bethrapha , 1CH , 4:12

rapha , 1CH , 8:2 , 1CH , 8:37



Rapha Interlinear Index Study

Rapha 1CH 004 012 And Eshton <00850 +>Eshtown > begat <03205
+yalad > Bethrapha <01051 +Beyth {Rapha}> > , and Paseah <06454
+Paceach > , and Tehinnah <08468 +T@chinnah > the father <1> of
Irnahash <05904 + . These <00428 +>el - leh > [
are ] the men <00582 +>enowsh > of Rechah <07397 +Rekah > .

Rapha 1CH 008 002 Nohah <05119 +Nowchah > the fourth <07243
+r@biy , and {Rapha} <07498 +Rapha> > the fifth <02549
+chamiyshiy > .

Rapha 1CH 008 037 And Moza <04162 +mowtsa> > begat <03205 +yalad
> Binea <01150 +Bin > : {Rapha} <07498 +Rapha> > [ was ] his
son <01121 +ben > , Eleasah <00501 +>El his son <01121
+ben > , Azel <00682 +>Atsel > his son <01121 +ben > :


- bethrapha , 1051 ,

- rapha , 7498 ,



bethrapha -1051 {bethrapha} ,

rapha -7498 {rapha} ,


Bethrapha 1051 -- Beyth Rapha/ -- {Beth-rapha}.

Rapha 7497 rapha/ -- -- giant, {Rapha}, Rephaim(-s).

Rapha 7498 Rapha/ -- -- {Rapha}.




Beth-rapha 1051 ## Beyth Rapha> {bayth raw-faw'}; from 1004 and
7497; house of (the) giant; Beth-Rapha, an Israelite: -- {Beth-
rapha}. [ql

Rapha 7497 ## rapha> {raw-faw'}; or raphah {raw-faw'}; from 7495
in the sense of invigorating; a giant: -- giant, {Rapha},
Rephaim(-s). See also 1051.[ql

Rapha 7498 ## Rapha> {raw-faw'}; or Raphah {raw-faw'}; probably
the same as 7497; giant; Rapha or Raphah, the name of two
Israelites: -- {Rapha}.[ql


Bethrapha 004 012 ICh /^{Bethrapha /and Paseah ,
and Tehinnah the father of Irnahash . These are the men of
Rechah .

Rapha 008 002 ICh /^{Rapha /the fifth .

Rapha 008 037 ICh /^{Rapha /was his son ,
Eleasah his son , Azel his son :



rapha <1CH8 -2> Nohah the fourth, and {Rapha} the fifth.

rapha <1CH8 -37> And Moza begat Binea: {Rapha} [was] his son,
Eleasah his son, Azel his son:
