Compare 5568 # psalmos {psal-mos'}; from 5567; a set piece of
music, i.e. a sacred ode (accompanied with the voice, harp or
other instrument; a "psalm"); collectively, the book of the
Psalms: -- psalm. {Compare} 5603.[ql

I 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when {I} call, catch, come on (X unto),
+ forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

Jared 2391 # Iared {ee-ar'-ed}; of Hebrew origin [3382]; Jared
(i.e. Jered), an antediluvian: -- {Jared}.[ql

abroad 1290 # diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}; from 1289; dispersion,
i.e. (specially and concretely) the (converted) Israelite
resident in Gentile countries: -- (which are) scattered

accept 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): --
{accept}, + be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call,
catch, come on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive
(X after), take (away, up).[ql

accompany 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a
primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the
others being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-
yoo'-thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not
otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of
applications, literally and figuratively): -- {accompany},
appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next,
pass, resort, be set.[ql

after 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on
(X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X {after}),
take (away, up).[ql

all 0039 # hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 40; a sacred thing (i.
e. spot): -- holiest (of {all}), holy place, sanctuary.[ql

altered 2087 # heteros {het'-er-os}; of uncertain affinity; (an-
, the) other or different: -- {altered}, else, next (day), one,
(an-)other, some, strange.[ql

amazed 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be {amazed}, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come
on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

and 5516 # chi xi stigma {khee xee stig'-ma}; the 22d, 14th and
an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet
(intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers;
denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: -- six
hundred threescore {and} six.[ql

appear 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a
primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the
others being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-
yoo'-thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not
otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of
applications, literally and figuratively): -- accompany,
{appear}, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X
next, pass, resort, be set.[ql

are 1290 # diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}; from 1289; dispersion, i.
e. (specially and concretely) the (converted) Israelite resident
in Gentile countries: -- (which {are}) scattered (abroad).[ql

ark 2787 # kibotos {kib-o-tos'}; of uncertain derivation; a box,
i.e. the sacred ark and that of Noah: -- {ark}.[ql

assay 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, {assay}, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come
on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

attain 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, assay, {attain}, bring, X when I call, catch, come
on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

away 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), +
forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take ({away}, up).

be 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, {be} born,
bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.[ql

be 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring forth, conceive, {be} delivered of, gender, make, spring.

be 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, {be}

be 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + {be} amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), +
forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

be 3142 # marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed
derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e. (genitive case)
evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue (in the sacred
Tabernacle): -- to {be} testified, testimony, witness.[ql

bear 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- {bear}, beget, be born,
bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.[ql

beget 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, {beget}, be born,
bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.[ql

born 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be {born},
bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.[ql

bring 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
{bring} forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.

bring 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a
primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the
others being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-
yoo'-thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not
otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of
applications, literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear,
{bring}, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass,
resort, be set.[ql

bring 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, assay, attain, {bring}, X when I call, catch, come
on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

broidered 4117 # plegma {pleg'-mah}; from 4120; a plait (of
hair): -- {broidered} hair.[ql ***. pleion. See 4119.[ql

call 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I {call}, catch, come on (X unto),
+ forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

catch 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, {catch}, come
on (X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

centurion 2760 # kenturion {ken-too-ree'-ohn}; of Latin origin;
a centurion, i.e. captain of one hundred soldiers: --

centurion 1543 # hekatontarches {hek-at-on-tar'-khace}; or
hekatontarchos {hek-at-on'-tar-khos}; from 1540 and 757; the
captain of one hundred men: -- {centurion}.[ql

coloured 2847 # kokkinos {kok'-kee-nos}; from 2848 (from the
kernel-shape of the insect); crimson-colored: -- scarlet (colour,

come 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, {come},
enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be

come 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, {come} on (X unto),
+ forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

committed 3872 # parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a
compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a
deposit (sacred trust): -- that (thing) which is {committed} (un-
)to (trust).[ql

common 2839 # koinos {koy-nos'}; probably from 4862; common, i.
e. (literally) shared by all or several, or (cer.) profane: --
{common}, defiled, unclean, unholy.[ql

comparative 0820 # atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively)
dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, less honourable
[{comparative} degree].[ql

conceive 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085;
to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring forth, {conceive}, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.

covered 2596 # kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle;
(prepositionally) down (in place or time), in varied relations
(according to the case [genitive case, dative case or accusative
case] with which it is joined): -- about, according as (to),
after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart,
(even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside,
at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly,
concerning, + {covered}, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more)
exceeding, X more excellent, for,, godly, in(-asmuch,
divers, every, -to, respect of),, after the manner of, +
by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X
natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+
your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout
every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by),

defiled 2839 # koinos {koy-nos'}; probably from 4862; common, i.
e. (literally) shared by all or several, or (cer.) profane: --
common, {defiled}, unclean, unholy.[ql

degree 0820 # atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively)
dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, less honourable
[comparative {degree}].[ql

delivered 1560 # ekdotos {ek'-dot-os}; from 1537 and a
derivative of 1325; given out or over, i.e. surrendered: --

delivered 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085;
to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring forth, conceive, be {delivered} of, gender, make, spring.

delivered 5088 # tikto {tik'-to}; a strengthened form of a
primary teko {tek'-o} (which is used only as alternate in
certain tenses); to produce (from seed, as a mother, a plant,
the earth, etc.), literally or figuratively: -- bear, be born,
bring forth, be {delivered}, be in travail.[ql

descent 0035 # agenealogetos {ag-en-eh-al-og'-ay-tos}; from 1
(as negative particle) and 1075; unregistered as to birth: --
without {descent}.[ql

despised 0820 # atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively)
dishonoured: -- {despised}, without honour, less honourable
[comparative degree].[ql

do 3000 # latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired menial);
to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: -- serve,
{do} the service, worship(-per).[ql

dust 5522 # choos {kho'-os}; from the base of 5494; a heap (as
poured out), i.e. rubbish; loose dirt: -- {dust}.[ql

fall 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, {fall} out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be

false 5575 # pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor}; from 5571 and a
kindred form of 3144; a spurious witness, i.e. bearer of untrue
testimony: -- {false} witness.[ql

favoured 5487 # charitoo {khar-ee-to'-o}; from 5485; to grace,
i.e. indue with special honor: -- make accepted, be highly

forbidding 0209 # akolutos {ak-o-loo'-toce}; adverb from a
compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2967;
in an unhindered manner, i.e. freely: -- no man {forbidding} him.

forget 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on
(X unto), + {forget}, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

forth 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring {forth}, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.

full 4134 # pleres {play'-race}; from 4130; replete, or covered
over; by analogy, complete: -- {full}.[ql

gender 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085;
to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, {gender}, make, spring.

go 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall out, {go}, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be

graven 5480 # charagma {khar'-ag-mah}; from the same as 5482; a
scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or
scupltured figure (statue): -- {graven}, mark.[ql

grow 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall out, go, {grow}, X light, X next, pass, resort, be

hair 4117 # plegma {pleg'-mah}; from 4120; a plait (of hair): --
broidered {hair}.[ql ***. pleion. See 4119.[ql

hatred 2189 # echthra {ekh'-thrah}; feminine of 2190; hostility;
by implication, a reason for opposition: -- enmity, {hatred}.[ql

have 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), +
forget, {have}, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

him 0209 # akolutos {ak-o-loo'-toce}; adverb from a compound of
1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2967; in an
unhindered manner, i.e. freely: -- no man forbidding {him}.[ql

hired 3407 # misthios {mis'-thee-os}; from 3408; a wage-earner:
-- {hired} servant.[ql

hired 3410 # misthoma {mis'-tho-mah}; from 3409; a rented
building: -- {hired} house.[ql

hired 3411 # misthotos {mis-tho-tos'}; from 3409; a wage-worker
(good or bad): -- {hired} servant, hireling.[ql

hireling 3411 # misthotos {mis-tho-tos'}; from 3409; a wage-
worker (good or bad): -- hired servant, {hireling}.[ql

hold 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), +
forget, have, {hold}, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

holiest 0039 # hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 40; a sacred
thing (i.e. spot): -- {holiest} (of all), holy place, sanctuary.

holy 0039 # hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 40; a sacred thing
(i.e. spot): -- holiest (of all), {holy} place, sanctuary.[ql

holy 0040 # hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing)
[compare 53, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless
or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) {holy} (one,
thing), saint.[ql

honour 0820 # atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively)
dishonoured: -- despised, without {honour}, less honourable
[comparative degree].[ql

honourable 0820 # atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively)
dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, less {honourable}
[comparative degree].[ql

house 3410 # misthoma {mis'-tho-mah}; from 3409; a rented
building: -- hired {house}.[ql

hundred 1540 # hekaton {hek-at-on'}; of uncertain affinity; a
hundred: -- {hundred}.[ql

hundred 1250 # diakosioi {dee-ak-os'-ee-oy}; from 1364 and 1540;
two hundred: -- two {hundred}.[ql

hundred 4001 # pentakosioi {pen-tak-os'-ee-oy}; from 4002 and
1540; five hundred: -- five {hundred}.[ql

hundred 5145 # triakosioi {tree-ak-os'-ee-oy}; plural from 5140
and 1540; three hundred: -- three {hundred}.[ql

hundred 1541 # hekatontaetes {hek-at-on-tah-et'-ace}; from 1540
and 2094; centenarian: -- {hundred} years old.[ql

hundred 1812 # hexakosioi {hex-ak-os'-ee-oy}; plural ordinal
from 1803 and 1540; six hundred: -- six {hundred}.[ql

hundredfold 1542 # hekatontaplasion {hek-at-on-ta-plah-sec'-
own}; from 1540 and a presumed derivative of 4111; a hundred
times: -- {hundredfold}.[ql

hundred 5071 # tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter
tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four
hundred: -- four {hundred}.[ql

hundred 5516 # chi xi stigma {khee xee stig'-ma}; the 22d, 14th
and an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet
(intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers;
denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: -- six
{hundred} threescore and six.[ql

hungered 3983 # peinao {pi-nah'-o}; from the same as 3993
(through the idea of pinching toil; "pine"); to famish (absol.
or comparatively); figuratively, to crave: -- be an {hungered}.

idols 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto) {idols}.[ql

in 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that is) offered ({in} sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto) idols.[ql

is 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that {is}) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto) idols.[ql

is 3872 # parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a
compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a
deposit (sacred trust): -- that (thing) which {is} committed (un-
)to (trust).[ql

kindred 5443 # phule {foo-lay'}; from 5453 (compare 5444); an
offshoot, i.e. race or clan: -- {kindred}, tribe.[ql

kindred 4772 # suggeneia {soong-ghen'-i-ah}; from 4773;
relationship, i.e. (concretely) relatives: -- {kindred}.[ql

kindred 3965 # patria {pat-ree-ah'}; as if feminine of a
derivative of 3962; paternal descent., i.e. (concretely) a group
of families or a whole race (nation): -- family, {kindred},

less 0820 # atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively)
dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, {less} honourable
[comparative degree].[ql

light 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a
primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the
others being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-
yoo'-thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not
otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of
applications, literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear,
bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X {light}, X next, pass,
resort, be set.[ql

make 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, {make}, spring.

man 0209 # akolutos {ak-o-loo'-toce}; adverb from a compound of
1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2967; in an
unhindered manner, i.e. freely: -- no {man} forbidding him.[ql

mark 5480 # charagma {khar'-ag-mah}; from the same as 5482; a
scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or
scupltured figure (statue): -- graven, {mark}.[ql

marvel 2298 # thaumastos {thow-mas-tos'}; from 2296; wondered
at, i.e. (by implication) wonderful: -- {marvel}(-lous).[ql

meat 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- ({meat},
thing that is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto)

most 0040 # hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing)
[compare 53, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless
or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- ({most}) holy (one,
thing), saint.[ql

next 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X {next}, pass, resort, be

no 0209 # akolutos {ak-o-loo'-toce}; adverb from a compound of
1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2967; in an
unhindered manner, i.e. freely: -- {no} man forbidding him.[ql

obtain 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on
(X unto), + forget, have, hold, {obtain}, receive (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

of 0039 # hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 40; a sacred thing (i.
e. spot): -- holiest ({of} all), holy place, sanctuary.[ql

of 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to
procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring forth, conceive, be delivered {of}, gender, make, spring.

offered 4689 # spendo {spen'-do}; apparently a primary verb; to
pour out as a libation, i.e. (figuratively) to devote (one's
life or blood, as a sacrifice) (" spend"): -- (be ready to) be

offered 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that is) {offered} (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto) idols.[ql

old 1541 # hekatontaetes {hek-at-on-tah-et'-ace}; from 1540 and
2094; centenarian: -- hundred years {old}.[ql

on 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come {on} (X unto),
+ forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

one 0040 # hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing)
[compare 53, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless
or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) holy ({one},
thing), saint.[ql

out 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall {out}, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be

pass 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, {pass}, resort, be

per 3000 # latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired menial);
to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: -- serve,
do the service, worship({-per}).[ql

perjured 1965 # epiorkos {ep-ee'-or-kos}; from 1909 and 3727;
on oath, i.e. (falsely) a forswearer: -- {perjured} person.[ql

person 1965 # epiorkos {ep-ee'-or-kos}; from 1909 and 3727; on
oath, i.e. (falsely) a forswearer: -- perjured {person}.[ql

place 0039 # hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 40; a sacred thing
(i.e. spot): -- holiest (of all), holy {place}, sanctuary.[ql

prepared 2092 # hetoimos {het-oy'-mos}; from an old noun heteos
(fitness); adjusted, i.e. ready: -- {prepared}, (made) ready(-
iness, to our hand).[ql

prophetess 4398 # prophetis {prof-ay'-tis}; feminine of 4396; a
female foreteller or an inspired woman: -- {prophetess}.[ql

prophet 4396 # prophetes {prof-ay'-tace}; from a compound of
4253 and 5346; a foreteller ("prophet"); by analogy, an inspired
speaker; by extension, a poet: -- {prophet}.[ql

psalm 5568 # psalmos {psal-mos'}; from 5567; a set piece of
music, i.e. a sacred ode (accompanied with the voice, harp or
other instrument; a "psalm"); collectively, the book of the
Psalms: -- {psalm}. Compare 5603.[ql

receive 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain
tenses; to take (in very many applications, literally and
figuratively [properly objective or active, to get hold of;
whereas 1209 is rather subjective or passive, to have offered to
one; while 138 is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept,
+ be amazed, assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on
(X unto), + forget, have, hold, obtain, {receive} (X after),
take (away, up).[ql

red 2063 # eruthros {er-oo-thros'}; of uncertain affinity; red,
i.e. (with 2281) the Red Sea: -- {red}.[ql

red 4449 # purrhazo {poor-hrad'-zo}; from 4450; to redden
(intransitively): -- be {red}.[ql

red 4450 # purrhos {poor-hros'}; from 4442; fire-like, i.e.
(specifically) flame-colored: -- {red}.[ql

required 0155 # aitema {ah'-ee-tay-mah}; from 154; a thing
asked or (abstractly) an asking: -- petition, request,

resort 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a
primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the
others being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-
yoo'-thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not
otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of
applications, literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear,
bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass,
{resort}, be set.[ql

sacrifice 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that is) offered (in {sacrifice}, sacrificed) to (unto) idols.[ql

sacrificed 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that is) offered (in sacrifice, {sacrificed}) to (unto) idols.[ql

saint 0040 # hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing)
[compare 53, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless
or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) holy (one,
thing), {saint}.[ql

sanctuary 0039 # hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 40; a sacred
thing (i.e. spot): -- holiest (of all), holy place, {sanctuary}.

scattered 1290 # diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}; from 1289;
dispersion, i.e. (specially and concretely) the (converted)
Israelite resident in Gentile countries: -- (which are)
{scattered} (abroad).[ql

servant 3407 # misthios {mis'-thee-os}; from 3408; a wage-
earner: -- hired {servant}.[ql

servant 3411 # misthotos {mis-tho-tos'}; from 3409; a wage-
worker (good or bad): -- hired {servant}, hireling.[ql

serve 3000 # latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired
menial); to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: --
{serve}, do the service, worship(-per).[ql

service 3000 # latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired
menial); to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: --
serve, do the {service}, worship(-per).[ql

set 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be

sight 3706 # horasis {hor'-as-is}; from 3708; the act of gazing,
i.e. (external) an aspect or (intern.) an inspired appearance: -
- {sight}, vision.[ql

six 5516 # chi xi stigma {khee xee stig'-ma}; the 22d, 14th and
an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet
(intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers;
denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: -- six
hundred threescore and {six}.[ql

six 5516 # chi xi stigma {khee xee stig'-ma}; the 22d, 14th and
an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet
(intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers;
denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: -- {six}
hundred threescore and six.[ql

spring 1080 # gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085;
to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the
mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born,
bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, {spring}.

take 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), +
forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), {take} (away, up).

temple 2411 # hieron {hee-er-on'}; neuter of 2413; a sacred
place, i.e. the entire precincts (whereas 3485 denotes the
central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or
elsewhere): -- {temple}.[ql

testified 3142 # marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a
presumed derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e.
(genitive case) evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue
(in the sacred Tabernacle): -- to be {testified}, testimony,

testimony 3142 # marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a
presumed derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e.
(genitive case) evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue
(in the sacred Tabernacle): -- to be testified, {testimony},

that 3872 # parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a
compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a
deposit (sacred trust): -- {that} (thing) which is committed (un-
)to (trust).[ql

that 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
{that} is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto) idols.[ql

the 3000 # latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired menial);
to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: -- serve,
do {the} service, worship(-per).[ql

thing 3872 # parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a
compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a
deposit (sacred trust): -- that ({thing}) which is committed (un-
)to (trust).[ql

thing 0040 # hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing)
[compare 53, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless
or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) holy (one,
{thing}), saint.[ql

thing 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat,
{thing} that is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto)

thorn 4647 # skolops {skol'-ops}; perhaps from the base of 4628
and 3700; withered at the front, i.e. a point or prickle
(figuratively, a bodily annoyance or disability): -- {thorn}.[ql

threescore 5516 # chi xi stigma {khee xee stig'-ma}; the 22d,
14th and an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek
alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers;
denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: -- six
hundred {threescore} and six.[ql

to 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) {to} (unto) idols.[ql

to 3142 # marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed
derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e. (genitive case)
evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue (in the sacred
Tabernacle): -- {to} be testified, testimony, witness.[ql

trust 3872 # parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a
compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a
deposit (sacred trust): -- that (thing) which is committed (un-
)to ({trust}).[ql

unto 3872 # parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a
compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a
deposit (sacred trust): -- that (thing) which is committed ({un-
)to} (trust).[ql

unclean 2839 # koinos {koy-nos'}; probably from 4862; common, i.
e. (literally) shared by all or several, or (cer.) profane: --
common, defiled, {unclean}, unholy.[ql

uncovered 0177 # akatakaluptos {ak-at-ak-al'-oop-tos}; from 1
(as a negative particle) and a derivative of a compound of 2596
and 2572; unveiled: -- {uncovered}.[ql

unholy 2839 # koinos {koy-nos'}; probably from 4862; common, i.
e. (literally) shared by all or several, or (cer.) profane: --
common, defiled, unclean, {unholy}.[ql

unprepared 0532 # aparaskeuastos {ap-ar-ask-yoo'-as-tos}; from
1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3903; unready: --

unto 1494 # eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a
compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-
sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: -- (meat, thing
that is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to ({unto}) idols.[ql

unto 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X {unto}),
+ forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

up 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X when I call, catch, come on (X unto), +
forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, {up}).

uttered 1421 # dusermeneutos {doos-er-mane'-yoo-tos}; from 1418
and a presumed derivative of 2059; difficult of explanation: --
hard to be {uttered}.[ql

uttered 0215 # alaletos {al-al'-ay-tos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and a derivative of 2980; unspeakable: -- unutterable,
which cannot be {uttered}.[ql

vision 3706 # horasis {hor'-as-is}; from 3708; the act of
gazing, i.e. (external) an aspect or (intern.) an inspired
appearance: -- sight, {vision}.[ql

when 2983 # lambano {lam-ban'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; to
take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively
[properly objective or active, to get hold of; whereas 1209 is
rather subjective or passive, to have offered to one; while 138
is more violent, to seize or remove]): -- accept, + be amazed,
assay, attain, bring, X {when} I call, catch, come on (X unto),
+ forget, have, hold, obtain, receive (X after), take (away, up).

which 1290 # diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}; from 1289; dispersion,
i.e. (specially and concretely) the (converted) Israelite
resident in Gentile countries: -- ({which} are) scattered

which 3872 # parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a
compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a
deposit (sacred trust): -- that (thing) {which} is committed (un-
)to (trust).[ql

withered 3584 # xeros {xay-ros'}; from the base of 3582
(through the idea of scorching); arid; by implication shrunken,
earth (as opposed to water): -- dry land, {withered}.[ql

without 0035 # agenealogetos {ag-en-eh-al-og'-ay-tos}; from 1
(as negative particle) and 1075; unregistered as to birth: --
{without} descent.[ql

without 0820 # atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively)
dishonoured: -- despised, {without} honour, less honourable
[comparative degree].[ql

witness 5575 # pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor}; from 5571 and
a kindred form of 3144; a spurious witness, i.e. bearer of
untrue testimony: -- false {witness}.[ql

witness 3142 # marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a
presumed derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e.
(genitive case) evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue
(in the sacred Tabernacle): -- to be testified, testimony,

worship 3000 # latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired
menial); to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: --
serve, do the service, {worship}(-per).[ql

years 1541 # hekatontaetes {hek-at-on-tah-et'-ace}; from 1540
and 2094; centenarian: -- hundred {years} old.[ql
