Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

charash 02790 ## {charash} {khaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to scratch , i . e . (by implication) to engrave , plough ; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material) ; figuratively , to devise (in a bad sense) ; hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent , to let alone ; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness) : -- X altogether , cease , conceal , be deaf , devise , ear , graven , imagine , leave off speaking , hold peace , plow (- er , man) , be quiet , rest , practise secretly , keep silence , be silent , speak not a word , be still , hold tongue , worker .

charash 02796 ## {charash} {khaw-rawsh'} ; from 02790 ; a fabricator or any material : -- artificer , (+) carpenter , craftsman , engraver , maker , + mason , skilful , (+) smith , worker , workman , such as wrought .

Charashim 02798 ## Charashiym {khar-aw-sheem'} ; plural of 02796 ; mechanics , the name of a valley in Jerusalem : -- {Charashim} , craftsmen .

Charashiym 02798 ## {Charashiym} {khar-aw-sheem'} ; plural of 02796 ; mechanics , the name of a valley in Jerusalem : -- Charashim , craftsmen .

crash 07267 ## rogez {ro'- ghez} ; from 07264 ; commotion , restlessness (of a horse) , {crash} (of thunder) , disquiet , anger : -- fear , noise , rage , trouble (- ing) , wrath .

crash 07452 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; from 07321 ; a {crash} (of thunder) , noise (of war) , shout (of joy) : -- X aloud , noise , shouted .

crash 07481 ## ra` am {raw-am'} ; a primitive root ; to tumble , i . e . be violently agitated ; specifically , to {crash} (of thunder) ; figuratively , to irritate (with anger) : -- make to fret , roar , thunder , trouble .

crash 07803 ## Shuwthelach {shoo-theh'- lakh} ; probably from 07582 and the same as 08520 ; {crash} of breakage ; Shuthelach , the name of two Israelites : -- Shuthelah .

crash 4431 - ptosis {pto'-sis}; from the alternate of 4098; a {crash}, i.e. downfall (literally or figuratively): -- fall.

crash 4500 - rhoizedon {hroyd-zay-don'}; adverb from a derivative of rhoizos (a whir); whizzingly, i.e. with a {crash}: -- with a great noise.

crashing 07667 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; or sheber {shay'- ber} ; from 07665 ; a fracture , figuratively , ruin ; specifically , a solution (of a dream) : -- affliction , breach , breaking , broken [-footed ,-handed ] , bruise , {crashing} , destruction , hurt , interpretation , vexation .

crashing 08663 ## t@shu'ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07722 ; a {crashing} or loud clamor : -- crying , noise , shouting , stir .

darash 01875 ## {darash} {daw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tread or frequent ; usually to follow (for pursuit or search) ; by implication , to seek or ask ; specifically to worship : -- ask , X at all , care for , X diligently , inquire , make inquisition , [necro-] mancer , question , require , search , seek [for , out ] , X surely .

garash 01644 ## {garash} {gaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to drive out from a possession ; especially to expatriate or divorce : -- cast up (out) , divorced (woman) , drive away (forth , out) , expel , X surely put away , trouble , thrust out .

midrash 04097 ## {midrash} {mid-rawsh'} ; from 01875 ; properly , an investigation , i . e . (by implication) a treatise or elaborate compilation : -- story .

migrash 04054 ## {migrash} {mig-rawsh'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Ezek . 27 : 28) migrashah {mig-raw-shaw'} ; from 01644 ; a suburb (i . e . open country whither flocks are driven from pasture) ; hence , the area around a building , or the margin of the sea : -- cast out , suburb .

migrashah 04054 ## migrash {mig-rawsh'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Ezek . 27 : 28) {migrashah} {mig-raw-shaw'} ; from 01644 ; a suburb (i . e . open country whither flocks are driven from pasture) ; hence , the area around a building , or the margin of the sea : -- cast out , suburb .

Morashthite 04183 ## Morashtiy {mo-rash-tee'} ; patrial from 04182 ; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath : -- {Morashthite} .

Morashtite 04183 ## Morashtiy {mo-rash-tee'} ; patrial from 04182 ; a {Morashtite} or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath : -- Morashthite .

Morashtiy 04183 ## {Morashtiy} {mo-rash-tee'} ; patrial from 04182 ; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath : -- Morashthite .

mowrash 04180 ## {mowrash} {mo-rawsh'} ; from 03423 ; a possession ; figuratively , delight : -- possession , thought .

mowrashah 04181 ## {mowrashah} {mo-raw-shaw'} ; feminine of 04180 ; a possession : -- heritage , inheritance , possession .

p@rash 06568 ## {p@rash} (Aramaic) {per-ash'} ; corresponding to 06567 ; to specify : -- distinctly .

parash 06567 ## {parash} {paw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to separate , literally (to disperse) or figuratively (to specify) ; also (by implication) to wound : -- scatter , declare , distinctly , shew , sting .

parash 06571 ## {parash} {paw-rawsh'} ; from 06567 ; a steed (as stretched out to a vehicle , not single nor for mounting [compare 05483 ]) ; also (by implication) a driver (in a chariot) , i . e . (collectively) cavalry : -- horseman .

parashah 06575 ## {parashah} {paw-raw-shaw'} ; from 06567 ; exposition : -- declaration , sum .

rash 00926 ## bahal {baw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; to tremble inwardly (or palpitate) , i . e . (figuratively) be (causative , make) (suddenly) alarmed or agitated ; by implication to hasten anxiously : -- be (make) affrighted (afraid , amazed , dismayed , {rash}) , (be , get , make) haste (- n ,-y ,-ily) , (give) speedy (- ily) , thrust out , trouble , vex .

rash 03399 ## yarat {yaw-rat'} ; a primitive root ; to precipitate or hurl (rush) headlong ; (intransitively) to be {rash} : -- be perverse , turn over .

rash 03886 ## luwa` {loo'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to gulp ; figuratively , to be {rash} : -- swallow down (up) .

rash 04008 ## mibta` {mib-taw'} ; from 00981 ; a {rash} utterance (hasty vow) : -- (that which . . .) uttered (out of) .

rash 04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to hurry (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly : -- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , {rash} , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X suddenly , swift .

rash 0878 - aphron {af'-rone}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5424; properly, mindless, i.e. stupid, (by implication) ignorant, (specially) egotistic, (practically) {rash}, or (morally) unbelieving: -- fool(-ish), unwise.

rash 4312 - propetes {prop-et-ace'}; from a compound of 4253 and 4098; falling forward, i.e. headlong (figuratively, precipitate): -- heady, {rash} [-ly].

rasham 07559 ## {rasham} {raw-sham'} ; a primitive root ; to record : -- note .

rashash 07567 ## {rashash} {raw-shash'} ; a primitive root ; to demolish : -- impoverish .

rasha` 07561 ## {rasha`} {raw-shah'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , do or declare) wrong ; by implication , to disturb , violate : -- condemn , make trouble , vex , be (commit , deal , depart , do) wicked (- ly ,-ness) .

rasha` 07563 ## {rasha`} {raw-shaw'} ; from 07561 ; morally wrong ; concretely , an (actively) bad person : -- + condemned , guilty , ungodly , wicked (man) , that did wrong .

sharash 08327 ## {sharash} {shaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to root , i . e . strike into the soil , or (by implication) to pluck from it : -- (take , cause to take) root (out) .

thrash 1194 - dero {der'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to flay, i.e. (by implication) to scourge, or (by analogy) to {thrash}: -- beat, smite.

trash 07898 ## shayith {shah'- yith} ; from 07896 ; scrub or {trash} , i . e . wild growth of weeds or briers (as if put on the field) : -- thorns .

yarash 03423 ## {yarash} {yaw-rash'} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin : -- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly .

{daw-rash'} 01875 ## darash {{daw-rash'}} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tread or frequent ; usually to follow (for pursuit or search) ; by implication , to seek or ask ; specifically to worship : -- ask , X at all , care for , X diligently , inquire , make inquisition , [necro-] mancer , question , require , search , seek [for , out ] , X surely .

{gaw-rash'} 01644 ## garash {{gaw-rash'}} ; a primitive root ; to drive out from a possession ; especially to expatriate or divorce : -- cast up (out) , divorced (woman) , drive away (forth , out) , expel , X surely put away , trouble , thrust out .

{khaw-rash'} 02790 ## charash {{khaw-rash'}} ; a primitive root ; to scratch , i . e . (by implication) to engrave , plough ; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material) ; figuratively , to devise (in a bad sense) ; hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent , to let alone ; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness) : -- X altogether , cease , conceal , be deaf , devise , ear , graven , imagine , leave off speaking , hold peace , plow (- er , man) , be quiet , rest , practise secretly , keep silence , be silent , speak not a word , be still , hold tongue , worker .

{khay-rashe'} 02795 ## cheresh {{khay-rashe'}} ; from 02790 ; deaf (whether literally or spir .) : -- deaf .

{kho-rashe'} 02794 ## choresh {{kho-rashe'}} ; active participle of 02790 ; a fabricator or mechanic : -- artificer .

{mo-rash-tee'} 04183 ## Morashtiy {{mo-rash-tee'}} ; patrial from 04182 ; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath : -- Morashthite .

{paw-rash'} 06567 ## parash {{paw-rash'}} ; a primitive root ; to separate , literally (to disperse) or figuratively (to specify) ; also (by implication) to wound : -- scatter , declare , distinctly , shew , sting .

{shaw-rash'} 08327 ## sharash {{shaw-rash'}} ; a primitive root ; to root , i . e . strike into the soil , or (by implication) to pluck from it : -- (take , cause to take) root (out) .

{yaw-rash'} 03423 ## yarash {{yaw-rash'}} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin : -- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly .