
quarries Interlinear Index Study

quarries JUDG 003 019 But he himself <01931 +huw> > turned
<07725 +shuwb > again <07725 +shuwb > from the {quarries} <06456
+p@ciyl > that [ were ] by Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > , and said
<00559 +>amar > , I have a secret <05643 +cether > errand <01697
+dabar > unto thee , O king <04428 +melek > : who said <00559
+>amar > , Keep silence <02013 +hacah > . And all <03605 +kol >
that stood <05975 + by him went <03318 +yatsa> > out from
him .

quarries JUDG 003 026 And Ehud <00261 +>Echuwd > escaped <04422
+malat > while <05704 + they tarried <04102 +mahahh > , and
passed <05674 + beyond <05674 + the {quarries}
<06456 +p@ciyl > , and escaped <04422 +malat > unto Seirath
<08167 +S@ .


- quarries , 6456 ,



quarries -6456 began , graven , images , {quarries} , scribes ,
skill ,






quarries 003 026 Jug /^{quarries /and escaped
unto Seirath .

quarries 003 019 Jug /^{quarries /that were by
Gilgal , and said , I have a secret errand unto thee, O king :
who said , Keep silence . And all that stood by him went out
from him.



quarries But he himself turned again from the

that [were] by Gilgal, and said, I have a secret errand unto
thee, O

king: who said, Keep silence. And all that stood by him went out

from him.

quarries And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and

beyond the {quarries}, and escaped unto Seirath.
