prepared Jon_04_06 /^{prepared /a gourd , and
made it to come up over Jonah , that it might be a shadow over
his head , to deliver him from his grief . So Jonah was
exceeding glad of the gourd .

prepared Jon_01_17 /^{prepared /a great fish to
swallow up Jonah . And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three
days and three nights .

prepared Psa_57_06 /^{prepared /a net for my
steps ; my soul is bowed down : they have digged a pit before me,
into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah .

prepared 1Ch_15_01 /^{prepared /a place for the
ark of God , and pitched for it a tent .

prepared Zep_01_07 /^{prepared /a sacrifice , he
hath bid his guests .

prepared Jon_04_08 /^{prepared /a vehement east
wind ; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah , that he fainted
, and wished in himself to die , and said , It is better for me
to die than to live .

prepared Jon_04_07 /^{prepared /a worm when the
morning rose the next day , and it smote the gourd that it
withered .

prepared 1Ch_22_05 /^{prepared /abundantly before
his death .

prepared Pro_21_31 /^{prepared /against the day
of battle : but safety is of the LORD .

prepared Heb_11_07 /${prepared /an ark to the
saving of his house ; by the which he condemned the world , and
became heir of the righteousness which is by faith .

prepared Luk_24_01 /${prepared /and certain
others with them .

prepared Eze_38_07 /^{prepared /and prepare for
thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee,
and be thou a guard unto them.

prepared 2Ch_29_19 /^{prepared /and sanctified ,
and, behold, they are before the altar of the LORD .

prepared 2Ch_35_10 /^{prepared /and the priests
stood in their place , and the Levites in their courses ,
according to the king's commandment .

prepared 1Ch_22_14 /^{prepared /and thou mayest
add thereto.

prepared Rev_21_02 /${prepared /as a bride
adorned for her husband .

prepared Hos_06_03 /^{prepared /as the morning ;
and he shall come unto us as the rain , as the latter and former
rain unto the earth .

prepared Eze_23_41 /^{prepared /before it,
whereupon thou hast set mine incense and mine oil .

prepared Luk_02_31 /${prepared /before the face
of all people ;

prepared Est_05_12 /^{prepared /but myself; and
to morrow am I invited unto her also with the king .

prepared 2Ch_16_14 /^{prepared /by the
apothecaries art : and they made a very great burning for him.

prepared Rev_09_15 /${prepared /for an hour , and
a day , and a month , and a year , for to slay the third part of
men .

prepared Hos_02_08 /^{prepared /for Baal .

prepared Neh_13_05 /^{prepared /for him a great
chamber , where aforetime they laid the meat offerings , the
frankincense , and the vessels , and the tithes of the corn ,
the new wine , and the oil , which was commanded to be given to
the Levites , and the singers , and the porters ; and the
offerings of the priests .

prepared Isa_64_04 /^{prepared /for him that
waiteth for him.

prepared Psa_07_13 /^{prepared /for him the
instruments of death ; he ordaineth his arrows against the
persecutors .

prepared Est_06_04 /^{prepared /for him.

prepared Est_05_04 /^{prepared /for him.

prepared 1Ch_15_12 /^{prepared /for it.

prepared 1Ch_15_03 /^{prepared /for it.

prepared 2Ch_01_04 /^{prepared /for it: for he had
pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem .

prepared Neh_05_18 /^{prepared /for me daily was
one ox and six choice sheep ; also fowls were prepared for me,
and once in ten days store of all sorts of wine : yet for all
this required not I the bread of the governor , because the
bondage was heavy upon this people .

prepared Neh_05_18 /^{prepared /for me, and once
in ten days store of all sorts of wine : yet for all this
required not I the bread of the governor , because the bondage
was heavy upon this people .

prepared Est_07_10 /^{prepared /for Mordecai .
Then was the king's wrath pacified .

prepared Pro_19_29 /^{prepared /for scorners ,
and stripes for the back of fools .

prepared Mat_25_41 /${prepared /for the devil and
his angels :

prepared 1Ch_29_03 /^{prepared /for the holy
house ,

prepared 1Ch_22_14 /^{prepared /for the house of
the LORD an hundred thousand talents of gold , and a thousand
thousand talents of silver ; and of brass and iron without
weight ; for it is in abundance : timber also and stone have I
prepared ; and thou mayest add thereto.

prepared Luk_01_17 /${prepared /for the Lord .

prepared 2Ch_17_18 /^{prepared /for the war .

prepared Heb_11_16 /${prepared /for them a city .

prepared 1Co_02_09 /${prepared /for them that
love him .

prepared 2Ch_26_14 /^{prepared /for them
throughout all the host shields , and spears , and helmets , and
habergeons , and bows , and slings to cast stones .

prepared 1Ch_12_39 /^{prepared /for them.

prepared 2Ch_35_15 /^{prepared /for them.

prepared Exo_12_39 /^{prepared /for themselves
any victual .

prepared 2Ch_35_14 /^{prepared /for themselves,
and for the priests the sons of Aaron .

prepared Neh_08_10 /^{prepared /for this day is
holy unto our Lord : neither be ye sorry ; for the joy of the
LORD is your strength .

prepared Jos_04_13 /^{prepared /for war passed
over before the LORD unto battle , to the plains of Jericho .

prepared Mat_25_34 /${prepared /for you from the
foundation of the world :

prepared 2Ki_06_23 /^{prepared /great provision
for them: and when they had eaten and drunk , he sent them away ,
and they went to their master . So the bands of Syria came no
more into the land of Israel .

prepared Isa_30_33 /^{prepared /he hath made it
deep and large : the pile thereof is fire and much wood ; the
breath of the LORD , like a stream of brimstone , doth kindle it.

prepared 1Ki_01_05 /^{prepared /him chariots and
horsemen , and fifty men to run before him.

prepared 2Sa_15_01 /^{prepared /him chariots and
horses , and fifty men to run before him.

prepared Ezr_07_10 /^{prepared /his heart to seek
the law of the LORD , and to do it, and to teach in Israel
statutes and judgments .

prepared Psa_09_07 /^{prepared /his throne for
judgment .

prepared Psa_103_19 /^{prepared /his throne in
the heavens ; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

prepared 2Ch_27_06 /^{prepared /his ways before
the LORD his God .

prepared 1Ki_06_19 /^{prepared /in the house
within , to set there the ark of the covenant of the LORD .

prepared 2Ch_02_01 /^{prepared /in the
threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite .

prepared Eze_28_13 /^{prepared /in thee in the
day that thou wast created .

prepared Gen_27_17 /^{prepared /into the hand of
her son Jacob .

prepared 1Ch_22_03 /^{prepared /iron in abundance
for the nails for the doors of the gates , and for the joinings ;
and brass in abundance without weight ;

prepared Job_28_27 /^{prepared /it, yea, and
searched it out .

prepared Dan_02_09 /^{prepared /lying and corrupt
words to speak before me, till the time be changed : therefore
tell me the dream , and I shall know that ye can shew me the
interpretation thereof.

prepared Heb_10_05 /${prepared /me :

prepared Mat_22_04 /${prepared /my dinner : my
oxen and my fatlings are killed , and all things are ready :
come unto the marriage .

prepared Job_29_07 /^{prepared /my seat in the
street !

prepared Luk_12_47 /${prepared /not himself,
neither did according to his will , shall be beaten with many

prepared 2Ch_12_14 /^{prepared /not his heart to
seek the LORD .

prepared Rev_12_06 /${prepared /of God , that
they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore
days .

prepared Mat_20_23 /${prepared /of my Father .

prepared Jos_04_04 /^{prepared /of the children
of Israel , out of every tribe a man :

prepared Psa_68_10 /^{prepared /of thy goodness
for the poor .

prepared Num_23_04 /^{prepared /seven altars ,
and I have offered upon every altar a bullock and a ram .

prepared Luk_23_56 /${prepared /spices and
ointments ; and rested the sabbath day according to the
commandment .

prepared Pro_08_27 /^{prepared /the heavens , I
was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth :

prepared Gen_24_31 /^{prepared /the house , and
room for the camels .

prepared Psa_74_16 /^{prepared /the light and the
sun .

prepared 2Ch_29_36 /^{prepared /the people : for
the thing was done suddenly .

prepared 2Ch_35_16 /^{prepared /the same day , to
keep the passover , and to offer burnt offerings upon the altar
of the LORD , according to the commandment of king Josiah .

prepared 2Ch_35_20 /^{prepared /the temple , Necho
king of Egypt came up to fight against Carchemish by Euphrates :
and Josiah went out against him.

prepared 2Ch_20_33 /^{prepared /their hearts unto
the God of their fathers .

prepared 2Ch_31_11 /^{prepared /them,

prepared Rev_08_06 /${prepared /themselves to
sound .

prepared Mar_14_15 /${prepared /there make ready
for us .

prepared 2Ch_19_03 /^{prepared /thine heart to
seek God .

prepared 1Ki_05_18 /^{prepared /timber and stones
to build the house .

prepared 1Ch_29_16 /^{prepared /to build thee an
house for thine holy name cometh of thine hand , and is all
thine own.

prepared Rev_09_07 /${prepared /unto battle ; and
on their heads were as it were crowns like gold , and their
faces were as the faces of men .

prepared 2Ti_02_21 /${prepared /unto every good
work .

prepared Rom_09_23 /${prepared /unto glory ,

prepared 2Ch_08_16 /^{prepared /unto the day of
the foundation of the house of the LORD , and until it was
finished . So the house of the LORD was perfected .

prepared 1Ch_29_02 /^{prepared /with all my might
for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold ,
and the silver for things of silver , and the brass for things
of brass , the iron for things of iron , and wood for things of
wood ; onyx stones , and stones to be set , glistering stones ,
and of divers colours , and all manner of precious stones , and
marble stones in abundance .

preparedst Psa_80_09 /^{preparedst /room before it,
and didst cause it to take deep root , and it filled the land .

unprepared 2Co_09_04 /${unprepared /we not , ye
should be ashamed in this same confident boasting .
