Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0189 + ears + Hearing + his fame + his ears + preached + their ears + our report + By hearing + of hearing + and rumours + and hearing + of the fame + And his fame + were hearing + by the hearing + which ye heard + in the audience + were the hearing + cometh by hearing + things to our ears +/ . akoe {ak-o-ay'}; from 0191 + hear + come + ears + Hear + heard + I hear + is Hear + hearken + hearing + as hear + ye hear + Hearing + to hear + I heard + Hearken + it hear + heareth + and hear + he heard + we heard + We heard + ye heard + as heard + man hear + as I hear + and heard + that hear + they hear + had heard + I may hear + to hearken + of hearing + shall hear + they heard + ye do hear + might hear + he heareth + we do hear + that heard + And I heard + things came + and hearing + and I heard + should hear + and heareth + And hearing + and to hear + you heareth + I had heard + for to hear + one heareth + For we hear + ye will hear + that heareth + thee to hear + that he hear + I have heard + by and heard + having heard + he had heard + let him hear + did not hear + than to hear + We will hear + will not hear + understandeth + Ye have heard + for they hear + give audience + ye shall hear + let them hear + We have heard + they may hear + ye have heard + we have heard + he shall hear + after I heard + When he heard + that ye heard + but they heard + It is reported + Since we heard + That as ye have heard 0191- And they heard + do ye not hear + For they heard + That as ye have heard 0191- him he heareth + of the hearers + unto them Hear + things I heard + shall be heard + when they heard + thou hast heard + shall they hear + When they heard + they that heard + that hath heard + them that heard + that he heareth + in the audience + they have heard + He that heareth + after they heard + them which heard + unto him Hearest + unto the hearers + and thou hearest + one that heareth + and having heard + and I have heard + to him and heard + upon him to hear + as we have heard + he will not hear + things and heard + him We have heard + and gave audience + unto them Hearken + and it was noised + for we have heard + For ye have heard + But when he heard + For we have heard + And when he heard + And as they heard + is it that I hear + And ye shall hear + not ; and hearing + that thou hearest + that ye had heard + to me and heareth + he thou shalt hear + and they that hear + When she had heard + and have not heard + are they that hear + and them that hear + for they will hear + them ; and to hear + in them that heard + by when they heard + is he that heareth + But they had heard + which ye have heard + meat with him heard + and ye did not hear + and they shall hear + Have they not heard + But he that heareth + they have not heard + And they that heard + were with him heard + And when they heard + when they had heard + of them which heard + When they had heard + unto you which hear + And they which heard + as soon as she heard + and as ye have heard + As soon as she heard + be that ye have heard + voice they that heard + that are in them heard + saith he ye have heard + began was it not heard + One and shouldest hear + him ; and when he heard + him for that they heard + and that they will hear + things that I have heard + And let him that heareth + unto you He that heareth + and upon as many as heard + that they should not hear + thee that thou hast heard + And they gave him audience + unto us by them that heard + trusted after that ye heard + unto me ; him shall ye hear + for we ourselves have heard + And they when they had heard + and they that have not heard + thee that thou wouldest hear + to you and unto you that hear + the things that they had heard + to the things which we have heard + are they which when they have heard + And the things that thou hast heard +/ ; hearing (the act, the sense or the thing heard): --audience, ear, fame, which ye heard, hearing, preached, report, rumor .

0190 + Follow + follow + I follow + followed + do follow + following + and follow + not follow + it followed + and followed + men followed + have reached + he followeth + out followed + I will follow + that followed + have followed + and followeth + them following + unto him Follow + up and followed + thee and follow + and he followeth + out and followed + and have followed + and that followed + me let him follow + he that followeth + and they followed + And there followed + speak and followed + and as they followed + will they not follow + them and they follow + thereof they followed + to them that followed + but thou shalt follow + and they that followed + is that to thee follow +/ . akoloutheo {ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a particle of union) and keleuthos (a road); properly, to be in the same way with, i .e . to accompany (specially, as a disciple): --follow, reach .

0215 + be uttered + which cannot +/ . alaletos {al-al'-ay-tos}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; unspeakable: --unutterable, which cannot be uttered .

0216 + a dumb + and the dumb + unto him Thou dumb +/ . alalos {al'-al-os}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; mute: --dumb .

0378 + fulfil + to fill + to supply + part they have supplied + shall he that occupieth + And in them is fulfilled +/ . anapleroo {an-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 0303 + each + every + apiece + through +/ and 4137 + may be full 4137- may be full 4137- come + full + Fill + fill + filled + Fulfil + me full + perfect + preached + But after + fulfilled + I am full + accomplish + and fulfil + was filled + were filled + he was full + may be full + hath filled + it was full + he had ended + is fulfilled + be fulfilled + were expired + Being filled + and complete + I have fully + us to fulfil + shall supply + might be full + was fulfilled + but to fulfil + and it filled + but be filled + they fulfilled + were fulfilled + ye have filled + hath fulfilled + thou shalt make + and were filled + it be fulfilled + shall be filled + that thou fulfil + may be fulfilled + things were ended + might be fulfilled + of you I am filled + shall be fulfilled + that he might fill + of him that filleth + should be fulfilled + And ye are complete + that I may be filled + day they have fulfilled + to me for you to fulfil + when they had fulfilled + that ye might be filled + needs have been fulfilled + that it might be fulfilled + That it might be fulfilled + as they were should be fulfilled +/ ; to complete; by implication, to occupy, supply; figuratively, to accomplish (by coincidence ot obedience): --fill up, fulfill, occupy, supply .

1255 + abroad + were noised + and communed +/ . dialaleo {dee-al-al-eh'-o}; from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; to talk throughout a company, i .e . converse or (genitive case) publish: --commune, noise abroad .

1256 + disputed + preached + speaketh + disputing + preaching + he disputed + and reasoned + days reasoned + And he reasoned + they had disputed + And as he reasoned +/ . dialegomai {dee-al-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; to say thoroughly, i .e . discuss (in argument or exhortation): --dispute, preach (unto), reason (with), speak .

1258 + tongue + language +/ . dialektos {dee-al'-ek-tos}; from 1256 + disputed + preached + speaketh + disputing + preaching + he disputed + and reasoned + days reasoned + And he reasoned + they had disputed + And as he reasoned +/ ; a (mode of) discourse, i .e . "dialect": --language, tongue .

1519 + into 1519- into 1519- so + on + at + took + into + till + until + in at + among + toward + became + you on + not on + not at + him on + I into + we took + me into + that so + up into + ye into + us into + it into + down at + him not into 1519- him not into 1519- them at + against + him into + not into + But into + but into + you into + her into + in among + And into + one into + Insomuch + and took + and into + out into + them into + down into + away into + thou into + by him at + is become + thee into + fall into + me but on + it toward + place into + To the end + him before + to the end + with us at + concerning + throughout + you before + and toward + thence into + him up into + ye out into + us not into + to him into + things into + his eyes on + by you into + yet against + he fall into + them up into + her way into + thy way into + in me toward + they against + by me to make + for thee into + shall be made + with her into + when I was at + from them into + and throughout + with them into + him that is on + are they among + as we do toward + themselves into + and looked into + their ways into + up from you into + unto him against + for him to be at + from thence into + some of you into + up unto them into + when he cometh into + which are at home at + sort are they which creep +/ . eis {ice}; a primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc .); also in adverbial phrases: --[abundant-]ly, against, among, as, at, [back-]ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for [intent, purpose], fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), . . .ward, [where-]fore, with . Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc .) expressing motion (literally or figuratively) .

1583 + him See thou tell +/ . eklaleo {ek-lal-eh'-o}; from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; to divulge: --tell .

1603 + hath fulfilled +/ . ekpleroo {ek-play-ro'-o}; from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 4137 + may be full 4137- may be full 4137- come + full + Fill + fill + filled + Fulfil + me full + perfect + preached + But after + fulfilled + I am full + accomplish + and fulfil + was filled + were filled + he was full + may be full + hath filled + it was full + he had ended + is fulfilled + be fulfilled + were expired + Being filled + and complete + I have fully + us to fulfil + shall supply + might be full + was fulfilled + but to fulfil + and it filled + but be filled + they fulfilled + were fulfilled + ye have filled + hath fulfilled + thou shalt make + and were filled + it be fulfilled + shall be filled + that thou fulfil + may be fulfilled + things were ended + might be fulfilled + of you I am filled + shall be fulfilled + that he might fill + of him that filleth + should be fulfilled + And ye are complete + that I may be filled + day they have fulfilled + to me for you to fulfil + when they had fulfilled + that ye might be filled + needs have been fulfilled + that it might be fulfilled + That it might be fulfilled + as they were should be fulfilled +/ ; to accomplish entirely: --fulfill .

1811 + following + shall follow + For we have not followed +/ . exakoloutheo {ex-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 0190 + Follow + follow + I follow + followed + do follow + following + and follow + not follow + it followed + and followed + men followed + have reached + he followeth + out followed + I will follow + that followed + have followed + and followeth + them following + unto him Follow + up and followed + thee and follow + and he followeth + out and followed + and have followed + and that followed + me let him follow + he that followeth + and they followed + And there followed + speak and followed + and as they followed + will they not follow + them and they follow + thereof they followed + to them that followed + but thou shalt follow + and they that followed + is that to thee follow +/ ; to follow out, i .e . (figuratively) to imitate, obey, yield to: --follow .

1872 + after + following + they follow + that ye should follow + she have diligently followed +/ . epakoloutheo {ep-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 0190 + Follow + follow + I follow + followed + do follow + following + and follow + not follow + it followed + and followed + men followed + have reached + he followeth + out followed + I will follow + that followed + have followed + and followeth + them following + unto him Follow + up and followed + thee and follow + and he followeth + out and followed + and have followed + and that followed + me let him follow + he that followeth + and they followed + And there followed + speak and followed + and as they followed + will they not follow + them and they follow + thereof they followed + to them that followed + but thou shalt follow + and they that followed + is that to thee follow +/ ; to accompany: --follow (after) .

2097 + glad + preach + tidings + us good + I bring + I preach + preached + and bring + To preach + preacheth + preaching + to preach + man preach + I preached + the gospel + and preach + he preached + is preached + was preached + and preached + me to preach + other gospel + they preached + unto you glad + by the gospel + and preaching + but to preach + And we declare + not the gospel + I have preached + have the gospel + any other gospel + us for to preach + we have preached + with you and preach + as he hath declared + of them that preach + cause was the gospel + and shewing the glad + that I should preach + unto thee and to shew + Verily that when I preach + in me that I might preach + And when they had preached + For unto us was the gospel + from you unto us and brought + unto you by them that have preached +/ . euaggelizo {yoo-ang-ghel-id'-zo}; from 2095 + well + ye well + them good + unto him Well + That it may be well +/ and 0032 + angel + angels + An angel + an angel + of angels + the angel + his angel + by angels + the angels + messengers + his angels + of an angel + For an angel + my messenger + by the angel + of the angel + their angels + as the angel + for the angel + nd the angels + of the angels + But the angel + and the angel + by the angels + the messenger + And the angel + and to angels + and of angels + and the angels + unto the angel + are the angels + with the angel + me as an angel + not the angels + the messengers + And the angels + Unto the angel + and his angels + than the angels + with his angels + it by his angel + And to the angel + no not the angels + unto him an angel + And of the angels + things the angels + out of the angel s + And unto the angel + For unto the angels + that is of the angel + to pass as the angels + but are as the angels + them which is the angel + them which is the angel + And when the messengers + there was with the angel + him the nature of angels + He shall give his angels +/ ; to announce good news ("evangelize") especially the gospel: --declare, bring (declare, show) glad (good) tidings, preach (the gospel) .

2098 + gospel + the gospel + our gospel + to my gospel + by the gospel + in the gospel + of the gospel + And the gospel + For our gospel + not the gospel + that the gospel + with the gospel + unto the gospel + and the gospel s + for the gospel s + is in the gospel + to you the gospel + unto you the gospel + unto them that gospel + with me in the gospel + unto you not the gospel + in preaching the gospel +/ . euaggelion {yoo-ang-ghel'-ee-on}; from the same as 2097 + glad + preach + tidings + us good + I bring + I preach + preached + and bring + To preach + preacheth + preaching + to preach + man preach + I preached + the gospel + and preach + he preached + is preached + was preached + and preached + me to preach + other gospel + they preached + unto you glad + by the gospel + and preaching + but to preach + And we declare + not the gospel + I have preached + have the gospel + any other gospel + us for to preach + we have preached + with you and preach + as he hath declared + of them that preach + cause was the gospel + and shewing the glad + that I should preach + unto thee and to shew + Verily that when I preach + in me that I might preach + And when they had preached + For unto us was the gospel + from you unto us and brought + unto you by them that have preached +/ ; a good message, i .e . the gospel: --gospel .

2099 + evangelists + the evangelist + of an evangelist +/ . euaggelistes {yoo-ang-ghel-is-tace'}; from 2097 + glad + preach + tidings + us good + I bring + I preach + preached + and bring + To preach + preacheth + preaching + to preach + man preach + I preached + the gospel + and preach + he preached + is preached + was preached + and preached + me to preach + other gospel + they preached + unto you glad + by the gospel + and preaching + but to preach + And we declare + not the gospel + I have preached + have the gospel + any other gospel + us for to preach + we have preached + with you and preach + as he hath declared + of them that preach + cause was the gospel + and shewing the glad + that I should preach + unto thee and to shew + Verily that when I preach + in me that I might preach + And when they had preached + For unto us was the gospel + from you unto us and brought + unto you by them that have preached +/ ; a preacher of the gospel: --evangelist .

2185 + to reach + our measure as though we reached +/ . ephikneomai {ef-ik-neh'-om-ahee}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and a cognate of 2240 + come + I come + is come + was come + and came + will come + there came + shall come + I will come + of them came + them to come + the time come + me shall come + There shall come + things shall come + And they shall come +/ ; to arrive upon, i .e . extend to: --reach .

2604 + forth + to be a setter +/ . kataggeleus {kat-ang-gel-yooce'}; from 2605 + shew + preach + I preach + we preach + declaring + is spoken + And teach + ye do shew + him declare + is preached + and preached + was preached + they preached + man is preached + and should shew + we have preached + that they which preach +/ ; a proclaimer: --setter forth .

2605 + shew + preach + I preach + we preach + declaring + is spoken + And teach + ye do shew + him declare + is preached + and preached + was preached + they preached + man is preached + and should shew + we have preached + that they which preach +/ . kataggello {kat-ang-gel'-lo}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and the base of 0032 + angel + angels + An angel + an angel + of angels + the angel + his angel + by angels + the angels + messengers + his angels + of an angel + For an angel + my messenger + by the angel + of the angel + their angels + as the angel + for the angel + nd the angels + of the angels + But the angel + and the angel + by the angels + the messenger + And the angel + and to angels + and of angels + and the angels + unto the angel + are the angels + with the angel + me as an angel + not the angels + the messengers + And the angels + Unto the angel + and his angels + than the angels + with his angels + it by his angel + And to the angel + no not the angels + unto him an angel + And of the angels + things the angels + out of the angel s + And unto the angel + For unto the angels + that is of the angel + to pass as the angels + but are as the angels + them which is the angel + them which is the angel + And when the messengers + there was with the angel + him the nature of angels + He shall give his angels +/ ; to proclaim, promulgate: --declare, preach, shew, speak of, teach .

2628 + after + followed +/ . katakoloutheo {kat-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 0190 + Follow + follow + I follow + followed + do follow + following + and follow + not follow + it followed + and followed + men followed + have reached + he followeth + out followed + I will follow + that followed + have followed + and followeth + them following + unto him Follow + up and followed + thee and follow + and he followeth + out and followed + and have followed + and that followed + me let him follow + he that followeth + and they followed + And there followed + speak and followed + and as they followed + will they not follow + them and they follow + thereof they followed + to them that followed + but thou shalt follow + and they that followed + is that to thee follow +/ ; to accompany closely: --follow (after) .

2637 + Backbiters +/ . katalalos {kat-al'-al-os}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and the base of 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; talkative against, i .e . a slanderer: --backbiter .

2782 + preaching + of preaching + the preaching + is our preaching + and my preaching + and the preaching + me ; that by me the preaching +/ . kerugma {kay'-roog-mah}; from 2784 + preach + Preach + preached + I preach + preaching + To preach + preacheth + Preaching + we preach + to preach + to publish + and preach + a preacher + that preach + proclaiming + be preached + he preached + And preached + and preached + us to preach + was preached + be published + But we preach + For we preach + and to preach + and preaching + them to preach + they published + And he preached + them that preach + out and preached + that I may preach + shall they preach + shall be preached + should be preached + of you we preached + thou that preachest + shall be proclaimed + we have not preached + when I have preached + his way and published +/ ; a proclamation (especially of the gospel; by implication, the gospel itself): --preaching .

2783 + a preacher + person a preacher +/ . kerux {kay'-roox}; from 2784 + preach + Preach + preached + I preach + preaching + To preach + preacheth + Preaching + we preach + to preach + to publish + and preach + a preacher + that preach + proclaiming + be preached + he preached + And preached + and preached + us to preach + was preached + be published + But we preach + For we preach + and to preach + and preaching + them to preach + they published + And he preached + them that preach + out and preached + that I may preach + shall they preach + shall be preached + should be preached + of you we preached + thou that preachest + shall be proclaimed + we have not preached + when I have preached + his way and published +/ ; a herald, i .e . of divine truth (especially of the gospel): --preacher .

2784 + preach + Preach + preached + I preach + preaching + To preach + preacheth + Preaching + we preach + to preach + to publish + and preach + a preacher + that preach + proclaiming + be preached + he preached + And preached + and preached + us to preach + was preached + be published + But we preach + For we preach + and to preach + and preaching + them to preach + they published + And he preached + them that preach + out and preached + that I may preach + shall they preach + shall be preached + should be preached + of you we preached + thou that preachest + shall be proclaimed + we have not preached + when I have preached + his way and published +/ . kerusso {kay-roos'-so}; of uncertain affinity; to herald (as a public crier), especially divine truth (the gospel): --preacher(-er), proclaim, publish .

2907 + flesh + he preached +/ . kreas {kreh'-as}; perhaps a primary word; (butcher's) meat: --flesh .

2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ . laleo {lal-eh'-o}; a prolonged form of an otherwise obsolete verb; to talk, i .e . utter words: --preach, say, speak (after), talk, tell, utter . Compare 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ .

2981 + my speech + of thy saying + and thy speech + one of them ; for thy speech +/ . lalia {lal-ee-ah'}; from 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; talk: --saying, speech .

3424 + in his speech + and had an impediment +/ . mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 + him hardly +/ and 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; hardly talking, i .e . dumb (tongue-tied): --having an impediment in his speech .

3877 + known + shall follow + understanding + thou hast attained + But thou hast fully +/ . parakoloutheo {par-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and 0190 + Follow + follow + I follow + followed + do follow + following + and follow + not follow + it followed + and followed + men followed + have reached + he followeth + out followed + I will follow + that followed + have followed + and followeth + them following + unto him Follow + up and followed + thee and follow + and he followeth + out and followed + and have followed + and that followed + me let him follow + he that followeth + and they followed + And there followed + speak and followed + and as they followed + will they not follow + them and they follow + thereof they followed + to them that followed + but thou shalt follow + and they that followed + is that to thee follow +/ ; to follow near, i .e . (figuratively) attend (as a result), trace out, conform to: --attain, follow, fully know, have understanding .

3954 + bold + openly + boldly + boldness + me freely + plainness + us plainly + confidence + the boldness + thou plainly + with boldness + we confidence + the confidence + is my boldness + of them openly + he had preached + is the confidence + unto them plainly + to be known openly +/ . parrhesia {par-rhay-see'-ah}; from 3956 + all 3956- all 3956- no + man + All + all + one + any + where + Every + every + In all + is all + it all + us all + me all + to all + we all + it all + do all + it any + in all + us all + To all + of all + me all + up all + ye all + by all + always + not all + but all + Let all + for all + out all + And all + and all + But all + man all + him all + That no + For all + let all + Are all + are all + you all + him all + That all + I in all + of every + over all + When any + than all + them all + that all + They all + in every + With all + is every + have all + shall no + unto all + to every + from all + us every + thee all + upon all + In every + they all + with all + were all + of us all + us in all + Not every + For every + And every + let every + but every + the whole + as ye all + whosoever + for every + shall all + me in all + and every + be ye all + do always + as in all + is in all + Let every + But every + not every + among all + in me all + things all + Ye are all + and in all + may be all + But we all + and of all + and in all + upon every + you in all + you of all + not in all + of you all + by you all + out of all + and ye all + men in all + Not to all + and to all + Whatsoever + whatsoever + to you all + in you all + him in all + But in all + him of all + that every + up and all + he and all + are we all + ye not all + in one all + unto every + of them all + thee of all + thou in all + unto us all + me When all + him and all + than ye all + neither any + them to all + unto me all + shall every + us from all + for you all + but not all + And did all + And let all + be with all + that ye all + to them all + that we all + from me all + us with all + in than all + are not all + that in all + and for all + with us all + unto him all + ye shall all + you in every + thou and all + you with all + of the whole + for that all + for they all + thing to all + unto you all + and were all + and from all + and unto all + but that all + and to every + but by every + But in every + and upon all + For they all + And were all + And with all + And they all + are they all + how that all + out of every + unto you All + with you all + unto him All + them and all + and that all + They are all + and they all + but unto all + And the whole + of whatsoever + were they all + but we do all + of him to all + men and every + place and all + that with all + and the whole + by him in all + than they all + unto me every + with them all + we are of all + they were all + me from every + me that every + things to all + unto them All + upon them all + man and every + that in every + That in every + That they all + in you in all + for me but all + not of you all + away and every + and in you all + but was in all + and unto every + that the whole + to him and all + him out of all + me that of all + And by him all + ye have to all + there shall no + For unto every + for ye are all + for we are all + for whatsoever + For whatsoever + throughout all + by us in every + For ye are all + unto him Every + shall be to all + unto them Every + with you at all + with me and all + with me but all + unto me but all + to me and every + To him give all + ye And they all + for you for all + there should no + be with you all + for him and all + that whatsoever + and they are all + by it and by all + unto me to every + We shall not all + but we shall all + out unto him all + for we shall all + And they did all + over you and all + unto them in all + are they not all + Are they not all + that they are all + was upon them all + but that with all + and have been all + but they were all + from thee and all + thing neither any + he Ye are not all + with you that all + he among them all + and they were all + him up for us all + among them of all + And they were all + And we were in all + to pass that every + that they were all + but out of them all + For by him were all + unto you That every + together ; and every + And when we were all + For they are not all + him for they were all + things and by him all + there is not in every + And they shall be all + them which are in any + But they have not all + is the joy of you all + that they were not all + away from you with all + unto them and unto all + him and to him are all + judgment came upon all + it to them and they all + men that I might by all + unto you That unto every + unto you as it is in all + but we have been throughly + of Abraham 11 are they all + the free gift came upon all + the Father that in him should all + them that are his . And Let every + unto Abraham 11 saying In thee shall all +/ and a derivative of 4483 + said + made + spoken + and said + was spoken + it was said + It was said + And he said + it they said + that he said + And it was commanded + is he that was spoken + one of them ; and it was said +/ ; all out-spokenness, i .e . frankness, bluntness, publicity; by implication, assurance: --bold (X -ly, -ness, -ness of speech), confidence, X freely, X openly, X plainly(-ness) .

3955 + bold + waxed + boldly + freely + we were bold + to speak boldly + and spake boldly + I may speak boldly + they speaking boldly +/ . parrhesiazomai {par-hray-see-ad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3954 + bold + openly + boldly + boldness + me freely + plainness + us plainly + confidence + the boldness + thou plainly + with boldness + we confidence + the confidence + is my boldness + of them openly + he had preached + is the confidence + unto them plainly + to be known openly +/ ; to be frank in utterance, or confident in spirit and demeanor: --be (wax) bold, (preach, speak) boldly .

4137 + may be full 4137- may be full 4137- come + full + Fill + fill + filled + Fulfil + me full + perfect + preached + But after + fulfilled + I am full + accomplish + and fulfil + was filled + were filled + he was full + may be full + hath filled + it was full + he had ended + is fulfilled + be fulfilled + were expired + Being filled + and complete + I have fully + us to fulfil + shall supply + might be full + was fulfilled + but to fulfil + and it filled + but be filled + they fulfilled + were fulfilled + ye have filled + hath fulfilled + thou shalt make + and were filled + it be fulfilled + shall be filled + that thou fulfil + may be fulfilled + things were ended + might be fulfilled + of you I am filled + shall be fulfilled + that he might fill + of him that filleth + should be fulfilled + And ye are complete + that I may be filled + day they have fulfilled + to me for you to fulfil + when they had fulfilled + that ye might be filled + needs have been fulfilled + that it might be fulfilled + That it might be fulfilled + as they were should be fulfilled +/ . pleroo {play-ro'-o}; from 4134 + a full 4134- a full 4134- full + O full + and full + being full + that the full + woman was full + these sayings they were full +/ ; to make replete, i .e . (literally) to cram (a net), level up (a hollow), or (figuratively) to furnish (or imbue, diffuse, influence), satisfy, execute (an office), finish (a period or task), verify (or coincide with a prediction), etc .: --accomplish, X after, (be) complete, end, expire, fill (up), fulfil, (be, make) full (come), fully preach, perfect, supply .

4138 + full + piece + fulness + that filled + the fulness + their fulness + of the fulness + in the fulness + and the fulness + is the fulfilling + And of his fulness + for that which is put in to fill +/ . pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137 + may be full 4137- may be full 4137- come + full + Fill + fill + filled + Fulfil + me full + perfect + preached + But after + fulfilled + I am full + accomplish + and fulfil + was filled + were filled + he was full + may be full + hath filled + it was full + he had ended + is fulfilled + be fulfilled + were expired + Being filled + and complete + I have fully + us to fulfil + shall supply + might be full + was fulfilled + but to fulfil + and it filled + but be filled + they fulfilled + were fulfilled + ye have filled + hath fulfilled + thou shalt make + and were filled + it be fulfilled + shall be filled + that thou fulfil + may be fulfilled + things were ended + might be fulfilled + of you I am filled + shall be fulfilled + that he might fill + of him that filleth + should be fulfilled + And ye are complete + that I may be filled + day they have fulfilled + to me for you to fulfil + when they had fulfilled + that ye might be filled + needs have been fulfilled + that it might be fulfilled + That it might be fulfilled + as they were should be fulfilled +/ ; repletion or completion, i .e . (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): --which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness .

4283 + before + preached + the gospel + words having men s +/ . proeuaggelizomai {pro-yoo-ang-ghel-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 2097 + glad + preach + tidings + us good + I bring + I preach + preached + and bring + To preach + preacheth + preaching + to preach + man preach + I preached + the gospel + and preach + he preached + is preached + was preached + and preached + me to preach + other gospel + they preached + unto you glad + by the gospel + and preaching + but to preach + And we declare + not the gospel + I have preached + have the gospel + any other gospel + us for to preach + we have preached + with you and preach + as he hath declared + of them that preach + cause was the gospel + and shewing the glad + that I should preach + unto thee and to shew + Verily that when I preach + in me that I might preach + And when they had preached + For unto us was the gospel + from you unto us and brought + unto you by them that have preached +/ ; to announce glad news in advance: --preach before the gospel .

4293 + shewed + before + foretold + had shewed + whereof ye had notice +/ . prokataggello {prok-at-ang-ghel'-lo}; from 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 2605 + shew + preach + I preach + we preach + declaring + is spoken + And teach + ye do shew + him declare + is preached + and preached + was preached + they preached + man is preached + and should shew + we have preached + that they which preach +/ ; to anounce beforehand, i .e . predict, promise: --foretell, have notice, (shew) before .

4296 + which before + was preached + had first preached +/ . prokerusso {prok-ay-rooce'-so}; from 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 2784 + preach + Preach + preached + I preach + preaching + To preach + preacheth + Preaching + we preach + to preach + to publish + and preach + a preacher + that preach + proclaiming + be preached + he preached + And preached + and preached + us to preach + was preached + be published + But we preach + For we preach + and to preach + and preaching + them to preach + they published + And he preached + them that preach + out and preached + that I may preach + shall they preach + shall be preached + should be preached + of you we preached + thou that preachest + shall be proclaimed + we have not preached + when I have preached + his way and published +/ ; to herald (i .e . proclaim) in advance: --before (first) preach .

4354 + speaking +/ . proslaleo {pros-lal-eh'-o}; from 4314 + at + nigh + among + toward + within + because + whereby + against + between + me among + as about + not among + according + himself at + concerning + conditions + not against + but against + things before + but not before + they had against + of speech toward + is he that condemneth + with us for it is toward +/ and 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; to talk to, i .e . converse with: --speak to (with) .

4814 + talking + and spake + there talked + his way and communed + and they were talking + when he had conferred +/ . sullaleo {sool-lal-eh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ ; to talk together, i .e . converse: --commune (confer, talk) with, speak among .

4845 + come + was come + was fully + and they were filled +/ . sumpleroo {soom-play-ro'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 4137 + may be full 4137- may be full 4137- come + full + Fill + fill + filled + Fulfil + me full + perfect + preached + But after + fulfilled + I am full + accomplish + and fulfil + was filled + were filled + he was full + may be full + hath filled + it was full + he had ended + is fulfilled + be fulfilled + were expired + Being filled + and complete + I have fully + us to fulfil + shall supply + might be full + was fulfilled + but to fulfil + and it filled + but be filled + they fulfilled + were fulfilled + ye have filled + hath fulfilled + thou shalt make + and were filled + it be fulfilled + shall be filled + that thou fulfil + may be fulfilled + things were ended + might be fulfilled + of you I am filled + shall be fulfilled + that he might fill + of him that filleth + should be fulfilled + And ye are complete + that I may be filled + day they have fulfilled + to me for you to fulfil + when they had fulfilled + that ye might be filled + needs have been fulfilled + that it might be fulfilled + That it might be fulfilled + as they were should be fulfilled +/ ; to implenish completely, i .e . (of space) to swamp (a boat), or (of time) to accomplish (passive, be complete): --(fully) come, fill up .

4870 + to follow + that followed +/ . sunakoloutheo {soon-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 0190 + Follow + follow + I follow + followed + do follow + following + and follow + not follow + it followed + and followed + men followed + have reached + he followeth + out followed + I will follow + that followed + have followed + and followeth + them following + unto him Follow + up and followed + thee and follow + and he followeth + out and followed + and have followed + and that followed + me let him follow + he that followeth + and they followed + And there followed + speak and followed + and as they followed + will they not follow + them and they follow + thereof they followed + to them that followed + but thou shalt follow + and they that followed + is that to thee follow +/ ; to accompany: --follow .

that I speak + he shall say + and preached + and speaketh + let him speak + that speaketh + things to say + have I spoken + I have spoken + I shall speak + he shall tell + as it was told + and they spake + I should speak + While he spake + as have spoken + them and spake + they may speak + things I speak + that hath told + ye shall speak + And they spake + ye have spoken + that he talked + and he preached + but as we spake + shall be spoken + And as he spake + that they speak + that was spoken + whether I speak + I will not talk + it shall be told + they shall speak + have been spoken + Howbeit we speak + he that speaketh + but he that said + He that speaketh + unto you I speak + of him that spake + them not to speak + And as they spake + and let him speak + unto him Speakest + unto you speaking + might be preached + for ye shall speak + unto them to speak + him he shall speak + And he that talked + unto thee We speak + that I have spoken + things have I told + that shall he speak + loosed and he spake + things have I spoken + things I have spoken + For he that speaketh + them that they speak + and it shall be told + and he that speaketh + them ; and they spake + not him that speaketh + For I have not spoken + let him that speaketh + whereof thou speakest + unto her I that speak + things which were told + and that he had spoken + for he shall not speak + thee and we shall speak + things which were spoken + that they should not speak + And when they had preached + For it is not ye that speak + ourselves unto you we speak + him and it is he that talketh + things which were to be spoken + ye for it is not ye that speak + I shall be unto him that speaketh + unto the things which were spoken +/ means an extended or random harangue]); by implication, to mean: --ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter .