rebuked 2Pe_02_16 /${rebuked /for his iniquity :
the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the
prophet .

rebuked Luk_23_40 /${rebuked /him , saying ,
Dost not thou fear God , seeing thou art in the same
condemnation ?

rebuked Mar_01_25 /${rebuked /him , saying ,
Hold thy peace , and come out of him .

rebuked Luk_04_35 /${rebuked /him , saying ,
Hold thy peace , and come out of him . And when the devil had
thrown him in the midst , he came out of him , and hurt him not .

rebuked Luk_18_39 /${rebuked /him , that he
should hold his peace : but he cried so much the more , Thou Son
of David , have mercy on me .

rebuked Gen_37_10 /^{rebuked /him, and said unto
him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed ? Shall I and thy
mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to
thee to the earth ?

rebuked Heb_12_05 /${rebuked /of him :

rebuked Mar_08_33 /${rebuked /Peter , saying ,
Get thee behind me , Satan : for thou savourest not the things
that be of God , but the things that be of men .

rebuked Mat_17_18 /${rebuked /the devil ; and he
departed out of him : and the child was cured from that very
hour .

rebuked Luk_04_39 /${rebuked /the fever ; and it
left her : and immediately she arose and ministered unto them .

rebuked Mar_09_25 /${rebuked /the foul spirit ,
saying unto him , Thou dumb and deaf spirit , I charge thee ,
come out of him , and enter no more into him .

rebuked Psa_09_05 /^{rebuked /the heathen , thou
hast destroyed the wicked , thou hast put out their name for
ever and ever .

rebuked Neh_05_07 /^{rebuked /the nobles , and
the rulers , and said unto them, Ye exact usury , every one of
his brother . And I set a great assembly against them.

rebuked Psa_119_002 /^{rebuked /the proud that
are cursed , which do err from thy commandments .

rebuked Psa_106_09 /^{rebuked /the Red sea also,
and it was dried up : so he led them through the depths , as
through the wilderness .

rebuked Luk_09_42 /${rebuked /the unclean spirit
, and healed the child , and delivered him again to his father .

rebuked Mar_04_39 /${rebuked /the wind , and
said unto the sea , Peace , be still . And the wind ceased , and
there was a great calm .

rebuked Luk_08_24 /${rebuked /the wind and the
raging of the water : and they ceased , and there was a calm .

rebuked Mat_08_26 /${rebuked /the winds and the
sea ; and there was a great calm .

rebuked Gen_31_42 /^{rebuked /thee yesternight .

rebuked Luk_09_55 /${rebuked /them , and said ,
Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of .

rebuked Mat_20_31 /${rebuked /them , because
they should hold their peace : but they cried the more , saying ,
Have mercy on us , O Lord , thou Son of David .

rebuked Luk_18_15 /${rebuked /them .

rebuked Mat_19_13 /${rebuked /them .

rebuked Mar_10_13 /${rebuked /those that brought
