Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
raiseth ^ 43_JOH_05_21 For <1063> as <5618> the Father <3962> {raiseth} up <1453> (5719) the dead <3498>, and <2532> quickeneth <2227> (5719) them; even <2532> so <3779> the Son <5207> quickeneth <2227> (5719) whom <3739> he will <2309> (5719).

raiseth ^ 47_2CO_01_09 But <0235> <0846> we had <2192> (5758) the sentence <0610> of death <2288> in <1722> ourselves <1438>, that <3363> <0> we should <3982> <0> not <3363> trust <3982> (5756) in <1909> ourselves <1438> <5600> (5753), but <0235> in <1909> God <2316> which <3588> {raiseth} <1453> (5723) the dead <3498>: