displayed , PS , 60:4

play , 1CO , 10:7

play , 1SA , 16:16 , 1SA , 16:17 , 1SA , 21:15

play , 2SA , 2:14 , 2SA , 6:21 , 2SA , 10:12

play , DE , 22:21

play , EX , 32:6

play , EZE , 33:32

play , HO , 3:3 , HO , 4:15

play , ISA , 11:8

play , JOB , 40:20 , JOB , 41:5

play , PS , 33:3 , PS , 104:26

played , 1CH , 13:8

played , 1SA , 16:23 , 1SA , 18:7 , 1SA , 18:10 , 1SA , 19:9 ,
1SA , 26:21

played , 2KI , 3:15

played , 2SA , 6:5

played , EZE , 16:28 , EZE , 16:28 , EZE , 23:5 , EZE , 23:19

played , GE , 38:24

played , HO , 2:5

played , JER , 3:1 , JER , 3:6 , JER , 3:8

played , JG , 19:2

playedst , EZE , 16:15 , EZE , 16:16

player , 1SA , 16:16

players , PS , 68:25 , PS , 87:7

playeth , EZE , 23:44

playing , 1CH , 15:29

playing , 1SA , 16:18

playing , EZE , 16:41

playing , JER , 2:20

playing , LE , 21:9

playing , PS , 68:25

playing , ZEC , 8:5


harp 2789 # kitharizo {kith-ar-id'-zo}; from 2788; to play on
a lyre: -- {harp}.[ql

make 5567 # psallo {psal'-lo}; probably strengthened from psao
(to rub or touch the surface; compare 5597); to twitch or twang,
i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine
worship with music and accompanying odes): -- {make} melody,
sing (psalms).[ql

melody 5567 # psallo {psal'-lo}; probably strengthened from
psao (to rub or touch the surface; compare 5597); to twitch or
twang, i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the
divine worship with music and accompanying odes): -- make
{melody}, sing (psalms).[ql

pipe 0832 # auleo {ow-leh'-o}; from 836; to play the flute: --

play 3815 # paizo {paheed'-zo}; from 3816; to sport (as a boy):
-- {play}.[ql

psalms 5567 # psallo {psal'-lo}; probably strengthened from
psao (to rub or touch the surface; compare 5597); to twitch or
twang, i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the
divine worship with music and accompanying odes): -- make melody,
sing ({psalms}).[ql

sing 5567 # psallo {psal'-lo}; probably strengthened from psao
(to rub or touch the surface; compare 5597); to twitch or twang,
i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine
worship with music and accompanying odes): -- make melody,
{sing} (psalms).[ql


play Interlinear Index Study

play EXO 032 006 And they rose <07925 +shakam > up early <07925
+shakam > on the morrow <04283 +mochorath > , and offered <05927
+ burnt <05930 + offerings , and brought <05066
+nagash > peace <08002 +shelem > offerings ; and the people
<05971 + sat <03427 +yashab > down to eat <00398 +>akal >
and to drink <08354 +shathah > , and rose <06965 +quwm > up to
{play} <06711 +tsachaq > .

play DEU 022 021 Then they shall bring <03318 +yatsa> > out the
damsel <05291 +na to the door <06607 +pethach > of her
father s <1> house <01004 +bayith > , and the men <00582
+>enowsh > of her city <05892 + shall stone <05619 +caqal
> her with stones <68> that she die <04191 +muwth > : because
<03588 +kiy > she hath wrought <06213 + folly <05039
+n@balah > in Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , to {play} the whore
<02181 +zanah > in her father s <1> house <01004 +bayith > : so
shalt thou put <01197 +ba evil <07451 +ra< > away <01197
+ba from among <07130 +qereb > you .

play 1SA 016 016 Let our lord <00113 +>adown > now <04994 +na> >
command <00559 +>amar > thy servants <05650 + , [ which
are ] before <06440 +paniym > thee , to seek <01245 +baqash >
out a man <00376 +>iysh > , [ who is ] a cunning <03045 +yada< >
player <05059 +nagan > on an harp <03658 +kinnowr > : and it
shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass , when the evil <07451 +ra< >
spirit <07307 +ruwach > from God <00430 +>elohiym > is upon thee
, that he shall {play} <05059 +nagan > with his hand <03027 +yad
> , and thou shalt be well <02895 +towb > .

play 1SA 016 017 And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > said <00559 +>amar >
unto his servants <05650 + , Provide <07200 +ra>ah > me
now <04994 +na> > a man <00376 +>iysh > that can {play} <05059
+nagan > well <03190 +yatab > , and bring <00935 +bow> > [ him ]
to me .

play 1SA 021 015 Have I need <02638 +chacer > of mad <07696
+shaga< > men , that ye have brought <00935 +bow> > this <02088
+zeh > [ fellow ] to {play} the mad <07696 +shaga< > man in my
presence <05921 + ? shall this <02088 +zeh > [ fellow ]
come <00935 +bow> > into <00413 +>el > my house <01004 +bayith >

play 2SA 002 014 And Abner <74> said <00559 +>amar > to Joab
<03097 +Yow>ab > , Let the young <05288 +na men now <04994
+na> > arise <06965 +quwm > , and {play} <07832 +sachaq > before
<06440 +paniym > us . And Joab <03097 +Yow>ab > said <00559
+>amar > , Let them arise <06965 +quwm > .

play 2SA 006 021 And David <01732 +David > said <00559 +>amar >
unto Michal <04324 +Miykal > , [ It was ] before <06440 +paniym
> the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , which <00834 +>aher > chose
<00977 +bachar > me before thy father <1> , and before all
<03605 +kol > his house <01004 +bayith > , to appoint <06680
+tsavah > me ruler <05057 +nagiyd > over <05921 + the
people <05971 + of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , over <05921
+ Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : therefore will I {play}
<07832 +sachaq > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > .

play 2SA 010 012 Be of good courage <02388 +chazaq > , and let
us {play} the men <02388 +chazaq > for our people <05971 + ,
and for the cities <05892 + of our God <00430 +>elohiym >
: and the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > do <06213 + that which
seemeth <05869 + him good <02896 +towb > .

play JOB 040 020 Surely <03588 +kiy > the mountains <02022 +har
> bring <05375 +nasa> > him forth food <00944 +buwl > , where
<08033 +sham > all <03605 +kol > the beasts <02416 +chay > of
the field <07704 +sadeh > {play} <07832 +sachaq > .

play JOB 041 005 Wilt thou {play} <07832 +sachaq > with him as [
with ] a bird <06833 +tsippowr > ? or wilt thou bind <07194
+qashar > him for thy maidens <05291 +na ?

play PSA 033 003 Sing <07891 +shiyr > unto him a new <02319
+chadash > song <07892 +shiyr > ; {play} <05059 +nagan >
skilfully <03190 +yatab > with a loud noise <08643 +t@ruw .

play PSA 104 026 There <08033 +sham > go <01980 +halak > the
ships <00591 +>oniyah > : [ there is ] that leviathan <03882
+livyathan > , [ whom ] thou hast made <03335 +yatsar > to
{play} <07832 +sachaq > therein .

play ISA 011 008 And the sucking <03243 +yanaq > child shall
{play} <08173 +sha on <05921 + the hole <02356 +chowr
> of the asp <06620 +pethen > , and the weaned <01580 +gamal >
child shall put <01911 +hadah > his hand <03027 +yad > on <05921
+ the cockatrice <06848 +tsepha< > den <03975 +m@uwrah > .

play EZE 033 032 And , lo <02009 +hinneh > , thou [ art ] unto
them as a very <05690 + lovely <05690 + song
<07892 +shiyr > of one that hath a pleasant <03303 +yapheh >
voice <06963 +qowl > , and can {play} <05059 +nagan > well on an
instrument : for they hear <08085 +shama< > thy words <01697
+dabar > , but they do <06213 + them not .

play HOS 003 003 And I said <00559 +>amar > unto her , Thou
shalt abide <03427 +yashab > for me many <07227 +rab > days
<03117 +yowm > ; thou shalt not {play} the harlot <02181 +zanah
> , and thou shalt not be for [ another ] man <00376 +>iysh > :
so <01571 +gam > [ will ] I also <01571 +gam > [ be ] for thee .

play HOS 004 015 Though <00518 +>im > thou , Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , {play} the harlot <02181 +zanah > , [ yet ] let
not Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > offend <00816 +>asham > ; and come
<00935 +bow> > not ye unto Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > , neither
<00408 +>al > go <05927 + ye up to Bethaven <01007 +Beyth
>Aven > , nor <00408 +>al > swear <07650 +shaba< > , The LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > liveth <02416 +chay > .

play 1CO 010 007 Neither <3366 -mede -> be ye idolaters <1496 -
eidololatres -> , as [ were ] some <5100 -tis -> of them ; as it
is written <1125 -grapho -> , The people <2992 -laos -> sat
<2523 -kathizo -> down <2523 -kathizo -> to eat <5315 -phago ->
and drink <4095 -pino -> , and rose <0450 -anistemi -> up to
{play} <3815 -paizo -> .


can play well <1SA16 -:17 >

can play well on an instrument

he shall play with his hand <1SA16 -:16 >

play before <2SA6 -:21 >

play before us <2SA2 -:14 >

play skilfully with

play therein

sucking child shall play on

thou shalt not play

wilt thou play with him as

* play , 3815 ,

- play , 5059 , 6711 , 7832 , 8173 ,

play EXO 032 006 And they rose <07925 +shakam > up early
<07925 +shakam > on the morrow <04283 +mochorath > , and
offered <05927 + burnt <05930 + offerings , and
brought <05066 +nagash > peace <08002 +shelem > offerings ;
and the people <05971 + sat <03427 +yashab > down to eat
<00398 +>akal > and to drink <08354 +shathah > , and rose
<06965 +quwm > up to {play} <06711 +tsachaq > .

play DEU 022 021 Then they shall bring <03318 +yatsa> > out
the damsel <05291 +na to the door <06607 +pethach > of
her father s <1> house <01004 +bayith > , and the men <00582
+>enowsh > of her city <05892 + shall stone <05619
+caqal > her with stones <68> that she die <04191 +muwth > :
because <03588 +kiy > she hath wrought <06213 + folly
<05039 +n@balah > in Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , to {play}
the whore <02181 +zanah > in her father s <1> house <01004
+bayith > : so shalt thou put <01197 +ba evil <07451 +ra<
> away <01197 +ba from among <07130 +qereb > you .

played GEN 038 024 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass
about three <07969 +shalowsh > months <02320 +chodesh > after ,
that it was told <05046 +nagad > Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > ,
saying <00559 +>amar > , Tamar <08559 +Tamar > thy daughter
<03618 +kallah > in law <03618 +kallah > hath {played} the
harlot <02181 +zanah > ; and also <01571 +gam > , behold
<02009 +hinneh > , she [ is ] with child <02030 +hareh > by
whoredom <02183 +zanuwn > . And Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > said
<00559 +>amar > , Bring <03318 +yatsa> > her forth <03318
+yatsa> > , and let her be burnt <08313 +saraph > .

playing LEV 021 009 And the daughter <01323 +bath > of any
<00376 +>iysh > priest <03548 +kohen > , if <03588 +kiy >
she profane <02490 +chalal > herself by {playing} the whore
<02181 +zanah > , she profaneth <02490 +chalal > her father
<1> : she shall be burnt <08313 +saraph > with fire <00784
+>esh > .

* play , 3815 paizo ,


play -3815 {play},


displayed -5127 abated , {displayed} , fled , fleddest , flee ,
fleeing , fleeth , flight , hide , lift , standard ,

play -5059 chief , melody , minstrel , {play} , played , player ,
players , playing ,

play -6711 laugh , laughed , mock , mocked , mocking , {play} ,
sport , sporting ,

play -7832 deride , derision , laugh , laughed , laugheth ,
merry , mock , mocked , mockers , mocketh , {play} , played ,
playing , rejoice , rejoicing , scorneth , sport ,

play -8173 cry , dandled , delight , {play} , shut ,

played -5059 chief , melody , minstrel , play , {played} ,
player , players , playing ,

played -7832 deride , derision , laugh , laughed , laugheth ,
merry , mock , mocked , mockers , mocketh , play , {played} ,
playing , rejoice , rejoicing , scorneth , sport ,

player -5059 chief , melody , minstrel , play , played ,
{player} , players , playing ,

players -2490 and , began , begin , beginnest , begun , break ,
broken , cast , common , defile , defiled , defiledst , defileth
, eat , eaten , first , gather , inheritance , of , piped ,
{players} , pollute , polluted , polluting , profane , profaned ,
profaneth , profaning , prostitute , slain , slayeth , slew ,
sorrow , stain , wounded ,

players -5059 chief , melody , minstrel , play , played , player
, {players} , playing ,

playing -5059 chief , melody , minstrel , play , played , player
, players , {playing} ,

playing -7832 deride , derision , laugh , laughed , laugheth ,
merry , mock , mocked , mockers , mocketh , play , played ,
{playing} , rejoice , rejoicing , scorneth , sport ,


displayed 5127 -- nuwc -- X abate, away, be {displayed}, (make
to) flee (away,-ing), put to flight, X hide, lift up a standard.

play 2181 -- zanah -- (cause to) commit fornication, X
continually, X great, (be an,play the) harlot, (cause to be,
{play} the) whore, (commit, fall to)whoredom, (cause to) go a-
whoring, whorish.

play 2181 -- zanah -- (cause to) commit fornication, X
continually, X great, (be an,{play} the) harlot, (cause to be,
play the) whore, (commit, fall to)whoredom, (cause to) go a-
whoring, whorish.

play 2388 -- chazaq -- aid, amend, X calker, catch, cleave,
confirm, be constant, constrain, continue, be of good (take)
courage(-ous, -- ly), encourage(self), be established, fasten,
force, fortify, make hard, harden, help,(lay) hold (fast), lean,
maintain, {play} the man, mend, become (wax)mighty, prevail, be
recovered, repair, retain, seize, be (wax) sore,strengthen
(self), be stout, be (make, shew, wax) strong(-er), be sure,take
(hold), be urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.

play 2895 -- towb -- be (do) better, cheer, be (do, seem) good,
(make) goodly, Xplease, (be, do, go, {play}) well.

play 5059 -- nagan -- player on instruments, sing to the
stringed instruments,melody, ministrel, {play}(-er, -ing).

play 5528 -- cakal -- do (make, {play} the, turn into) fool(-ish,
-ishly, -ishness).

play 6711 -- tsachaq -- laugh, mock, {play}, make sport.

play 7696 shaga\ -- -- (be, {play} the) mad (man).

play 7832 sachaq -- -- deride, have in derision, laugh, make
merry, mock(-er),{play}, rejoice, (laugh to) scorn, be in (make)

play 8173 -- sha\a\ -- cry (out) [by confusion with 7768 shava\ -
- ], dandle, delight (self),{play}, shut.

play 8608 -- taphaph -- taber, {play} with timbrels.

play 3815 ** paizo ** {play}.

player 2490 -- chalal -- begin (X men began), defile, X break,
defile, X eat (ascommon things), X first, X gather the grape
thereof, X take inheritance,pipe, {player} on instruments,
pollute, (cast as) profane (self),prostitute, slay (slain),
sorrow, stain, wound.

player 5059 -- nagan -- {player} on instruments, sing to the
stringed instruments,melody, ministrel, play(-er, -ing).


play ......... up to play 3815 -paizo->



displayed 5127 ## nuwc {noos}; a primitive root; to flit, i.e.
vanish away (subside, escape; causatively, chase, impel,
deliver): -- X abate, away, be {displayed}, (make to) flee (away,
-ing), put to flight, X hide, lift up a standard.[ql

play 2181 ## zanah {zaw-naw'}; a primitive root [highly-fed and
therefore wanton]; to commit adultery (usually of the female,
and less often of simple fornication, rarely of involuntary
ravishment); figuratively, to commit idolatry (the Jewish people
being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah): -- (cause to) commit
fornication, X continually, X great, (be an, play the) harlot,
(cause to be, {play} the) whore, (commit, fall to) whoredom,
(cause to) go a-whoring, whorish. [ql

play 2181 ## zanah {zaw-naw'}; a primitive root [highly-fed and
therefore wanton]; to commit adultery (usually of the female,
and less often of simple fornication, rarely of involuntary
ravishment); figuratively, to commit idolatry (the Jewish people
being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah): -- (cause to) commit
fornication, X continually, X great, (be an, {play} the) harlot,
(cause to be, play the) whore, (commit, fall to) whoredom,
(cause to) go a-whoring, whorish. [ql

play 2388 ## chazaq {khaw-zak'}; a primitive root; to fasten
upon; hence, to seize, be strong (figuratively, courageous,
causatively strengthen, cure, help, repair, fortify), obstinate;
to bind, restrain, conquer: -- aid, amend, X calker, catch,
cleave, confirm, be constant, constrain, continue, be of good
(take) courage(-ous, -- ly), encourage (self), be established,
fasten, force, fortify, make hard, harden, help, (lay) hold
(fast), lean, maintain, {play} the man, mend, become (wax)
mighty, prevail, be recovered, repair, retain, seize, be (wax)
sore, strengthen (self), be stout, be (make, shew, wax) strong(-
er), be sure, take (hold), be urgent, behave self valiantly,
withstand. [ql

play 2895 ## towb {tobe}; a primitive root, to be (transitively,
do or make) good (or well) in the widest sense: -- be (do)
better, cheer, be (do, seem) good, (make) goodly, X please, (be,
do, go, {play}) well. [ql

play 5059 ## nagan {naw-gan'}; a primitive root; properly, to
thrum, i.e. beat a tune with the fingers; expec. to play on a
stringed instrument; hence (generally), to make music: -- player
on instruments, sing to the stringed instruments, melody,
ministrel, {play}(-er, -ing).[ql

play 5528 ## cakal {saw-kal'}; for 3688; to be silly: -- do
(make, {play} the, turn into) fool(-ish, -ishly, -ishness).[ql

play 6711 ## tsachaq {tsaw-khak'}; a primitive root; to laugh
outright (in merriment or scorn); by implication, to sport: --
laugh, mock, {play}, make sport.[ql

play 7696 ## shaga< {shaw-gah'}; a primitive root; to rave
through insanity: -- (be, {play} the) mad (man).[ql

play 7832 ## sachaq {saw-khak'}; a primitive root; to laugh (in
pleasure or detraction); by implication, to play: -- deride,
have in derision, laugh, make merry, mock(-er), {play}, rejoice,
(laugh to) scorn, be in (make) sport.[ql

play 8173 ## sha acceptation) to look upon (with complacency), i.e. fondle,
please or amuse (self); (in a bad one) to look about (in dismay),
i.e. stare: -- cry (out) [by confusion with 7768], dandle,
delight (self), {play}, shut.[ql

play 8608 ## taphaph {taw-faf'}; a primitive root; to drum, i.e.
play (as) on the tambourine: -- taber, {play} with timbrels.[ql

play 3815 # paizo {paheed'-zo}; from 3816; to sport (as a boy): -
- {play}.[ql

player 2490 ## chalal {khaw-lal'}; a primitive root [compare
2470]; properly, to bore, i.e. (by implication) to wound, to
dissolve; figuratively, to profane (a person, place or thing),
to break (one's word), to begin (as if by an "opening wedge");
denom. (from 2485) to play (the flute): -- begin (X men began),
defile, X break, defile, X eat (as common things), X first, X
gather the grape thereof, X take inheritance, pipe, {player} on
instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay
(slain), sorrow, stain, wound. [ql

player 5059 ## nagan {naw-gan'}; a primitive root; properly, to
thrum, i.e. beat a tune with the fingers; expec. to play on a
stringed instrument; hence (generally), to make music: --
{player} on instruments, sing to the stringed instruments,
melody, ministrel, play(-er, -ing).[ql


displayed 060 004 Psa /^{displayed /because of
the truth . Selah .

play 006 021 IISa /^{play /before the LORD .

play 002 014 IISa /^{play /before us. And Joab
said , Let them arise .

play 011 008 Isa /^{play /on the hole of the
asp , and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice
den .

play 033 003 Psa /^{play /skilfully with a
loud noise .

play 003 003 Hos /^{play /the harlot , and
thou shalt not be for another man : so will I also be for thee.

play 004 015 Hos /^{play /the harlot , yet
let not Judah offend ; and come not ye unto Gilgal , neither go
ye up to Bethaven , nor swear , The LORD liveth .

play 021 015 ISa /^{play /the mad man in my
presence? shall this fellow come into my house ?

play 010 012 IISa /^{play /the men for our
people , and for the cities of our God : and the LORD do that
which seemeth him good .

play 022 021 Deu /^{play /the whore in her
father's house : so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

play 104 026 Psa /^{play /therein.

play 016 017 ISa /^{play /well , and bring
him to me.

play 033 032 Eze /^{play /well on an
instrument : for they hear thy words , but they do them not.

play 041 005 Job /^{play /with him as with a
bird ? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens ?

play 016 016 ISa /^{play /with his hand , and
thou shalt be well .

played 018 007 ISa /^{played /and said , Saul
hath slain his thousands , and David his ten thousands .

played 013 008 ICh /^{played /before God with
all their might , and with singing , and with harps , and with
psalteries , and with timbrels , and with cymbals , and with
trumpets .

played 006 005 IISa /^{played /before the LORD
on all manner of instruments made of fir wood , even on harps ,
and on psalteries , and on timbrels , and on cornets , and on
cymbals .

played 003 015 IIKi /^{played /that the hand of
the LORD came upon him.

played 026 021 ISa /^{played /the fool , and
have erred exceedingly .

played 003 006 Jer /^{played /the harlot .

played 002 005 Hos /^{played /the harlot : she
that conceived them hath done shamefully : for she said , I will
go after my lovers , that give me my bread and my water , my
wool and my flax , mine oil and my drink .

played 038 024 Gen /^{played /the harlot ; and
also, behold, she is with child by whoredom . And Judah said ,
Bring her forth , and let her be burnt .

played 003 008 Jer /^{played /the harlot also.

played 023 019 Eze /^{played /the harlot in the
land of Egypt .

played 023 005 Eze /^{played /the harlot when
she was mine ; and she doted on her lovers , on the Assyrians
her neighbours ,

played 003 001 Jer /^{played /the harlot with
many lovers ; yet return again to me, saith the LORD .

played 016 028 Eze /^{played /the harlot with
them, and yet couldest not be satisfied .

played 019 002 Jug /^{played /the whore against
him, and went away from him unto her father's house to
Bethlehemjudah , and was there four whole months .

played 016 028 Eze /^{played /the whore also
with the Assyrians , because thou wast unsatiable ; yea, thou
hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be
satisfied .

played 018 010 ISa /^{played /with his hand ,
as at other times : and there was a javelin in Saul's hand .

played 019 009 ISa /^{played /with his hand .

played 016 023 ISa /^{played /with his hand :
so Saul was refreshed , and was well , and the evil spirit
departed from him.

playedst 016 015 Eze /^{playedst /the harlot
because of thy renown , and pouredst out thy fornications on
every one that passed by ; his it was.

playedst 016 016 Eze /^{playedst /the harlot
thereupon: the like things shall not come , neither shall it be

player 016 016 ISa /^{player /on an harp : and
it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon
thee, that he shall play with his hand , and thou shalt be well .

players 068 025 Psa /^{players /on instruments
followed after ; among them were the damsels playing with
timbrels .

players 087 007 Psa /^{players /on instruments
shall be there: all my springs are in thee.

playeth 023 044 Eze /^{playeth /the harlot : so
went they in unto Aholah and unto Aholibah , the lewd women .

playing 016 018 ISa /^{playing /and a mighty
valiant man , and a man of war , and prudent in matters , and a
comely person , and the LORD is with him.

playing 015 029 ICh /^{playing /and she despised
him in her heart .

playing 008 005 Zec /^{playing /in the streets

playing 016 041 Eze /^{playing /the harlot , and
thou also shalt give no hire any more.

playing 002 020 Jer /^{playing /the harlot .

playing 021 009 Lev /^{playing /the whore , she
profaneth her father : she shall be burnt with fire .

playing 068 025 Psa /^{playing /with timbrels .


play 17 *

played 18 -

playedst 2 -

player 1 -

players 2 -

playeth 1 -

playing 7 -


play And they rose up early on the morrow, and

burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat

down to eat and to drink, and rose up to {play}.

play Then they shall bring out the damsel to the
door of

her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with

stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to

{play} the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou p

ut evil away from among you.

play <1SA16 -16> Let our lord now command thy servants, [which

before thee, to seek out a man, [who is] a cunning player on an

harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is

upon thee, that he shall {play} with his hand, and thou s

halt be well.

play <1SA16 -17> And Saul said unto his servants, Provide me now

man that can {play} well, and bring [him] to me.

play <1SA21 -15> Have I need of mad men, that ye have brought

[fellow] to {play} the mad man in my presence? shall this

come into my house?

play <2SA2 -14> And Abner said to Joab, Let the young men now

and {play} before us. And Joab said, Let them arise.

play <2SA6 -21> And David said unto Michal, [It was] before the

LORD, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house,

appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel:

will I {play} before the LORD.

play <2SA10 -12> Be of good courage, and let us {play} the men

our people, and for the cities of our God: and the LORD do that

which seemeth him good.

play Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where

all the beasts of the field {play}.

play Wilt thou {play} with him as [with] a bird? or

thou bind him for thy maidens?

play Sing unto him a new song; {play} skilfully with a

loud noise.

play There go the ships: [there is] that leviathan,

[whom] thou hast made to {play} therein.

play And the sucking child shall {play} on the hole of

the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the


play And, lo, thou [art] unto them as a very lovely

of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can {play} well on an

instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.

play And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many

days; thou shalt not {play} the harlot, and thou shalt not be for

[another] man: so [will] I also [be] for thee.

play Though thou, Israel, {play} the harlot, [yet] let

not Judah offend; and come not ye unto Gilgal, neither go ye up

Bethaven, nor swear, The LORD liveth.

play <1CO10 -7> Neither be ye idolaters, as were] some of them;

it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up

