Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
recover ^ 55_2TI_02_26 And <2532> that they may {recover} themselves <0366> (5661) out of <1537> the snare <3803> of the devil <1228>, who are taken captive <2221> (5772) by <5259> him <0846> at <1519> his <1565> will <2307>.

recover ^ 41_MAR_16_18 They shall take up <0142> (5692) serpents <3789>; and if <2579> they drink <4095> (5632) any <5100> <0> deadly <2286> thing <5100>, it shall not <3364> hurt <0984> (5692) them <0846>; they shall lay <2007> (5692) hands <5495> on <1909> the sick <0732>, and <2532> they shall <2192> (5692) {recover} <2573>.

recovering ^ 42_LUK_04_18 The Spirit <4151> of the Lord <2962> is upon <1909> me <1691>, because <1752> he hath anointed <5548> (5656) me <3165> to preach the gospel <2097> (5733) to the poor <4434>; he hath sent <0649> (5758) me <3165> to heal <2390> (5664) the brokenhearted <4937> (5772) <2588>, to preach <2784> (5658) deliverance <0859> to the captives <0164>, and <2532> {recovering} of sight <0309> to the blind <5185>, to set <0649> (5658) at <1722> liberty <0859> them that are bruised <2352> (5772),