receive 1Pe_05_04 /${receive /a crown of glory
that fadeth not away .

receive 2Jo_01_08 /${receive /a full reward .

receive Rev_13_16 /${receive /a mark in their
right hand , or in their foreheads :

receive Mat_10_41 /${receive /a prophet's reward
; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a
righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward .

receive 1Co_03_14 /${receive /a reward .

receive Mat_10_41 /${receive /a righteous man's
reward .

receive 2Sa_18_12 /^{receive /a thousand shekels
of silver in mine hand , yet would I not put forth mine hand
against the king's son : for in our hearing the king charged
thee and Abishai and Ittai , saying , Beware that none touch the
young man Absalom .

receive Rom_05_17 /${receive /abundance of grace
and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one ,
Jesus Christ .

receive Mat_19_29 /${receive /an hundredfold ,
and shall inherit everlasting life .

receive Mar_10_30 /${receive /an hundredfold now
in this time , houses , and brethren , and sisters , and mothers
, and children , and lands , with persecutions ; and in the
world to come eternal life .

receive 2Co_11_04 /${receive /another spirit ,
which ye have not received , or another gospel , which ye have
not accepted , ye might well bear with him.

receive Jam_01_07 /${receive /any thing of the
Lord .

receive Luk_06_34 /${receive /as much again .

receive Joh_14_17 /${receive /because it seeth
him not , neither knoweth him : but ye know him ; for he
dwelleth with you , and shall be in you .

receive Joh_07_23 /${receive /circumcision ,
that the law of Moses should not be broken ; are ye angry at me ,
because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day ?

receive Isa_57_06 /^{receive /comfort in these?

receive Pro_10_08 /^{receive /commandments : but
a prating fool shall fall .

receive Jer_05_03 /^{receive /correction : they
have made their faces harder than a rock ; they have refused to
return .

receive 2Co_07_09 /${receive /damage by us in
nothing .

receive 1Co_14_05 /${receive /edifying .

receive Job_02_10 /^{receive /evil ? In all this
did not Job sin with his lips .

receive Heb_11_08 /${receive /for an inheritance
, obeyed ; and he went out , not knowing whither he went .

receive Luk_19_12 /${receive /for himself a
kingdom , and to return .

receive Joh_07_39 /${receive /for the Holy Ghost
was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified .

receive Col_03_25 /${receive /for the wrong
which he hath done : and there is no respect of persons .

receive Act_26_18 /${receive /forgiveness of
sins , and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith
that is in me .

receive Mar_12_02 /${receive /from the
husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard .

receive 2Ki_05_26 /^{receive /garments , and
oliveyards , and vineyards , and sheep , and oxen , and
menservants , and maidservants ?

receive Rev_04_11 /${receive /glory and honour
and power : for thou hast created all things , and for thy
pleasure they are and were created .

receive Job_02_10 /^{receive /good at the hand
of God , and shall we not receive evil ? In all this did not Job
sin with his lips .

receive Luk_20_47 /${receive /greater damnation .

receive Mar_12_40 /${receive /greater damnation .

receive Rom_16_02 /${receive /her in the Lord ,
as becometh saints , and that ye assist her in whatsoever
business she hath need of you : for she hath been a succourer of
many , and of myself also .

receive Luk_09_53 /${receive /him , because his
face was as though he would go to Jerusalem .

receive Phm_01_12 /${receive /him , that is ,
mine own bowels :

receive Act_18_27 /${receive /him : who , when
he was come , helped them much which had believed through grace :

receive Col_03_10 /${receive /him ;

receive Phm_01_17 /${receive /him as myself .

receive Phm_01_15 /${receive /him for ever ;

receive 2Jo_01_01 /${receive /him not into your
house , neither bid him God speed :

Receive Php_02_29 /${Receive /him therefore in
the Lord with all gladness ; and hold such in reputation :

receive Exo_27_03 /^{receive /his ashes , and
his shovels , and his basons , and his fleshhooks , and his
firepans : all the vessels thereof thou shalt make of brass .

receive Rev_14_09 /${receive /his mark in his
forehead , or in his hand ,

receive 1Co_03_08 /${receive /his own reward
according to his own labour .

receive Gen_38_20 /^{receive /his pledge from
the woman's hand : but he found her not.

receive Act_09_12 /${receive /his sight .

receive Joh_05_44 /${receive /honour one of
another , and seek not the honour that cometh from God only ?

Receive Job_22_22 /^{Receive /I pray thee, the
law from his mouth , and lay up his words in thine heart .

receive Eze_03_10 /^{receive /in thine heart ,
and hear with thine ears .

receive Pro_19_20 /^{receive /instruction , that
thou mayest be wise in thy latter end .

receive Jer_32_33 /^{receive /instruction .

receive Jer_17_23 /^{receive /instruction .

receive Zep_03_07 /^{receive /instruction ; so
their dwelling should not be cut off , howsoever I punished them:
but they rose early , and corrupted all their doings .

receive Jer_35_13 /^{receive /instruction to
hearken to my words ? saith the LORD .

receive Mar_04_16 /${receive /it with gladness ;

receive Mar_04_20 /${receive /it, and bring
forth fruit , some thirtyfold , some sixty , and some an hundred

receive Mat_19_12 /${receive /it, let him
receive it.

receive Mat_11_14 /${receive /it, this is Elias ,
which was for to come .

receive 1Co_04_07 /${receive /it, why dost thou
glory , as if thou hadst not received it?

receive Mat_19_12 /${receive /it.

receive Mal_03_10 /^{receive /it.

receive Luk_18_30 /${receive /manifold more in
this present time , and in the world to come life everlasting .

receive Mar_09_37 /${receive /me , receiveth not
me , but him that sent me .

receive 2Co_11_16 /${receive /me , that I may
boast myself a little .

receive Luk_16_04 /${receive /me into their
houses .

receive Joh_05_43 /${receive /me not : if
another shall come in his own name , him ye will receive .

receive Luk_09_48 /${receive /me receiveth him
that sent me : for he that is least among you all , the same
shall be great .

receive Psa_73_24 /^{receive /me to glory .

receive Psa_49_15 /^{receive /me. Selah .

receive 2Ki_05_26 /^{receive /money , and to
receive garments , and oliveyards , and vineyards , and sheep ,
and oxen , and menservants , and maidservants ?

Receive Pro_08_10 /^{Receive /my instruction ,
and not silver ; and knowledge rather than choice gold .

receive Psa_06_09 /^{receive /my prayer .

receive Gen_33_10 /^{receive /my present at my
hand : for therefore I have seen thy face , as though I had seen
the face of God , and thou wast pleased with me .

receive Pro_04_10 /^{receive /my sayings ; and
the years of thy life shall be many .

receive Mar_10_51 /${receive /my sight .

receive Luk_18_41 /${receive /my sight .

receive Act_07_59 /${receive /my spirit .

receive Pro_02_01 /^{receive /my words , and
hide my commandments with thee;

receive Act_16_21 /${receive /neither to observe
, being Romans .

receive 2Ki_12_08 /^{receive /no more money of
the people , neither to repair the breaches of the house .

receive 2Ki_12_07 /^{receive /no more money of
your acquaintance , but deliver it for the breaches of the house

receive Eze_36_30 /^{receive /no more reproach
of famine among the heathen .

receive 2Ki_05_16 /^{receive /none. And he urged
him to take it; but he refused .

receive Jam_04_03 /${receive /not , because ye
ask amiss , that ye may consume it upon your lusts .

receive 1Ti_05_19 /${receive /not an accusation ,
but before two or three witnesses .

receive Joh_05_41 /${receive /not honour from
men .

receive Rev_18_04 /${receive /not of her plagues

receive Joh_03_11 /${receive /not our witness .

receive Joh_05_34 /${receive /not testimony from
man : but these things I say , that ye might be saved .

receive 2Co_06_01 /${receive /not the grace of
God in vain .

receive Joh_03_27 /${receive /nothing , except
it be given him from heaven .

receive 1Co_04_07 /${receive /now if thou didst
receive it, why dost thou glory , as if thou hadst not received

receive 1Jo_03_22 /${receive /of him , because
we keep his commandments , and do those things that are pleasing
in his sight .

receive Dan_02_06 /^{receive /of me gifts and
rewards and great honour : therefore shew me the dream , and the
interpretation thereof.

receive Joh_16_14 /${receive /of mine , and
shall shew it unto you .

receive Job_27_13 /^{receive /of the Almighty .

receive Num_18_28 /^{receive /of the children of
Israel ; and ye shall give thereof the LORD'S heave offering to
Aaron the priest .

receive Eph_06_08 /${receive /of the Lord ,
whether he be bond or free .

receive 1Sa_10_04 /^{receive /of their hands .

receive Deu_33_03 /^{receive /of thy words .

receive Mic_01_11 /^{receive /of you his
standing .

receive Mar_09_37 /${receive /one of such
children in my name , receiveth me : and whosoever shall receive
me , receiveth not me , but him that sent me .

receive Mat_18_05 /${receive /one such little
child in my name receiveth me .

receive Act_01_08 /${receive /power , after that
the Holy Ghost is come upon you : and ye shall be witnesses unto
me both in Jerusalem , and in all Judaea , and in Samaria , and
unto the uttermost part of the earth .

receive Rev_05_12 /${receive /power , and riches
, and wisdom , and strength , and honour , and glory , and
blessing .

receive Rev_17_12 /${receive /power as kings one
hour with the beast .

receive Act_10_43 /${receive /remission of sins .

receive Hos_10_06 /^{receive /shame , and Israel
shall be ashamed of his own counsel .

receive Act_03_05 /${receive /something of them .

receive 001 083 Jo /${receive /such , that we
might be fellowhelpers to the truth .

receive Joh_16_24 /${receive /that your joy may
be full .

receive Gal_04_05 /${receive /the adoption of
sons .

receive Psa_24_05 /^{receive /the blessing from
the LORD , and righteousness from the God of his salvation .

receive 001 103 Jo /${receive /the brethren ,
and forbiddeth them that would , and casteth them out of the
church .

receive 1Ki_08_64 /^{receive /the burnt
offerings , and meat offerings , and the fat of the peace
offerings .

receive 2Ch_07_07 /^{receive /the burnt offerings
, and the meat offerings , and the fat .

receive Psa_75_02 /^{receive /the congregation I
will judge uprightly .

receive Jam_01_12 /${receive /the crown of life ,
which the Lord hath promised to them that love him .

receive Luk_23_41 /${receive /the due reward of
our deeds : but this man hath done nothing amiss .

receive Jam_05_07 /${receive /the early and
latter rain .

receive Mat_21_34 /${receive /the fruits of it .

receive 2Co_08_04 /${receive /the gift , and take
upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints .

receive Act_02_38 /${receive /the gift of the
Holy Ghost .

receive Jam_03_01 /${receive /the greater
condemnation .

receive Mat_23_14 /${receive /the greater
damnation .

receive Act_08_19 /${receive /the Holy Ghost .

receive Act_08_15 /${receive /the Holy Ghost :

receive Pro_01_03 /^{receive /the instruction of
wisdom , justice , and judgment , and equity ;

receive Mar_10_15 /${receive /the kingdom of God
as a little child , he shall not enter therein .

receive Luk_18_17 /${receive /the kingdom of God
as a little child shall in no wise enter therein .

receive Heb_07_05 /${receive /the office of the
priesthood , have a commandment to take tithes of the people
according to the law , that is , of their brethren , though they
come out of the loins of Abraham :

receive Heb_10_36 /${receive /the promise .

receive Heb_09_15 /${receive /the promise of
eternal inheritance .

receive Gal_03_14 /${receive /the promise of the
Spirit through faith .

receive Col_03_24 /${receive /the reward of the
inheritance : for ye serve the Lord Christ .

receive 2Pe_02_13 /${receive /the reward of
unrighteousness , as they that count it pleasure to riot in the
day time . Spots they are and blemishes , sporting themselves
with their own deceivings while they feast with you ;

receive Deu_09_09 /^{receive /the tables of
stone , even the tables of the covenant which the LORD made with
you, then I abode in the mount forty days and forty nights , I
neither did eat bread nor drink water :

receive 2Co_05_10 /${receive /the things done in
his body , according to that he hath done , whether it be good
or bad .

receive 1Jo_05_09 /${receive /the witness of men
, the witness of God is greater : for this is the witness of God
which he hath testified of his Son .

receive Jer_09_20 /^{receive /the word of his
mouth , and teach your daughters wailing , and every one her
neighbour lamentation .

receive Luk_08_13 /${receive /the word with joy ;
and these have no root , which for a while believe , and in
time of temptation fall away .

receive Mat_11_05 /${receive /their sight , and
the lame walk , the lepers are cleansed , and the deaf hear ,
the dead are raised up , and the poor have the gospel preached
to them .

receive Exo_29_25 /^{receive /them of their
hands , and burn them upon the altar for a burnt offering , for
a sweet savour before the LORD : it is an offering made by fire
unto the LORD .

receive Mar_11_24 /${receive /them, and ye shall
have them.

receive Mar_02_02 /${receive /them, no, not so
much as about the door : and he preached the word unto them .

receive 1Ki_05_09 /^{receive /them: and thou
shalt accomplish my desire , in giving food for my household .

receive Luk_09_48 /${receive /this child in my
name receiveth me : and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him
that sent me : for he that is least among you all , the same
shall be great .

receive Mat_19_11 /${receive /this saying , save
they to whom it is given .

receive Gen_04_11 /^{receive /thy brother's
blood from thy hand ;

receive Act_09_17 /${receive /thy sight , and be
filled with the Holy Ghost .

receive Act_22_13 /${receive /thy sight . And
the same hour I looked up upon him .

Receive Luk_18_42 /${Receive /thy sight : thy
faith hath saved thee .

receive Eze_16_61 /^{receive /thy sisters ,
thine elder and thy younger : and I will give them unto thee for
daughters , but not by thy covenant .

receive Act_22_18 /${receive /thy testimony
concerning me .

receive Heb_07_08 /${receive /tithes ; but there
he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth .

receive Rom_13_02 /${receive /to themselves
damnation .

receive Act_03_21 /${receive /until the times of
restitution of all things , which God hath spoken by the mouth
of all his holy prophets since the world began .

Receive 2Co_07_02 /${Receive /us ; we have
wronged no man , we have corrupted no man , we have defrauded no
man .

receive Hos_14_02 /^{receive /us graciously : so
will we render the calves of our lips .

receive Luk_06_34 /${receive /what thank have ye
? for sinners also lend to sinners , to receive as much again .

receive Jam_01_21 /${receive /with meekness the
engrafted word , which is able to save your souls .

receive Rom_14_01 /${receive /ye , but not to
doubtful disputations .

receive Rom_15_07 /${receive /ye one another ,
as Christ also received us to the glory of God .

Receive Joh_20_22 /${Receive /ye the Holy Ghost :

receive 2Co_06_17 /${receive /you ,

receive Luk_10_08 /${receive /you , eat such
things as are set before you :

receive Mar_06_11 /${receive /you , nor hear you
, when ye depart thence , shake off the dust under your feet for
a testimony against them . Verily I say unto you , It shall be
more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment ,
than for that city .

receive Mat_10_14 /${receive /you , nor hear
your words , when ye depart out of that house or city , shake
off the dust of your feet .

receive Luk_09_05 /${receive /you , when ye go
out of that city , shake off the very dust from your feet for a
testimony against them .

receive Luk_16_09 /${receive /you into
everlasting habitations .

receive Luk_10_10 /${receive /you not , go your
ways out into the streets of the same , and say ,

receive Joh_14_03 /${receive /you unto myself ;
that where I am , there ye may be also .

received Joh_18_03 /${received /a band of men and
officers from the chief priests and Pharisees , cometh thither
with lanterns and torches and weapons .

received Jud_13_23 /^{received /a burnt offering
and a meat offering at our hands , neither would he have shewed
us all these things, nor would as at this time have told us such
things as these .

received 2Jo_01_04 /${received /a commandment from
the Father .

received Heb_02_02 /${received /a just recompence
of reward ;

received Job_04_12 /^{received /a little thereof.

received Act_28_30 /${received /all that came in
unto him ,

received Joh_01_16 /${received /and grace for
grace .

received Rev_03_03 /${received /and heard , and
hold fast , and repent . If therefore thou shalt not watch , I
will come on thee as a thief , and thou shalt not know what hour
I will come upon thee .

received Php_04_09 /${received /and heard , and
seen in me , do : and the God of peace shall be with you .

received 2Ch_03_05 /^{received /and held three
thousand baths .

received Act_17_07 /${received /and these all do
contrary to the decrees of Caesar , saying that there is another
king , one Jesus .

received 1Co_15_01 /${received /and wherein ye
stand ;

received 1Sa_12_03 /^{received /any bribe to
blind mine eyes therewith? and I will restore it you.

received Act_26_10 /${received /authority from
the chief priests ; and when they were put to death , I gave my
voice against them.

received 1Pe_01_18 /${received /by tradition from
your fathers ;

received Col_02_06 /${received /Christ Jesus the
Lord , so walk ye in him :

received Num_23_20 /^{received /commandment to
bless : and he hath blessed ; and I cannot reverse it.

received Mat_20_10 /${received /every man a penny

received Mat_20_09 /${received /every man a penny

received Mat_25_20 /${received /five talents came
and brought other five talents , saying , Lord , thou
deliveredst unto me five talents : behold , I have gained beside
them five talents more .

received Mat_10_08 /${received /freely give .

received 2Pe_01_17 /${received /from God the
Father honour and glory , when there came such a voice to him
from the excellent glory , This is my beloved Son , in whom I am
well pleased .

received Psa_68_18 /^{received /gifts for men ;
yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell
among them.

received Rom_01_05 /${received /grace and
apostleship , for obedience to the faith among all nations , for
his name :

received Joh_04_45 /${received /him , having seen
all the things that he did at Jerusalem at the feast : for they
also went unto the feast .

received Joh_01_12 /${received /him , to them
gave he power to become the sons of God , even to them that
believe on his name :

received 2Co_07_15 /${received /him .

received Rom_14_03 /${received /him .

received Luk_08_40 /${received /him : for they
were all waiting for him .

received Heb_11_19 /${received /him in a figure .

received Luk_10_38 /${received /him into her
house .

received Joh_06_21 /${received /him into the ship
: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went .

received Luk_19_06 /${received /him joyfully .

received Joh_01_11 /${received /him not .

received Act_01_09 /${received /him out of their
sight .

received Luk_15_27 /${received /him safe and
sound .

received Rev_20_04 /${received /his mark upon
their foreheads , or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years .

received Luk_18_43 /${received /his sight , and
followed him , glorifying God : and all the people , when they
saw it, gave praise unto God .

received Mar_10_52 /${received /his sight , and
followed Jesus in the way .

received Joh_09_18 /${received /his sight , until
they called the parents of him that had received his sight .

received Joh_09_18 /${received /his sight .

received Joh_09_15 /${received /his sight . He
said unto them , He put clay upon mine eyes , and I washed , and
do see .

received Joh_03_33 /${received /his testimony
hath set to his seal that God is true .

received Act_02_41 /${received /his word were
baptized : and the same day there were added unto them about
three thousand souls .

received 1Co_15_03 /${received /how that Christ
died for our sins according to the scriptures ;

received 2Co_11_24 /${received /I forty stripes
save one .

received Num_12_14 /^{received /in again.

received Col_03_17 /${received /in the Lord ,
that thou fulfil it .

received Gen_26_12 /^{received /in the same year
an hundredfold : and the LORD blessed him.

received Pro_24_32 /^{received /instruction .

received Mar_15_23 /${received /it not .

received 1Th_02_13 /${received /it not as the
word of men , but as it is in truth , the word of God , which
effectually worketh also in you that believe .

received Est_04_04 /^{received /it not.

received Gal_01_12 /${received /it of man ,
neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ .

received Mat_20_11 /${received /it, they murmured
against the goodman of the house ,

received 1Co_04_07 /${received /it?

received Gal_01_09 /${received /let him be
accursed .

received Act_28_21 /${received /letters out of
Judaea concerning thee , neither any of the brethren that came
shewed or spake any harm of thee .

received Act_22_05 /${received /letters unto the
brethren , and went to Damascus , to bring them which were there
bound unto Jerusalem , for to be punished .

received Gal_04_14 /${received /me as an angel of
God , even as Christ Jesus .

received Act_09_19 /${received /meat , he was
strengthened . Then was Saul certain days with the disciples
which were at Damascus .

received 2Co_04_01 /${received /mercy , we faint
not ;

received Mat_25_27 /${received /mine own with
usury .

received Mat_20_10 /${received /more ; and they
likewise received every man a penny .

received Jer_02_30 /^{received /no correction :
your own sword hath devoured your prophets , like a destroying
lion .

received Rev_17_12 /${received /no kingdom as yet
; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast .

received Zep_03_02 /^{received /not correction ;
she trusted not in the LORD ; she drew not near to her God .

received 2Th_02_10 /${received /not the love of
the truth , that they might be saved .

received Heb_11_39 /${received /not the promise :

received 1Co_02_12 /${received /not the spirit of
the world , but the spirit which is of God ; that we might know
the things that are freely given to us of God .

received Php_04_18 /${received /of Epaphroditus
the things which were sent from you , an odour of a sweet smell ,
a sacrifice acceptable , wellpleasing to God .

received 1Sa_25_35 /^{received /of her hand that
which she had brought him, and said unto her, Go up in peace to
thine house ; see , I have hearkened to thy voice , and have
accepted thy person .

received 1Jo_02_27 /${received /of him abideth in
you , and ye need not that any man teach you : but as the same
anointing teacheth you of all things , and is truth , and is no
lie , and even as it hath taught you , ye shall abide in him .

received Exo_36_03 /^{received /of Moses all the
offering , which the children of Israel had brought for the work
of the service of the sanctuary , to make it withal. And they
brought yet unto him free offerings every morning .

received Rev_02_27 /${received /of my Father .

received Joh_10_18 /${received /of my Father .

received Act_15_04 /${received /of the church ,
and of the apostles and elders , and they declared all things
that God had done with them .

received Act_02_33 /${received /of the Father the
promise of the Holy Ghost , he hath shed forth this , which ye
now see and hear .

received 2Ch_30_16 /^{received /of the hand of the
Levites .

received Act_20_24 /${received /of the Lord Jesus
, to testify the gospel of the grace of God .

received 1Co_11_23 /${received /of the Lord that
which also I delivered unto you , That the Lord Jesus the same
night in which he was betrayed took bread :

received Isa_40_02 /^{received /of the LORD'S
hand double for all her sins .

received 2Th_03_06 /${received /of us .

received 1Th_04_01 /${received /of us how ye
ought to walk and to please God , so ye would abound more and
more .

received Mat_25_18 /${received /one went and
digged in the earth , and hid his lord's money .

received 2Co_11_04 /${received /or another gospel ,
which ye have not accepted , ye might well bear with him.

received Mat_13_22 /${received /seed among the
thorns is he that heareth the word ; and the care of this world ,
and the deceitfulness of riches , choke the word , and he
becometh unfruitful .

received Mat_13_19 /${received /seed by the way
side .

received Mat_13_23 /${received /seed into the
good ground is he that heareth the word , and understandeth it;
which also beareth fruit , and bringeth forth , some an
hundredfold , some sixty , some thirty .

received Mat_20_34 /${received /sight , and they
followed him .

received Joh_09_11 /${received /sight .

received Act_09_18 /${received /sight forthwith ,
and arose , and was baptized .

received Num_36_03 /^{received /so shall it be
taken from the lot of our inheritance .

received Num_36_04 /^{received /so shall their
inheritance be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of
our fathers .

received Act_03_07 /${received /strength .

received Heb_11_11 /${received /strength to
conceive seed , and was delivered of a child when she was past
age , because she judged him faithful who had promised .

received Act_16_24 /${received /such a charge ,
thrust them into the inner prison , and made their feet fast in
the stocks .

received Rom_05_11 /${received /the atonement .

received 2Ch_29_22 /^{received /the blood , and
sprinkled it on the altar : likewise, when they had killed the
rams , they sprinkled the blood upon the altar : they killed
also the lambs , and they sprinkled the blood upon the altar .

received Mat_25_16 /${received /the five talents
went and traded with the same , and made them other five talents

received 1Pe_04_10 /${received /the gift , even
so minister the same one to another , as good stewards of the
manifold grace of God .

received Act_08_17 /${received /the Holy Ghost .

received Act_10_47 /${received /the Holy Ghost as
well as we ?

received Act_19_02 /${received /the Holy Ghost
since ye believed ? And they said unto him , We have not so much
as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost .

received Luk_19_15 /${received /the kingdom ,
then he commanded these servants to be called unto him , to whom
he had given the money , that he might know how much every man
had gained by trading .

received Heb_10_26 /${received /the knowledge of
the truth , there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins ,

received Act_07_53 /${received /the law by the
disposition of angels , and have not kept it.

received Isa_37_14 /^{received /the letter from
the hand of the messengers , and read it: and Hezekiah went up
unto the house of the LORD , and spread it before the LORD .

received 2Ki_19_14 /^{received /the letter of the
hand of the messengers , and read it: and Hezekiah went up into
the house of the LORD , and spread it before the LORD .

received 1Ki_10_28 /^{received /the linen yarn at
a price .

received 2Ch_01_16 /^{received /the linen yarn at
a price .

received Act_07_38 /${received /the lively
oracles to give unto us :

received Rev_19_20 /${received /the mark of the
beast , and them that worshipped his image . These both were
cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone .

received Jam_02_25 /${received /the messengers ,
and had sent them out another way ?

received Mat_25_24 /${received /the one talent
came and said , Lord , I knew thee that thou art an hard man ,
reaping where thou hast not sown , and gathering where thou hast
not strawed :

received Heb_11_13 /${received /the promises ,
but having seen them afar off , and were persuaded of them, and
embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and
pilgrims on the earth .

received Heb_11_17 /${received /the promises
offered up his only begotten son,

received Mat_13_20 /${received /the seed into
stony places , the same is he that heareth the word , and anon
with joy receiveth it ;

received Rom_04_11 /${received /the sign of
circumcision , a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he
had yet being uncircumcised : that he might be the father of all
them that believe , though they be not circumcised ; that
righteousness might be imputed unto them also :

received Joh_13_30 /${received /the sop went
immediately out : and it was night .

received Heb_11_31 /${received /the spies with
peace .

received Rom_08_15 /${received /the Spirit of
adoption , whereby we cry , Abba , Father .

received Rom_08_15 /${received /the spirit of
bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of
adoption , whereby we cry , Abba , Father .

received Joh_19_30 /${received /the vinegar , he
said , It is finished : and he bowed his head , and gave up the
ghost .

received 1Th_01_06 /${received /the word in much
affliction , with joy of the Holy Ghost :

received Act_08_14 /${received /the word of God ,
they sent unto them Peter and John :

received Act_11_01 /${received /the word of God .

received 1Th_02_13 /${received /the word of God
which ye heard of us , ye received it not as the word of men ,
but as it is in truth , the word of God , which effectually
worketh also in you that believe .

received Act_17_11 /${received /the word with all
readiness of mind , and searched the scriptures daily , whether
those things were so .

received Heb_11_35 /${received /their dead raised
to life again : and others were tortured , not accepting
deliverance ; that they might obtain a better resurrection :

received Jos_13_08 /^{received /their inheritance
, which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastward , even as Moses
the servant of the LORD gave them;

received Jos_18_02 /^{received /their inheritance

received Num_34_14 /^{received /their inheritance

received Jos_18_07 /^{received /their inheritance
beyond Jordan on the east , which Moses the servant of the LORD
gave them.

received Num_34_15 /^{received /their inheritance
on this side Jordan near Jericho eastward , toward the sunrising

received Num_34_14 /^{received /their inheritance;
and half the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance :

received Luk_09_11 /${received /them , and spake
unto them of the kingdom of God , and healed them that had need
of healing .

received Exo_32_04 /^{received /them at their
hand , and fashioned it with a graving tool , after he had made
it a molten calf : and they said , These be thy gods , O Israel ,
which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt .

received Joh_17_08 /${received /them, and have
known surely that I came out from thee , and they have believed
that thou didst send me .

received 1Ch_12_18 /^{received /them, and made
them captains of the band .

received Heb_07_06 /${received /tithes of Abraham
, and blessed him that had the promises .

received Mar_07_04 /${received /to hold , as the
washing of cups , and pots , brasen vessels , and of tables .

received Mat_17_24 /${received /tribute money
came to Peter , and said , Doth not your master pay tribute ?

received Mat_25_17 /${received /two , he also
gained other two .

received Mat_25_22 /${received /two talents came
and said , Lord , thou deliveredst unto me two talents : behold ,
I have gained two other talents beside them .

received Luk_09_51 /${received /up , he
stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem ,

received Act_10_16 /${received /up again into
heaven .

received 1Ti_03_16 /${received /up into glory .

received Mar_16_19 /${received /up into heaven ,
and sat on the right hand of God .

received Act_28_07 /${received /us , and lodged
us three days courteously .

received Act_28_02 /${received /us every one ,
because of the present rain , and because of the cold .

received Act_21_17 /${received /us gladly .

received Rom_15_07 /${received /us to the glory
of God .

received Eze_18_17 /^{received /usury nor
increase , hath executed my judgments , hath walked in my
statutes ; he shall not die for the iniquity of his father , he
shall surely live .

received 1Ti_04_04 /${received /with thanksgiving

received 1Ti_04_03 /${received /with thanksgiving
of them which believe and know the truth .

Received Gal_03_02 /${Received /ye the Spirit by
the works of the law , or by the hearing of faith ?

received Luk_06_24 /${received /your consolation .

receivedst Luk_16_25 /${receivedst /thy good things
, and likewise Lazarus evil things : but now he is comforted ,
and thou art tormented .

receiver Isa_33_18 /^{receiver /where is he that
counted the towers ?

receiveth Mat_10_41 /${receiveth /a prophet in the
name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward ; and he that
receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall
receive a righteous man's reward .

receiveth Mat_10_41 /${receiveth /a righteous man
in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's
reward .

receiveth Mat_07_08 /${receiveth /and he that
seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .

receiveth Luk_11_10 /${receiveth /and he that
seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .

receiveth Heb_06_07 /${receiveth /blessing from
God :

receiveth Jer_07_28 /^{receiveth /correction :
truth is perished , and is cut off from their mouth .

receiveth Pro_29_04 /^{receiveth /gifts
overthroweth it.

receiveth Job_35_07 /^{receiveth /he of thine hand

receiveth Mat_10_40 /${receiveth /him that sent me

receiveth Joh_13_20 /${receiveth /him that sent me

receiveth Luk_09_48 /${receiveth /him that sent me
: for he that is least among you all , the same shall be great .

receiveth Joh_03_32 /${receiveth /his testimony .

receiveth Mat_13_20 /${receiveth /it ;

receiveth Mal_02_13 /^{receiveth /it with good
will at your hand .

receiveth Rev_02_17 /${receiveth /it.

receiveth Pro_21_11 /^{receiveth /knowledge .

receiveth Mat_10_40 /${receiveth /me , and he that
receiveth me receiveth him that sent me .

receiveth Mat_18_05 /${receiveth /me .

receiveth Mar_09_37 /${receiveth /me : and
whosoever shall receive me , receiveth not me , but him that
sent me .

receiveth Luk_09_48 /${receiveth /me : and
whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me : for he
that is least among you all , the same shall be great .

receiveth Joh_13_20 /${receiveth /me ; and he that
receiveth me receiveth him that sent me .

receiveth Mat_10_40 /${receiveth /me receiveth him
that sent me .

receiveth Joh_13_20 /${receiveth /me receiveth him
that sent me .

receiveth Jud_19_18 /^{receiveth /me to house .

receiveth Mar_09_37 /${receiveth /not me , but him
that sent me .

receiveth Joh_12_48 /${receiveth /not my words ,
hath one that judgeth him : the word that I have spoken , the
same shall judge him in the last day .

receiveth 1Co_02_14 /${receiveth /not the things
of the Spirit of God : for they are foolishness unto him :
neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned

receiveth Luk_15_02 /${receiveth /sinners , and
eateth with them .

receiveth Rev_14_11 /${receiveth /the mark of his
name .

receiveth 1Co_09_24 /${receiveth /the prize ? So
run , that ye may obtain .

receiveth Heb_07_08 /${receiveth /them, of whom it
is witnessed that he liveth .

receiveth Heb_07_09 /${receiveth /tithes , payed
tithes in Abraham .

receiveth 001 093 Jo /${receiveth /us not .

receiveth Joh_04_36 /${receiveth /wages , and
gathereth fruit unto life eternal : that both he that soweth and
he that reapeth may rejoice together .

receiveth Joh_13_20 /${receiveth /whomsoever I
send receiveth me ; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that
sent me .

receiveth Mat_10_40 /${receiveth /you receiveth me
, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me .
