] of the offering (05927 +(alah ) of the [ evening ] sacrifice (04503 +minchah ) , that [ there was ] neither (00369 +)ayin ) voice (06963 +qowl ) , nor (00369 +)ayin ) any to answer (06030 +(anah ) , nor (00369 +)ayin ) any that {regarded} (07182 +qesheb ) .

regarded 27_DAN_03_12 There are certain (01400 +g@bar ) Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) whom (03487 +yath ) thou hast set (04483 +m@na) ) over (05921 +(al ) the affairs (05673 +(abiydah ) of the province (04083 +m@diynah ) of Babylon (00895 +Babel ) , Shadrach (07715 +Shadrak ) , Meshach (04336 +Meyshak ) , and Abednego (05665 +(Abed N@gow) ) ; these (00479 +)illek ) men (01400 +g@bar ) , O king (04430 +melek ) , have not {regarded} thee:they serve (06399 +p@lach ) not thy gods (00426 +)elahh ) , nor (03809 +la) ) worship (05457 +c@gid ) the golden (01722 +d@hab ) image (06755 +tselem ) which (01768 +diy ) thou hast set (06966 +quwm ) up .

regarded 02_EXO_09_21 And he that {regarded} (03820 +leb ) not the word (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) left (05800 +(azab ) his servants (05650 +(ebed ) and his cattle (04735 +miqneh ) in the field (07704 +sadeh ) .

regarded 58_HEB_08_09 Not according (2596 -kata -) to the covenant (1242 -diatheke -) that I made (4160 -poieo -) with their fathers (3962 -pater -) in the day (2250 -hemera -) when I took (1949 -epilambanomai -) them by the hand (5495 -cheir -) to lead (1806 -exago -) them out of the land (1093 -ge -) of Egypt (0125 -Aiguptos -) ; because (3754 -hoti -) they continued (1696 -emmeno -) not in my covenant (1242 -diatheke -) , and I {regarded} (0272 -ameleo -) them not , saith (3004 -lego -) the Lord (2962 -kurios -) .

regarded 42_LUK_01_48 For he hath {regarded} 1914 -epiblepo - the low 5014 -tapeinosis - estate of his handmaiden 1399 -doule -:for , behold 2400 -idou - , from henceforth 3568 -nun - all 3956 -pas - generations 1074 -genea - shall call 3106 -makarizo - me blessed 3106 -makarizo - .

regarded 42_LUK_18_02 Saying 3004 -lego - , There was in a city 4172 -polis - a judge 2923 -krites - , which feared 5399 -phobeo - not God 2316 -theos - , neither 3366 -mede - {regarded} 1788 -entrepo - man 0444 -anthropos - :

regarded 20_PRO_01_24 Because (03282 +ya(an ) I have called (07121 +qara) ) , and ye refused (03985 +ma)en ) ; I have stretched (05186 +natah ) out my hand (03027 +yad ) , and no (00369 +)ayin ) man {regarded} (07181 +qashab ) ;

regarded 19_PSA_106_44 Nevertheless he {regarded} (07200 +ra)ah ) their affliction (06862 +tsar ) , when he heard (08085 +shama( ) their cry (07440 +rinnah ) :

regardest 10_2SA_19_06 In that thou lovest (00157 +)ahab ) thine enemies (08130 +sane) ) , and hatest (08130 +sane) ) thy friends (00157 +)ahab ) . For thou hast declared (05046 +nagad ) this day (03117 +yowm ) , that thou {regardest} neither (00369 +)ayin ) princes (08269 +sar ) nor servants (05650 +(ebed ):for this day (03117 +yowm ) I perceive (03045 +yada( ) , that if (03863 +luw) ) Absalom (53) had lived (02416 +chay ) , and all (03605 +kol ) we had died (04191 +muwth ) this day (03117 +yowm ) , then (00227 +)az ) it had pleased thee well .

regardest 18_JOB_30_20 I cry (07768 +shava( ) unto thee , and thou dost not hear (06030 +(anah ) me:I stand (05975 +(amad ) up , and thou {regardest} (00995 +biyn ) me [ not ] .

regardest 41_MAR_12_14 And when they were come (2064 -erchomai -) , they say (3004 -lego -) unto him , Master (1320 -didaskalos -) , we know (1492 -eido -) that thou art (1488 -ei -) true (0227 -alethes -) , and carest (3199 -melo -) for no (3762 -oudeis -) man (0444 -anthropos -):for thou {regardest} (0991 -blepo -) not the person (4383 -prosopon -) of men (0444 -anthropos -) , but teachest (1321 -didasko -) the way (3598 -hodos -) of God (2316 -theos -) in truth (0225 -aletheia -):Is it lawful (1832 -exesti -) to give (1325 -didomi -) tribute (2778 -kensos -) to Caesar (2541 -Kaisar -) , or (2228 -e -) not ?

regardest 40_MAT_22_16 And they sent (0649 -apostello -) out unto him their disciples (3101 -mathetes -) with the Herodians (2265 -Herodianoi -) , saying (3004 -lego -) , Master (1320 -didaskalos -) , we know (1492 -eido -) that thou art (1488 -ei -) true (0227 -alethes -) , and teachest (1321 -didasko -) the way (3598 -hodos -) of God (2316 -theos -) in truth (0225 -aletheia -) , neither (3756 -ou -) carest (3199 -melo -) thou for any (3762 -oudeis -) [ man (3762 -oudeis -) ]:for thou {regardest} (0991 -blepo -) not the person (4383 -prosopon -) of men (0444 -anthropos -) .

regardeth 27_DAN_06_13 Then (00116 +)edayin ) answered (06032 +(anah ) they and said (00560 +)amar ) before (06925 +qodam ) the king (04430 +melek ) , That Daniel (01841 +Daniye)l ) , which (01768 +diy ) [ is ] of the children (01123 +ben ) of the captivity (01547 +galuwth ) of Judah (03061 +Y@huwd ) , {regardeth} not thee , O king (04430 +melek ) , nor the decree (00633 +)ecar ) that thou hast signed (07560 +r@sham ) , but maketh his petition (01159 +ba(uw ) three (08532 +t@lath ) times (02166 +z@man ) a day (03118 +yowm ) .

regardeth 05_DEU_10_17 For the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) your God (00430 +)elohiym ) [ is ] God (00430 +)elohiym ) of gods (00430 +)elohiym ) , and Lord (00113 +)adown ) of lords (00113 +)adown ) , a great (01419 +gadowl ) God (00410 +)el ) , a mighty (01368 +gibbowr ) , and a terrible (03372 +yare) ) , which (00834 +)aher ) {regardeth} (05375 +nasa) ) not persons (06440 +paniym ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) taketh (03947 +laqach ) reward (07810 +shachad ) :

regardeth 21_ECC_05_08 If (00518 +)im ) thou seest (07200 +ra)ah ) the oppression (06233 +(osheq ) of the poor (07326 +ruwsh ) , and violent (01499 +gezel ) perverting of judgment (04941 +mishpat ) and justice (06664 +tsedeq ) in a province (04082 +m@diynah ) , marvel (08539 +tamahh ) not at (05921 +(al ) the matter (02659 +chapher ):for [ he that is ] higher (01364 +gaboahh ) than (05921 +(al ) the highest (01364 +gaboahh ) {regardeth} (08104 +shamar ) ; and [ there be ] higher (01364 +gaboahh ) than (05921 +(al ) they .

regardeth 21_ECC_11_04 He that observeth (08104 +shamar ) the wind (07307 +ruwach ) shall not sow (02232 +zara( ) ; and he that {regardeth} (07200 +ra)ah ) the clouds (05645 +(ab ) shall not reap (07114 +qatsar ) .

regardeth 23_ISA_33_08 The highways (04546 +m@cillah ) lie waste (08074 +shamem ) , the wayfaring man ceaseth (07673 +shabath ):he hath broken (06565 +parar ) the covenant (01285 +b@riyth ) , he hath despised (03988 +ma)ac ) the cities (05892 +(iyr ) , he {regardeth} (02803 +chashab ) no (03808 +lo) ) man (00582 +)enowsh ) .

regardeth 18_JOB_34_19 [ How (00834 +)aher ) much less to him ] that accepteth (05375 +nasa) ) not the persons (06440 +paniym ) of princes (08269 +sar ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) {regardeth} (05234 +nakar ) the rich (07771 +showa( ) more (06440 +paniym ) than (06440 +paniym ) the poor (01800 +dal ) ? for they all (03605 +kol ) [ are ] the work (04639 +ma(aseh ) of his hands (03027 +yad ) .

regardeth 18_JOB_39_07 He scorneth (07832 +sachaq ) the multitude (01995 +hamown ) of the city (07151 +qiryah ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) {regardeth} (08085 +shama( ) he the crying (08663 +t@shu)ah ) of the driver (05065 +nagas ) .

regardeth 39_MAL_02_13 And this have ye done (06213 +(asah ) again (08145 +sheniy ) , covering (03680 +kacah ) the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) with tears (01832 +dim(ah ) , with weeping (01065 +B@kiy ) , and with crying (00603 +)anaqah ) out , insomuch that he {regardeth} (06437 +panah ) not the offering (04503 +minchah ) any more (05750 +(owd ) , or receiveth (03947 +laqach ) [ it ] with good (07522 +ratsown ) will (07522 +ratsown ) at your hand (03027 +yad ) .

regardeth 20_PRO_12_10 . A righteous (06662 +tsaddiyq ) [ man ] {regardeth} (03045 +yada( ) the life (05315 +nephesh ) of his beast (00929 +b@hemah ):but the tender mercies (07356 +racham ) of the wicked (07563 +rasha( ) [ are ] cruel (00394 +)akzariy ) .

regardeth 20_PRO_13_18 . Poverty (07389 +reysh ) and shame (07036 +qalown ) [ shall be to ] him that refuseth (06544 +para( ) instruction (04148 +muwcar ):but he that {regardeth} (08104 +shamar ) reproof (08433 +towkechah ) shall be honoured (03513 +kabad ) .

regardeth 20_PRO_15_05 . A fool (00191 +)eviyl ) despiseth (05006 +na)ats ) his father s (1) instruction (04148 +muwcar ):but he that {regardeth} (08104 +shamar ) reproof (08433 +towkechah ) is prudent (06191 +(aram ) .

regardeth 20_PRO_29_07 . The righteous (06662 +tsaddiyq ) considereth (03045 +yada( ) the cause (01779 +diyn ) of the poor (01800 +dal ):[ but ] the wicked (07563 +rasha( ) {regardeth} (00995 +biyn ) not to know (01847 +da(ath ) [ it ] .

regardeth 45_ROM_14_06 He that regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) the day (2250 -hemera -) , regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] unto the Lord (2962 -kurios -) ; and he that {regardeth} (5426 -phroneo -) not the day (2250 -hemera -) , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he doth not regard (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] . He that eateth (2068 -esthio -) , eateth (2068 -esthio -) to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) , for he giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) ; and he that eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , and giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) .

regardeth 45_ROM_14_06 He that regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) the day (2250 -hemera -) , {regardeth} (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] unto the Lord (2962 -kurios -) ; and he that regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) not the day (2250 -hemera -) , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he doth not regard (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] . He that eateth (2068 -esthio -) , eateth (2068 -esthio -) to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) , for he giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) ; and he that eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , and giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) .

regardeth 45_ROM_14_06 He that {regardeth} (5426 -phroneo -) the day (2250 -hemera -) , regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] unto the Lord (2962 -kurios -) ; and he that regardeth (5426 -phroneo -) not the day (2250 -hemera -) , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he doth not regard (5426 -phroneo -) [ it ] . He that eateth (2068 -esthio -) , eateth (2068 -esthio -) to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) , for he giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) ; and he that eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , to the Lord (2962 -kurios -) he eateth (2068 -esthio -) not , and giveth God (2316 -theos -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) .

regarding 18_JOB_04_20 They are destroyed (03807 +kathath ) from morning (01242 +boqer ) to evening (06153 +(ereb ):they perish (6) for ever (05331 +netsach ) without any {regarding} (07760 +suwm ) [ it ] .

regarding 50_PHP_02_30 Because (3754 -hoti -) for the work (2041 -ergon -) of Christ (5547 -Christos -) he was nigh (1448 -eggizo -) unto death (2288 -thanatos -) , not {regarding} (3851 -parabouleuomai -) his life (5590 -psuche -) , to supply (0378 -anapleroo -) your (5216 -humon -) lack (5303 -husterema -) of service (3009 -leitourgia -) toward (4314 -pros -) me .


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