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Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

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receiveth 46_1CO_02_14 But the natural (5591 -psuchikos -) man (0444 -anthropos -) {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) not the things of the Spirit (4151 -pneuma -) of God (2316 -theos -):for they are foolishness (3472 -moria -) unto him:neither (3756 -ou -) can (1410 -dunamai -) he know (1097 -ginosko -) [ them ] , because (3754 -hoti -) they are spiritually (4153 -pneumatikos -) discerned (0350 -anakrino -) .

receiveth 46_1CO_09_24 . Know (1492 -eido -) ye not that they which run (5143 -trecho -) in a race (4712 -stadion -) run (5143 -trecho -) all (3956 -pas -) , but one (1520 -heis -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) the prize (1017 -brabeion -) ? So (3779 -houto -) run (5143 -trecho -) , that ye may obtain (2638 -katalambano -) .

receiveth 63_2JO_01_09 . I wrote (1125 -grapho -) unto the church (1577 -ekklesia -):but Diotrephes (1361 -Diotrephes -) , who (3588 -ho -) loveth (5383 -philoproteuo -) to have the preeminence (5383 -philoproteuo -) among (1722 -en -) them , {receiveth} (1926 -epidechomai -) us not .

receiveth 58_HEB_06_07 For the earth (1093 -ge -) which (3588 -ho -) drinketh (4095 -pino -) in the rain (5205 -huetos -) that cometh (2064 -erchomai -) oft (4178 -pollakis -) upon it , and bringeth (5088 -tikto -) forth (5088 -tikto -) herbs (1008 -botane -) meet (2111 -euthetos -) for them by whom (3739 -hos -) it is dressed (1090 -georgeo -) , {receiveth} (3335 -metalambano -) blessing (2129 -eulogia -) from God (2316 -theos -) :

receiveth 58_HEB_07_08 And here (5602 -hode -) men (0444 -anthropos -) that die (0599 -apothnesko -) receive (2983 -lambano -) tithes (1181 -dekate -) ; but there (1563 -ekei -) he [ {receiveth} them ] , of whom it is witnessed (3140 -martureo -) that he liveth (2198 -zao -) .

receiveth 58_HEB_07_09 And as I may so (5613 -hos -) say (2036 -epo -) , Levi (3017 -Leui -) also (2532 -kai -) , who (3588 -ho -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) tithes (1183 -dekatoo -) , payed (1183 -dekatoo -) tithes (1183 -dekatoo -) in Abraham (11) .

receiveth 58_HEB_12_06 For whom (3739 -hos -) the Lord (2962 -kurios -) loveth (0025 -agapao -) he chasteneth (3811 -paideuo -) , and scourgeth (3146 -mastigoo -) every (3956 -pas -) son (5207 -huios -) whom (3739 -hos -) he {receiveth} (3858 -paradechomai -) .

receiveth 24_JER_07_28 But thou shalt say (00559 +)amar ) unto them , This (02088 +zeh ) [ is ] a nation (01471 +gowy ) that obeyeth (08085 +shama( ) not the voice (06963 +qowl ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) their God (00430 +)elohiym ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) {receiveth} (03947 +laqach ) correction (04148 +muwcar ):truth (00530 +)emuwnah ) is perished (6) , and is cut (03772 +karath ) off from their mouth (06310 +peh ) .

receiveth 18_JOB_35_07 If (00518 +)im ) thou be righteous (06663 +tsadaq ) , what (04100 +mah ) givest(05414 +nathan ) thou him ? or (00176 +)ow ) what (04100 +mah ) {receiveth} (03947 +laqach ) he of thine hand (03027 +yad ) ?

receiveth 43_JOH_03_32 And what (3739 -hos -) he hath seen (3708 -horao -) and heard (0191 -akouo -) , that he testifieth (3140 -martureo -) ; and no (3762 -oudeis -) man (3762 -oudeis -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) his testimony (3141 -marturia -) .

receiveth 43_JOH_04_36 And he that reapeth (2325 -therizo -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) wages (3408 -misthos -) , and gathereth (4863 -sunago -) fruit (2590 -karpos -) unto life (2222 -zoe -) eternal (0166 -aionios -):that both (2532 -kai -) he that soweth (4687 -speiro -) and he that reapeth (2325 -therizo -) may rejoice (5463 -chairo -) together (3674 -homou -) .

receiveth 43_JOH_12_48 He that rejecteth (0114 -atheteo -) me , and {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) not my words (4487 -rhema -) , hath (2192 -echo -) one that judgeth (2919 -krino -) him:the word (3056 -logos -) that I have spoken (2980 -laleo -) , the same (1565 -ekeinos -) shall judge (2919 -krino -) him in the last (2078 -eschatos -) day (2250 -hemera -) .

receiveth 43_JOH_13_20 Verily (0281 -amen -) , verily (0281 -amen -) , I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , He that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) whomsoever (5100 -tis -) I send (3992 -pempo -) receiveth (2983 -lambano -) me ; and he that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) me {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) him that sent (3992 -pempo -) me .

receiveth 43_JOH_13_20 Verily (0281 -amen -) , verily (0281 -amen -) , I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , He that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) whomsoever (5100 -tis -) I send (3992 -pempo -) receiveth (2983 -lambano -) me ; and he that {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) me receiveth (2983 -lambano -) him that sent (3992 -pempo -) me .

receiveth 43_JOH_13_20 Verily (0281 -amen -) , verily (0281 -amen -) , I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , He that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) whomsoever (5100 -tis -) I send (3992 -pempo -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) me ; and he that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) me receiveth (2983 -lambano -) him that sent (3992 -pempo -) me .

receiveth 43_JOH_13_20 Verily (0281 -amen -) , verily (0281 -amen -) , I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , He that {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) whomsoever (5100 -tis -) I send (3992 -pempo -) receiveth (2983 -lambano -) me ; and he that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) me receiveth (2983 -lambano -) him that sent (3992 -pempo -) me .

receiveth 07_JUD_19_18 And he said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , We [ are ] passing (05674 +(abar ) from Bethlehemjudah (01035 +Beyth Lechem ) toward (05704 +(ad ) the side (03411 +y@rekah ) of mount (02022 +har ) Ephraim (00669 +)Ephrayim ) ; from thence (08033 +sham ) [ am ] I:and I went (03212 +yalak ) to Bethlehemjudah (01035 +Beyth Lechem ) , but I [ am now ] going (01980 +halak ) to the house (01004 +bayith ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ; and there [ is ] no (00369 +)ayin ) man (00376 +)iysh ) that {receiveth} (00622 +)acaph ) me to house (01004 +bayith ) .

receiveth 42_LUK_09_48 And said 2036 -epo - unto them , Whosoever 1437 -ean - shall receive 1209 -dechomai - this 5124 -touto - child 3813 -paidion - in my name 3686 -onoma - receiveth 1209 -dechomai - me:and whosoever 1437 -ean - shall receive 1209 -dechomai - me {receiveth} 1209 -dechomai - him that sent 0649 -apostello - me:for he that is least 3398 -mikros - among 1722 -en - you all , the same 3778 -houtos - shall be great 3173 -megas - .

receiveth 42_LUK_09_48 And said 2036 -epo - unto them , Whosoever 1437 -ean - shall receive 1209 -dechomai - this 5124 -touto - child 3813 -paidion - in my name 3686 -onoma - {receiveth} 1209 -dechomai - me:and whosoever 1437 -ean - shall receive 1209 -dechomai - me receiveth 1209 -dechomai - him that sent 0649 -apostello - me:for he that is least 3398 -mikros - among 1722 -en - you all , the same 3778 -houtos - shall be great 3173 -megas - .

receiveth 42_LUK_11_10 For every 3956 -pas - one that asketh 0154 -aiteo - {receiveth} 2983 -lambano - ; and he that seeketh 2212 -zeteo - findeth 2147 -heurisko - ; and to him that knocketh 2925 -krouo - it shall be opened 0455 -anoigo - .

receiveth 42_LUK_15_02 And the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - and scribes 1122 -grammateus - murmured 1234 -diagogguzo - , saying 3004 -lego - , This 3778 -houtos - man {receiveth} 4327 -prosdechomai - sinners 0268 -hamartolos - , and eateth 4906 -sunesthio - with them .

receiveth 39_MAL_02_13 And this have ye done (06213 +(asah ) again (08145 +sheniy ) , covering (03680 +kacah ) the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) with tears (01832 +dim(ah ) , with weeping (01065 +B@kiy ) , and with crying (00603 +)anaqah ) out , insomuch that he regardeth (06437 +panah ) not the offering (04503 +minchah ) any more (05750 +(owd ) , or {receiveth} (03947 +laqach ) [ it ] with good (07522 +ratsown ) will (07522 +ratsown ) at your hand (03027 +yad ) .

receiveth 41_MAR_09_37 Whosoever (1437 -ean -) shall receive (1209 -dechomai -) one (1520 -heis -) of such (5108 -toioutos -) children (3813 -paidion -) in my name (3686 -onoma -) , receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) me:and whosoever (1437 -ean -) shall receive (1209 -dechomai -) me , {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) not me , but him that sent (0649 -apostello -) me .

receiveth 41_MAR_09_37 Whosoever (1437 -ean -) shall receive (1209 -dechomai -) one (1520 -heis -) of such (5108 -toioutos -) children (3813 -paidion -) in my name (3686 -onoma -) , {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) me:and whosoever (1437 -ean -) shall receive (1209 -dechomai -) me , receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) not me , but him that sent (0649 -apostello -) me .

receiveth 40_MAT_07_08 For every (3956 -pas -) one that asketh (0154 -aiteo -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) ; and he that seeketh (2212 -zeteo -) findeth (2147 -heurisko -) ; and to him that knocketh (2925 -krouo -) it shall be opened (0455 -anoigo -) .

receiveth 40_MAT_13_20 But he that received (4687 -speiro -) the seed (4687 -speiro -) into (1909 -epi -) stony (4075 -petrodes -) places , the same (3778 -houtos -) is he that heareth (0191 -akouo -) the word (3056 -logos -) , and anon (2117 -euthus -) with joy (5479 -chara -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) it ;

receiveth 40_MAT_18_05 And whoso (0302 -an -) shall receive (1209 -dechomai -) one (1520 -heis -) such (5108 -toioutos -) little (3813 -paidion -) child (3813 -paidion -) in my name (3686 -onoma -) {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) me .

receiveth 40_MAT_1O_40 He that receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) you receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) me , and he that receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) me {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) him that sent (0649 -apostello -) me .

receiveth 40_MAT_1O_40 He that receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) you receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) me , and he that {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) me receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) him that sent (0649 -apostello -) me .

receiveth 40_MAT_1O_40 He that receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) you {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) me , and he that receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) me receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) him that sent (0649 -apostello -) me .

receiveth 40_MAT_1O_40 He that {receiveth} (1209 -dechomai -) you receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) me , and he that receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) me receiveth (1209 -dechomai -) him that sent (0649 -apostello -) me .

receiveth 40_MAT_1O_41 He that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) a prophet (4396 -prophetes -) in the name (3686 -onoma -) of a prophet (4396 -prophetes -) shall receive (2983 -lambano -) a prophet s (4396 -prophetes -) reward (3408 -misthos -) ; and he that {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) a righteous (1342 -dikaios -) man in the name (3686 -onoma -) of a righteous (1342 -dikaios -) man shall receive (2983 -lambano -) a righteous (1342 -dikaios -) man s reward (3408 -misthos -) .

receiveth 40_MAT_1O_41 He that {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) a prophet (4396 -prophetes -) in the name (3686 -onoma -) of a prophet (4396 -prophetes -) shall receive (2983 -lambano -) a prophet s (4396 -prophetes -) reward (3408 -misthos -) ; and he that receiveth (2983 -lambano -) a righteous (1342 -dikaios -) man in the name (3686 -onoma -) of a righteous (1342 -dikaios -) man shall receive (2983 -lambano -) a righteous (1342 -dikaios -) man s reward (3408 -misthos -) .

receiveth 20_PRO_21_11 . When the scorner (03887 +luwts ) is punished (06064 +(anash ) , the simple (06612 +p@thiy ) is made wise (02449 +chakam ):and when the wise (02450 +chakam ) is instructed (07919 +sakal ) , he {receiveth} (03947 +laqach ) knowledge (01847 +da(ath ) .

receiveth 20_PRO_29_04 . The king (04428 +melek ) by judgment (04941 +mishpat ) establisheth (05975 +(amad ) the land (00776 +)erets ):but he that {receiveth} gifts (08641 +t@ruwmah ) overthroweth (02040 +harac ) it .

receiveth 66_REV_02_17 He that hath (2192 -echo -) an ear (3775 -ous -) , let him hear (0191 -akouo -) what (5101 -tis -) the Spirit (4151 -pneuma -) saith (3004 -lego -) unto the churches (1577 -ekklesia -) ; To him that overcometh (3528 -nikao -) will I give (1325 -didomi -) to eat (5315 -phago -) of the hidden (2928 -krupto -) manna (3131 -manna -) , and will give (1325 -didomi -) him a white (3022 -leukos -) stone (5586 -psephos -) , and in the stone (5586 -psephos -) a new (2537 -kainos -) name (3686 -onoma -) written (1125 -grapho -) , which (3739 -hos -) no (3762 -oudeis -) man (3762 -oudeis -) knoweth (1097 -ginosko -) saving (1508 -ei me -) he that {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) [ it ] .

receiveth 66_REV_14_11 And the smoke (2586 -kapnos -) of their torment (0929 -basanismos -) ascendeth (0305 -anabaino -) up for ever (0165 -aion -) and ever (0165 -aion -):and they have (2192 -echo -) no (3756 -ou -) rest (0372 -anapausis -) day (2250 -hemera -) nor (2532 -kai -) night (3571 -nux -) , who (3588 -ho -) worship (4352 -proskuneo -) the beast (2342 -therion -) and his image (1504 -eikon -) , and whosoever (3156 -Matthaios -) {receiveth} (2983 -lambano -) the mark (5480 -charagma -) of his name (3686 -onoma -) .


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