displease 0241 -- /ozen -- + advertise, audience, + {displease},
ear, hearing, +show.

displease 0888 -- b@/esh -- {displease}.

displease 5869 -- \ayin -- affliction, outward appearance, +
before, + think best,colour, conceit, + be content, countenance,
+ {displease}, eye([-brow],[-d], -sight), face, + favour,
fountain, furrow, X him, + humble,knowledge, look, (+ well), X
me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, +regard, resemblance,
sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, Xyou(-rselves).

displease 6087 -- \atsab -- {displease}, grieve, hurt, make, be
sorry, vex, worship,wrest.

displease 6213 -- \asah -- accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be
at, become, bear,bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X
certainly, have the charge of,commit, deal (with), deck, +
{displease}, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in)execute(-ion),
exercise, fashion, + feast, [fight-]ing man, + finish, fit,fly,
follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant,
great,+ hinder, hold ([a feast]), X indeed, + be industrious, +
journey, keep,labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be
occupied, offer, + officer,pare, bring (come) to pass, perform,
pracise, prepare, procure, provide,put, requite, X sacrifice,
serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take,X thoroughly,
trim, X very, + vex, be [warr-]ior, work(-man), yield, use.

displease 7107 qatsaph -- -- (be) anger(-ry), {displease}, fret
self, (provoke to)wrath (come), be wroth.

displease 7451 ra\ -- -- adversity, affliction, bad, calamity,
+{displease}(-ure), distress, evil([-favouredness], man, thing),
+exceedingly, X great, grief(-vous), harm, heavy, hurt(-ful),
ill(favoured), + mark, mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty),
noisome, + notplease, sad(-ly), sore, sorrow, trouble, vex,
wicked(-ly, -ness, one),worse(-st), wretchedness, wrong.

displease 7489 ra\a\ -- -- afflict, associate selves , break
(down, in pieces), +{displease}, (be, bring, do) evil (doer,
entreat, man), show self friendlydo harm, (do) hurt, (behave
self, deal) ill, X indeed, do mischief, punish,still, vex, (do)
wicked (doer, -ly), be (deal, do) worse.

displeased 0599 -- /anaph -- be angry ({displeased}).

displeased 2198 -- za\eph -- {displeased}.

displeased 2734 -- charah -- be angry, burn, be {displeased}, X
earnestly, fret self,grieve, be (wax) hot, be incensed, kindle,
X very, be wroth.

displeased 0023 ** aganakteo ** be much (sore) {displeased},
have (be moved with, with)indignation.

displeased 2371 ** thumomacheo ** be highly {displeased}.

displeasure 2534 -- chemah -- anger, bottles, hot {displeasure},
furious(-ly, -- ry),heat, indignation, poison, rage, wrath(-ful).

displeasure 2740 -- charown -- sore {displeasure}, fierce(-ness),
fury, (fierce)wrath(-ful).

implead 1458 ** egkaleo ** accuse, call in question, {implead},
lay to the charge.

menpleaser 0441 ** anthropareskos ** {men-pleaser}.

plea 1779 -- diyn -- cause, judgment, {plea}, strife.

plead 1777 -- diyn -- contend, execute (judgment), judge,
minister judgment,{plead} (the cause), at strife, strive.

plead 3198 -- yakach -- appoint, argue, chasten, convince,
correct(-ion), daysman,dispute, judge, maintain, {plead}, reason
(together), rebuke, reprove(-r),surely, in any wise.

plead 7378 riyb -- -- adversary, chide, complain, contend,
debate, X ever, X laywait, {plead}, rebuke, strive, X thoroughly.

plead 8199 -- shaphat -- + avenge, X that condemn, contend,
defend, execute(judgment), (be a) judge(-ment), X needs, {plead},
reason, rule.

pleading 7379 riyb -- -- + adversary, cause, chiding, contend(-
tion), controversy,multitude, {pleading}, strife, strive(-ing),

pleasant 2530 -- chamad -- beauty, greatly beloved, covet,
delectable thing, (Xgreat) delight, desire, goodly, lust, (be)
{pleasant} (thing), precious(thing).

pleasant 2531 -- chemed -- desirable, {pleasant}.

pleasant 2532 -- chemdah -- desire, goodly, {pleasant}, precious.

pleasant 2580 -- chen -- favour, grace(-ious), {pleasant},

pleasant 2656 -- chephets -- acceptable, delight(-some), desire,
things desired,matter, {pleasant}(-ure), purpose, willingly.

pleasant 2896 -- towb -- beautiful, best, better, bountiful,
cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour, fine, glad,
good (deed, -- lier, -- liest, -- ly, -- ness, -- s), graciously,
joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best),loving, merry, X most,
{pleasant}, + pleaseth, pleasure, precious,prosperity, ready,
sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ([-favoured]).

pleasant 3303 -- yapheh -- + beautiful, beauty, comely, fair(-
est, one), + goodly,{pleasant}, well.

pleasant 4022 -- meged -- {pleasant}, precious fruit (thing).

pleasant 4261 -- machmad -- beloved, desire, goodly, lovely,
{pleasant} (thing).

pleasant 4262 -- machmud -- {pleasant} thing.

pleasant 4999 -- na/ah -- habitation, house, pasture, {pleasant}

pleasant 5116 -- naveh -- comely, dwelling (place), fold,
habitation, {pleasant}place, sheepcote, stable, tarried.

pleasant 5273 -- na\iym -- {pleasant}(-ure), sweet.

pleasant 5276 -- na\em -- pass in beauty, be delight, be
{pleasant}, be sweet.

pleasant 5278 -- no\am -- beauty, {pleasant}(-ness).

pleasant 5282 -- na\aman -- {pleasant}.

pleasant 6027 -- \oneg -- delight, {pleasant}.

pleasant 6149 -- \areb -- be {pleasant}(-ing), take pleasure in,
be sweet.

pleasant 6643 -- ts@biy -- beautiful(-ty), glorious (-ry),
goodly, {pleasant},roe(-buck).

pleasant 8378 -- ta/avah -- dainty, desire, X exceedingly, X
greedily, lust(ing),{pleasant}.

pleasant 8588 -- ta\anuwg -- delicate, delight, {pleasant}.

please 1697 -- dabar -- act, advice, affair, answer, X any such
(thing), because of,book, business, care, case, cause, certain
rate, + chronicles, commandment,X commune(-ication), + concern[-
ing], + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree,deed, X disease, due,
duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, [evilfavoured-]ness, + glory,
+ harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language, +lying, manner,
matter, message, [no] thing, oracle, X ought, X parts,
+pertaining, + {please}, portion, + power, promise, provision,
purpose,question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast)
said, sake, saying,sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness],
somewhat to say, + song,speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X
there done, thing (concerning),thought, + thus, tidings, what[-
soever], + wherewith, which, word, work.

please 2655 -- chaphets -- delight in, desire, favour, {please},
have pleasure,whosoever would, willing, wish.

please 2895 -- towb -- be (do) better, cheer, be (do, seem) good,
(make) goodly, X{please}, (be, do, go, play) well.

please 2974 -- ya/al -- assay, begin, be content, {please}, take
upon, X willingly,would.

please 3190 -- yatab -- be accepted, amend, use aright, benefit,
be (make) better,seem best, make cheerful, be comely, + be
content, diligent(-ly), dress,earnestly, find favour, give, be
glad, do (be, make) good([-ness]), be(make) merry, {please} (+
well), shew more [kindness], skilfully, X verysmall, surely,
make sweet, thoroughly, tire, trim, very, be (can, deal,entreat,
go, have) well [said, seen].

please 3474 -- yashar -- direct, fit, seem good (meet), +
{please} (will), be(esteem, go) right (on), bring (look, make,
take the) straight (way), beupright(-ly).

please 5869 -- \ayin -- affliction, outward appearance, + before,
+ think best,colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, +
displease, eye([-brow], [-d],-sight), face, + favour, fountain,
furrow, X him, + humble, knowledge,look, (+ well), X me, open(-
ly), + (not) {please}, presence, + regard,resemblance, sight, X
thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).

please 6440 -- paniym -- + accept, a-(be-)fore(-time), against,
anger, X as (longas), at, + battle, + because (of), + beseech,
countenance, edge, + employ,endure, + enquire, face, favour,
fear of, for, forefront(-part), form(-ertime, -ward), from,
front, heaviness, X him(-self), + honourable, +impudent, + in,
it, look[-eth] (-s), X me, + meet, X more than, mouth, of,off,
(of) old (time), X on, open, + out of, over against, the partial,
person, + {please}, presence, propect, was purposed, by reason
of, +regard, right forth, + serve, X shewbread, sight, state,
straight, +street, X thee, X them(-selves), through (+ -out),
till, time(-s) past,(un-)to(-ward), + upon, upside (+ down),
with(-in, + -stand), X ye, X you.

please 7451 ra\ -- -- adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, +
displease(-ure),distress, evil([-favouredness], man, thing), +
exceedingly, X great,grief(-vous), harm, heavy, hurt(-ful), ill
(favoured), + mark,mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty), noisome,
+ not {please}, sad(-ly),sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked(-ly,
-ness, one), worse(-st),wretchedness, wrong.

please 7521 ratsah -- -- (be) accept(-able), accomplish, set
affection, approve,consent with, delight (self), enjoy, (be,
have a) favour(-able), like,observe, pardon, (be, have, take)
{please}(-ure), reconcile self.

please 8232 -- sh@phar -- be acceptable, {please}, + think good.

please 0700 ** aresko ** {please}.

please 0701 ** arestos ** (things that) {please}(-ing), reason.

please 1380 ** dokeo ** be accounted, (of own) {please}(-ure),
be of reputation,seem (good), suppose, think, trow.

please 1511 ** einai ** am, are, come, is, X lust after, X
{please} well, there is,to be, was.

please 2100 ** euaresteo ** {please} (well).

please 2102 ** euarestos ** acceptably, + {please} well.

please 2106 ** eudokeo ** think good, (be well) {please}(-d), be
the good (have, take)pleasure, be willing.

please 2309 ** thelo ** desire, be disposed (forward), intend,
list, love, mean,{please}, have rather, (be) will (have, -ling, -

pleased 2654 -- chaphets -- X any at all, (have, take) delight,
desire, favour, like,move, be (well) {pleased}, have pleasure,
will, would.

pleased 3477 -- yashar -- convenient, equity, Jasher, just,
meet(-est), + {pleased} well right(-eous), straight, (most)
upright(-ly, -- ness).

pleased 6925 -- qodam -- before, X from, X I (thought), X me, +
of, X it {pleased},presence.

pleased 4909 ** suneudokeo ** allow, assent, be {pleased}, have

pleaseth 2896 -- towb -- beautiful, best, better, bountiful,
cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour, fine, glad,
good (deed, -- lier, -- liest, -- ly, -- ness, -- s), graciously,
joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best),loving, merry, X most,
pleasant, + {pleaseth}, pleasure, precious,prosperity, ready,
sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ([-favoured]).

pleasing 0699 ** areskeia ** {pleasing}.

pleasure 0185 -- /avvah -- desire, lust after, {pleasure}.

pleasure 2654 -- chaphets -- X any at all, (have, take) delight,
desire, favour, like,move, be (well) pleased, have {pleasure},
will, would.

pleasure 2655 -- chaphets -- delight in, desire, favour, please,
have {pleasure},whosoever would, willing, wish.

pleasure 2837 -- chesheq -- desire, {pleasure}.

pleasure 2896 -- towb -- beautiful, best, better, bountiful,
cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour, fine, glad,
good (deed, -- lier, -- liest, -- ly, -- ness, -- s), graciously,
joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best),loving, merry, X most,
pleasant, + pleaseth, {pleasure}, precious,prosperity, ready,
sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ([-favoured]).

pleasure 5315 -- nephesh -- any, appetite, beast, body, breath,
creature, X dead(-ly),desire, X [dis-]contented, X fish, ghost,
+ greedy, he, heart(-y), (hath, Xjeopardy of) life (X in
jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortally, one, own,person,
{pleasure}, (her-, him-, my-, thy-)self, them (your)-selves,
+slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, X would have

pleasure 5730 -- \eden -- delicate, delight, {pleasure}.

pleasure 6149 -- \areb -- be pleasant(-ing), take {pleasure} in,
be sweet.

pleasure 7470 r@uwth -- -- {pleasure}, will.

pleasure 7522 ratsown -- -- (be) acceptable(-ance, -ed), delight,
desire, favour,(good) {pleasure}, (own, self, voluntary) will,
as...(what) would.

pleasure 8057 -- simchah -- X exceeding(-ly), gladness, joy(-
fulness), mirth,{pleasure}, rejoice(-ing).

pleasure 8191 -- sha\shua\ -- delight, {pleasure}.

pleasure 2106 ** eudokeo ** think good, (be well) please(-d), be
the good (have, take){pleasure}, be willing.

pleasure 2107 ** eudokia ** desire, good {pleasure} (will), X
seem good.

pleasure 2237 ** hedone ** lust, {pleasure}.

pleasure 2307 ** thelema ** desire, {pleasure}, will.

pleasure 4684 ** spatalao ** live in {pleasure}, be wanton.

pleasure 4909 ** suneudokeo ** allow, assent, be pleased, have

pleasure 5171 ** truphao ** live in {pleasure}.

pleasure 5369 ** philedonos ** lover of {pleasure}.

pleasure 5485 ** charis ** acceptable, benefit, favour, gift,
grace(-ious), joy,liberality, {pleasure}, thank(-s, -worthy).

pleasures 5719 -- \adiyn -- given to {pleasures}.

wellpleasing 2101 ** euarestos ** acceptable(-ted),
