rash , EC , 5:2

rash , ISA , 32:4

rashly , AC , 19:36

rash 4312 # propetes {prop-et-ace'}; from a compound of 4253
and 4098; falling forward, i.e. headlong (figuratively,
precipitate): -- heady, {rash}[-ly].[ql


rash Interlinear Index Study

rash ECC 005 002 Be not {rash} <00926 +bahal > with thy mouth
<06310 +peh > , and let not thine heart <03820 +leb > be hasty
<04116 +mahar > to utter <03318 +yatsa> > [ any ] thing <01697
+dabar > before <06440 +paniym > God <00430 +>elohiym > : for
God <00430 +>elohiym > [ is ] in heaven <08064 +shamayim > , and
thou upon earth <00776 +>erets > : therefore let thy words
<01697 +dabar > be few <04592 +m@ .

rash ISA 032 004 The heart <03824 +lebab > also of the {rash}
<04116 +mahar > shall understand <00995 +biyn > knowledge <01847
+da , and the tongue <03956 +lashown > of the stammerers
<05926 + shall be ready <04116 +mahar > to speak <01696
+dabar > plainly <06703 +tsach > .


be not rash with thy mouth

rash shall understand knowledge

- rash , 0926 , 4116 ,


rashly -4312 heady, {rashly},


charashim -2798 {charashim} , over ,

chorashan -3565 {chorashan} ,

crashing -7667 affliction , breach , breaches , breaking ,
breakings , bruise , {crashing} , destruction , hurt ,
interpretation , vexation ,

rash -0926 affrighted , afraid , amazed , cattle , dismayed ,
haste , hasted , hastened , hasteth , hastily , hasty , {rash} ,
speedily , speedy , thrust , trouble , troubled , troubleth ,
vex , vexed ,

rash -4116 carried , fearful , haste , hasted , hasten ,
hastened , hasteneth , hasteth , hastily , hasty , quickly ,
{rash} , ready , shortly , soon , speed , speedily , straightway
, suddenly , swift ,


Charashim 2798 -- Charashiym -- {Charashim}, craftsmen.

Chorashan 3565 -- Kowr\Ashan -- {Chor-ashan}.

crashing 7667 sheber -- -- affliction, breach, breaking, broken[-
footed, -handed],bruise, {crashing}, destruction, hurt,
interpretation, vexation.

Morashthite 4183 -- Morashtiy -- {Morashthite}.

rash 0926 -- bahal -- be (make) affrighted (afraid, amazed,
dismayed, {rash}), (be,get, make) haste(-n, -y, -ily), (give)
speedy(-ily), thrust out, trouble,vex.

rash 4116 -- mahar -- be carried headlong, fearful, (cause to
make, in, make)haste(-n, -ily), (be) hasty, (fetch, make ready)
X quickly, {rash}, Xshortly, (be so) X soon, make speed, X
speedily, X straightway, X suddenly,swift.

rash 4312 ** propetes ** heady, {rash}[-ly].


rashly ......... rashly 4312 -propetes->



Charashim 2798 ## Charashiym {khar-aw-sheem'}; plural of 2796;
mechanics, the name of a valley in Jerusalem: -- {Charashim},
craftsmen. [ql

crashing 7667 ## sheber {sheh'-ber}; or sheber {shay'-ber}; from
7665; a fracture, figuratively, ruin; specifically, a solution
(of a dream): -- affliction, breach, breaking, broken[-footed, -
handed], bruise, {crashing}, destruction, hurt, interpretation,

Morashthite 4183 ## Morashtiy {mo-rash-tee'}; patrial from 4182;
a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath: -- {Morashthite}.

rash 0926 ## bahal {baw-hal'}; a primitive root; to tremble
inwardly (or palpitate), i.e. (figuratively) be (causative,
make) (suddenly) alarmed or agitated; by implication to hasten
anxiously: -- be (make) affrighted (afraid, amazed, dismayed,
{rash}), (be, get, make) haste(-n, -y, -ily), (give) speedy(-
ily), thrust out, trouble, vex. [ql

rash 4116 ## mahar {maw-har'}; a primitive root; properly, to be
liquid or flow easily, i.e. (by implication); to hurry (in a
good or a bad sense); often used (with another verb) adverbially,
promptly: -- be carried headlong, fearful, (cause to make, in,
make) haste(-n, -ily), (be) hasty, (fetch, make ready) X quickly,
{rash}, X shortly, (be so) X soon, make speed, X speedily, X
straightway, X suddenly, swift.[ql

rash 4312 # propetes {prop-et-ace'}; from a compound of 4253 and
4098; falling forward, i.e. headlong (figuratively, precipitate):
-- heady, {rash}[-ly].[ql


Charashim 004 014 ICh /^{Charashim /for they were
craftsmen .

Chorashan 030 030 ISa /^{Chorashan /and to them
which were in Athach ,

crashing 001 010 Zep /^{crashing /from the hills .

rash 032 004 Isa /^{rash /shall understand
knowledge , and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to
speak plainly .

rash 005 002 Ecc /^{rash /with thy mouth ,
and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God :
for God is in heaven , and thou upon earth : therefore let thy
words be few .



rash Be not {rash} with thy mouth, and let not thine
heart be hasty to utter [any] thing before God: for God [is] in
heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

rash The heart also of the {rash} shall understand
knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to
speak plainly.
