apothecaries 4842 -- mirqachath -- prepared by the
{apothecaries}' art, compound,ointment.

apothecary 7543 raqach -- -- {apothecary}, compound, make
[ointment], prepare, spice.

apothecary 7546 raqqach -- -- {apothecary}.

impotent 0102 ** adunatos ** could not do, impossible,
{impotent}, not possible, weak.

impotent 0770 ** astheneo ** be diseased, {impotent} folk (man),
(be) sick, (be, bemade) weak.

impotent 0772 ** asthenes ** more feeble, {impotent}, sick,
without strength, weak(-er,-ness, thing).

Mesopotamia 0758 -- /Aram -- Aram, {Mesopotamia}, Syria, Syrians.

Mesopotamia 0763 -- /Aram Naharayim -- Aham-naharaim,

Mesopotamia 3318 ** Mesopotamia ** {Mesopotamia}.

Omnipotent 3841 ** pantokrator ** Almighty, {Omnipotent}.

pot 0610 -- /acuwk -- {pot}.

pot 1375 -- g@biya\ -- house, cup, {pot}.

pot 1731 -- duwd -- basket, caldron, kettle, (seething) {pot}.

pot 3627 -- k@liy -- armour ([-bearer]), artillery, bag,
carriage, + furnish,furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made
of, X one from another, thatwhich pertaineth, {pot}, + psaltery,
sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel,ware, weapon, + whatsoever

pot 4715 -- mitsreph -- fining {pot}.

pot 4841 -- merqachah -- {pot} of ointment, X well.

pot 6517 -- paruwr -- pan, {pot}.

pot 6803 -- tsintseneth -- {pot}.

pot 7366 rachats -- -- wash[{-pot}].

pot 8240 -- shaphath -- hook, {pot}.

pot 3582 ** xestes ** {pot}.

pot 4713 ** stamnos ** {pot}.

potsherd 2789 -- cheres -- earth(-en), ({pot-)sherd}, + stone.

potentate 1413 ** dunastes ** of great authority, mighty,

Potipherah 6319 -- Powtiy Phera\ -- {Poti-pherah}.

Potiphar 6318 -- Powtiyphar -- {Potiphar}.

pots 3600 -- kiyr -- ranges for {pots}.

pottage 5138 -- naziyd -- {pottage}.

potter 3335 -- yatsar -- X earthen, fashion, form, frame, make(-
r), {potter},purpose.

potter 6353 -- pechar -- {potter}.

potter 2763 ** kerameus ** {potter}.

potter 2764 ** keramikos ** of a {potter}.

spot 0933 -- bohaq -- freckled {spot}.

spot 0934 -- bohereth -- bright {spot}.

spot 2272 -- chabarburah -- {spot}.

spot 3971 -- m/uwm -- blemish, blot, {spot}.

spot 8549 -- tamiym -- without blemish, complete, full, perfect,
sincerely (-ity),sound, without {spot}, undefiled, upright(-ly),

spot 0299 ** amomos ** without blame (blemish, fault, {spot}),

spot 0784 ** aspilos ** without {spot}, unspotted.

spot 4694 ** spilas ** {spot} [by confusion with 4696].

spot 4695 ** spiloo ** defile, {spot}.

spot 4696 ** spilos ** {spot}.

spotted 2921 -- tala/ -- clouted, with divers colours, {spotted}.

unspotted 0784 ** aspilos ** without spot, {unspotted}.

washpot 5518 -- ciyr -- caldron, fishhook, pan, ([{wash-])pot},
