bracelet 0685 ## >ets properly, a step-chain; by analogy, a bracelet: -- {bracelet},
chain. [ql

bracelet 2397 ## chach {khawkh}; once (Ezek. 29:4) chachiy
{khakh-ee'}; from the same as 2336; a ring for the nose (or
lips): -- {bracelet}, chain, hook. [ql

bracelet 6616 ## pathiyl {paw-theel'}; from 6617; twine: --
bound, {bracelet}, lace, line, ribband, thread, wire.[ql

bracelet 6781 ## tsamiyd {tsaw-meed'}; or tsamid {tsaw-meed'};
from 6775; a bracelet or arm-clasp; generally, a lid: --
{bracelet}, covering.[ql

bracelet 8285 ## sherah {shay-raw'}; from 8324 in its original
sense of pressing; a wrist-band (as compact or clasping): --

disgrace 5034 ## nabel {naw-bale'}; a primitive root; to wilt;
generally, to fall away, fail, faint; figuratively, to be
foolish or (morally) wicked; causatively, to despise, disgrace: -
- {disgrace}, dishounour, lightly esteem, fade (away, -ing),
fall (down, -ling, off), do foolishly, come to nought, X surely,
make vile, wither.[ql

embrace 2263 ## chabaq {khaw-bak'}; a primitive root; to clasp
(the hands or in embrace): -- {embrace}, fold. [ql

embrace 0782 # aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee}; from 1 (as a
particle of union) and a presumed form of 4685; to enfold in the
arms, i.e. (by implication) to salute, (figuratively) to welcome:
-- {embrace}, greet, salute, take leave.[ql

embrace 4843 # sumperilambano {soom-per-ee-lam-ban'-o}; from
4862 and a compound of 4012 and 2983; to take by enclosing
altogether, i.e. earnestly throw the arms about one: --

grace 2580 ## chen {khane}; from 2603; graciousness, i.e.
subjective (kindness, favor) or objective (beauty): -- favour,
{grace}(-ious), pleasant, precious, [well-]favoured. [ql

grace 8467 ## t@chinnah {tekh-in-naw'}; from 2603; graciousness;
causatively, entreaty: -- favour, {grace}, supplication.[ql

grace 2143 # euprepeia {yoo-prep'-i-ah}; from a compound of 2095
and 4241; good suitableness, i.e. gracefulness: -- {grace}.[ql

grace 5485 # charis {khar'-ece}; from 5463; graciousness (as
gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal,
figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon
the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude):
-- acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, {grace}(-ious), joy,
liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy).[ql

race 0734 ## >orach {o'-rakh}; from 732; a well-trodden road
(literally or figuratively); also a caravan: -- manner, path,
{race}, rank, traveller, troop, [by-, high-]way. [ql

race 4793 ## merowts {may-rotes'}; from 7323; a run (the trial
of speed): -- {race}.[ql

race 0073 # agon {ag-one'}; from 71; properly, a place of
assembly (as if led), i.e. (by implication) a contest (held
there); figuratively, an effort or anxiety: -- conflict,
contention, fight, {race}.[ql

race 4712 # stadion {stad'-ee-on}; or masculine (in plural)
stadios {stad'-ee-os}; from the base of 2476 (as fixed); a stade
or certain measure of distance; by implication, a stadium or
race-course: -- furlong, {race}.[ql

terrace 4546 ## m@cillah {mes-il-law'}; from 5549; a
thoroughfare (as turnpiked), literally or figuratively;
specifically a viaduct, a staircase: -- causeway, course,
highway, path, {terrace}.[ql
