celebrate Lev_23_41 /^{celebrate /it in the
seventh month .

celebrate Isa_38_18 /^{celebrate /thee: they that
go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth .

celebrate Lev_23_32 /^{celebrate /your sabbath .

confederate Psa_83_05 /^{confederate /against thee:

confederate Gen_14_13 /^{confederate /with Abram .

confederate Isa_07_02 /^{confederate /with Ephraim .
And his heart was moved , and the heart of his people , as the
trees of the wood are moved with the wind .

consecrate Exo_29_09 /^{consecrate /Aaron and his
sons .

consecrate Exo_29_33 /^{consecrate /and to sanctify
them: but a stranger shall not eat thereof, because they are
holy .

consecrate Exo_28_03 /^{consecrate /him, that he
may minister unto me in the priest's office .

consecrate 2Ch_13_09 /^{consecrate /himself with a
young bullock and seven rams , the same may be a priest of them
that are no gods .

consecrate 1Ch_29_05 /^{consecrate /his service
this day unto the LORD ?

consecrate Mic_04_13 /^{consecrate /their gain unto
the LORD , and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth .

consecrate Exo_28_41 /^{consecrate /them, and
sanctify them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's
office .

consecrate Exo_30_30 /^{consecrate /them, that they
may minister unto me in the priest's office .

consecrate Exo_29_35 /^{consecrate /them.

consecrate Eze_43_26 /^{consecrate /themselves .

consecrate Lev_16_32 /^{consecrate /to minister in
the priest's office in his father's stead, shall make the
atonement , and shall put on the linen clothes , even the holy
garments :

consecrate Num_06_12 /^{consecrate /unto the LORD
the days of his separation , and shall bring a lamb of the first
year for a trespass offering : but the days that were before
shall be lost , because his separation was defiled .

consecrate Lev_08_33 /^{consecrate /you.

Consecrate Exo_32_29 /^{Consecrate /yourselves to
day to the LORD , even every man upon his son , and upon his
brother ; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day .

consecrated Ezr_03_05 /^{consecrated /and of every
one that willingly offered a freewill offering unto the LORD .

consecrated Heb_07_28 /${consecrated /for evermore .

consecrated Heb_10_20 /${consecrated /for us ,
through the veil , that is to say , his flesh ;

consecrated 1Ki_13_33 /^{consecrated /him, and he
became one of the priests of the high places .

consecrated Exo_29_29 /^{consecrated /in them.

consecrated Jud_17_05 /^{consecrated /one of his
sons , who became his priest .

consecrated Jud_17_12 /^{consecrated /the Levite ;
and the young man became his priest , and was in the house of
Micah .

consecrated 2Ch_29_33 /^{consecrated /things were six
hundred oxen and three thousand sheep .

consecrated 2Ch_26_18 /^{consecrated /to burn incense
: go out of the sanctuary ; for thou hast trespassed ; neither
shall it be for thine honour from the LORD God .

consecrated Num_03_03 /^{consecrated /to minister in
the priest's office .

consecrated Lev_21_10 /^{consecrated /to put on the
garments , shall not uncover his head , nor rend his clothes ;

consecrated Jos_06_19 /^{consecrated /unto the LORD :
they shall come into the treasury of the LORD .

consecrated 2Ch_31_06 /^{consecrated /unto the LORD
their God , and laid them by heaps .

consecrated 2Ch_29_31 /^{consecrated /yourselves unto
the LORD , come near and bring sacrifices and thank offerings
into the house of the LORD . And the congregation brought in
sacrifices and thank offerings ; and as many as were of a free
heart burnt offerings .

degenerate Jer_02_21 /^{degenerate /plant of a
strange vine unto me?

desperate Isa_17_11 /^{desperate /sorrow .

desperate Job_06_26 /^{desperate /which are as
wind ?

desperately Jer_17_09 /^{desperately /wicked : who
can know it?

Euphrates 2Ki_24_07 /^{Euphrates /all that
pertained to the king of Egypt .

Euphrates Jos_01_04 /^{Euphrates /all the land of
the Hittites , and unto the great sea toward the going down of
the sun , shall be your coast .

Euphrates Jer_13_07 /^{Euphrates /and digged , and
took the girdle from the place where I had hid it: and, behold,
the girdle was marred , it was profitable for nothing.

Euphrates Jer_13_04 /^{Euphrates /and hide it
there in a hole of the rock .

Euphrates 2Ch_35_20 /^{Euphrates /and Josiah went
out against him.

Euphrates 2Ki_23_29 /^{Euphrates /and king Josiah
went against him; and he slew him at Megiddo , when he had seen

Euphrates Jer_13_06 /^{Euphrates /and take the
girdle from thence, which I commanded thee to hide there.

Euphrates Rev_16_12 /${Euphrates /and the water
thereof was dried up , that the way of the kings of the east
might be prepared .

Euphrates Jer_13_05 /^{Euphrates /as the LORD
commanded me.

Euphrates 1Ch_05_09 /^{Euphrates /because their
cattle were multiplied in the land of Gilead .

Euphrates Deu_11_24 /^{Euphrates /even unto the
uttermost sea shall your coast be.

Euphrates Jer_46_02 /^{Euphrates /in Carchemish ,
which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah .

frustrate Gal_02_21 /${frustrate /the grace of God
: for if righteousness come by the law , then Christ is dead in
vain .

frustrate Ezr_04_05 /^{frustrate /their purpose ,
all the days of Cyrus king of Persia , even until the reign of
Darius king of Persia .

frustrateth Isa_44_25 /^{frustrateth /the tokens of
the liars , and maketh diviners mad ; that turneth wise men
backward , and maketh their knowledge foolish ;

grate Exo_38_30 /^{grate /for it, and all the
vessels of the altar ,

grate Exo_35_16 /^{grate /his staves , and all
his vessels , the laver and his foot ,

grate Exo_39_39 /^{grate /of brass , his
staves , and all his vessels , the laver and his foot ,

grate Exo_38_05 /^{grate /of brass , to be
places for the staves .

grate Exo_27_04 /^{grate /of network of brass ;
and upon the net shalt thou make four brasen rings in the four
corners thereof.

grate Exo_38_04 /^{grate /of network under the
compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it.

magistrate Luk_12_58 /${magistrate /as thou art in
the way , give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him ;
lest he hale thee to the judge , and the judge deliver thee to
the officer , and the officer cast thee into prison .

magistrate Jud_18_07 /^{magistrate /in the land ,
that might put them to shame in any thing ; and they were far
from the Zidonians , and had no business with any man .

magistrates Ezr_07_25 /^{magistrates /and judges ,
which may judge all the people that are beyond the river , all
such as know the laws of thy God ; and teach ye them that know
them not .

magistrates Luk_12_11 /${magistrates /and powers ,
take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer , or what
ye shall say :

magistrates Act_16_38 /${magistrates /and they
feared , when they heard that they were Romans .

magistrates Act_16_36 /${magistrates /have sent to
let you go : now therefore depart , and go in peace .

magistrates Act_16_22 /${magistrates /rent off their
clothes , and commanded to beat them.

magistrates Act_16_20 /${magistrates /saying , These
men , being Jews , do exceedingly trouble our city ,

magistrates Act_16_35 /${magistrates /sent the
serjeants , saying , Let those men go .

magistrates Tit_03_01 /${magistrates /to be ready to
every good work ,

moderately Joe_02_23 /^{moderately /and he will
cause to come down for you the rain , the former rain , and the
latter rain in the first month.

rate 2Ch_08_13 /^{rate /every day , offering
according to the commandment of Moses , on the sabbaths , and on
the new moons , and on the solemn feasts , three times in the
year , even in the feast of unleavened bread , and in the feast
of weeks , and in the feast of tabernacles .

rate Exo_16_04 /^{rate /every day , that I
may prove them, whether they will walk in my law , or no.

rate 2Ki_25_30 /^{rate /for every day , all
the days of his life .

rate 1Ki_10_25 /^{rate /year by year .

rate 2Ch_09_24 /^{rate /year by year .

separate Jos_16_09 /^{separate /cities for the
children of Ephraim were among the inheritance of the children
of Manasseh , all the cities with their villages .

separate Gen_49_26 /^{separate /from his brethren

separate Heb_07_26 /${separate /from sinners ,
and made higher than the heavens ;

separate Deu_29_21 /^{separate /him unto evil out
of all the tribes of Israel , according to all the curses of the
covenant that are written in this book of the law :

separate Num_06_03 /^{separate /himself from wine
and strong drink , and shall drink no vinegar of wine , or
vinegar of strong drink , neither shall he drink any liquor of
grapes , nor eat moist grapes , or dried .

separate Jer_37_12 /^{separate /himself thence in
the midst of the people .

Separate Act_13_02 /${Separate /me Barnabas and
Saul for the work whereunto I have called them .

separate Eze_42_10 /^{separate /place , and over
against the building .

separate Eze_41_13 /^{separate /place , and the
building , with the walls thereof, an hundred cubits long ;

separate Eze_42_01 /^{separate /place , and which
was before the building toward the north .

separate Eze_42_13 /^{separate /place , they be
holy chambers , where the priests that approach unto the LORD
shall eat the most holy things : there shall they lay the most
holy things , and the meat offering , and the sin offering , and
the trespass offering ; for the place is holy .

separate Eze_41_12 /^{separate /place at the end
toward the west was seventy cubits broad ; and the wall of the
building was five cubits thick round about , and the length
thereof ninety cubits .

separate Eze_41_14 /^{separate /place toward the
east , an hundred cubits .

separate Eze_41_15 /^{separate /place which was
behind it, and the galleries thereof on the one side and on the
other side, an hundred cubits , with the inner temple , and the
porches of the court ;

separate 2Co_06_17 /${separate /saith the Lord ,
and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you ,

separate Lev_15_31 /^{separate /the children of
Israel from their uncleanness ; that they die not in their
uncleanness , when they defile my tabernacle that is among them.

separate Gen_30_40 /^{separate /the lambs , and
set the faces of the flocks toward the ringstraked , and all the
brown in the flock of Laban ; and he put his own flocks by
themselves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle .

separate Num_08_14 /^{separate /the Levites from
among the children of Israel : and the Levites shall be mine.

separate 1Ki_08_53 /^{separate /them from among
all the people of the earth , to be thine inheritance , as thou
spakest by the hand of Moses thy servant , when thou broughtest
our fathers out of Egypt , O Lord GOD .

separate Mat_25_32 /${separate /them one from
another , as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats :

separate 001 019 Jud /${separate /themselves ,
sensual , having not the Spirit .

separate Lev_22_02 /^{separate /themselves from
the holy things of the children of Israel , and that they
profane not my holy name in those things which they hallow unto
me: I am the LORD .

separate Num_06_02 /^{separate /themselves to vow
a vow of a Nazarite , to separate themselves unto the LORD :

separate Num_06_02 /^{separate /themselves unto
the LORD :

separate Deu_19_02 /^{separate /three cities for
thee in the midst of thy land , which the LORD thy God giveth
thee to possess it.

separate Deu_19_07 /^{separate /three cities for

separate Gen_13_09 /^{separate /thyself , I pray
thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand , then I will go
to the right ; or if thou depart to the right hand , then I will
go to the left .

separate Rom_08_35 /${separate /us from the love
of Christ ? shall tribulation , or distress , or persecution ,
or famine , or nakedness , or peril , or sword ?

separate Rom_08_39 /${separate /us from the love
of God , which is in Christ Jesus our Lord .

separate Luk_06_22 /${separate /you from their
company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil ,
for the Son of man's sake .

Separate Num_16_21 /^{Separate /yourselves from
among this congregation , that I may consume them in a moment .

separate Ezr_10_11 /^{separate /yourselves from
the people of the land , and from the strange wives .

separated Ezr_10_16 /^{separated /and sat down in
the first day of the tenth month to examine the matter .

separated Isa_59_02 /^{separated /between you and
your God , and your sins have hid his face from you, that he
will not hear .

separated Gen_13_14 /^{separated /from him, Lift
up now thine eyes , and look from the place where thou art
northward , and southward , and eastward , and westward :

separated Deu_33_16 /^{separated /from his
brethren .

separated Pro_19_04 /^{separated /from his
neighbour .

separated Neh_13_03 /^{separated /from Israel all
the mixed multitude .

separated Ezr_10_08 /^{separated /from the
congregation of those that had been carried away .

separated Gen_25_23 /^{separated /from thy bowels ;
and the one people shall be stronger than the other people ;
and the elder shall serve the younger .

separated Lev_20_25 /^{separated /from you as
unclean .

separated Gal_02_12 /${separated /himself ,
fearing them which were of the circumcision .

separated Pro_18_01 /^{separated /himself, seeketh
and intermeddleth with all wisdom .

separated Exo_33_16 /^{separated /I and thy people
, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth .

separated Isa_56_03 /^{separated /me from his
people : neither let the eunuch say , Behold, I am a dry tree .

separated Gal_01_15 /${separated /me from my
mother's womb , and called me by his grace ,

separated 1Ch_23_13 /^{separated /that he should
sanctify the most holy things , he and his sons for ever , to
burn incense before the LORD , to minister unto him, and to
bless in his name for ever .

separated Act_19_09 /${separated /the disciples ,
disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus .

separated Deu_32_08 /^{separated /the sons of Adam
, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the
children of Israel .

separated Deu_10_08 /^{separated /the tribe of
Levi , to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD , to stand
before the LORD to minister unto him, and to bless in his name ,
unto this day .

separated 2Ch_25_10 /^{separated /them, to wit, the
army that was come to him out of Ephraim , to go home again :
wherefore their anger was greatly kindled against Judah , and
they returned home in great anger .

separated Neh_09_02 /^{separated /themselves from
all strangers , and stood and confessed their sins , and the
iniquities of their fathers .

separated Ezr_09_01 /^{separated /themselves from
the people of the lands , doing according to their abominations ,
even of the Canaanites , the Hittites , the Perizzites , the
Jebusites , the Ammonites , the Moabites , the Egyptians , and
the Amorites .

separated Neh_10_28 /^{separated /themselves from
the people of the lands unto the law of God , their wives ,
their sons , and their daughters , every one having knowledge ,
and having understanding ;

separated Gen_13_11 /^{separated /themselves the
one from the other .

separated 1Ch_12_08 /^{separated /themselves unto
David into the hold to the wilderness men of might , and men of
war fit for the battle , that could handle shield and buckler ,
whose faces were like the faces of lions , and were as swift as
the roes upon the mountains ;

separated Hos_09_10 /^{separated /themselves unto
that shame ; and their abominations were according as they loved

separated Ezr_06_21 /^{separated /themselves unto
them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land , to seek
the LORD God of Israel , did eat ,

separated 1Ch_25_01 /^{separated /to the service
of the sons of Asaph , and of Heman , and of Jeduthun , who
should prophesy with harps , with psalteries , and with cymbals :
and the number of the workmen according to their service was:

separated Ezr_08_24 /^{separated /twelve of the
chief of the priests , Sherebiah , Hashabiah , and ten of their
brethren with them,

separated Rom_01_01 /${separated /unto the gospel
of God ,

separated Neh_04_19 /^{separated /upon the wall ,
one far from another .

separated Hos_04_14 /^{separated /with whores ,
and they sacrifice with harlots : therefore the people that doth
not understand shall fall .

separated Lev_20_24 /^{separated /you from other
people .

separated Num_16_09 /^{separated /you from the
congregation of Israel , to bring you near to himself to do the
service of the tabernacle of the LORD , and to stand before the
congregation to minister unto them?

separateth Pro_16_28 /^{separateth /chief friends .

separateth Eze_14_07 /^{separateth /himself from me
, and setteth up his idols in his heart , and putteth the
stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face , and cometh to a
prophet to enquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer
him by myself:

separateth Num_06_05 /^{separateth /himself unto
the LORD , he shall be holy , and shall let the locks of the
hair of his head grow .

separateth Num_06_06 /^{separateth /himself unto
the LORD he shall come at no dead body .

separateth Pro_17_09 /^{separateth /very friends .

temperate 1Co_09_25 /${temperate /in all things .
Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown ; but we an
incorruptible .

temperate Tit_02_02 /${temperate /sound in faith ,
in charity , in patience .
