pottage GEN 025 029 . And Jacob <03290 +Ya sod <02102
+zuwd > {pottage} <05138 +naziyd > : and Esau <06215 +
came <00935 +bow> > from the field <07704 +sadeh > , and he
[ was ] faint <05889 + :

pottage GEN 025 030 And Esau <06215 + said <00559
+>amar > to Jacob <03290 +Ya , Feed <03938 +la me
, I pray <04994 +na> > thee , with that same <02088 +zeh >
red <00122 +>adom > [ {pottage} ] ; for I [ am ] faint
<05889 + : therefore was his name <08034 +shem >
called <07121 +qara> > Edom <00123 +>Edom > .

pottage GEN 025 034 Then Jacob <03290 +Ya gave <05414
+nathan > Esau <06215 + bread <03899 +lechem > and
{pottage} <05138 +naziyd > of lentiles <05742 + ; and
he did eat <00398 +>akal > and drink <08354 +shathah > , and
rose <06965 +quwm > up , and went <03212 +yalak > his way
<03212 +yalak > : thus Esau <06215 + despised <00959
+bazah > [ his ] birthright <01062 +b@kowrah > .
