pur -6332 {pur} , purim ,

purchase -1350 avenger , deliver , kinsfolks , kinsman , kinsmen
, {purchase} , ransomed , redeem , redeemed , redeemer ,
redeemeth , revenger , revengers , stain ,

purchase -4736 bought , possession , price , {purchase} ,

purchased -7069 attain , bought , buy , buyer , buyest , cattle ,
get , getteth , getting , got , gotten , jealousy , keep ,
owner , possessed , possessor , possessors , {purchased} ,
recover , redeemed , verily ,

pure -1249 choice , clean , clear , {pure} ,

pure -1305 bright , choice , chosen , clean , cleanse , clearly ,
manifest , polished , {pure} , purge , purified ,

pure -1865 liberty , {pure} ,

pure -2134 clean , {pure} ,

pure -2135 clean , cleanse , cleansed , clear , {pure} ,

pure -2141 clean , {pure} , purer ,

pure -2561 {pure} , red , wine ,

pure -2888 {pure} , such , tabbath ,

pure -2889 clean , fair , {pure} , purer ,

pure -2891 clean , cleanse , cleansed , cleanseth , kohathites ,
{pure} , purged , purified , purifier , purify ,

pure -3795 beaten , {pure} ,

pure -5343 {pure} ,

pure -5462 closed , deliver , delivered , gave , given ,
inclosed , over , {pure} , repaired , shut , shutteth , shutting
, stop ,

pure -6337 gold , {pure} ,

pure -6884 casteth , finer , founder , goldsmith , goldsmiths ,
melt , melteth , {pure} , purge , refine , refined , refiner ,
tried , try ,

purely -1252 cleanness , {purely} , pureness ,

pureness -1252 cleanness , purely , {pureness} ,

pureness -2890 {pureness} ,

purer -2141 clean , pure , {purer} ,

purer -2889 clean , fair , pure , {purer} ,

purge -1305 bright , choice , chosen , clean , cleanse , clearly
, manifest , polished , pure , {purge} , purified ,

purge -2212 fine , pour , {purge} , purified , refined ,

purge -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , {purge}
, purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

purge -3722 atonement , cleansed , disannulled , forgave ,
forgive , forgiven , merciful , pacified , pacify , pardon ,
{purge} , purged , put , reconcile , reconciliation ,
reconciling ,

purge -6440 afore , aforetime , against , anger , appease , at ,
attend , because , before , beforetime , broken , countenance ,
edge , endure , face , faces , favour , fear , first , forefront
, forepart , form , former , forth , forward , front , heaviness
, him , himself , long , look , looked , looketh , meet , more ,
nay , old , open , over , overseers , person , persons ,
presence , prospect , {purge} , purposed , reason , right ,
seemeth , shewbread , sight , state , than , themselves ,
through , till , time , toward , with , within ,

purge -6884 casteth , finer , founder , goldsmith , goldsmiths ,
melt , melteth , pure , {purge} , refine , refined , refiner ,
tried , try ,

purged -1740 cast , {purged} , washed ,

purged -2891 clean , cleanse , cleansed , cleanseth , kohathites
, pure , {purged} , purified , purifier , purify ,

purged -3722 atonement , cleansed , disannulled , forgave ,
forgive , forgiven , merciful , pacified , pacify , pardon ,
purge , {purged} , put , reconcile , reconciliation ,
reconciling ,

purification -2403 punishment , {purification} , purifying , sin
, sin , sinner , sins ,

purification -2893 cleansed , cleansing , {purification} ,
purifying ,

purification -8562 cleanseth , {purification} , purifying ,

purifications -4795 {purifications} ,

purified -1305 bright , choice , chosen , clean , cleanse ,
clearly , manifest , polished , pure , purge , {purified} ,

purified -2212 fine , pour , purge , {purified} , refined ,

purified -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm
, loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge
, {purified} , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin ,
sinful , sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning ,
trespass ,

purified -2891 clean , cleanse , cleansed , cleanseth ,
kohathites , pure , purged , {purified} , purifier , purify ,

purified -6942 appointed , bid , consecrate , consecrated ,
dedicate , dedicated , defiled , hallow , hallowed , holier ,
holy , keep , kept , prepare , proclaim , {purified} ,
sanctified , sanctify , wholly ,

purifier -2891 clean , cleanse , cleansed , cleanseth ,
kohathites , pure , purged , purified , {purifier} , purify ,

purifieth -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault ,
harm , loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth ,
purge , purified , {purifieth} , purify , reconciliation , sin ,
sinful , sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning ,
trespass ,

purify -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , {purify} , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

purify -2891 clean , cleanse , cleansed , cleanseth , kohathites
, pure , purged , purified , purifier , {purify} ,

purifying -2403 punishment , purification , {purifying} , sin ,
sin , sinner , sins ,

purifying -2892 clearness , glory , {purifying} ,

purifying -2893 cleansed , cleansing , purification ,
{purifying} ,

purifying -8562 cleanseth , purification , {purifying} ,

purim -6332 pur , {purim} ,

purple -0710 {purple} ,

purple -0713 {purple} ,

purpose -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as
, avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called ,
certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded ,
commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared ,
demanded , desired , desireth , determined , expressly , intend ,
intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised ,
promisedst , published , {purpose} , reported , requirest , said
, saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest ,
speak , speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell ,
termed , the , think , thinking , thought , told , use ,
uttereth , verily , yet ,

purpose -1697 acts , advice , affairs , answer , answered , any ,
because , book , business , care , case , cause , causes ,
certain , chronicles , commandment , commandments , commune ,
communication , counsel , dealings , decree , deed , deeds ,
disease , done , due , duty , effect , eloquent , errand ,
groves , hurt , language , manner , matter , matters , message ,
nothing , oracle , ought , parts , portion , promise , provision
, {purpose} , questions , rate , reason , report , request ,
said , sake , sakes , say , saying , sayings , sentence , so ,
some , sort , spakest , speech , spoken , talk , task , tasks ,
the , thing , things , thought , tidings , was , what ,
wherewith , whit , word , words , work , works ,

purpose -2656 acceptable , delight , delightsome , desire ,
desired , desireth , pleasant , pleasure , {purpose} , willingly

purpose -2803 account , accounted , considered , count , counted
, counteth , cunning , devise , devised , deviseth , esteem ,
esteemed , esteemeth , find , forecast , holdest , imagine ,
imagined , imagineth , impute , imputed , imputeth , invent ,
invented , like , meant , {purpose} , purposed , reckon ,
reckoned , reckoning , regard , regardeth , think , thinkest ,
thinketh , thought , workman ,

purpose -4284 cunning , curious , device , devices , devised ,
imaginations , means , {purpose} , purposes , thought , thoughts

purpose -4639 business , deed , deeds , labour , labours , made ,
making , occupation , offered , operation , possessions ,
{purpose} , wares , well , work , working , workmanship , works ,
wrought ,

purpose -6098 advice , advisement , counsel , counsellor ,
counsellors , counsels , {purpose} ,

purpose -6640 against , {purpose} ,

purpose -7385 empty , no , {purpose} , vain , vanity ,

purpose -7997 fall , prey , {purpose} , spoil , spoiled , take ,

purposed -2161 considereth , devised , imagined , plotteth ,
{purposed} , thought ,

purposed -2803 account , accounted , considered , count ,
counted , counteth , cunning , devise , devised , deviseth ,
esteem , esteemed , esteemeth , find , forecast , holdest ,
imagine , imagined , imagineth , impute , imputed , imputeth ,
invent , invented , like , meant , purpose , {purposed} , reckon
, reckoned , reckoning , regard , regardeth , think , thinkest ,
thinketh , thought , workman ,

purposed -3289 advertise , advice , advise , advised , consult ,
consulted , counsel , counselled , counsellor , counsellors ,
determined , deviseth , gave , given , guide , {purposed} ,
taken ,

purposed -3335 earthen , fashioned , fashioneth , form , formed ,
former , formeth , frame , framed , frameth , made , make ,
maker , potter , potters , {purposed} , set ,

purposed -6440 afore , aforetime , against , anger , appease ,
at , attend , because , before , beforetime , broken ,
countenance , edge , endure , face , faces , favour , fear ,
first , forefront , forepart , form , former , forth , forward ,
front , heaviness , him , himself , long , look , looked ,
looketh , meet , more , nay , old , open , over , overseers ,
person , persons , presence , prospect , purge , {purposed} ,
reason , right , seemeth , shewbread , sight , state , than ,
themselves , through , till , time , toward , with , within ,

purposed -7760 appoint , appointed , bring , brought , called ,
cast , change , charged , commit , consider , convey ,
determined , disposed , doeth , done , gave , gavest , give ,
given , had , heap , holdeth , impute , laid , laidst , lay ,
layest , layeth , look , made , make , makest , maketh , mark ,
ordain , ordained , ordereth , place , placed , preserve ,
{purposed} , put , puttest , putteth , putting , regarding ,
rehearse , repaired , rewarded , set , settest , setteth , shed ,
shew , shewed , stedfastly , take , took , turn , turned ,
turneth , wholly , wrought ,

purposes -2154 crime , devices , heinous , lewd , lewdly ,
lewdness , mischief , {purposes} , thought , wicked , wickedness

purposes -4284 cunning , curious , device , devices , devised ,
imaginations , means , purpose , {purposes} , thought , thoughts

purposes -8356 foundations , {purposes} ,

purse -3599 bag , cup , {purse} ,

pursue -3212 away , bear , bring , brought , came , carry , come
, depart , departed , departeth , down , flow , flowed , gat ,
get , go , goest , goeth , going , gone , grow , hence , lead ,
leadeth , led , let , march , {pursue} , run , spread , take ,
timber , vanisheth , walk , walked , walkest , walketh , walking
, way , weak , went , wentest ,

pursue -7291 chase , chased , flight , follow , followed ,
followeth , hunt , past , persecute , persecuted , persecution ,
persecutors , {pursue} , pursued , pursuer , pursuers , pursueth
, pursuing ,

pursued -1692 abide , clave , cleave , cleaved , cleaveth ,
close , follow , followed , followeth , hard , joined , joining ,
keep , kept , overtook , {pursued} , stick , stuck , take ,

pursued -1814 burning , chasing , hotly , inflame , kindle ,
persecute , persecutors , {pursued} ,

pursued -7291 chase , chased , flight , follow , followed ,
followeth , hunt , past , persecute , persecuted , persecution ,
persecutors , pursue , {pursued} , pursuer , pursuers , pursueth
, pursuing ,

pursuer -7291 chase , chased , flight , follow , followed ,
followeth , hunt , past , persecute , persecuted , persecution ,
persecutors , pursue , pursued , {pursuer} , pursuers , pursueth
, pursuing ,

pursuers -7291 chase , chased , flight , follow , followed ,
followeth , hunt , past , persecute , persecuted , persecution ,
persecutors , pursue , pursued , pursuer , {pursuers} , pursueth
, pursuing ,

pursueth -7291 chase , chased , flight , follow , followed ,
followeth , hunt , past , persecute , persecuted , persecution ,
persecutors , pursue , pursued , pursuer , pursuers , {pursueth}
, pursuing ,

pursuing -0310 after , afterward , afterwards , again , away ,
back , backside , behind , beside , follow , followed ,
followeth , following , forasmuch , hereafter , hinder , humbled
, posterity , {pursuing} , remnant , seeing , since , when ,

pursuing -7291 chase , chased , flight , follow , followed ,
followeth , hunt , past , persecute , persecuted , persecution ,
persecutors , pursue , pursued , pursuer , pursuers , pursueth ,
{pursuing} ,

pursuing -7873 {pursuing} ,

purtenance -7130 among , before , bowels , charge , heart ,
inward , inwardly , inwards , midst , {purtenance} , therein ,
through , within ,
