reasons , ISA , 41:21

reasons , JOB , 32:11



reasons Interlinear Index Study

reasons JOB 032 011 Behold <02005 +hen > , I waited <03176
+yachal > for your words <01697 +dabar > ; I gave ear <00238
+>azan > to your {reasons} <08394 +tabuwn > , whilst <05704 + > ye searched <02713 +chaqar > out what to say <04405 +millah > .

reasons ISA 041 021 . Produce <07126 +qarab > your cause <07379
+riyb > , saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ;
bring <05066 +nagash > forth <05066 +nagash > your strong <06110
+ [ {reasons} ] , saith <00559 +>amar > the King
<04428 +melek > of Jacob <03290 +Ya .


- reasons , 8394 ,



reasons -8394 discretion , {reasons} , skilfulness ,
understanding , wisdom ,






reasons 041 021 Isa /^{reasons /saith the King
of Jacob .

reasons 032 011 Job /^{reasons /whilst ye
searched out what to say .


reasons 2 -


reasons Behold, I waited for your words; I gave ear

your {reasons}, whilst ye searched out what to say.

reasons Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring

your strong [{reasons}], saith the King of Jacob.
