Pur Est_03_07 /^{Pur /that is, the lot ,
before Haman from day to day , and from month to month , to the
twelfth month, that is, the month Adar .

Pur Est_09_24 /^{Pur /that is, the lot , to
consume them, and to destroy them;

Pur Est_09_26 /^{Pur /Therefore for all the
words of this letter , and of that which they had seen
concerning this matter , and which had come unto them,

purchase Jer_32_12 /^{purchase /before all the
Jews that sat in the court of the prison .

purchase Jer_32_11 /^{purchase /both that which
was sealed according to the law and custom , and that which was
open :

purchase Jer_32_14 /^{purchase /both which is
sealed , and this evidence which is open ; and put them in an
earthen vessel , that they may continue many days .

purchase Gen_49_32 /^{purchase /of the field and
of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth .

purchase Lev_25_33 /^{purchase /of the Levites ,
then the house that was sold , and the city of his possession ,
shall go out in the year of jubile : for the houses of the
cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of
Israel .

purchase 1Ti_03_13 /${purchase /to themselves a
good degree , and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ
Jesus .

purchase Jer_32_16 /^{purchase /unto Baruch the
son of Neriah , I prayed unto the LORD , saying ,

purchase Jer_32_12 /^{purchase /unto Baruch the
son of Neriah , the son of Maaseiah , in the sight of Hanameel
mine uncle's son, and in the presence of the witnesses that
subscribed the book of the purchase , before all the Jews that
sat in the court of the prison .

purchased Act_01_18 /${purchased /a field with the
reward of iniquity ; and falling headlong , he burst asunder in
the midst , and all his bowels gushed out .

purchased Psa_74_02 /^{purchased /of old ; the rod
of thine inheritance , which thou hast redeemed ; this mount
Zion , wherein thou hast dwelt .

purchased Gen_25_10 /^{purchased /of the sons of
Heth : there was Abraham buried , and Sarah his wife .

purchased Eph_01_14 /${purchased /possession ,
unto the praise of his glory .

purchased Rut_04_10 /^{purchased /to be my wife ,
to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance , that the
name of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren , and
from the gate of his place : ye are witnesses this day .

purchased Act_20_28 /${purchased /with his own
blood .

purchased Act_08_20 /${purchased /with money .

pure Tit_01_15 /${pure /all things are pure :
but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure ;
but even their mind and conscience is defiled .

pure Exo_30_35 /^{pure /and holy :

pure Job_11_04 /^{pure /and I am clean in
thine eyes .

pure Ezr_06_20 /^{pure /and killed the
passover for all the children of the captivity , and for their
brethren the priests , and for themselves.

pure Job_08_06 /^{pure /and upright ; surely
now he would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thy
righteousness prosperous .

pure Pro_20_11 /^{pure /and whether it be
right .

pure Rev_15_06 /${pure /and white linen , and
having their breasts girded with golden girdles .

pure Psa_18_26 /^{pure /and with the froward
thou wilt shew thyself froward .

pure 2Sa_22_27 /^{pure /and with the froward
thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury .

pure Pro_15_26 /^{pure /are pleasant words .

pure Deu_32_14 /^{pure /blood of the grape .

pure Tit_01_15 /${pure /but even their mind
and conscience is defiled .

pure Rom_14_20 /${pure /but it is evil for
that man who eateth with offence .

pure Tit_01_15 /${pure /but unto them that
are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure ; but even their
mind and conscience is defiled .

pure Exo_39_37 /^{pure /candlestick , with
the lamps thereof, even with the lamps to be set in order , and
all the vessels thereof, and the oil for light ,

pure Lev_24_04 /^{pure /candlestick before
the LORD continually .

pure Exo_31_08 /^{pure /candlestick with all
his furniture , and the altar of incense ,

pure 2Ti_01_03 /${pure /conscience , that
without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night
and day ;

pure 1Ti_03_09 /${pure /conscience .

pure Psa_19_08 /^{pure /enlightening the eyes

pure Exo_30_34 /^{pure /frankincense : of
each shall there be a like weight:

pure Lev_24_07 /^{pure /frankincense upon
each row , that it may be on the bread for a memorial , even an
offering made by fire unto the LORD .

pure Pro_20_09 /^{pure /from my sin ?

pure Act_20_26 /${pure /from the blood of all

pure Exo_28_36 /^{pure /gold , and grave upon
it, like the engravings of a signet , HOLINESS TO THE LORD .

pure Exo_37_11 /^{pure /gold , and made
thereunto a crown of gold round about .

pure Exo_25_24 /^{pure /gold , and make
thereto a crown of gold round about .

pure Exo_39_25 /^{pure /gold , and put the
bells between the pomegranates upon the hem of the robe , round
about between the pomegranates ;

pure Exo_39_30 /^{pure /gold , and wrote upon
it a writing , like to the engravings of a signet , HOLINESS TO

pure Rev_21_21 /${pure /gold , as it were
transparent glass .

pure Exo_37_26 /^{pure /gold , both the top
of it, and the sides thereof round about , and the horns of it:
also he made unto it a crown of gold round about .

pure 1Ki_07_49 /^{pure /gold , five on the
right side, and five on the left , before the oracle , with the
flowers , and the lamps , and the tongs of gold ,

pure Rev_21_18 /${pure /gold , like unto
clear glass .

pure Exo_30_03 /^{pure /gold , the top
thereof, and the sides thereof round about , and the horns
thereof; and thou shalt make unto it a crown of gold round about

pure Exo_25_11 /^{pure /gold , within and
without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of
gold round about .

pure Exo_39_15 /^{pure /gold .

pure Exo_37_23 /^{pure /gold .

pure Exo_25_38 /^{pure /gold .

pure Exo_37_22 /^{pure /gold .

pure 2Ch_09_17 /^{pure /gold .

pure Exo_25_36 /^{pure /gold .

pure Exo_28_22 /^{pure /gold .

pure Job_28_19 /^{pure /gold .

pure Exo_37_16 /^{pure /gold .

pure 2Ch_02_04 /^{pure /gold .

pure 1Ki_06_21 /^{pure /gold : and he made a
partition by the chains of gold before the oracle ; and he
overlaid it with gold .

pure 003 022 IICh /^{pure /gold : and the
entry of the house , the inner doors thereof for the most holy
place, and the doors of the house of the temple , were of gold .

pure 2Ch_09_20 /^{pure /gold : none were of
silver ; it was not any thing accounted of in the days of
Solomon .

pure Exo_37_17 /^{pure /gold : of beaten work
made he the candlestick ; his shaft , and his branch , his bowls
, his knops , and his flowers , were of the same:

pure Exo_25_31 /^{pure /gold : of beaten work
shall the candlestick be made : his shaft , and his branches ,
his bowls , his knops , and his flowers , shall be of the same.

pure Exo_25_17 /^{pure /gold : two cubits and
a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the
breadth thereof.

pure Exo_37_06 /^{pure /gold : two cubits and
a half was the length thereof, and one cubit and a half the
breadth thereof.

pure 003 020 IICh /^{pure /gold ;

pure 1Ki_06_20 /^{pure /gold ; and so covered
the altar which was of cedar .

pure 1Ki_07_50 /^{pure /gold ; and the hinges
of gold , both for the doors of the inner house , the most holy
place, and for the doors of the house , to wit, of the temple .

pure 1Ki_10_21 /^{pure /gold ; none were of
silver : it was nothing accounted of in the days of Solomon .

pure Exo_28_14 /^{pure /gold at the ends ; of
wreathen work shalt thou make them, and fasten the wreathen
chains to the ouches .

pure 1Ch_28_17 /^{pure /gold for the
fleshhooks , and the bowls , and the cups : and for the golden
basons he gave gold by weight for every bason ; and likewise
silver by weight for every bason of silver :

pure Exo_37_24 /^{pure /gold made he it, and
all the vessels thereof.

pure Psa_21_03 /^{pure /gold on his head .

pure Exo_25_39 /^{pure /gold shall he make it,
with all these vessels .

pure Exo_25_29 /^{pure /gold shalt thou make

pure Exo_37_02 /^{pure /gold within and
without , and made a crown of gold to it round about .

pure Pro_30_05 /^{pure /he is a shield unto
them that put their trust in him.

pure 1Ti_01_05 /${pure /heart , and of a good
conscience , and of faith unfeigned :

pure 2Ti_02_22 /${pure /heart .

pure Psa_24_04 /^{pure /heart ; who hath not
lifted up his soul unto vanity , nor sworn deceitfully .

pure 1Pe_01_22 /${pure /heart fervently :

pure Pro_21_08 /^{pure /his work is right .

pure Mat_05_08 /${pure /in heart : for they
shall see God .

pure Job_25_05 /^{pure /in his sight .

pure Pro_30_12 /^{pure /in their own eyes ,
and yet is not washed from their filthiness .

pure Exo_37_29 /^{pure /incense of sweet
spices , according to the work of the apothecary .

pure Zep_03_09 /^{pure /language , that they
may all call upon the name of the LORD , to serve him with one
consent .

pure 2Pe_03_01 /${pure /minds by way of
remembrance :

pure Exo_30_23 /^{pure /myrrh five hundred
shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much , even two hundred
and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty

pure Mal_01_11 /^{pure /offering : for my
name shall be great among the heathen , saith the LORD of hosts .

pure 1Ki_05_11 /^{pure /oil : thus gave
Solomon to Hiram year by year .

pure Exo_27_20 /^{pure /oil olive beaten for
the light , to cause the lamp to burn always .

pure Lev_24_02 /^{pure /oil olive beaten for
the light , to cause the lamps to burn continually .

Pure Jam_01_27 /${Pure /religion and
undefiled before God and the Father is this , To visit the
fatherless and widows in their affliction , and to keep himself
unspotted from the world .

pure Rev_22_01 /${pure /river of water of
life , clear as crystal , proceeding out of the throne of God
and of the Lamb .

pure 2Ch_13_11 /^{pure /table ; and the
candlestick of gold with the lamps thereof, to burn every
evening : for we keep the charge of the LORD our God ; but ye
have forsaken him.

pure Lev_24_06 /^{pure /table before the LORD

pure Job_04_17 /^{pure /than his maker ?

pure Jam_03_17 /${pure /then peaceable ,
gentle , and easy to be intreated , full of mercy and good
fruits , without partiality , and without hypocrisy .

pure Psa_119_014 /^{pure /therefore thy
servant loveth it.

pure Psa_18_26 /^{pure /thou wilt shew
thyself pure ; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself
froward .

pure 2Sa_22_27 /^{pure /thou wilt shew thyself
pure ; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury .

pure Heb_10_22 /${pure /water .

pure Php_04_08 /${pure /whatsoever things are
lovely , whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any
virtue , and if there be any praise , think on these things .

pure Mic_06_11 /^{pure /with the wicked
balances , and with the bag of deceitful weights ?

pure Dan_07_09 /^{pure /wool : his throne was
like the fiery flame , and his wheels as burning fire .

pure Psa_12_06 /^{pure /words : as silver
tried in a furnace of earth , purified seven times .

purely Isa_01_25 /^{purely /purge away thy
dross , and take away all thy tin :

pureness 2Co_06_06 /${pureness /by knowledge , by
longsuffering , by kindness , by the Holy Ghost , by love
unfeigned ,

pureness Pro_22_11 /^{pureness /of heart , for
the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend .

pureness Job_22_30 /^{pureness /of thine hands .

purer Hab_01_13 /^{purer /eyes than to behold
evil , and canst not look on iniquity : wherefore lookest thou
upon them that deal treacherously , and holdest thy tongue when
the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?

purer Lam_04_07 /^{purer /than snow , they
were whiter than milk , they were more ruddy in body than rubies
, their polishing was of sapphire :

purge Dan_11_35 /^{purge /and to make them
white , even to the time of the end : because it is yet for a
time appointed .

purge Psa_79_09 /^{purge /away our sins , for
thy name's sake.

purge Isa_01_25 /^{purge /away thy dross , and
take away all thy tin :

purge 2Ti_02_21 /${purge /himself from these ,
he shall be a vessel unto honour , sanctified , and meet for the
master's use , and prepared unto every good work .

purge Mat_03_12 /${purge /his floor , and
gather his wheat into the garner ; but he will burn up the chaff
with unquenchable fire .

purge Luk_03_17 /${purge /his floor , and will
gather the wheat into his garner ; but the chaff he will burn
with fire unquenchable .

purge Eze_43_20 /^{purge /it.

purge 2Ch_34_03 /^{purge /Judah and Jerusalem
from the high places , and the groves , and the carved images ,
and the molten images .

Purge Psa_51_07 /^{Purge /me with hyssop , and
I shall be clean : wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow .

purge Eze_20_38 /^{purge /out from among you
the rebels , and them that transgress against me: I will bring
them forth out of the country where they sojourn , and they
shall not enter into the land of Israel : and ye shall know that
I am the LORD .

Purge 1Co_05_07 /${Purge /out therefore the
old leaven , that ye may be a new lump , as ye are unleavened .
For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us :

purge Eze_43_26 /^{purge /the altar and purify
it; and they shall consecrate themselves .

purge Mal_03_03 /^{purge /them as gold and
silver , that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in
righteousness .

purge Psa_65_03 /^{purge /them away .

purge Heb_09_14 /${purge /your conscience from
dead works to serve the living God ?

purged Pro_16_06 /^{purged /and by the fear of
the LORD men depart from evil .

purged Isa_27_09 /^{purged /and this is all the
fruit to take away his sin ; when he maketh all the stones of
the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder , the groves
and images shall not stand up .

purged 2Pe_01_09 /${purged /from his old sins .

purged Eze_24_13 /^{purged /from thy filthiness
any more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee.

purged Isa_22_14 /^{purged /from you till ye
die , saith the Lord GOD of hosts .

purged Heb_01_03 /${purged /our sins , sat down
on the right hand of the Majesty on high ;

purged Heb_10_02 /${purged /should have had no
more conscience of sins .

purged Isa_04_04 /^{purged /the blood of
Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment , and
by the spirit of burning .

purged 2Ch_34_08 /^{purged /the land , and the
house , he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah , and Maaseiah the
governor of the city , and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder ,
to repair the house of the LORD his God .

purged Eze_24_13 /^{purged /thee, and thou wast
not purged , thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any
more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee.

purged Eze_24_13 /^{purged /thou shalt not be
purged from thy filthiness any more, till I have caused my fury
to rest upon thee.

purged Heb_09_22 /${purged /with blood ; and
without shedding of blood is no remission .

purged 1Sa_03_14 /^{purged /with sacrifice nor
offering for ever .

purgeth Joh_15_02 /${purgeth /it , that it may
bring forth more fruit .

purging Mar_07_19 /${purging /all meats ?

purification Neh_12_45 /^{purification /according to
the commandment of David , and of Solomon his son .

purification Luk_02_22 /${purification /according to
the law of Moses were accomplished , they brought him to
Jerusalem , to present him to the Lord ;

purification Est_02_03 /^{purification /be given them:

purification Num_19_17 /^{purification /for sin , and
running water shall be put thereto in a vessel :

purification Num_19_09 /^{purification /for sin .

purification 2Ch_30_19 /^{purification /of the
sanctuary .

purification Act_21_26 /${purification /until that an
offering should be offered for every one of them .

purification Est_02_09 /^{purification /with such
things as belonged to her, and seven maidens , which were meet
to be given her, out of the king's house : and he preferred her
and her maids unto the best place of the house of the women .

purified Dan_12_10 /^{purified /and made white ,
and tried ; but the wicked shall do wickedly : and none of the
wicked shall understand ; but the wise shall understand .

purified Num_08_21 /^{purified /and they washed
their clothes ; and Aaron offered them as an offering before the
LORD ; and Aaron made an atonement for them to cleanse them.

purified 2Sa_11_04 /^{purified /from her
uncleanness : and she returned unto her house .

purified Act_24_18 /${purified /in the temple ,
neither with multitude , nor with tumult .

purified Psa_12_06 /^{purified /seven times .

purified Lev_08_15 /^{purified /the altar , and
poured the blood at the bottom of the altar , and sanctified it,
to make reconciliation upon it.

purified Neh_12_30 /^{purified /the people , and
the gates , and the wall .

purified Neh_12_30 /^{purified /themselves, and
purified the people , and the gates , and the wall .

purified Ezr_06_20 /^{purified /together , all of
them were pure , and killed the passover for all the children of
the captivity , and for their brethren the priests , and for

purified Num_31_23 /^{purified /with the water of
separation : and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go
through the water .

purified Heb_09_23 /${purified /with these ; but
the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these

purified 1Pe_01_22 /${purified /your souls in
obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the
brethren , see that ye love one another with a pure heart
fervently :

purifier Mal_03_03 /^{purifier /of silver : and
he shall purify the sons of Levi , and purge them as gold and
silver , that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in
righteousness .

purifieth 1Jo_03_03 /${purifieth /himself , even
as he is pure .

purifieth Num_19_13 /^{purifieth /not himself,
defileth the tabernacle of the LORD ; and that soul shall be cut
off from Israel : because the water of separation was not
sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean ; his uncleanness is yet
upon him.

purify Num_31_20 /^{purify /all your raiment ,
and all that is made of skins , and all work of goats hair, and
all things made of wood .

purify Num_31_19 /^{purify /both yourselves and
your captives on the third day , and on the seventh day .

purify Num_19_12 /^{purify /himself with it on
the third day , and on the seventh day he shall be clean : but
if he purify not himself the third day , then the seventh day he
shall not be clean .

purify Num_19_19 /^{purify /himself, and wash
his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and shall be clean at
even .

purify Num_19_20 /^{purify /himself, that soul
shall be cut off from among the congregation , because he hath
defiled the sanctuary of the LORD : the water of separation hath
not been sprinkled upon him; he is unclean .

purify Eze_43_26 /^{purify /it; and they shall
consecrate themselves .

purify Num_19_12 /^{purify /not himself the
third day , then the seventh day he shall not be clean .

purify Mal_03_03 /^{purify /the sons of Levi ,
and purge them as gold and silver , that they may offer unto the
LORD an offering in righteousness .

purify Joh_11_55 /${purify /themselves .

purify Isa_66_17 /^{purify /themselves in the
gardens behind one tree in the midst , eating swine's flesh ,
and the abomination , and the mouse , shall be consumed together
, saith the LORD .

purify Job_41_25 /^{purify /themselves.

purify Act_21_24 /${purify /thyself with them ,
and be at charges with them , that they may shave their heads :
and all may know that those things , whereof they were informed
concerning thee , are nothing ; but that thou thyself also
walkest orderly , and keepest the law .

purify Tit_02_14 /${purify /unto himself a
peculiar people , zealous of good works .

purify Jam_04_08 /${purify /your hearts , ye
double minded .

purifying Lev_12_06 /^{purifying /are fulfilled ,
for a son , or for a daughter , she shall bring a lamb of the
first year for a burnt offering , and a young pigeon , or a
turtledove , for a sin offering , unto the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation , unto the priest :

purifying Lev_12_04 /^{purifying /be fulfilled .

purifying Act_21_26 /${purifying /himself with
them entered into the temple , to signify the accomplishment of
the days of purification , until that an offering should be
offered for every one of them .

purifying 1Ch_23_28 /^{purifying /of all holy
things , and the work of the service of the house of God ;

purifying Heb_09_13 /${purifying /of the flesh :

purifying Joh_02_06 /${purifying /of the Jews ,
containing two or three firkins apiece .

purifying Est_02_12 /^{purifying /of the women ;

purifying Act_15_09 /${purifying /their hearts by
faith .

purifying Lev_12_04 /^{purifying /three and thirty
days ; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the
sanctuary , until the days of her purifying be fulfilled .

purifying Lev_12_05 /^{purifying /threescore and
six days .

purifying Num_08_07 /^{purifying /upon them, and
let them shave all their flesh , and let them wash their clothes
, and so make themselves clean .

Purim Est_09_26 /^{Purim /after the name of
Pur . Therefore for all the words of this letter , and of that
which they had seen concerning this matter , and which had come
unto them,

Purim Est_09_32 /^{Purim /and it was written
in the book .

Purim Est_09_31 /^{Purim /in their times
appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen
had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and
for their seed , the matters of the fastings and their cry .

Purim Est_09_28 /^{Purim /should not fail from
among the Jews , nor the memorial of them perish from their seed

purloining Tit_02_10 /${purloining /but shewing all
good fidelity ; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our
Saviour in all things .

purple Eze_27_16 /^{purple /and broidered work ,
and fine linen , and coral , and agate .

purple 2Ch_02_07 /^{purple /and crimson , and
blue , and that can skill to grave with the cunning men that are
with me in Judah and in Jerusalem , whom David my father did
provide .

purple 2Ch_02_14 /^{purple /and crimson , and
fine linen , and wrought cherubims thereon.

purple Luk_16_19 /${purple /and fine linen ,
and fared sumptuously every day :

purple Exo_38_23 /^{purple /and in scarlet ,
and fine linen .

purple Exo_39_03 /^{purple /and in the scarlet ,
and in the fine linen , with cunning work .

purple Exo_35_25 /^{purple /and of scarlet ,
and of fine linen .

purple Exo_28_15 /^{purple /and of scarlet ,
and of fine twined linen , shalt thou make it.

purple Exo_28_33 /^{purple /and of scarlet ,
round about the hem thereof; and bells of gold between them
round about :

purple Mar_15_17 /${purple /and platted a crown
of thorns , and put it about his head,

purple Rev_18_16 /${purple /and scarlet , and
decked with gold , and precious stones , and pearls !

purple Exo_35_06 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine linen , and goats hair,

purple Exo_25_04 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine linen , and goats hair,

purple Exo_35_23 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine linen , and goats hair, and red skins of rams , and
badgers skins , brought them.

purple Exo_28_05 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine linen .

purple Exo_36_37 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen , of needlework ;

purple Exo_26_36 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen , wrought with needlework .

purple Exo_27_16 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen , wrought with needlework : and their pillars
shall be four , and their sockets four .

purple Exo_39_08 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen .

purple Exo_28_08 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen .

purple Exo_39_02 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen .

purple Exo_38_18 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen : and twenty cubits was the length , and the
height in the breadth was five cubits , answerable to the
hangings of the court .

purple Exo_36_35 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen : with cherubims made he it of cunning work .

purple Exo_39_05 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen ; as the LORD commanded Moses .

purple Exo_26_31 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
fine twined linen of cunning work : with cherubims shall it be
made :

purple Exo_39_24 /^{purple /and scarlet , and
twined linen.

purple Exo_39_29 /^{purple /and scarlet , of
needlework ; as the LORD commanded Moses .

purple Exo_39_01 /^{purple /and scarlet , they
made cloths of service , to do service in the holy place, and
made the holy garments for Aaron ; as the LORD commanded Moses .

purple Exo_36_08 /^{purple /and scarlet : with
cherubims of cunning work made he them.

purple Exo_26_01 /^{purple /and scarlet : with
cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them.

purple Rev_17_04 /${purple /and scarlet colour ,
and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls , having a
golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of
her fornication :

purple Rev_18_12 /${purple /and silk , and
scarlet , and all thyine wood , and all manner vessels of ivory ,
and all manner vessels of most precious wood , and of brass ,
and iron , and marble ,

purple Est_08_15 /^{purple /and the city of
Shushan rejoiced and was glad .

purple Num_04_13 /^{purple /cloth thereon:

purple Mar_15_20 /${purple /from him , and put
his own clothes on him , and led him out to crucify him .

purple Eze_27_07 /^{purple /from the isles of
Elishah was that which covered thee.

purple 2Ch_02_14 /^{purple /in blue , and in
fine linen , and in crimson ; also to grave any manner of
graving , and to find out every device which shall be put to him,
with thy cunning men , and with the cunning men of my lord
David thy father .

purple Exo_35_35 /^{purple /in scarlet , and in
fine linen , and of the weaver , even of them that do any work ,
and of those that devise cunning work .

purple Jer_10_09 /^{purple /is their clothing :
they are all the work of cunning men.

purple Exo_28_06 /^{purple /of scarlet , and
fine twined linen , with cunning work .

purple Act_16_14 /${purple /of the city of
Thyatira , which worshipped God , heard us: whose heart the Lord
opened , that she attended unto the things which were spoken of
Paul .

purple Jud_08_26 /^{purple /raiment that was on
the kings of Midian , and beside the chains that were about
their camels necks .

purple Joh_19_02 /${purple /robe ,

purple Joh_19_05 /${purple /robe . And Pilate
saith unto them , Behold the man !

purple Son_07_05 /^{purple /the king is held in
the galleries .

purple Son_03_10 /^{purple /the midst thereof
being paved with love , for the daughters of Jerusalem .

purple Est_01_06 /^{purple /to silver rings and
pillars of marble : the beds were of gold and silver , upon a
pavement of red , and blue , and white , and black , marble .

purpose 2Co_01_17 /${purpose /according to the
flesh , that with me there should be yea yea , and nay nay ?

purpose Jer_49_30 /^{purpose /against you.

purpose Ezr_04_05 /^{purpose /all the days of
Cyrus king of Persia , even until the reign of Darius king of
Persia .

purpose Neh_08_04 /^{purpose /and beside him
stood Mattithiah , and Shema , and Anaiah , and Urijah , and
Hilkiah , and Maaseiah , on his right hand ; and on his left
hand , Pedaiah , and Mishael , and Malchiah , and Hashum , and
Hashbadana , Zechariah , and Meshullam .

purpose Act_27_43 /${purpose /and commanded that
they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea,
and get to land :

purpose Ecc_03_17 /^{purpose /and for every work

purpose 2Ti_01_09 /${purpose /and grace , which
was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began ,

purpose Job_33_17 /^{purpose /and hide pride
from man .

purpose Jer_06_20 /^{purpose /cometh there to me
incense from Sheba , and the sweet cane from a far country ?
your burnt offerings are not acceptable , nor your sacrifices
sweet unto me.

purpose 2Co_01_17 /${purpose /do I purpose
according to the flesh , that with me there should be yea yea ,
and nay nay ?

purpose 2Ti_03_10 /${purpose /faith ,
longsuffering , charity , patience ,

purpose Rut_02_16 /^{purpose /for her, and leave
them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not.

purpose Rom_09_17 /${purpose /have I raised thee
up , that I might shew my power in thee , and that my name might
be declared throughout all the earth .

purpose Pro_20_18 /^{purpose /is established by
counsel : and with good advice make war .

purpose Isa_01_11 /^{purpose /is the multitude
of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD : I am full of the
burnt offerings of rams , and the fat of fed beasts ; and I
delight not in the blood of bullocks , or of lambs , or of he
goats .

purpose Mat_26_08 /${purpose /is this waste ?

purpose Act_27_13 /${purpose /loosing thence,
they sailed close by Crete .

purpose Dan_06_17 /^{purpose /might not be
changed concerning Daniel .

purpose Rom_09_11 /${purpose /of God according
to election might stand , not of works , but of him that calleth

purpose Act_11_23 /${purpose /of heart they
would cleave unto the Lord .

purpose Eph_01_11 /${purpose /of him who worketh
all things after the counsel of his own will :

purpose Jer_51_29 /^{purpose /of the LORD shall
be performed against Babylon , to make the land of Babylon a
desolation without an inhabitant .

purpose Col_03_08 /${purpose /that he might know
your estate , and comfort your hearts ;

purpose Isa_14_26 /^{purpose /that is purposed
upon the whole earth : and this is the hand that is stretched
out upon all the nations .

purpose Eph_06_22 /${purpose /that ye might know
our affairs , and that he might comfort your hearts .

purpose 1Jo_03_08 /${purpose /the Son of God was
manifested , that he might destroy the works of the devil .

purpose Ecc_08_06 /^{purpose /there is time and
judgment , therefore the misery of man is great upon him.

purpose Isa_30_07 /^{purpose /therefore have I
cried concerning this , Their strength is to sit still .

purpose 1Ki_05_05 /^{purpose /to build an house
unto the name of the LORD my God , as the LORD spake unto David
my father , saying , Thy son , whom I will set upon thy throne
in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name .

purpose Jer_26_03 /^{purpose /to do unto them
because of the evil of their doings .

purpose Jer_36_03 /^{purpose /to do unto them;
that they may return every man from his evil way ; that I may
forgive their iniquity and their sin .

purpose 2Ch_28_10 /^{purpose /to keep under the
children of Judah and Jerusalem for bondmen and bondwomen unto
you: but are there not with you, even with you, sins against the
LORD your God ?

purpose Act_26_16 /${purpose /to make thee a
minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen
, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee ;

purpose Ecc_03_01 /^{purpose /under the heaven :

purpose Eph_03_11 /${purpose /which he purposed
in Christ Jesus our Lord :

purposed Jer_49_20 /^{purposed /against the
inhabitants of Teman : Surely the least of the flock shall draw
them out : surely he shall make their habitations desolate with

purposed Jer_50_45 /^{purposed /against the land
of the Chaldeans : Surely the least of the flock shall draw them
out : surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them.

purposed Isa_14_27 /^{purposed /and who shall
disannul it? and his hand is stretched out , and who shall turn
it back ?

purposed Eph_03_11 /${purposed /in Christ Jesus
our Lord :

purposed Eph_01_09 /${purposed /in himself :

purposed Dan_01_08 /^{purposed /in his heart that
he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat ,
nor with the wine which he drank : therefore he requested of
the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

purposed Act_19_21 /${purposed /in the spirit ,
when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia , to go to
Jerusalem , saying , After I have been there , I must also see
Rome .

purposed Jer_04_28 /^{purposed /it, and will not
repent , neither will I turn back from it.

purposed Isa_46_11 /^{purposed /it, I will also
do it.

purposed Isa_23_09 /^{purposed /it, to stain the
pride of all glory , and to bring into contempt all the
honourable of the earth .

purposed Isa_14_24 /^{purposed /so shall it stand

purposed Psa_17_03 /^{purposed /that my mouth
shall not transgress .

purposed Rom_01_13 /${purposed /to come unto you ,
hitherto , that I might have some fruit among you also , even
as among other Gentiles .

purposed Lam_02_08 /^{purposed /to destroy the
wall of the daughter of Zion : he hath stretched out a line , he
hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying : therefore he made
the rampart and the wall to lament ; they languished together .

purposed 2Ch_32_02 /^{purposed /to fight against
Jerusalem ,

purposed Psa_140_04 /^{purposed /to overthrow my
goings .

purposed Act_20_03 /${purposed /to return through
Macedonia .

purposed Isa_19_12 /^{purposed /upon Egypt .

purposed Isa_14_26 /^{purposed /upon the whole
earth : and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the
nations .

purposes Job_17_11 /^{purposes /are broken off ,
even the thoughts of my heart .

purposes Pro_15_22 /^{purposes /are disappointed :
but in the multitude of counsellors they are established .

purposes Jer_49_20 /^{purposes /that he hath
purposed against the inhabitants of Teman : Surely the least of
the flock shall draw them out : surely he shall make their
habitations desolate with them.

purposes Jer_50_45 /^{purposes /that he hath
purposed against the land of the Chaldeans : Surely the least of
the flock shall draw them out : surely he shall make their
habitation desolate with them.

purposes Isa_19_10 /^{purposes /thereof, all that
make sluices and ponds for fish .

purposeth 2Co_09_07 /${purposeth /in his heart , so
let him give; not grudgingly , or of necessity : for God loveth
a cheerful giver .

purposing Gen_27_42 /^{purposing /to kill thee.

purse Luk_22_35 /${purse /and scrip , and
shoes , lacked ye any thing ? And they said , Nothing .

purse Luk_22_36 /${purse /let him take it, and
likewise his scrip : and he that hath no sword , let him sell
his garment , and buy one.

purse Luk_10_04 /${purse /nor scrip , nor
shoes : and salute no man by the way .

pursue 1Sa_24_14 /^{pursue /after a dead dog ,
after a flea .

pursue 2Sa_17_01 /^{pursue /after David this
night :

pursue 2Sa_20_06 /^{pursue /after him, lest he
get him fenced cities , and escape us .

pursue Jos_20_05 /^{pursue /after him, then
they shall not deliver the slayer up into his hand ; because he
smote his neighbour unwittingly , and hated him not beforetime .

pursue 1Sa_26_18 /^{pursue /after his servant ?
for what have I done ? or what evil is in mine hand ?

pursue 2Sa_20_13 /^{pursue /after Sheba the son
of Bichri .

pursue 2Sa_20_07 /^{pursue /after Sheba the son
of Bichri .

pursue Gen_35_05 /^{pursue /after the sons of
Jacob .

pursue Jos_02_05 /^{pursue /after them quickly ;
for ye shall overtake them.

pursue Jos_08_16 /^{pursue /after them: and
they pursued after Joshua , and were drawn away from the city .

pursue 1Sa_30_08 /^{pursue /after this troop ?
shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue : for thou
shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

pursue Jos_10_19 /^{pursue /after your enemies ,
and smite the hindmost of them; suffer them not to enter into
their cities : for the LORD your God hath delivered them into
your hand .

Pursue 1Sa_30_08 /^{Pursue /for thou shalt
surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

pursue Hos_08_03 /^{pursue /him.

pursue Amo_01_11 /^{pursue /his brother with
the sword , and did cast off all pity , and his anger did tear
perpetually , and he kept his wrath for ever :

pursue Nah_01_08 /^{pursue /his enemies .

pursue Exo_15_09 /^{pursue /I will overtake , I
will divide the spoil ; my lust shall be satisfied upon them; I
will draw my sword , my hand shall destroy them.

pursue Psa_34_14 /^{pursue /it.

pursue Job_30_15 /^{pursue /my soul as the wind
: and my welfare passeth away as a cloud .

pursue Job_13_25 /^{pursue /the dry stubble ?

pursue Deu_19_06 /^{pursue /the slayer , while
his heart is hot , and overtake him, because the way is long ,
and slay him ; whereas he was not worthy of death , inasmuch as
he hated him not in time past .

pursue Jer_48_02 /^{pursue /thee .

pursue Deu_28_22 /^{pursue /thee until thou
perish .

pursue Deu_28_45 /^{pursue /thee, and overtake
thee, till thou be destroyed ; because thou hearkenedst not unto
the voice of the LORD thy God , to keep his commandments and his
statutes which he commanded thee:

pursue 1Sa_25_29 /^{pursue /thee, and to seek
thy soul : but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle
of life with the LORD thy God ; and the souls of thine enemies ,
them shall he sling out , as out of the middle of a sling .

pursue Eze_35_06 /^{pursue /thee.

pursue Eze_35_06 /^{pursue /thee: sith thou
hast not hated blood , even blood shall pursue thee.

pursue 2Sa_24_13 /^{pursue /thee? or that there
be three days pestilence in thy land ? now advise , and see
what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

pursue Isa_30_16 /^{pursue /you be swift .

pursued 2Sa_02_24 /^{pursued /after Abner : and
the sun went down when they were come to the hill of Ammah ,
that lieth before Giah by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon .

pursued 2Sa_02_19 /^{pursued /after Abner ; and
in going he turned not to the right hand nor to the left from
following Abner .

pursued 1Sa_23_25 /^{pursued /after David in the
wilderness of Maon .

pursued Gen_31_23 /^{pursued /after him seven
days journey ; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead .

pursued Jud_01_06 /^{pursued /after him, and
caught him, and cut off his thumbs and his great toes .

pursued Jos_08_17 /^{pursued /after Israel .

pursued 2Sa_02_28 /^{pursued /after Israel no
more, neither fought they any more .

pursued 2Ch_13_19 /^{pursued /after Jeroboam ,
and took cities from him, Bethel with the towns thereof, and
Jeshanah with the towns thereof, and Ephrain with the towns

pursued Jos_08_16 /^{pursued /after Joshua , and
were drawn away from the city .

pursued Gen_31_36 /^{pursued /after me ?

pursued 2Sa_20_10 /^{pursued /after Sheba the son
of Bichri .

pursued Jud_04_16 /^{pursued /after the chariots
, and after the host , unto Harosheth of the Gentiles : and all
the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of the sword ; and there
was not a man left .

pursued Exo_14_08 /^{pursued /after the children
of Israel : and the children of Israel went out with an high
hand .

pursued 2Ki_25_05 /^{pursued /after the king ,
and overtook him in the plains of Jericho : and all his army
were scattered from him.

pursued Jer_52_08 /^{pursued /after the king ,
and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho ; and all his
army was scattered from him.

pursued Jud_07_23 /^{pursued /after the
Midianites .

pursued Jos_02_07 /^{pursued /after them the way
to Jordan unto the fords : and as soon as they which pursued
after them were gone out , they shut the gate .

pursued Jos_02_07 /^{pursued /after them were
gone out , they shut the gate .

pursued Exo_14_09 /^{pursued /after them, all
the horses and chariots of Pharaoh , and his horsemen , and his
army , and overtook them encamping by the sea , beside
Pihahiroth , before Baalzephon .

pursued Jer_39_05 /^{pursued /after them, and
overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho : and when they had
taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
to Riblah in the land of Hamath , where he gave judgment upon

pursued Jud_08_12 /^{pursued /after them, and
took the two kings of Midian , Zebah and Zalmunna , and
discomfited all the host .

pursued Deu_11_04 /^{pursued /after you, and how
the LORD hath destroyed them unto this day ;

pursued 027 006 Jos /^{pursued /after your
fathers with chariots and horsemen unto the Red sea .

pursued Exo_14_23 /^{pursued /and went in after
them to the midst of the sea , even all Pharaoh's horses , his
chariots , and his horsemen .

pursued Jud_20_45 /^{pursued /hard after them
unto Gidom , and slew two thousand men of them.

pursued 1Sa_30_10 /^{pursued /he and four
hundred men : for two hundred abode behind , which were so faint
that they could not go over the brook Besor .

pursued Jud_07_25 /^{pursued /Midian , and
brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon on the other side
Jordan .

pursued 2Sa_22_38 /^{pursued /mine enemies , and
destroyed them; and turned not again until I had consumed them.

pursued Psa_18_37 /^{pursued /mine enemies , and
overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed

pursued Jud_04_22 /^{pursued /Sisera , Jael came
out to meet him, and said unto him, Come , and I will shew thee
the man whom thou seekest . And when he came into her tent,
behold, Sisera lay dead , and the nail was in his temples .

pursued 1Sa_07_11 /^{pursued /the Philistines ,
and smote them, until they came under Bethcar .

pursued 1Sa_17_52 /^{pursued /the Philistines ,
until thou come to the valley , and to the gates of Ekron . And
the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim ,
even unto Gath , and unto Ekron .

pursued Gen_14_14 /^{pursued /them unto Dan .

pursued 2Ch_14_13 /^{pursued /them unto Gerar :
and the Ethiopians were overthrown , that they could not recover
themselves; for they were destroyed before the LORD , and before
his host ; and they carried away very much spoil .

pursued Gen_14_15 /^{pursued /them unto Hobah ,
which is on the left hand of Damascus .

pursued Isa_41_03 /^{pursued /them, and passed
safely ; even by the way that he had not gone with his feet .

pursued 1Ki_20_20 /^{pursued /them: and Benhadad
the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen .

pursued Lam_04_19 /^{pursued /us upon the
mountains , they laid wait for us in the wilderness .

pursuers Jos_02_16 /^{pursuers /be returned : and
afterward may ye go your way .

pursuers Jos_02_16 /^{pursuers /meet you; and
hide yourselves there three days , until the pursuers be
returned : and afterward may ye go your way .

pursuers Jos_02_22 /^{pursuers /sought them
throughout all the way , but found them not.

pursuers Jos_02_22 /^{pursuers /were returned :
and the pursuers sought them throughout all the way , but found
them not.

pursueth Lev_26_37 /^{pursueth /and ye shall have
no power to stand before your enemies .

pursueth Pro_28_01 /^{pursueth /but the righteous
are bold as a lion .

pursueth Pro_11_19 /^{pursueth /evil pursueth it
to his own death .

pursueth Pro_11_19 /^{pursueth /it to his own
death .

pursueth Pro_13_21 /^{pursueth /sinners : but to
the righteous good shall be repayed .

pursueth Pro_19_07 /^{pursueth /them with words ,
yet they are wanting to him.

pursueth Lev_26_17 /^{pursueth /you.

pursuing 2Sa_03_22 /^{pursuing /a troop , and
brought in a great spoil with them: but Abner was not with David
in Hebron ; for he had sent him away , and he was gone in peace .

pursuing 1Sa_23_28 /^{pursuing /after David , and
went against the Philistines : therefore they called that place
Selahammahlekoth .

pursuing 2Sa_18_16 /^{pursuing /after Israel : for
Joab held back the people .

pursuing Jud_08_05 /^{pursuing /after Zebah and
Zalmunna , kings of Midian .

pursuing 2Ch_18_32 /^{pursuing /him.

pursuing 1Ki_22_33 /^{pursuing /him.

pursuing 1Ki_18_27 /^{pursuing /or he is in a
journey , or peradventure he sleepeth , and must be awaked .

pursuing Jud_08_04 /^{pursuing /them.

purtenance Exo_12_09 /^{purtenance /thereof.
